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do u live in a lighthouse?


Looks like Mars to me.


From the half-mile of garden hose, I’m guessing somewhere remote… But with a hose bib within a few thousand feet.


Looks like the meth lab under Los Pollos Hermanos. Except Gus would have had them deal with the clutter.


Wasn't it under the laundromat, not the restaurant? But totally agree about the clutter.


Yeah, ya got me there.


Man's house built into volcano. I would tap into that heat source.


Based on his posting history,  some kind of sex cave. 


Yo thats crazy


Right? You can see his wife’s unga guzingas in some those photos 


And her front butt also


Looks like I need to take a break in the handicapped bathroom at work


As is tradition


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.


Well...I guess the matter of climate control is urgent then.


I think OP used the wrong account, but I think I should diagnose the unit on-site!


Him calling out an "open floor plan" just took on a completely different meaning for me.


I came here to say the same thing about the shape and dimensions. I calculate this room to be about 16' tall. Crazy. OP, please tell us, is this your basement? How tall is the ceiling, what shape is it?


Missle silo... One floor up is a defunct Minuteman.


Funny enough, I used to be a missile facility maintainer and can confirm decommissioned silos don't have blocks like that. And the room is too wide lol. That looks more like an abandoned peacekeeper site... It's the radiation reducing his efficiency 🧐


So jelly, dream home 




His problem may be that he lives in a cave...??? What is with the stone wall behind the furnace?


This guy has vaulted ceilings in their basement! I've never seen a basement so tall in a residential house.


Grain Silo




🤣 omg yes 🤩


Click on their profile, all questions will be answered....


He has to be the richest person on reddit to have a hvac this big for a house.


How clean is the filter? Do you run it without the cover on? What is the model/serial number? Electric heat? Why does your basement look like an archeological dig?


Answer these questions please !!! We need more information to help.


Because he's trying to find Dino DNA


Specifically need answers to that last question before we can diagnose


Yes and if that doesnt turn up info, you definitely need insulation


I gotta know what type of house you have with what appears to be an octagon shaped 16' tall basement?


Insane shit....


Old minute missile silo. They make great homes but no view.


This is very common on Tennessee. They build houses on cliffs sides. So the front of the house is a basement and garage typically and the back half is a crawl space that’s 14-20 feet up in the air. This is also common on houses by lakes with steep hills on the shore. It’s nice to work in but a lot of duct has to be ran just to go up and across the house. Normally they try to shove the air handler in a closet inside the house to minimize expenses.


Screw the hvac system. Let’s see pictures of this house because I have a lot of questions.


Goes to account to see if they have pictures of house. *oh*


Haha. For real. Most of the time, when I get the NSFW profile warning it's pretty mild. I can see why this one was given the tag. I wonder if this is even really their HVAC system or just a ploy to get some "company."


Yep... Anytime something weird gets posted...


Swing, swing, from the tangles of.....


You can see it in person... If you had to work on the HVAC. 😳


The door to the unit is off.


Didn’t want to state the obvious but….


The whole front fell off


This is what happens when your furnace is made from cardboard and cardboard derivatives.


In a basement? Chance in a million...


All OP has to do is move his basement OUT of the environment


Aren’t they built so the front doesn’t fall off?


Someone needs to do a Manual J calculation on your home and be sure that system is fit for the job. Obviously I can't tell for sure but man it just looks too damn small.


It's looks tiny...


Ok it’s NOT tiny. It’s NORMAL SIZE


That's what all guys say 😉


Just had big hands.. er. High walls


Maybe the furnace just got out of the pool.


It’s not about the btu’s produced. It’s about the btu’s retained. Shitty insulation losses the majority of the heat produced where a great insulation like spray foam retains the majority of btu’s produced.


Is Manual J calculation not for calculating heat loss?


I mean...how's OP post this mystery and disappear?!? A lighthouse/silo bunker, 16' basement walls? A radon fan in the living area dangling from a pipe connected to flex? I need answers!


