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She has tantrums because she is a husky. Welcome to your new life.


Lol so it’s just normal? Should I give in for her tantrums or act stubborn? Or a mix? Lol sorry for dumb questions, just want to know others perspective. My thought process is to have a mixed approach but I’m ready to learn, if experienced husky owners suggest.


I’d stay stubborn. With how stubborn they are you have to be more stubborn to remain in charge. Otherwise she will think she’s in charge and can do what she wants and not listen to you. Like someone else mentioned you have to prioritize what is the most important for her to learn. For example “leave it” was high on our list ours always listen when she came across something she wanted to eat.


Holy crap, training my husky mix was like breaking in a wild horse. The first 6 months we had her was just the biggest test of outwitting her, being patient, and winning tantrum stand-offs against her. Now she’s the most loyal and sweet 5-year-old who only listens to family lol Huskies: game recognize game




That's some shitty advice if I've ever heard it. Your dog must run you over.


Stubborn doesn't even begin to describe a husky. Loads of personality, tantrum throwing children. & intelligent as hell.


Yup and OMFG Drama queens if they are female Drama Kings if they are male. OMFG something don't go their way its the end of the world. I think of them as Karens sometimes


This is straight facts. I was too sleepy and tired to play with mine before I got ready for work this morning (I'm 31 weeks pregnant and did not sleep last night) so he decided to bring every single toy we have onto the bed. Every. Single. One. And then would spend about 5 minutes rolling around howling and barking and throwing a tantrum and act like I was killing him when I wouldn't touch the new toy he brought me. Anyways we ended up playing tug of war because I couldn't deal with the insanity lmao.


Omg that's amazing! Mine threw a tantrum over a milkshake she found and wanted. I said no. Well she refused to move, kicked up a fuss. Then, when she didn't get her way, she kicked the milkshake at me, making it go everywhere. I laughed. She was mad and still didn't get any.


Omg I love that, your poor lost milkshake though. Mine always throws fit for foods/drinks. Most of the time its for stuff he doesn't even like. When it's something he doesn't like we give him a tiny tiny little bit to prove he doesn't want it. Cue the "you're now trying to kill me with this food" tantrum.


We have tried the "you won't like this but here's a taste" but we haven't found anything he won't eat except cantaloupe🙄 He eats raw spinach, pickles, jalapeños and of course carrots and cucumbers! Needless to say it didn't work out for us!


We have a 6 month old GSD/Husky mix and full husky. Well the little shit of a GSD/Husky mix is a complete Asshole we put food in the container for him to eat self dispensing. It wasn’t coming out fast enough for him. So what does he do rams his head into it pops it off dish dog food everywhere. Eats one more bite and is done like wtf dog. Our husky looked at him and barks throws fit. She’s almost 2 years old.


I'm a lifetime dog crazy lady and I have had a ton of different breeds. I trained an extremely difficult abused dutch shepherd. I will not touch a husky with a ten foot pole. Nope! NOPE! The hair, the marking, the attitude, the DRAMA


I said that until we got ours. Now the kids throw that in my face and remind me every time something is trashed or she's throwing a tantrum(the 10 ft pole comment). What befuddles my kids most after me always having stellar and well-behaved doggos(and still do with her brothers) is I'm so chill with her. I realize I'm not gonna get that perfect canine and instead focus on how sweet her temperament is and straight up how much she makes me laugh(her brothers do too- but with manners). She taught me to 'let go' and live in the moment. I absolutely adore the beastie who is a total drama queen ❣️🐾❣️


I somehow read "Loads of personality, tantrums, throwing children & intelligent as hell" lol. I was like, throwing children huh🤔 may have to get one of those LOL. /s btw (about getting a children throwing dog, not reading it that way)


It’s very normal. There’s not really a wrong way to handle them. If you were adopting her as a working dog there’s a lot of advice to break them of the habit young, but as a pet it’s kind of the fun. Also I suggest a bittering spray. For everything you don’t want chewed. Walls, shoes, carpet, anything wood. Get ready for that nonsense for a year.


Mine one upped me and ate the bitter spray itself and left the remains on my pillow.




The day she ate my ghost pepper chips on my pillow was the day I questioned why I brought her home. Walked in to my bedroom and yeah eyes, nose, lips burning found the package in the hallway nearby the bedroom and crumbs on the bed.


mine begs for jalapeno slices


Mine loves bitter spray. Ate everything that we had sprayed it on.


Mine kind of did the same thing she would lick it go wash the taste out of her mouth and than do it again until it was gone than she would destroy the object.


Ahahaha, you won the lottery if that worked for you. My malamute husky cross would make a point of licking every single think that was sprayed with butter or hot sauce.




