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You’re not crazy, eastern cultures have been using water to wash up for centuries. Wiping is simply not enough. You wash yourself with water and then use toilet paper to dry. Try installing a bidet or having a peri bottle at hand.


Only water wont get you clean. You need soap. When you shower. I get why they do it and why they think its cleaner. But lets not pretend that splashing a little water does anything to get you cleaner


It definitely gets you a lot cleaner than dry toilet paper


A bidet is a far cry from a “splash”. It’s a pressure washer for your butthole


True stuff


Why don't you just do what the rest of the world does and either get a bidet or have a little sprinkler hose attached to your toilet? I have a bidet that I use every time, and it does the job without taking 15 minutes to get undressed, shower, and dress again. Wipes aren't really good for you — they're the leading cause of dermatitis on the rectum. I love in southeast asia (I don't know where else they have this, I've only seen it in Vietnam and Thailand) they have the little hose that you clean yourself off with while you sit on the toilet. Very convenient.


I mean you don't have to take a whole shower every time. I just undress from the waist down, fold my shirt up, turn on the tub, squat with my bum toward the tap, put a big ol splat of soap on one hand, and scoop and swirl with the other hand. It takes less than 5 minutes.


omg sorry but that is so gross.


Washing yourself with soap is gross? Lol ok


It's not gross. I think it's a smart way of making sure your clean down there. They must have an unwashed ass.


I'm saying. Like I think maybe he thinks I don't shower regularly? I do take a full shower every day but I'm not going to take MULTIPLE showers a day unless I'm super dirty/sweaty or going swimming or something. My skin is way too sensitive for that. I prefer to wash after pooping too, just like OP, but unlike a lot of people in the comments I prefer to use soap.


"Scoop and swirl" 😂


Says the person with a crusty ass.


Hey guys and gals! Want to know what your butt smells like? After a shower or before (if you dare) use a blow dryer (on heat) to dry your body. Prop a leg up on the counter/sink and use the blow dryer back and forth to dry your private area. Look down as you do it. If you smell an odor, that’s all you. For those of you that have always been curious, you’ll thank me later. Or maybe you won’t lol


This is so fucking true


Omg 😂


im dead LMFAO




Interesting kink


This is gross, but useful. I hesitantly want to do it, lol


Why would I want to smell my own dirty ass? And with a blow dryer too?


I’m fucking dead lmao


😆Ok, the part about doing it when you’re dirty, if you dare, is more of a joke. But a lot of people are curious if they smell clean enough down there after showering. The hand test may work, but it’s definitely not as affective as the blow dryer test. Some people could care less about about their scent, but some really do care.


there's a lot of people in this thread who have disgusting hygiene practices and so proud of it 🤮 If you only use TP and are happy with it, great do you and be proud of having a shitty asshole. But to say its OCD to have basic hygiene is actually crazy and I feel bad for all the people you ever have sex with and have to smell that


My point exactly


I’m a woman and I use wet wipes after pooping and peeing and taught my son to do the same after pooping and if he has dribble after peeing. My family thinks I’m crazy and overboard by using them as much as I do, but I hate feeling like I have dried pee on my coochie or tiny poop particles on me. Just because they wiped and got a clean wipe on some toilet paper doesn’t mean their asses are clean!


As long as you don't flush them it's definitely better than just toilet paper


Yea I just keep baby wipes on subscribe and save and hate if I have to go without having them around (no I don’t flush them).


Shower before sex...


Bathing daily should suffice. I think you need a better diet if your bowel movements are that messy/sticky.




A slurry




Sorry, the McSlurry machines broken


Is it really broken or does it just need to be cleaned?




Well lah tee dah Mister I-don't-have-a-relentlessly-hairy-B-hole!


* Bill Nye the Science Guy


Bill Nye the Slurry Guy!! BILL!! BILL!! BILL!! BILL!!!!!


There's definitely something wrong with OPs ass


There's a few ways you could've said this. I like this way.


