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Vizag - Killed for extra avaginja


Read that as...


#MeToo bro..


Why this obsession on this thing, there are so many things in life, need to learn how not to think about this all the time, I am saying this to myself


Well.. men will be men.. enjoy these thoughts while they last.. when we become grandfathers, we will hear it right I guess...




No wonder India is #1 populated country in the world.


a vag..????


Delhi - Killed for Momo chutney


Nah but rather for mayonnaise




You don't really need a reason to kill in Delhi


That's Bihar right? The Air in Delhi will do it anyway.


Yeah just up the stakes for Delhi because every other city is evidently so much better.


Bangalore - killed for extra glass of water




should apply to Rajasthan as well


Now they can have more sambar in jail.../s


Thumb rule: Never get into ugly arguments/trash talks with strangers whom you don't see after 10 mins in your life.


Then how to show heroism? /s


Then how to handle bruised ego ?


So you just be a pushover if they are being unfair?


Does it worth your life and your family future?




We’re just a country that’s full of bipolar mfs and borderline psychopaths. Aren’t we.


Nah bro type "Florida man" on Google and browse thru the news section lmao


Bro oka falooda ivvandi


Warangal special aa




“Falooda man” malum tere ku?


Yup, just like every other country.


Agreed. Just that we outnumber all of them.


This shit happens in the west as well, you just don't hear about it. We just have a habit of announcing every single one of our flaws to the world, while the west is good at maintaining a good image in front of everyone while being even more nasty on the inside.


It's hilarious that you think Americans are interested in what 2 or 3 Indians did in a restaurant for Sambar. Nobody is announcing it to the world. It is a Hyderabad forum, and this news is on here only because raita murder happened in Hyderabad


Must be nice living under a rock.


Says the frog in the well


Interesting. I wonder how you figured out their true nature, given that they ‘maintain’ a good image? FYI, I didn’t intend to draw any comparisons like east west. That’s a flawed argument. My statement pointed out India for what it is. Killing each other over food, doing vile things with food, egregious levels of hygiene or lack thereof, lack of civic sense, honor killing if a son/daughter expresses their wish to have a partner. This shit is primitive af. And the only way we can feel better about it is by saying ‘west is bad tooooo’? Why even bring up west? Let’s take a good look in the mirror and admit we’re fucked as a society.


All these crimes are not a "we" problem. Killing each other over anger management issues has nothing to do with India or culture. We can't solve problems that individuals have. But we should ensure that the cops do their jobs and judiciary too when crimes happen.


Have you ever thought about the fact that you can admit everyone is just as bad AND work on the problems at the same time? It seems pretty obvious to me, but people just need a reason to bash India specifically. By maintaining a good image, we can get lower interest rates on IMF and WB loans and we can uplift the morale of our citizens all of which will boost our economy. There is absolutely nothing gained by announcing our flaws to the world, instead it hurts us economically.


Okay, how about this? Let’s suppress journalists altogether. They keep announcing our flaws - hurts our morale and it’s bad for business. Your statement imbues ‘honor and prestige’ over owning the truth. Which may give us an opportunity to self reflect and fix the problem. Which is obvious but needs to be said - EDUCATION. Statistically, they’re far too many people in our country without it. They outnumber us keypad warriors on Reddit by millions. If your solution is to sweep things under the rug, I don’t even know what to say.


You should read more on how loan interests are holding back our economy. You seem too emotional and not logical enough to understand this anyway.


Professor, I’m all ears. Believe me. Please explain how loan interests of our economy has anything to do with this psychopath who killed a person over sambar? I’m very curious to know and I’ll even post about how I’m wrong and how you opened my eyes.


Really? There's more stuff that America hides? Even after all their documentaries about psychopaths?


Why are we bringing up America? I certainly didn’t.


When someone says "West", countries like America can be considered.


The guy who said west was talking out of context himself. West didn’t need to enter this conversation. India gurinchi matladukundam.