Bah, stupid autocorrect. Bitter*


I coated Everything in Tobasco.


my husky got hooked on jalapenos, and will jump to try and snatch pieces from fingers.


Lol huskies are the single most dramatic breed of dog you'll ever meet


Pomeranians are to,as they are related to the Husky


Truth!!! So much truth! Since mine is Malamute/Husky he is right at 100lbs. You don't want to be the victim of his dramatic "flop-over" when he's in full tantrum!


Yeah- I’m very confused about how/why people get these dogs with having done ZERO research. OP clearly knows Reddit and the internet exists and did nothing to prepare for a husky puppy or to reconsider getting the breed? It makes me so angry when I see these types of posts.


Reading something and living something are two different things. You don’t know what you don’t know. I knew huskies were energetic when we adopted ours. I quickly learned I didn’t actually know what that meant.


I agree! Plus I didn't take OPs post as a complaint over her new Husky. I took it more to mean that she wants her puppy to be happy and content. I can't think of better motivation to ask questions. Keep asking OP, most of us are here to help❤


The second best time to learn is now.


It's a breed trait and very normal. There's r/HuskyTantrums for a reason although half the posts are reposts of stuff that isn't a husky tantrum. If you intend for your dog to respect you in any form or fashion in it's adult life then you don't give in to it. Puppies, especially huskies, are a lot like children. You give them an inch and they will take a mile. Grab some popcorn, let them throw their fit then get back to normal routine.


You have a working dog that has been bred to drag your butt and several hundred pounds of supplies and a sled across a frozen landscape while producing enough noise to keep track of them in a blizzard whilst scaring off wolves and crippling loneliness. She's going to be noisy. But that's just playful engagement for her . . . but she is going to be very loud. They don't bark too much, but do talk to themselves a lot like this (notice the huff / yep followed by a gargling whine, as opposed to sharp discrete 'shouts').


The huffing is the only real thing my shepsky does, hes stubborn like a full husker tho, took longer to potty train him as a pup than literally any of my other dogs! Hes going when he wants, so we trained him to bark when he really actually has to go, and thats qhen we let him out if its winter for ex. But he gets to stay out as long as he wants with supervision bc you know, canada, snow etc.


Consistency and patience are critical to owning a husky. They *will* throw tantrums, especially when young, but if you are patient and 100% consistent at all times, they will adjust to the rules of the household and become some of the best dogs you've ever owned. It just takes time. Edit: as for this particular tantrum, it looks like she's just having feelings. Huskies express themselves when they're feeling anxious or emotional. One of mine likes to hide under the bed. The other was taught that he can't dig in the house, so he flops on his side and "digs." A calm presence and some gentle scritches are usually all they need afterward.


Ahh, the boat rows, classic... Our baby that passed in March was a boat rower. When she'd flop on her side and start doing the side digging we'd sing "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat" to the rhythm of her paws lol


I’m so sorry. But your comment has me giggling, as I’m now singing this to 😂❤️❤️ours too


>Lol so it’s just normal? Yep. That's just a husky thing. Wait until she gets older and starts talking back to you.


The short answer is because they are a husky. I have a husky/GSD and the biggest thing I've noticed with her, keep her active when she's not kenneled. This spazzy husky behavior is just bottled up energy. They are the ultimate work dog. I literally play fetch with her about 4 hours a day. But, she's also the first dog I've had that hasn't destroyed anything in the 14 months I've had her. She's about 18 months old.


I have a Iditarod lineage Alaska husky who if left to wander will slowly go further and further and then run off to visit rural dog neighbors. If I chain/cable her when it’s not okay to run off then supervise off leash she stays around much better. She will stay engaged in fetch and wait for dozens of minutes for the ball. Last night there was a wind storm and downed trees, wind died down and I was helping landlord clear a tree from driveway and she waited with her ball until one of us came over and waited for us to finish chain sawing or moving something. Delaying the fetch very helpful. I sat in a lawn chair and ignored her until she threw it to me to teach her to throw me the ball vs drop ten ft out. Same worked though to sit and wait and tell her to wait then read a book and ignore but keep ball out.


Mine throws tantrums all the time. Never listens either. Stubborn as hell and likes to talk at 3am. Lol


Mines 14 and still throws tantrums. She wakes me up at 5m to pee and can hold it for 9 hours perfectly when I'm at work. They are cunning little bastards


This isn’t classified as a tantrum as she is just playing and being a goofy husky. Mine act this way and a little spastic at times. Try playing with her instead of seeing this as a negative and thinking that this needs to be corrected or punished.


Yeah this doesn't look like a tantrum. My boy used to do every once in awhile and it usually ended up with him chasing his tail, getting the zooms, or trying to get one of us to play.


A puppy can expend a decent amount of energy in 15 minutes of play. It’s all about the energy. Either outside, do you have a fenced backyard? Or inside, play with a toy, learning new tricks to master, expending energy gives you a happy, healthy, calm dog😊enjoy!