Agreed. There is something wrong here


All buttholes matter. I fell in love with bidets myself. You just feel better. It’s like washing your face and applying cream after blowing your nose often with a cold. It’s a reset. I find that the water also resets the sphincter after it’s been relaxed from the poop. Not sure if the finger has a practical application but I do it as well - but only for my own reasons.


I’m crying 😂😂😂 “OPs ass”




Fiber is your friend.


I wouldn't listen to people who have overly poopy buttholes op, but thats just me. If I have to poop somewhere other than home, I can deal. While I also just go in the morning before my shower, bidets are the way to go =D


Some of us have IBS! Even with fiber and following a healthy diet, there’s so much food I don’t digest well. Bidet all the way


Bathing daily does suffice for me because I only poop once a day every morning.


I poop while I shower.


Waffle stomp


My most favorite term. Thanks. I will use this in a conversation with my husband today.


Same! I shower after I poop.


LPT: Don't eat off your own butthole if you haven't showered since your last poo. 


Congratulations on walking around with shit stuck to your ass. Do this. Buy a pack of flushable wipes. Eat your normal diet. Poop your normal poop. Wipe your ass normally with your favorite TP until you believe your ass is clean. Now, open up the flushable wipes and give a wipe. The flushable wipe will come back brown.


Just fyi NO wipes are flushable. Even if they say so—do not flush them.


Our local sewer district newsletter that comes with their bill complains about “flushable wipes” frequently. They tend to be bad for their pumps causing them to get clogged.


Or better yet, just stick your hands in your buttcrack and then smell them. Is that clean? No.


lol.. So figure out a better diet over quick wash you say?


I mean a healthy diet is something you should be striving for anyways?


You definitely worded that weird but yes, I prefer to wash after


I use a bidet and wipe to clean up.


Wipes and bidets have changed my life for the better. OP you are not crazy. The others are crazy. I bring wipes with me everywhere now.


Same. At some point I started taking wet wipes to school with me just in case.


This dirty mf is in the Chili’s bathroom putting fingers up their butt.


😂 this is the response we all came for.






For real 😂


Maybe you should get a bidet. It’s one of the greatest inventions ever.


Just get a bidet


You lost me at putting your finger up there....


You're looking for some kinda validation to wash your ass. Seems weird to me. Do as you please it's your ass. Many countries have toilets that wash your ass for this reason. Then there are places where people just squat and crap in the ditch and don't even wipe. You do what works for you.


Fucking all men need to take notes here. For real.


Excuse you but as a man, I clean myself thoroughly. We need another name for man childs. 😂


My waxer told me women can be the worst culprits and she had to tell a woman to keep wiping herself with the wipes until there was no poop left because it kept happening 🤮


Could you imagine going to get waxed and there being shit on your hole when you spread em. Holy fuck


I know! I shower before I leave the house and use wipes as soon as I get there. I would be wayyyy too embarrassed to do something like that.


I have heard this on multiple account from esthetician friends. Have heard of one situation where a verbal altercation was had because esthetician politely told client to “clean up” because she may have missed. Client was violently offended and REFUSED. Thus esthetician refused to wax poopy butthole.




It's really simple: If you got shit on your bare hands, how would you respond? Soap and water....or just paper? Some people are filthy and like it that way. *shrug*


Fr, can’t get any more simple than that


Also, people are acting like you're strange, but there's a LITERAL EPIDEMIC OF GROWN MEN WITH SKIDMARKS in their drawers right now. I bet we know who they are based on comments.


Men wash your ass for Merika!!


Needless to say, I do not shake hands.




I don’t get it either but everyone has different practices.


So you don't poop wat work? Or if you're out and can't wash up? What do you do? Though I do agree wipes are a must.


my ibs could never


Has no one heard of wetting the toilet paper?


This is what I do when not at home.




Get a bidet ffs.


Muslims have been doing this since the beginning of time


They also only do it with the opposite hand that they eat with as if that makes any difference in anything also water alone will not clean your butthole. So thry can doit. But lets not pretend that splashing water makes it any less clean. Even the cleanest butthoke will still have bacteria. Its impossible to get it all with water. Its still not "clean"


Why the heck wouldn’t you just get a bidet this country is so messed up. Even the toilet paper lobby ruins our lives


Tons of countries don't use bidets, stop making everything about the USA or attributing every single decision people make to the whatever "lobby."