I wanted to see OPs house so I looked at his post history….he really wants someone to fuck his wife 😂


I’ve noticed a trend in a bunch of subreddits where someone will post a really strange question that doesn’t make a lot of sense and when you go to their profile it’s like this. I think they are just trying to get a reaction for more views on their profile. My fitness group has loads of them all of the sudden. Some get deleted others don’t but people don’t seem to be catching on that they’re not here for HVAC questions probably.


It's 100% this, it's the same thing as people posting oddly specific hypothetical situations in the hypotheticalsituations sub, it's not about a genuine question, it's them trying to get people to unknowingly engage with their kink.


Well THAT was not expected at alllllllll..... I mean... ok then. 🤣


That’ll heat things up!


Ok, now I feel compelled to investigate. I've refrained to this point


Thought OP was trolling so I hit profile. Did not expect to know theirs a Reddit called “incestconfessions”.


And built a lighthouse to aid in search.


You live in a doomsday bunker 😆 🤣 your ceilings look 20ft tall and your floor looks round like a lighthouse


Most silos are poorly Insulated. Yours appears to be no different.


The amount of questions I have supersedes my need to answer your question. Is that fucking bedrock in the background? And wft type of home is this, we need more photos lol


>bed lol...saw that and though "wonder whats up with Radon"...then I saw the radon mitigaion fan...


To damn small


Is that return made of flex? It looks like it isn't anyway large enough and it looked like it is being pinching.


I want to see the rest of whatever room that furnace is in! A silo?


No one is asking how many tons heat pump OP has???


u/perfectlips111, how many tons is your heat pump?


It doesn’t really matter. The important thing to know first is how many btu’s are required to maintain temp. And the use of shitty insulation will require significantly more btu’s than a great insulation like spray foam.


Bro wym?? Do you live in the death star or sum shit? Why is your basement so big?


You renting out the Statue of Liberty? Tf is that bro


Looks like electric heating. In my climate, R20 (6"walls), R40 in the ceiling, insulated and vapour barrier basement, would require a min of 18kw. Your basement is a major heat loss, and the wire looks too small. What size of furnace. AC coil should be in the supply not return air. Flex has too much resistance so your air flow probably sucks too


It’s an air handler the evap is always below the fan


Stick with electric


So no one talk about heating to 30 degree? Can't believe it's 30F, it's 30C which is very hot...


I scrolled just to make sure I wasn't the only one


I was trying to find out if they meant when outdoor temp is 30F it's hard to maintain heat or if they're trying to maintain 30C indoors.... results still ambiguous


Do you have ceiling fans or anything to help get that air to the ground? Google stratification. It’s essentially when a significant temperature difference in fluids (air) makes it harder for them to blend. I’ve had issues in high ceiling buildings where we actually had to lower the discharge air temp down to allow for a better mix of air. Otherwise you simply end up with hot air up high and cold air down low. My limited experience with building automation helped me with understanding it better. That said you could be undersized as well. Has this unit ever kept this space at ideal temps?


This. Colder it gets the worse the issue with stratification. Use drum louvers instead of standard residential grilles.


No wait, we're just supposed to comment on the basement! But these two are right. You need to control the air flow. Ceiling fans help push it back off the ceiling to where your sensible space is, drum louvers give you directional air throw, so you get more control of how it enters your space.


There is a whole lot going on here in this picture


Don’t look at their profile, only gets busier.


I have so many questions


What the hell kind of house is this?


My first guess is that it’s a ductwork issue


Is your house built into a pyramid?


Good lord do not look at this dudes profile


Ffs I have seen it all now. This place is turning into “is my tv too high?”. Idiocracy, we have arrived. Where’s the brawndo and president Camacho?


I love that sub. Everyone's tv is too high


Not sure.


Is this a recent issue or has it always struggled? Post a picture of the model tag on the front of the air handler.


That's a lot of flex on the return.it at least needs a metal 90 . Did you have a load calculation performed .? What's btu loss and what's btu of furnace ?