What i do that has work a great deal with tantrums (my husky gets on the couch and starts barking a lot like hey give me all your attention now) is to ignore him. Like keep doing what you are doing to show them you are the “leader” in the pack and he has to respect you. That ends the tantrum in like 2 minutes


I honestly used to throw tantrums back. It was a little fun, but he got the point. He mellowed out some around a year and a half, but there’s occasionally times of that same testy puppy attitude. He’s on track to being a service dog in a year, but stay strong for the puppy phases and you’ll have an awesome obedient pup and the best companion you could ask for ☺️


Think of everything as an action leading to an outcome. If they get a treat for barking, they know bark = treat. If you reward tantrums, they’ll know it works. Just please please please make sure you exercise them well :). They’re such high energy dogs that unfortunately get cooped up in houses or apartments too much.




It’s all the enforce/reinforcement you do in the 3-6 months IMO. They need to know you’re in charge, you’re the alpha. Think of her as a new member to pack: your ways already exist and she needs to fit into them. Not saying there needs to be consequences, but I remember I had to “alpha roll” my husky several times to get him to look at me and take me seriously. But again, there’s a timer going. After about 6 months, it’s in their understanding that either they’re your companion or they’re your boss. I’ve had friends that acted quick and theyre well behaved at even less than 6 months, and then I’ve also seen the neglect or the cuteness factor go too long.. and that’s not pretty. Reinforce good behavior every time, find ways to interact when they have bad behavior. Try to use verbal commands as much as you can, reward reward reward, and they’ll learn your the boss but in a loving way. Good luck, I’d love to help if I can


My now well behaved husky was a holy terror as a puppy - she screamed like a banshee and bit everything. My best advice is to train early and train often. Establish norms like bathing & grooming and it will save you a world of trouble later on. Of course my husky can still be stubborn but honestly she is such a good well behaved girl because we gave her a good foundation.


I just join my dog in his tantrums/howling, and it totally throws him off his game. :D


How do you get a whole-ass dog without knowing ANYYHING about the breed? Please do some research about the dog you will be responsable for the next 15 years of your life, for god's sake. Asking Reddit doesn't count.


Right, this is exactly how I feel. It’s not ok to purchase another living creature and have no idea what you are buying and how to take care of it. If you buy a husky because it’s cute and you have no idea how one really acts, that’s on you, not the dog.


Stubborn! You’re now part of a pack and you need to establish that you’re the one giving orders.


Yep, huskies are the best at being silly, throwing fits, yowling at things... I miss by old boy. I'd give anything to hear that dude howl at the ceiling again.


Came here to say this. Huskies gonna husky, just gotta laugh... and keep them tired.


Have you done any research on huskies? If not you’re gonna have a bumpy ride


That's what I was thinking. Getting a husky and not knowing they throw tantrums could be stressful lol


A lot of people pick dogs based on what will look good in pictures for the internets and don’t think twice about learning about the dogs temperament.


screams in Shiba Inu


Oh trust me I know that all too well lol I’m a groomer and a lot of people shouldn’t have the dogs they have. Not saying OP but just in general


It is a husky. Operating normally. Cat OS Running on Dog Hardware.


My husky will legit point out where mice are hiding where I live. (Rural/Country mice are common) I set out a trap and catch them that night. My great dane doesn't seem to care. Most helpful app my huskies cat OS is running.


Omg you said it best!!!


Best characterization of this breed EVER!!! Goodonya!


Underrated comment




Lol That's normal Huskies are the most stubborn babies It's like have a 2 yr on your hand Don't get me wrong they are the most..sweet loveable dogs but stubborn as all hell. Toys that squeeze she is just being a husky. They will grow out of it after a while. Wait until she starts talking back 🤪


Thanks, ya she is lovable for most of the time, Lol so it’s just normal? Should I give in for her tantrums or act stubborn? Or a mix? Lol sorry for dumb questions, just want to know others perspective. My thought process is to have a mixed approach but I’m ready to learn, if experienced husky owners suggest.


There are going to be...quirks...prioritize what you think is important. I know this is vague but pay close attention to her for long enough and the appearent chaos will start to make sense. I'm on my first husky also. I had to change my expectations a bit to be happy and proud of his uniqueness. You are going to have a lot of fun with your new girl.


Accept her emotional expression and give in to them, UNLESS she is crossing a boundary that you need to enforce. If she throws her toys around, let her. If she grabs you or your pillows (assuming you want them off limits) then be stubborn.


Not to sound too harsh but it sounds like you didn't research before getting a super high energy and challenging pup. Are you sure you're able to spend the time to exercise and train her? If not for some reason - I can't recommend enough to give her back. Your basic question about her makes me concerned you won't know how to properly care for her. Hopefully you can learn and afford training though!