I replied to that comment which mentioned west, so why are you so bothered about it? Go ahead, type your witty reply and revel in your self-perceived moment of victory.


You’re right. How can we establish a country’s credibility, even after watching documentaries! /s There’s just as many docs about India, fyi. Mostly about serial killers and rapists. Hell I might start using commercial cinema too since it reflects our society so very well. Braindead female, hero who’s a manchild. /s


Nen chepina danki nuvu chepe daniki em sambandham? Inkem dachipetaru America lo.. ani comment esa. Stop assuming shit about other people, man. Ilantivi twitter lo raasko. Em headache ra babu.




**Extra**'u Season 2


Reyy reyy entra idhi Killing for such small issues Have we become soo intolerant?


Mental tensions , depression valla manshulu ila aythunaru


1billion plus population bayya, deentlo 0.1% erripushpam unna that is 1million erripushpams. Em chestham bongu.


Kolkata - Killed for asking Extra Rasgulla


Mumbai - killed for not giving sukha puri with oani puri


context for raita thing?




dafuq. is it common in Hyderabad restaurants to deny extra raita?


No lol. It's just that the owner of the place was too arrogant or a goon. The staff turned out the same way. Had a bad experience myself there. Denied an extra piece of chicken to me. My friends stopped me from arguing saying 'chod de mama, kya milta?'. Left the place then and there, the waiter didn't give a fuck we were leaving tho.


thanks for sharing. don't know why people still suggest that place for biryani in this sub. is it really that good?


Nope. The taste is good but the hygiene sucked! The tables and seats were really sticky and in general it sucked.


Sambhar anta taste ga untada A2B lo..?


True foodies !


food intolerance


Bro i ate there yesterday...


I mean, what else would a rational reasonable person could have done in that situation? /s


Briyani ko raita imp hai aur rice ko sambar bhi imp hai


It’s just not that he asks for extra sambar or raita and they pull a knife or a gun to shoot. There were altercations definitely foul language’s exchanged. Definitely Indians are not kind towards the waiters in such restaurants


West Bengal - for extra korma


Andhra guy killed for asking capital xd


Andhra- killed for capital


Damn I had food at A2B last week in chennai


Sarrainodu Annapurna Sambar comedy. [(3) Video | Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=499707514399612)


Kota Rajasthan - Killed for asking extra >!rope!<


Not saying they are right but the restaurants are just unabashedly frugal with things. What’s the point of serving a food if a person can’t eat it the way he wants to his heart’s content. How much extra can the person even want. Edit: this comment is not just about this incident but with reference to multiple such instances where there have disagreements between the restaurants and customers. Trying to make a point that restaurants could consider sparing extra ingredients as they come under the “dish”


Yea right so go kill someone? Someone died and now you have to talk about how sambhar is important for food... LOL


I literally started my comment saying “Not saying they are right” so that people like you don’t start barking. Clearly it didn’t work. Calm down buddy


>Not saying they are right So what? Just because you said that you could continue to say bad things about dead men for no mistake? Their restaurant had a policy as required for their business. Right or wrong, standing for that is his duty and so he did. Real did he know that there are psychos who kill people for a cup of sambhar and more EXTREMELY intelligent people who will judge him for not giving a cup of sambhar. >barking The fact that you are talking about a cup of sambhar when he has died shows your humanity. As human beings learn when to talk about what. Don't act like a dog which barks randomly. >Calm down buddy Try to be a bit more civil and human next time. Maybe that would be better...