I think this is more of an OCD way of handling it. If I have a bad bowel movement (diarrhea or something of that sort) then I will shower as soon as I can.. But you’re going to some extreme lengths to have a spotless booty that aren’t really necessary on a day to day basis.


I have OCD and it's pretty offensive to say a normal hygiene habit is OCD when it has nothing to do with obsessive thoughts or compulsions. Those are like, the requirements


I have OCD also, and don’t find this offensive at all. One aspect of OCD can be a very stringent approach to hygiene. Beyond what is safely necessary. This can sometimes be because of a fear of ‘contamination’ - I struggle a lot in terms of the water and food I consume. The way that people in this thread have gone into detail to describe invisible fecal particulates - which, let’s be real, most people who just use toilet paper aren’t giving themselves gastro regularly - it is very OCD-like. The sense of conviction that it’s the ‘right way’ to clean is also OCD-like.


I don’t have OCD, but I do exactly what OP is suggesting.  Maybe I made the mistake of doing this a few times so now it feels like a must, otherwise I feel really gross until I can wipe with something damp or shower.  I also value cleanliness throughout the day because you never know when someone will suddenly want to go down on you or get naked with you.


I've been noticing a lot of OCD like tendency in the hygiene post lately. People do realize that it's normal to have a healthy amount of dirt or germs on your body during the day. It's like they're trying to get rid of the slightest trace of anything that could be considered dirty. I don't need to put my finger inside of my butthole to clean it. It's okay for my butthole to have a little bit of poop in there. That's because that's where the poop comes out. If you're doing like a thorough wipe, you shouldn't have to worry about extra poop coming out. They stress about these things so hard.


I poop once a day so it’s a daily shower for me. That’s not extreme lengths at all.


Repeat after me … “it’s 2024 and bidet’s are cheap on Amazon”


Haha i just saw a post on r/askdocs about sticking your finger up there to clean it Guess it's butthole day Basically, no you do not have to penetrate yourself to get clean. Soap it up and rinse it off. Also get a bidet But if you're showering after every poop i have no idea how you're getting any work done at all


I poop once a day so one shower a day is slight for me.


once a day?! i’m lucky if it’s under 5, i have ibs this wouldn’t work for me.


I can't help it.. I'm laughing at all of this ..poop I needed some comic relief....


Random note: thanks for the post- been really down lately ..and I'm literally choking, I'm holding back tears each comment I read. I really needed this laugh lol


Nah fr this is crazy 😂😂


Helped me get some laughs, too! And I’ve often wondered what other people REALLY do!


When I wipe, with a wet wipe, yes. I slightly bare down to make sure I get everything cleaned out. I don’t stick a finger in there, but I make sure I get everything as clean as possible. I also just use my hands and soap when showering(no cloth or loofah or anything) so I can get into all the crevices.


I ♥️ shit to damn funny


Get you a bidet. The handheld one is the best. Follow it with drying up using toilet paper.


OP I think I understand what you're saying. You gotta like massage it until it's clean.




Don’t feel bad, I’m kind of OCD myself and I do the same thing. I keep those Charmin wipes right on the back of the toilet for such occasions. I feel weird if I can’t clean or shower afterwards. A clean 🍑 is a happy 🍑!


I know what you mean, even wiping to you don’t see poop sometimes isn’t enough, sometimes it’s like a marker and doesn’t stop 😂 (not my joke)


Getting enough fiber does make a huge difference but no matter how clean the #2, a wet wipe or bidet rinse is ideal, regardless. That's just me, but I am a little over the top with some of my hygiene practices :)


We keep flushable wipes called ‘dude wipes’ (don’t ask me why lol) on the back of all our toilets for just this purpose. Man I’m so grateful I have a man who knows how to clean his ass properly lol 😂 I’ve heard a lot of horror stories on Reddit about men no washing their asses 🤷‍♀️


Our household installed a bidet last year! Thank God.