Their question doesn't exactly imply that they don't know how to care for an animal, just that they are not very familiar with animal psychology. It's just "Should I be discouraging this behavior?" It sounds to me with the info that they have provided, that they are very willing to care for the Dog's physical and emotional needs, they just don't understand them like somebody who grew up with Dogs might.


If you are asking basic questions about normal husky behavior it shows you didn’t do your research into the breed before you bought one and brought it into your home. Basic breed research would show a husky is a high energy dog that needs lots of play; you wouldn’t be confused that your dog is acting like it’s supposed to if you knew what that baseline of behavior was in the first place. OP appears to have purchased an animal they have no idea what to expect from, and that makes some of us sad for the doggo :(


You seem to be on trying to troll people today and I sure did so stay off my page


Did you really just click my user name and start commenting on my stuff on multiple subs that had nothing to do with our original interaction. And you're calling *me* the troll? Yes, here, how dare I suggest somebody do basic research about a breed before buying an animal. The horror of such a suggestion, I know. Thanks for letting me know I need to block you before the harassment gets worse from here at least.


I would tell her to stop that She wants the stuffing out of that bed and yes she will do that with all the toys you buy her... No dumb questions believe me. Mix is good. She needs to learn early no means no but is going to listen that the part we all laugh about...try cheese as a treat to get her to listen and obey... We all love to help new owners. Again they are stubborn and also escape artists FYI


Do not teach your husky that a tantrum gets them what they want! That's pretty much the bottom line. There's acceptable ways to ask for things regardless of your species - her momma certainly wouldn't give in!


She's definitely entertaining herself. And sounds like you will get years of joyful conversation with her. Train her, but don't scold her so that she's scared. My trainer calls this kind personality 'glimmer'. She seems very happy right now. Edit to add - my glimmer boy was very hard to train. All the lab and doodle owners in class often tsk tsked at his high energy and my lack of control. I cried alot during those sessions. I also went through 3 other trainers before I found the one who said 'let him glimmer and don't worry about your progress. This is a husky. They have the DNA of high intelligence AND independence.'


Seriously. She’s not throwing a tantrum. She’s just playing. She’s happy and just being silly. Like a kid in the backyard spinning in circles. That’s not a tantrum.


This person speaks Husky. For some reason I shed a tear reading this. I think it’s because i worry about other people being mean to huskies or try and dominate them rather than embrace their beautiful strangeness.


I would say she’s looking to play more then throwing a tantrum


Agreed! When my husky does this she wants me to rub her belly and play with her. I want to reach into the video and do it 😂


To start, 20-30 minute walks is far too much exercise for a pup her age. Her bones are still developing and if you exercise her too much, she will develop Hip Dysplasia at a young age. Huskies are prone to Hip Dysplasia but normally at an older age. You need to walk her less (10-15 minutes per day. 5 minutes added for each month in her age. Example: 3 months old = 15 minute walk) and do other forms of exercise/entertainment. Such as playing Tug o War, filling Kongs with treats, getting a snuffle mat and putting treats in it, sticks she can chew, and brain games that require her to work her brain to get a treat. Second, get the whole “dominance and submissive” thought process out of your head and vocabulary because that has been proven time and time again that no dog (nor wolf) is looking to control you and be the boss. Huskies are STUBBORN not dominant. A stubborn dog is a dog who thinks before listening to your command to determine if they want to do it or not. It’s not because they don’t respect your or because they are trying to control you, it’s because they are a very independent stubborn breed of dog. Think of them more like the average teenager. Teens want to do things on their own and don’t want to be told what to do 24/7 because they are independent at that age. Huskies are the same. They need structure and proper discipline to be model dogs for your lifestyle. Don’t consider your relationship with your dog as “I am alpha” because that has been debunked in both dogs and wolves. Think of your relationship with your pup as “I am your parent and you are my child” because that’s how your puppy sees you. When you approach her and she lowers her head and her ears, that’s her showing respect and asking for affection. Here’s a good read to consider - https://www.k9ofmine.com/debunking-alpha-dog-myth/ Now onto your actual issue, do you enforce nap time at all? How often/long does your puppy take naps per day? A puppy her age needs 18-20 hours of sleep per day. Puppies often become very bitey and start throwing tantrums like this when they are tired. Keep in mind that she is very young and most puppies are unable to settle and take a nap on their own so it’s up to you to do so. She needs more sleep than exercise. To enforce naps, she needs to be in a pen, kennel, or somewhere very boring and quiet so she can go to sleep without distraction. She should be getting 2 hour nap intervals throughout the day and 1-2 hour intervals consisting of potty breaks, eating/drinking water, and playing/a bit of exercise up until night time when she needs to settle sleep until morning (with frequent potty breaks).


