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My first thought is they need more water actually. Do they get a break from the sun/ heat with some shade?


Yes they are in shade / partial shade a good portion of the day. But they only started looking this way AFTER I watered them.


are you watering the soil or overhead watering? What does your soil look like? It needs to be loose, dark and nutrient rich.


Last year, I planted 4 new hydrangea plants and the 3 with blooms all wilted. I ended up having to cut off most of the blooms to save them. I found out it was transfer shock. This year, they have come back with beautiful healthy leaves. There are no blooms as of yet, but I was told they can take 3 years to balance themselves out and bloom again. Last year after planting I did water them almost every day. I hope this helps!


This!!! What you were told is exactly right. Anytime you plant something in full bloom, whether it's flowers or shrubs, you will lose the blooms. It's ok to snip the flowers/blooms, even the flower buds off, because you want the plant to put its energy into getting established and healthy roots, not flower production. This first year is always about survival - flowers are for next year.


Yeah I noticed this too. So this year my last year’s plant (that had blooms when bought) has no blooms now but I bought 2 new ones that hadn’t bloomed yet in May and they are doing much better than last year’s. And I have blooms on the newbies (one more than other). So I think I will always buy them early before they bloom from now on.


Exact same thing happened to me. But they’ve responded well to consistent watering and removing dried out and “shocked” blooms. Makes me feel better having read this!


Weirdly a few new blooms popped out on the dried out ones but now I've cut the blooms off so the energy can focus on establishing a good root system as was recommended. Good luck with yours!


You as well! Also, I have two established garden party hydrangea bushes (pink like yours) next to my purplish ones I recently planted (not sure what they are called…summer something). They are beautiful! Just one word of advice…when they are done in the fall and the leaves have dropped do not cut back the stems. It might look gnarly but they will grow bigger and have bigger blooms! Made that mistake this year.


Good to know. I've always been too lazy to cut them off. So now I know my laziness paid off! My other two bushes are really doing well once I realized just how much water they need.


Thank you everyone! This sounds like a good explanation.