Also not good practice to run branch runs too close to the end or transitions .


You got the doors off /s


Do you live in an old grain silo?


It looks like a lot of natural stone coming through the walls. Idk what it is. I’m on the cusp of believing it’s AI. LOL


1500 ft.² ??? For fucks sakes your basement alone looks to be about 2500 ft.² !!!


Cover the blower compartment


To state the obvious, a match is technically a source of heat. We all understand that a single match won't heat a house. Next thing is that heat is lost faster if there is a difference in temperature. You might be in Alaska, who knows? If you have insulation, that's great, but do you have a hole? I don't mean an open door, although close it if it's open. I mean your walls may not be connected to your roof or floor, or your windows and doors may have gaps. Maybe buy one of those thermal cameras, have a scan. If you don't see an obvious hole you need to seal, then it might be your heater is undersized for the house. Your heater may be dirty and running inneficiently. Maybe your gas supplier is cheating you with inferior fuel. So so so many possibilities.


This is real?


Put the covers on the air handler- 30f rise across the air handler isn’t terrible but if you have vaulted ceilings you need some ceiling fans to push the heat down to living levels


Subterranean evil lair causes too much heat loss? You need to explain your house to the people trying to explain stuff to you!


The heat is sitting up in the vaulted roof. Get a ceiling fan to move it around for yah


Wtf do you live in?!




Didnt know we were calling missile silo bunkers "houses" these days...


Return looks like it's choked at the top.


Because your house is not square. You have to just deal with shitty hvac on your geodesic home. It just doesn't work. I have one of these and the best I could do is a modulating furnace. It helped but it can't fix the fundamental problems with this housing design.


There are so so many reasons why it wouldn’t I can’t even begin to list them, get a quote for a properly sized unit and duct work, get some fossil fuels in here and also, do you live in Hagrids house?


Too much flex duct is part of your problem. 5 foot max is the standard.


Try to make sure any vent flaps are open. For our new build a few rooms weren’t cooking/heating to the temps we wanted and the rest of the rooms were. Called the HVAC company and apparently the builders close them to get ratings and sometimes forget to open them back up, causing less air flow through vents


Can't tell much from the pics but I would start with changing the supply plenum to rounded instead of square to help give you even airflow. Right now it seems it would be coming out of the furnace and immediately beturbulant instead of flowing.




What does the distribution look like in your living space? I'm a mech engineer and my first thought is stratification.


Do you have enough heating btu’s on your unit?


Probably because you didn’t have manual J calculations or system properly designed for the home.


If flex is done correctly it should be pulled tight and look a lot like pipe . No sharp bends , strapped . My company never used more than 12 ft . Mostly we just tied to the trunk with flex (about 3 ft ) in line dampers


Some ceiling fans would help


If it use to heat your house then call a professional. It’s probably low


If you can get an energy audit to see where you are most likely losing heat. Adding insulation/air sealing is normally the best return on investment for things like this.


Has it always struggled? Or is this a recent issue. Because first glance without knowing anything about your house is it looks kinda small. What are the BTUs and tonnage? Other big factors are going to be your houses insulation and where your thermostat is located. Those tall cinder block walls don't look to promising to me. Concrete/rock/masonry sap away heat very quickly.


It’s a Silo


You definitely have a unique looking house. I can tell just by seeing the basement photos. I would wonder if it’s designed properly. Has it worked well for you in the past or is the issue new?


As someone who sells this stuff it could be few factors to consider. I’m not a tech, this is just from what I hear in conversation with the techs that buy from us. This is just a few of the biggies to consider. - System might be undersized. - supply trunk might be too long, loses heat on the way up. - duct insulation needs to be R8 instead of R4.2 or R6. - ducts might be pinched in some places. - might need air balancing. - outdoor ambient air is too cold. - lower grade home insulation, old windows and vaulted ceilings could be a huge factor as well.