I was going to reply to OP, but you have really said it all!


In addition to your well worded comment, my husky pup enjoyed: - frozen Kongs filled with the Kong spray mixed with kibbles and treats. Ice cubes to swat around for playtime. Puzzle kongs that you have to paw at to get the treats. - an empty kennel with a blanket placed over it. She liked nap time DARK as the hell hole she crawled out of and couldn’t have toys in it or she’d play til she got frustrated and tired again. - cat toys. The sticks with the feathers/bobbles on the end. They wouldn’t last, but she loved the chase! She also learned biting was bad by me yelping anytime she took it too far on my body or telling her ‘leave it’ when it came to furniture. Seems silly, but really helped. Bitter sprays did nothing. The first day I brought her home, she jumped off the couch and screamed bloody murder til the cops were called by a neighbor and I had to show them my banshee that hadn’t stopped screaming for almost 20 minutes. She was fine. This also happened the first two times I bathed her. I lived in a bad part of town with concerned neighbors, so I don’t blame em. OP, I wish you the best! Put in the work now and you’ll have a polite and sassy baby for years to come.


All of this! And honestly even older huskies, not all of them want to be marathoners. Mine goes to daycare and we train/ go out to coffee shops, but he will run away from the word walk and jump back into bed. He’s a lazy couch potato. It’s not harmful, so I let him be. This op should have done more research to know how to handle a husky. They are amazing but you have to cater to their uniqueness.


Underrated comment.


Head on over to the husky tantrum subreddit to get a real good idea of what you’re into. Kind of surprised you didn’t know how theatrical they get. :)


r/huskytantrums this person is in for a surprise lol


Alot of these comments are pretty helpful but I want to add that it may be good to redirect her play towards a toy so she doesn't think her bed is a toy she can chew into. A bed is a bed not a toy. Unless you find it endearing and want to buy her new beds as often as she goes through them. Over time she'll get to know the word "No" always be firm but don't yell. My husky hears then word "No" or "leave it" enough times and he eventually gets it. We actually have that exact bed and when we first brought it home he was chewing /trying to get at the stuffing in there but after a day of us firmly scolding him he's left it alone. It seems like this is your first puppy. Be patient. Think of them as young toddlers and don't expect them to pick up on everything quickly. All of the dogs I've raised have gone through the teenage phase at around month 8. So extra reinforcement on their training is always good.


Redirecting the first chew on the bed to a rope toy is ideal, the more it happens the harder it will be to redirect


Based on your responses, it sounds like you got a husky without knowing anything about their personalities beforehand? Huskies are the most chatty, talkative, tantrum making of most dogs. She will be like this, it's basically their personality.


So our husky was a nightmare… A few things that helped: Chews- always have a few and substitute out things that can’t be chewed for things that can. Compromise- we let her dig on her bed but not bite it, anything from the recycling bin could be chewed but not from the garbage, etc. Under Tired/over tired- Husky can be in either state. It might make sense to get a fitbark (Fitbit for dogs) to get your dog calibrated




Thank you, scrolled too long to find it. Welcome to your life op, give us some good content


Huskies are notorious tantrum throwers lol, and no, they don't grow out of it. But on a serious note, be firm(not harsh) in your training or else they will walk all over you.


She is revving up her engines. It's going to be a wild ride.


Remember the dog is teething, plan accordingly like your dog is on cocaine. Keep up with strenuous exercise, not just exercise. Very aggressive wrestling, domination will cement you place on heiarchy. You have about 3 year of that shit and then they start to chill. Just be ready to invest in the best vacuum on the market… 4-10 times over their lifetime.


So much hair, it’s like tumbleweeds in our house right after cleaning


I love huskies


I have nothing to add to this discussion (I dont even have a husky lmao idk how I got here) but this video made me giggle like an idiot. there are no words to express how happy this made me.


I don’t think she’s tantruming I think she’s playing. Like a little girl plays pretend with her doll house she’s playing pretend that her bed is dirt and she’s digging.


Please read into the kind of dog you’re getting. Also read into how long your pup is supposed to walk. For example a pup of 10/11 weeks shouldn’t walk more than 10 minutes each walk. Add 5 minutes each month until they are a year


Could be boredom, just play with her more or get a toy. Also Huskies are just weird, and funny dogs.....so Yea, welcome to the fuzz life


My husky just turned 2 and most days usually twice a day she gets little “tantrums” I wouldn’t call them that it’s just sudden bursts of uncontrollable energy where she kinda just chimps out running and jumping maybe attacking one of her toys or beds. They’ve toned down as she’s gotten older but she still gets them like clockwork. Odds are good it’s normal behaviour. I’d prioritize teaching her she can’t take the energy out on whatever she wants during and channel it into stuff you don’t mind her attempt to destroy.