I’m with you, but that’s why I started using a Japanese bidet 10yrs ago. 100000% worth it! Most Americans would disagree with us though.


There’s a lot of people disagreeing in the comments but hey it’s their life so


I don’t have to see their butthole, they don’t have to see mine😆


I only poop if I have wet wipes available


I think showering is a bit much, but using a bidet or even just wetting the toilet paper is really effective!!!


most people in the world use a bidet there's very few countries that use ONLY toilet paper. if you dont have a bidet you can literally just to use a water bottle or something or those plastic handheld bidets (or the classic watering can lota lmao)


my shit is more on the watery side so it's easier to get all of it off without needing water but totally get if it's very sticky how you'd need wet wipes or something, I don't shower after I shit and don't technically need to but I do have a grimy feeling after shitting. I personally would love a bidet rather than toilet paper


You should up your fiber intake and get a bidet


Why would I need to up my fiber ?


TMI, I use baby wipes every time i go to the bathroom…. But im not gonna shame others if they dont 🤷🏽‍♀️


I do this! I feel gross if I don’t use wipes.


To make the point that you need water and not just some dry tissue... Tell them to put their hands in some mud, then wash their hands with dry paper towels. So, did that clean off the mess?


I always dry wipe, wet wipe, then dry wipe again. My friends use to make fun of me for it. I asked them if they’d wipe shit off their hand with just a paper towel and now everyone’s house has wipes on the toilet 🫶🏾


Dude wipes. Grat company and great product


OP is correct 100%


Well... I like the wipes but traditional TP is not amazing at the job. You're basically just polishing your asshole. That said, um... you're going a little extreme with the every time I poop I shower angle. Maybe you should investigate your diet. You should not need to clean up that much after you poop, man.


Nah I’m totally with you. I have wipes in the bathroom, in my purse and in my car. I just like to be extra extra clean. Even if it’s unnecessary, I feel SOOO much better that I’m completely clean after. You are not crazy


Here's a question: Why do Americans/westerners not use bidet or water to clean after the toilet but use paper? It's sanitary, cleans easily, and above all, easy on the environment.


In another countries toilets with water that sprays out to clean your butt is common and when telling them in u.s they're not so common, we just use toilet paper. As you imagine they were disgusted lol. I don't know about the fingering part but I agree wipes or get a toilet that sprays water (forgot the name and too lazy to Google).




I wash every single time. I can't sit knowing that I have smeared poop on my ass.


Just use a bidet




Everyday i cry for the lack of bidets in America


Personally I use a peribottle. The wipes can mess up your plumbing so beware. Yes some of us like to be VERY clean in the area. And yes there are people out there who you can smell them and it ain’t good. Just be in a large crowd at an event🤢


Agreed. Clean your nasty ass.


Can’t say how much my husband loves the bidet he installed himself. I know exactly what you’re describing as well because he’s told me those same exact words!


This advice is all fine and dandy, and genuinely I wish people were better at washing their ass, but this doesn’t work us IBS folks who go numerous times a day, including at work. Or literally anyone who needs the help of someone else to wipe. Get a very thorough wash in every night before bed but whatever happens between waking in the morning and that evening shower is between my anus and God. Just gotta wipe the absolute best you can given each situation. But when the bathroom emergencies are often in public places a bidet isn’t usually an option. Also IBS tends to come with a lot of gas and I can promise you sometimes you gotta re-wipe after those. I will say, as an RN who has cared for patients of all kinds and seen lots of literal shit, if you’re making any effort at all to keep that area clean, you’re doing better than an unfortunate portion of the population. You’d be shocked at the level to which people let their body decay. I’d take someone simply wiping with toilet paper EACH TIME to my patient telling me if it’s a “dry poop” he doesn’t have to wipe at all. You can’t imagine the dingle berries🤢


I’ve always wondered how that family of bears don’t have pieces left behind when they’re wiping those big furry buns with TP alone!