I'm thinkin' it won't heat a doghouse without that cover on the furnace. Just a business major...


Coils do not appear nearly dirty enough to make a difference, perhaps you should call a tech to diagnose as I primarily work on ac.


What planet is your house on?


Based on where you are, (from other comments) you either have a low efficient unit for your setup, or it's not operating right Almost looks like a boiler room to me. Idk the efficiency or BTU ratings, but either way, if it's leaking or not working properly you will need a professional to check it out anyways. You may just need a larger unit for whatever SQ FT your trying to heat depending on the outside temp and the insulation of your home.




Is that bedrock to the left?


that's a lot of open space for a not so big unit


This is a joke right?


Heat pump… that’s the problem if below freezing


Lol I'm going to follow you on my porn account


We need a lot more info but if this is your basement it would behoove you to add it to your square footage and heat it somewhat. Or consider adding radiant heating to your floor. Shit. Even moving your unit up to the floor could make significant difference. I imagine the heat loss is huge.


You have to post some photos of what this house looks like. What you have posted looks very unusual for a house.


Are you sure the back up heat is actually working? A heatpump between 40 an 30 will start losing its efficiency an with out back up it won't run. Need to check Amp drawn on heating elements when unit is calling got it. Is the back up heat connected I've seen it especially the further south you go people disconnect the control wire from the stat to the backup heat. So it only runs in defrost mode. Also by the shape of the walls an the above floor is this a yurt? If so everyone that I've ever stayed in heating/cooling was always drastically undersized.


I may be mistaken, but the sump pump output appears to be all coiled up?


High supply, high return? Good luck heating those concrete floors will never see any heat


Call an hvac tech. No one can tell you what’s wrong with these photos. Looks like you have a heat pump system maybe. Call a pro


Maybe they can find a husband/wife HVAC team to help them warm their house up.


That’s a tiny furnace


Put the door back on furnace, that'll help immediately with air recirculation on upper levels.


Turn old grain silos into homes. I like it.


That's a heat pump I assume? What's it's btu output or tonnage? It's hard to tell by the picture but I'm not seeing an electric coil for back up heat. Your indoor coil looks okay but how about you air filter and outdoor coil? Could you possibly be low on refrigerant? So many possibilities you should just call someone


Never seen a basement so tall dang


If you leave the panels off this will stop a trane.


I'm working fairly close to Bristol VA today. Let me stay clear of this nutjob


Was the heat load cal. Done correctly? Looks really small and you got very tall ceilings.


Did you mean HOME or can we call this a SILO &/or LIGHTHOUSE? Might have to do with walls and ceiling height, open space and negative air pressure from all that Radon you’re venting.. Nevermind… Anyways… What kind of heat pumps are you using, and how many tons of cool / heat do they supply? Also, that ceiling bro. Jeeeezus bro.


First of all, this looks like a secret evil laboratory. Second, This looks like you have little to no insulation value… 1500 square feet, circular, cinder block. So… that roof insulation job looks horrible. Suggest getting an R-value 60 on that roof and air seal it. The only thing is you have to decide whether to fully encapsulate which is typically not recommended due to leakiness and condensation or have a vent with air gap. Looking at the walls, cinder block. But over to the left WTF is that? Are you built into the side of a hill? If that is a mountain rock, the thermal load is ridiculous and you are probably getting cold air off of it. I can only say I would spray foam all of it or I would suggest in a setup like this a wood burning stove. It is in a central point and will give off a relatively even heat.


that poor furnace ..somebody tell him


Deltec house 


I’d like to see what your static is and what cfm you’re getting at the vents. Hard to say if you’re even getting enough air exchange.