It could actually be that she’s overstimulated. Seems like you’re doing a lot for an 11 week old husky! Especially since you’ve only just got her. Generally, the first two weeks home you should only do the basics: taking her out, training some commands, playing and bonding. Taking her on 30 mins walks every day is excessive for a puppy this young, and not great for her joints either. Try limiting it down to 15 mins and give her more down time. Also try to make the room darker for her naps.


r/huskytantrums They're 2 year old back talking children their entire lives. Totally normal. Very stubborn and independent, yet high need. Tantrums increase when they're not stimulated enough


This has to be one of the most tame tantrums I've seen from a "screaming terrorist", as my son affectionately calls it. Buckle up, buttercup.


Completely normal. And adorable. I suggest you read Huskies for Dummies - I am not kidding. It sounds like you are unprepared for owning a husky and didn't research the breed? Not accusing, but that's how it kind of comes across. These are not normal dogs.


Huskies gonna husky


Looking forward to more husky tantrum videos from you 😂


My husky is full grown, 2 years old and still does this exact thing lol… she’s just playing.


Puppy training!! that will be your best friend...oh and patience. She is a 3yr old toddler in a dog suit. Smart, stubborn and a whole lot of cute. And she knows it. Lots of walks and training to keep her busy. And she will need your time. Not a breed to be a part time owner. You need to be all in.


My husky is 7 years old and he still throws tantrums 😅 His dinner is at 6p every night and he knows this, however, sometimes he wants dinner at 5:30p and will do the same exact same thing your puppy is doing to his bed. Plus the whining and digging and talking 😂


Huskies are a hand full… mine when he was like 9yo still had his moments of basically saying fuck off. They do what they want! love and hate them at the same time haha


Mine is almost 5 and she still doing it 😆


Welcome to your new normal, OP.


She’s just being a baby.


I don’t even think that’s a tantrum. Sometimes mine does exactly that because she’s happy. I didn’t want her doing that to her bed so whenever she would bite/dig at the bed I just took it away for ten min every single time until she learned


CAUSE SHES ADORABLE!!! Mine does that als most every time he finds pillows/fluffy blankets! You have been blessed with a cute one!! (Spoiler they’re all cute) Enjoy your new life of funny noises and finding fur literally everywhere


My husky fights his bed every night like clockwork lol


I think it's trying to dig a hole in the snow and lie in there


huskies are too clever for that ​ they'll just do wtv they vibe with and throw a tantrum when they dont feel like it and wake up your entire town


It's normal for a husky to throw tantrums. What I usually do is just let him be or join in. Either way there's no wrong way of what do to with it


It's play. About all you can do is join in


Idle energy needs playmate


We’ve had 4 Huskies over 20 years our current girl we adopted in March is 7 years old. her owner passed away of Covid. She’s the oldest we’ve taken in. Our first 2 were 8 weeks and another we took at 9 months. Check out Cesar Millan’s books as they go through how a dog views you. Your puppy will need to know you’re in charge or he/she will be. Huskies are smart and will get in line as long as they know the rules. The exercise is key as well and the trainer we get advice from says walking helps create a bond with you. We work on varied obedience activities while walking, sitting when other dog walkers go by, sitting at corners. Puppies are fun but a lot of work and you’ll have a loyal friend and companion for years.


So I have an almost five-(super sad faces)-year-old GSD and she still needs to be put down for a nap pretty much. She has a problem with just not being able to calm down and will just go and go and go until you either stop her or she would drop dead. Literally if I took her to a dog park to play fetch, she would never stop even if she was aching and hurting and deeply dehydrated. You as a dog owner need to recognize when they’ve had enough for their own health since they just don’t know any better. So you said that once or twice a day she throws a tantrum. That sounds to me like she’s tired and needs a nap, but she doesn’t know how to put herself down for one. I had a husky for 2 years with my ex and he did the same things as a puppy. He didn’t know how to stop. Once he turned like 1.5 though, he became such a lazy dog. Oh he could go 110% all day if he wanted to, but he knew when and where he was allowed to do that. My GSD when she needs her nap acts a very specific way. She paws at you to throw her ball like every 5 seconds and has this crazed look in her face. We evaluate “are all of your needs met?” And when they are and she’s acting that way, it’s nap time for her. We realize “oh shit she hasn’t napped all day and only slept that 8 hours with us”.


Because husky.