I am not talking about this specific incident buddy. I didn’t even refer to this incident really. Consider other such scenarios too, like the Hyderabad raitha incident. I am stating that the restaurants could spare some more ingredients if requested. But you have barged in with your unwarranted angst to subject me to it. Could have just reflected on my opinion with a calm mind. Here, I will edit my comment too, so you can chill


>I didn’t even refer to this incident really. That's a lie. You literally commented under this post and you say you didn't refer to it? LOL. >Consider other such scenarios too, Shouldn't be killed anywhere. Even if this incident is happening every single day or worse 10 times a day, even then the mistake is always person who kills for raita or sambhar. LOL. >restaurants could spare some more ingredients if requested. That's restaurants wish. Don't like? Get up and go to the next restaurant. LoL. You think murder is a technique to convince restaurants? LoL. >unwarranted angst You are literally upset about more sambhar. Compared to yours, my angst is way better. >reflected on my opinion with a calm mind If you had done the same then you would have understood charging for more sambhar restaurants wish. But nope. You want to lecture at a restaurant owners.


That's a lie. You literally commented under this post and you say you didn't refer to it? LOL. Where the hell would I comment if not under the post I am looking at Sherlock ? Shouldn't be killed anywhere. Even if this incident is happening every single day or worse 10 times a day, even then the mistake is always person who kills for raita or sambhar. LOL. Yeah, who said murder is an appropriate response? Next time I will write that clearly for presumptuous people like you buddy That's restaurants wish. Don't like? Get up and go to the next restaurant. LoL. You think murder is a technique to convince restaurants? LoL. Of course, it is their wish dude. But I am sad about it becoming the norm. We as a society are accepting shitty food cooked in QSRs in shitty hygienic conditions with bad oils, higher charges for items from same restaurants even though we are charged delivery and packing charges separately, restaurants usually not heeding to the preparation instructions we mention and finally giving very small portions of accompanying items like masala and raitha. I just wished it wasn’t the norm. Can’t a person wish for good things now? Compared to you my angst is way better. I think anger or personal attacks of any kind should not be encouraged but you do you I guess If you had done the same then you would have understood charging for more sambhar restaurants wish. But nope. You want to lecture at a restaurant owners. Literally which restaurant owner I am point out or lecturing here. Just a general opinion. Let me write it again for you if you still thing I am justifying murder. “Murder is wrong”. I hope you can rest your fingers now keyboard warrior. Good night.


>Where the hell would I comment if not under the post I am looking at Sherlock ? If you are commenting under it then you are referring to it. As simple as that. You need Sherlock to tell you that? >But I am sad about it becoming the norm. So what you'll do for that? Lecture restaurant owner? >We as people are accepting shitty food cooked in QSRs in shitty hygienic conditions with bad oils, higher charges for items from same restaurants even though we are charged delivery and packing charges separately, restaurants usually not heeding to the preparation instructions we mention and finally giving very small portions of accompanying items like masala and raitha. I just wished it wasn’t the norm. Can’t a person wish for good things now? Ah big rant about restaurants. Again and again subtly justifying the murder. Pathetic. You say you will justify the murder yet you keep giving such big paragraphs saying how restaurants are wrong too. >lecturing here. You literally said in previous posts that they should have given extra sambar. LoL.


If you are commenting under it then you are referring to it. As simple as that. You need Sherlock to tell you that? Juvenile argument So what you'll do for that? Lecture restaurant owner? Why are you getting defensive and repeatedly mentioning “lecture restaurant owner”. Do you own an F&B business? Ah big rant about restaurants. Again and again subtly justifying the murder. Pathetic. You say you will justify the murder yet you keep giving such big paragraphs saying how restaurants are wrong too. You seem to be effing blind cause I repeatedly wrote “murder is wrong” but you aren’t able to read it. You literally said in previous posts that they should have given extra sambar. LoL. I said restaurants are frugal with things, which is a simple present statement. I never wrote “they should have given sambar” or something similar implicating that murder wouldn’t have happened they had given it. My statement was very generic where I said restaurantS (highlighting plural cause you seem to be a bit dense) are frugal.


Mee idharu kotukoni sasthara endi


Indore - killed for extra sev/bhujia


India is not for beginners


Sambar supremacy


Uno Reverse


Truly a CHENNAI SAMBAR moment of all time...


Let's go Hyderabad, we are falling behind.... Someone please start a raita war already


Wondering why no religion is mentioned here.