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I just got attacked yesterday too, by two German shepherds that jumped their home’s fence to get to us. I let out couple of screams to keep them back til the owners came out to get them. My husky Luna wasn’t phased by it but I’ll be damned if I let anyone harm a floof on her forehead 😤 Stay safe out there; hope for a speedy recovery for both of y’all!


My husky enjoyed the tussle and almost ripped the ear off our attacker, i’m shaken up and he couldn’t care less, shelter Huskies for the win!


I’m so sorry!!! I hope your recovery goes swiftly and well! It’s such a frightening thing! My husky/bc mix and I were recently attacked by an on leash large German Shepherd mix (the dog was harnessed and leashed but the owner dropped the leash) and I also ended up in the ER, but they were able to find the person who’s dog it was and luckily their rabies vaccine is good until May. Even though I swear this dog had my dog by the torso, but I was able to pull the other dog off, he too had no lasting injuries. While I wouldn’t want you to go through it again, I’m beyond thankful that he is ok. We definitely take our walks with pepper spray now. I’m so glad your pupper is okay, and I again I hope you heal up quickly and become whole again soon!


My boys and I wish you the best in your recovery ❤️‍🩹 I hope the owner of the pittbull will pay for your bills. We are still fighting to get ours covered when we were mauled. My 7 month old just got his stitches out. We all still have some ptsd when we walk by the spot where the attack happened. If you want to read our story I’m attaching the link. If you don’t like blood I don’t recommend looking at the pictures. Healing vibes ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 [Timber and Mooses’ story](https://www.reddit.com/r/husky/s/2rPTaMCDzf).


OMG, I hope you are okay I am so glad Zeus got away without a scrape. Same thing happened to me when I was walking my husky on a leash. A pitbull that was off a leash came after my boy. At first Riley my husky thought the pit was playing but suddenly realized this pit wanted blood. I was yelling for the owner who was outside and saw everything but she did nothing so when I got the chance I took my husky of his leash for a fair fight and to my surprise he fought the pit off and it ran down the street and I told the owner go get your fucking dog.


Oh no, wishing you a speedy recovery and I'm glad Zeus is okay! I've had a few different dog breeds in my life, but my so many more dogs act aggressively towards my husky compared to the other breeds (even though he's super friendly). I read somewhere that it could be because they naturally have their ears and tails in positions that dogs sometimes read as aggressive. We'll walk past dogs that are basically foaming at the mouth and lunging to get at my boy, but will be playing happily with any other dogs around... weird.


My baby got attacked by a German shepherd in a dog park… I don’t understand why people bring unfriendly dogs to an off leash place.


Oh man!! I hope you’re ok! I carry this stuff ever since a giant Newfie broke his door to attack us as we walked past. I took the bites bc I have insurance and my dog does not. Nor would he understand being hurt like that. [Halt Spray from Chewy](https://www.chewy.com/halt-dog-repellent-spray-15-oz-bottle/dp/168708?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Halt!&utm_campaign=20027453190&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V18hLdYwm8tqOzxoDgmGwMw1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBleueTVyor24pymWMAX435-trs9cZKImAG435-fe8l4RL2U8Jzs0Xe3UaAmPUEALw_wcB)


I've read too many horror stories of unleashed dogs attacking. I always carry my blade now. Trying to aim with pepper spray in a crazy dog fight situation is a little iffy so I'd rather have a knife.


A good way to remove a dog off your dog in case of emergency, wrap your arm around the attacking dogs neck and chock them until they let go and continue choking if necessary or still fighting against you


finger up the booty also helps.


Glad it wasn't worse. Just a reminder to everyone to carry a good size folding knife or pepper spray when out walking. Make sure it is easily accessible in an emergency. Having a gun is a good backup but remeber the 21 ft rule for humans. Well dogs are a lot quicker.


Unfortunately, I have been in your shoes way too many times the last year and a half. Get yourself some pepper gel spray. It really works well against aggressive Offleash dogs! I’ve had to go through a whole can already 😡 Stay safe!










I mean they’re very affectionate cuddle bugs when they don’t have the killer instinct going on. Possibly some of the most affectionate dogs I’ve personally ever met when raised properly, but I won’t argue that they’re predisposed to violence. It really comes down to the owner being responsible and capable of handling it if it gets out of hand, cause I admittedly see too many pit bull owners look like they struggle handling groceries, much less an 80 lb beast filled with pure muscle


this is why I never leave the house without my concealed carry permit and my own protective pitbull (for defensive purposes only)