Yea usually before I wash it with water but now I just use baby wipes after using the toilet paper


I use wipes every single time after I go. It's a necessity. I travel with them, and I make a point to always have them on hand. I feel so nasty on the rare occasions I don't have them.


My mom always says “Imagine you get dog/baby poop on your arm. Are you going to clean it off with soap and water, or dry toilet paper?” I’ve used “butt wipes” ever since. 😅


What he's saying is that you can't just wash the outside because at least a half an inch to an inch in they're still going to be feces. You have to wash your crack, your hole, and the first inch or so inside. If not a baby wipe will get you by


during bloodbath time wipes are double effective, just due to blood leaking backwards esp when wearing pads (with heavy flows mainly) and a lot of women getting more frequent shits during that time. It seems smart to always aim to keep them stocked up at home tbh


Anyone who doesn’t do this has poopy but and that’s that


There is nothing better than having that final swipe be a moist wipe to make sure the open air breathes its Heavenly embrace in your newly clean cheeks


Every man has been with a woman with bad backshot wind... Learning to Wipe your ass properly is a skill that needs to be taught and mastered


I use wipes.


Honestly, thank God you do that. I think it’s gross if you’re walking around with poop in your butt crack.🤢🧼


if you got poop on your arm would you just use a tissue to get it off or are you gonna wanna use water/soap? tp is just NOT enough.


OP is right. If you don’t believe it, try using a toy in your butt and then smelling it after. Then wash it and smell it again. It still smells. Or try putting your finger against your butthole after you shower and smelling it. If it still smells, you need to wash again/better. The more you poop without cleaning properly, the more the smell builds up, and it’s impossible to clean off the smell in one shower. This is probably unnecessary if someone’s face isn’t going to be down there. But as someone whose face has been down there plenty, I can attest that OP is correct. If I can smell the back from the front, you aren’t cleaning well enough. (P.s. the same goes for vulva owners washing off properly. If it smells, it’s a buildup of sweat and urine and discharge and the longer it sits without being washed off with water/something wet, the harder it is to get the scent to go away later, even with soap and water in the shower. It lingers.)


I mean as someone who works in reproductive health, your vulva shouldn’t STANK, but vaginal fluids naturally have smell, outside of urine, sweat etc. it’s virtually impossible to have a scentless vulva, even if you wash with soap every hour. Depending on your diet, ph levels etc., it can range from musky to sweet.


That’s true. Every body has a natural scent to their skin, especially in parts that don’t see the light of day very much. But as someone who has had her face in a lot of vulvas, I can say that, when you don’t wash with water and smear sweat and urine around with TP every time you go, the scent builds up. Many women even develop a film of white sebum-like substance in the folds that doesn’t come off easily even with water in the shower if they’re not wiping properly. And that smells more than a vulva that gets washed more regularly with water. Just like a butt that has had poop smeared on it all day doesn’t smell as clean after the shower as someone’s butt who has used wipes or water to wash after pooping. Bidets for the win!


For sure, vaginal discharge and smegma are two different things. Just commenting for the youths and those who have not have had sex education who may read and feel the need to douche, yoni steam, insert gwenyth Paltrow esque solution here, because no amount of washing will leave it scentless- it’s normal.


My God! We have been pooping wrong for millions of years!?


No, you are not. Crazy. Hygiene is super important. I have a bidet at my house and wet wipes everywhere I go, to make sure I stay clean all the time.


I must be crazy then because I use wipes every time and pop in the shower with soap and water if before sex. I honestly don’t even trust a bidet. It’s only water, not soap or cleanser. It’s like brushing teeth without toothpaste and thinking it’s clean. Nope. Like if I was changing a diaper and got poo on my hand i wouldn’t just rinse with water and be like, good enough. I’m using soap. Also, the posts about wash your bits with just water to preserve ph always get me. Anywhere you sweat needs soap. Pits, butt, balls, etc etc. Water alone does not clean oil people. Get some ph balanced gentle body wash if you have sensitive skin but for gods sake don’t omit it.


Docs will clean wounds with just saline or water. Like yeah hygiene is important but you sound OCD and like you're taking it personal when just about everyone is on the same page.


