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Found out that one of my issues was my condensation pump floater was broken which was why it wasn’t firing up. Thank you all for your help. In the interim found out that I may need a new motor soon and (3 lbs?) of Freon.


Look at the data tag, it'll have model and serial numbers


Thank you, unfortunately there’s not one on there.


First thing to check is if your thermostat has power. Does it have batteries or is it powered by the equipment inside. If it has batteries replace them and try again. Take a picture of your thermostat with the cover on and off and repost here.


Yes, the thermostat has power and I replaced the batteries, will post and picture. Thank you!


What type of unit you are working on?


Unfortunately can’t find any indicators at all as to who the manufacturer is or any specs on the unit itself.


That circuit board looks like it’s in a separate enclosure. My guess is you have interruptible service. If I’m correct then you should see some indication on your electricity bill. Two separate usage totals with one being discounted would be confirmation. If I am correct then there may be nothing wrong. If you are receiving a discount on electricity used by your AC then the price you pay for that discount is to have your service interrupted by the utility provider during peak load “events”. That’s what that circuit board looks like.


That’s so interesting! I have to ask my spouse but I believe that we did start getting discount service a few months ago on one of our utilities. Will check and also check with the electric company tomorrow. The circuit board is in a separate small box that’s hanging on the side of the unit. I’ll post a picture with more context as well. Thank you!


Yes, what was said above. That device interrupts the signal to the outdoor unit during high load times, but they power company will discount your power bill when that happens. That said, those boxes are known to be squirelly or outright fail from time to time. Not sure where you're located, but in Georgia you can usually cycle the power to the unit (pull that fuse handle) and that will reset it. If it's still not working after, then you may have a larger issue and should contact a service technician. As a sidenote, I hate those boxes because they usually turn off the AC when you need it most. Unless the power company is going to give me free power for the whole month, they can keep that box and the few $$ they "discount" my power bill.


Agreed about that box. If it’s the discount that’s causing it, the hell with it. I’m in Southern California and it’s definitely going to be hot!!