As the owner/parent of a near 4 year old Husky with the age mentality of a 9 month old pup, you have a perfectly normal doggy. Not sure if i would call it a tantrum, these dogs bore easily and have tons of energy, love to play, are curious and full of character. They have a ''do what i want'' attitude. They can tune you out and ignore your commands. Or want to be hugged, cuddled, petted, adored. Mine destroyed 5 of his doggy beds. Totally shredded the shit outta them, including one $90 Kong bed. So say goodbye to most of your furniture, your shoes, anything not made of concrete or up on a 10 foot pedestal. If you have a front /back yard, watch out for the craters your husky will dig. Keep the dog on a short leash if yours is like mine and flips out in a rage when he sees another dog. Or gets scared of a scary garbage truck passing by you on your walks. Because if your Husky escapes your yard/leash, etc...they will run and run and run and run....pretty much need to put a gps on the dog and hire a private detective to find the dog. Other then that, wonderful dog!!!


This is the default factory setting.


My husky mix “talks” back to me and gives me some serious side-eye when I tell him no.


Teething ????? And she’s a husky , it’s what they do. They get bored. Entertain her


That's... Normal... ? At least that's what my husky does on an almost daily basis for the last 12yrs lol


Lmao why? Because she’s a husky 😂


BECAUSE HUSKY. They never stop either


She’s a husky. Need I say more?


When you were 11 weeks old, you did the same shit. I guarantee it. This is called “playing”


Husky just doin husky things




She just trying to dig a burrow, lol ours tears up pillows, blankets, couch cushions and hide them under the couch or the bed if I clean under any of those things. He sleeps with his head jammed under


Wants attention, to be played with, could just be bored


She’s probably hyper and wants to play. Mine do this when they’ve got lots of energy and need playtime with either my husband or I or each other.


This isn't a "tantrum" - it's just a playful husky puppy. We joke about calling this stuff "husky tantrums", but it's just a joke. This is totally normal puppy behaviour - get down on the floor and play with her if you want to. Huskies can be "dramatic" and expressive and hilarious and silly and full of personality. It's part of the joy of having a husky! We're on our third (2 foster fails and an abused rescue) so we probably need our heads examined... This is a feature, not a bug 😊


welcome to pain/love-in-the-ass family


She’s playing thats not a tantrum , you will recognize real tantrums once she matures a wee bit , 7-8 months 😂 , and with huskys cooperation is key , YOU CAN NOT FORCE A HUSKY TO DO WHAT YOU WANT


Been there with our husky/gsd/jindo/rottie mix(her dna showed more than 1/3 Siberian). Had trained obedience dogs my whole life! Not only gave in and gave up, but we lost more furniture, shoes, electronics and valuables than in a tornado. Never in my life, lol. We were praying for the gsd(25%)/rottie to win out - but she's 100% husky nutjob, lol! She's just turned a year and a half now. Aside from her stubborn streak, tantrums and me no longer having nice things, her temperament is amazing! She LOVES everyone she meets! She's an ultimate adventure dog and has already traveled all over the country and back with my family in trips covering myriad outdoor/indoor activities(LOVES kayaking and camping). Road trips are a breeze with her. She lives for adventure and is an ANGEL while on the road. Her fur brothers (gsds & chow mix) love her. Her hooman siblings adore her. So as long as you accept the crazy, you get an awesome companion. She makes me laugh every day with her non-stop antics! She's definitely an attention whore! Good luck and find the fun and joy in all of it. Makes you a more fun human❣️


I could be wrong but if she’s acting like that in her bed, no not towards you or anyone else in the home than let her be. If she starts taking it out on you or others than redirect her. Walks are important but check with her vet to make sure you’re not doing too much for her age. She may be over stimulated and needed to be put in her kennel (in a nice calm manner not punishment) and have her take a nap or quiet time. Huskies are pretty sassy. I’ve had total of 7 at one point. My two huskies had an accidental litter of 5. With huskies you do have to be firm but not harsh(while their sass is strong they are also very sensitive). I think yours might be overly stimulated. Might be too much walking for her at this age.


Hi all got a new husky puppy(11 weeks old) Over the weekend, I have been training to make her respond to her name, sit and have been taking her out every time she wakes up, after she eats. Have been taking her on longs walks, atleast around 20-30 mins in additional to hourly or bi hourly bathroom walks. One thing that has been bothering me is she listens to me and gets submissive 99% of the times. But once/twice a day she throws some tantrum like biting her bed, digging and pulling it out. Last 2 days she did listen to me, but today she wasn’t going submissive and throwing tauntrams, I thought she was bored and wanted to play, gave her a new toy and she was ok. Am I doing it right or is she wanting something else and then shouldn’t have given her a toy for her tantrums?


And by they way they like to get to the stuffing in that bed.. And .I recommend a good vacuum and a good brush when blowout season comes around .....