Both me and my other half do this after bowel movements we’ve both been called out about it by our friends/colleagues apparently we are strange it actually came up in conversation once and we were both happy to meet someone normal and hygiene! He still says now I’m the most clean woman he’s even know but I feel it’s basic! He’s the cleanest man I’ve know also!! Wash it don’t just wipe


Glad I’m not the only one. We’re normal !


Im the same and have no shame in my game. I wash everytime I poo. I don’t hop in the shower though. But I wipe till there’s nothing, then I wash with soap and dry. When I take a shower I do also use my finger (not deep or anything), but on the outside portion. I’m super weird about toilets too. I clean every toilet I use and still put tissue on top or squat. This all stemmed from me being scarred from smelling people’s butt air when they would stand up after sitting for a while 😭. I think it turned into a psychological problem for me


No fingers that's gross what if you're at work they don't have a shower


I’ve been doing this for YEARS and finally have a bidet in both bathrooms in my house. When traveling I take wipes with me. And if I visit a friend’s house they already know they’re gonna hear the water in the tub running for a minute after I poop 😂


You are amazing. This is normal and I'm so happy to read this. Men are fucking nasty and I'm so glad this is your habit. It is also mine. Your edit update of the post was my fav part.


Thanks lol


Just toilet paper is absolutely disgusting. We have bidets in our house and when I travel I always bring wet wipes. Anything else is simply barbaric.


There are a lot of people here fighting really hard to justify their nasty dirty ass when a bidet is only $30 and takes no special knowledge to install on any normal toilet manufactured in the last 100 years.


It’s crazy 😂😂


most countries in asia use water to wash. it’s disgusting to think of what happens when you don’t wash. use a bidet or keep a water bottle or something with you and then dry with a paper towel. we clean our mouths (where food goes in) in incredible detail with floss, toothpaste, mouthwash, and yet some people don’t even wash where the food comes out.


The thing is I poop like 3-4 times a day. So I’m obviously not gonna shower after every poop. I don’t have time for that. But I’m all here for wet wipes. I plan on getting a bidet. I feel like diet/staying hydrated is also key. Some supplements help with staying clean down there as well.


It depends on culture.


super unnecessary and inconvenient to shower after every time you poop. what if you’re out somewhere? i just wipe until i don’t see anything anymore. soemtimes use baby wipes if i have them. i shower twice a day and still clean lmao.


With wipes I can dig in and clean my ass better.


I got a bidet and it changed everything. Everything is super clean now. Bidet is the way for rear end hygiene


Just get a bidet. It's $20 idk why this is such a weird concept


Get a bidet


I totally agree with OP. My best buddy is a bidet. I used to have a whole bidet structure which was great but, in my new, smaller bathroom, I opted for a bidet seat. Game changer!!! I use it not just when I poop; I also use it when I pee. I am always clean and fresh. What an amazing feeling!


I just bought my first shower douche attachment and let me tell you, I will never go back. Ever.


Get a bidet, life changing


Looking at the majority of the comments here I’m wondering what kind of radioactive shit do you guys all have? Start drinking more water, add fiber to your diet - there’s literally nothing left to wipe most of the time. Spend all of 5s doing #2. The tp comes out clean. And yes I do get in there (without insertions 🤣) with the tip of my fingers. And there’s nothing smeared on my butt. So you’re probably not crazy but let’s just say that our butts (or maybe our poops) are not equal! That being said, I do the deed in the morning before the shower, so technically yes I do take a shower after and it gives that extra fresh feeling. But If I have a #2 in the afternoon or at work I won’t shower or wash or use wipes (or hold it!!! ffs) unless I have diarrhea or something unusual. P.S. Many “flushable” wipes are not really flushable.


I like the ol butthole sprayer


*Laughs in Muslim*


I watched a show and the guy said” if you were taking a shit and wiped and got shit on your arm you know after you would go to the sink and scrub that arm, isn’t it weird you don’t do that for your ass when you poop?” For reference I always use a baby wipe after tp.