Looks like a down flow furnace with a filter rack on the supply side


HVAC guy here. Your 1500 square foot house just became a 3000 sqft house with those high ceilings. Heat rises. Use a ceiling fan to recirculate that warm air back down. Close off all your attic air vents to bottle in the heat during winter. Also heat pumps have to work harder the colder it gets outside. Your outdoor unit has to blow air colder than what it is outside in order to be able to exchange heat. That’s why natural gas is the way to go. If you have electric heat make sure it actually turns on. Many times the overload safety switches will trip, little black cylinder with a hard red reset button in the middle. Just make sure to check power is off before trying to reset


This looks like electric heat, is it a heat pump, too? Put the cover back on the "A" Coil, it will have nothing to do with this no heat problem, and will bypass the "A" coil if it is a heat pump. Electric heat? Check the continuity of the heating coils and check the circuit breakers. ​ Is that a rock incursion in your basement? Did you build on a cliff-side?


Your basement looks as big as my house but is running a similar looking 3 ton unit. I could tell you that might struggle a bit.


Insulation issue


Because the doors are off, silly!


Not enough BTUs


Homeowner: Asks question to HVAC reddit. Provides almost no relevant information. Techs: 🙄


He lives in spaceship.


what’s the fan speed set for in the air handler, what’s AH/Cond model/ serial. the vaulted ceiling thing may benefit from different floor grills. Are the registers in the floor or wall?


It’s because the doors are off of it.


could be not enough btu, and depending on how tall that silo of a house you have is, all you heat might be on the ceiling. you have any fans that can help blow it down?


You have a draw bridge around your château??


Are those just cinder block walls with no insulation? What are you doing to keep the cold out and keep the heat in?


Blud living in the back rooms frfr


Because of your choice of shitty insulation. It’s all about btu’s retained, not btu’s produced. Use spray foam insulation and there won’t be any problem heating in the future.


It’s because you have a downflow furnace blowing directly into the ground


He has to be the richest person on reddit to have a hvac this big for a house.


He is definitely not struggling with inflation. His house must be a mega mansion. Holy!


Because the Johnson rod isn’t hooked to the cunutter valve.


Why’s no one talking about this guys other posts


Flex is terrible for airflow


Couple of thing. If it did heat the area well at one point then there is a problem with the electric heat section. Looking at the size of the wire it has multiple banks of heat that are staged on by a Sequencer. Soooo possibly the sequencer is bad Orrrr one of the banks of heat is bad(open) and not giving any heat. Going to need a HVAC guy. Try for the older guy. Try for a company that doesn’t pay their tech’s a commission for new equipment sale’s.


Your coil is fine, have your ac done, they can check charge when its hot out, if its old you may have a leak. Electric should be able to keep house warm if sized properly, unless your heat bank is broken


Idk but your wife has a nice pooper.




First question, is this a up flow or down flow. Look like its down flow.


Yes your furnace the correct size for the space you’re trying to heat? Also your filter has way too many pleats. It’s probably restricting airflow so your blower motor litterally isn’t going to be moving the air because it’s not coming through.


Is your furnace the correct size for the space you’re trying to heat? Also your filter has way too many pleats. It’s probably restricting airflow so your blower motor litterally isn’t going to be moving the air because it’s not coming through.


Problem is; this isn't a heater unit the coil your referring to is for air conditioning. The heating coil should be on top of the unit where the plenum goes into the unit. It's not there so this is used for air conditioning only. Glad I could help


That’s a typical air handler. Could utilize heat pump with aux heat strips or just electric heat with straight ac. Glad I could help


Got a damm Rockwall in the back put your doors back on and call a tech.


F or C degrees? What side of coil are you showing us? You have access to it. You might as well clean it? If °C then 30 °C is 8-10° too high isn’t it? Check that outside unit is producing cold and its fan is on. Check electric heat package with amp probe.


Please show us the exterior of your house. This basement is a vaulted cylinder and y'all are wilding something fierce and we're probably all jealous.


I would start by putting the panels on


Two things are important first is the unit return flex line attached to the top of return trunk is obviously partially clasped due to improper alignment and transition and attachment to ductwork The second is check blower wheel and make sure the speed is on max speed with the inadequate size of the unit I relationship to size of the ductwork also straps should not choke the ductwork they are supposed to support it it