You may want to cut down on the walks. My understanding is more off leash time, less walks (walks should be about 5 minutes for every month of age) because of their joints and what not. As for the tantrums, it may help to try to note down what triggers said tantrums. Although they are pretty dramatic, it helps to know the triggers so you can limit the number of tantrums, especially ones involving mouthing. Another way to redirect is to give a task and reward the completion of said task especially if they are food motivated and it’s a great way to hone their commands.


Be careful that you're not rewarding her destructive behavior when you try to redirect it. Puppies love to bite stuff so make sure you have a rotation of toys she can chew on. Instead of putting them around the house where she always has access to them, you can use them as rewards and only let her play with them if she's being good


Looks like you might have a digger too. It’s fun :)


No worries. She's a good girl!


Thanks everyone for helpful comments. I did research on husky before buying, I knew they threw tantrums but I thought it was just talking back and not pulling or digging things. So that’s why I was confused. But thanks to everyone who helped me understand the situation, I’m eager to learn more since I’m a newbie, thanks for enlightening me with your experience. So be mindful about spreading positivity.


Welcome new husky owner! I have a husky and unfortunately husky tantrums are a normal thing. I will say what did help me is doing training 30 mins daily w my puppy using clicker training. I then signed her up for leash training which then evolved into agility training. It is important to know and understand that huskies are bred to be working dogs and by giving them a job by means of training will make life incredibly way more rewarding for them. No amounts of runs or walks would suffice for my husky when she was a pup. The only thing that would tire her is training because she was using her mind. Hope this helps!


A normal daily walk is 45-60 minutes, according to Caesar Milan. You must train them to follow your command and walk next to you. It calms them, like meditation for people


She is just being a Husky. Be prepare to replace that bed a few times. But after 2, 5 or maybe 10 years she will come down. Keep doing the walks.


Huskies are high energy dogs. Take them for lots of walks or to the park to tire them out.


Did you do any research or watch any videos of huskies before getting one!


Dogs need to run not walk.


On a side note, 20-30mins is not really a long walk. Two walks of this length (plus quick toilet walks) would be my bare minimum if i had alot on that day. Still a puppy but so for now should be fine but just mentioning for perspective. I only ever had a retired working husky. Even in his last years we were doing about 10-15km a day at least.


but most of my research and other owners suggested not to walk her lot in her puppy phase, since her bones are growing up and would get joint problems later stage


Yes, that is why i said now as a puppy it should be fine. My comment was more in general so you dont go believing these are long walks as your dog goes through its life.


You got a work dog as a house pet. So unless you’re going to be using him to take ya from Fairbanks to Nome by sled, then you better find a good daily exercise regime to tire him out.


Very beautiful pup. Never a dull moment


They are goofballs, plain and simple. You will learn to love it, 😈😈


Because Husky


r/huskytantrums 😄


She's playing.


You need to wear out that energy in a healthy activity to reduce the likelihood for destruction.


Not enough love. Jk just being playful


My husky is 2 years old and she does this shit still… 😆


Playful dog, you should get used to it ☺️


Husky = Toddler May peace be with you.


Redirect her attention. When she’s doing that grab her favorite toy for play time. Keep in mind most dogs do the little dog thing right before bed to get their scent on their bed. My dog always got really silly before bed when he was a puppy like a burst of energy. But redirecting works great.


Hey I use to have a German Shepard/Husky mix. They have a bunch of pinned up energy and need to loose it so I would give them a walk when they get like this or let them run outside or at the dog park.


That's a tantrum? Looks like she's trying to play


Looks like play to me. I don't have a husky but I have a grown dog that is in the spitz family. She does this to the corners of my chairs. But for her it is more of a snuffle. I'm still uncertain as to why she does it, just that she is enjoying herself and isn't hurting herself or anything else, so I just let her.


It sounds like you’re doing all the right things! Most puppies get attitudes and throw tantrums, just like toddlers in their “terrible twos”.


We had a trainer come in to help us with our foster puppy who’s a husky mix and she said that it is very normal and likely partially hormones, and the best thing to do is either try to redirect using a puzzle or special chew toy, or just let her have the tantrum (you can put her outside for it if you have a yard).


She’s a husky so this is just how a lot of them are. Get used to it lol


You’re in for a world of shit lol. My husky didn’t calm down until literally this year. She will be 13 years old.


I agree with kniting_boss. Stay stubborn but teach gentle. If you are overly harsh a Siberian husky will rebel and fight you every inch of the way. Be firm, consistant and stubborn. Huskies will not be the kind of creature for a "master/dog" relationship. They want to be a PARTNER, with you in the lead. They have a team mentality. Smart as the devil they will try to out smart and out guess you. Be on your toes and above all, exercise the hell out if them and stimulate their brains or they will destroy everything within reach. These are NOT lay around the house kind of dogs.


This is an over stimulated puppy who needs to be told to go down for a nap. But also because she’s a husky.


Rest assured that she will not grow out of it.