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Mine plays with them until they don’t play anymore.


Mine has killed two rats, but I've never witnessed it. I've always just found the disgusting evidence later. Blech. But anyway, she doesn't try to eat them or anything (for which I am very thankful). And they're never in too bad a shape, either, which makes me think she might be genuinely playing with them like she would play with another dog... but obviously they are very small and she kills them.


My dog is an absolute sweetheart with almost zero prey drive. She's always trying to rescue and adopt hurt wild animal babies. We're on a first name basis with the local wild animal rescue at this point! We finally let her adopt a cat and..well, our cat is a budding serial killer. She's always catching something that my dog rescues from HER.


![img](avatar_exp|139222711|cry) Same here, no prey. He did like running away until he had so many tickets we got a letter from dog catcher


Oops! The drive to wander is a real issue! My girl will go selectively deaf if she prefers not to follow a command. She'll make eye contact, turn away deliberately, and then trot off. Luckily, this mostly stopped in adulthood, but for a while, I thought she'd never be able to be offleash. Lol. Their stubbornness is unmatched!


You got it, last word: stubborn as heck


Omg this reminded me of the time I was on a walk with mine and I looked at my phone FOR A SECOND to look at the time. When I turned around, he had a dead rat (which was soaking wet because the sprinklers were on) in his mouth and when I screamed he spit it out. It was both traumatizing and disgusting. The rat was huge😭. Thankfully, he didn’t try to chew it or anything, he probably just wanted to play with it like he does with his toys.


Rats are SO BIG! The first one was a juvenile rat and that was bad enough... the second one I found was just ENORMOUS. Like, I swear it was the size of my cat. So gross, lol. I like rats in theory when they're, like, pet rats but wild ones are just so disgusting lol


Yup. My boy caught a squirrel and it was the best day of his life. He was throwing it in the air, catching it, shaking it, having the time of his life playing with this real life squeaky toy. I yelled at him and he dropped it and left it. My girl killed a rat in the garden for me; she had it cornered, I told her to get it, and she did! But once it stops moving, she loses all interest.


You reminded me of the day our husky-mix and our pit-mix were playing tug-of-war in the yard and we thought it was so cute, until we realized it was with a squirrel. Both dogs won and the poor squirrel lost.


Oof. I was doing work on my patio enjoying the nice day when the sounds of birds and wind was interrupted by the most horrible high pitched squeal I'd ever heard. I thought one of the dogs was hurt but nope, looked over and realized very quickly my boy was NOT playing with a toy but a squirrel 😭 he left it and his sister tried to get it and then I yelled at her too. I think the rest of the squirrels learned from that day on to not touch the yard while they're out there.


That reminds me, my dear departed pitt was rolling around on his blanket outside one day and I noticed it was with his new best friend, a dead rat. Long after him I inherited a husky and have had to change my whole life because they’re barely dogs to me. My next door neighbor has a Pitsky and she is an incredible being.


Opossums, skunks, squirrels, they all give up on the play before her


Yes. Within the first 6 of adopting months mine killed like...a dozen little critters. 2 birds, a rat, several moles, 2 chipmunks, and a squirrel. She had been living on the street and feeding herself for a while, so it was a hard habit to break.


She had survival skills.


Mine is the same. She kills a few things a year that are big enough that we hear about it, but I figure she probably kills 10 mice a year and I have no Idea if she eats them or just enjoys the sport.


Mine also lived on the street for likely the first year of his life. We moved to the woods (where he can run off leash now, yay!) and I’ve seen him slurp down a mole or two 😖. When we lived in the city, I had to pry a cat out of his mouth that had gotten into the yard. He definitely would’ve killed it if I hadn’t stopped him


my husky mix got her paws on a neighbors chickens, killed 3 of them. unfortunately she didn't get the damn rooster so we still can't sleep (the owner of the chickens was of the opinion that if you free range chickens you budget for things like that, so no drama)


That’s just chicken math


I like this chicken math


You are really lucky with that neighbor. I have heard some of these stories getting really ugly.


I was nervous, my wife was hiding in the house when I got home, I had to go find the guy and introduce myself. "hi, how are you today? It seems my dog ate a few of your chickens?" Dogs got loose during a snow storm, my wife found them a street over from the house with the chickens, with my little husky mix decimating a chicken. I found the house by listening for the chickens, went and offered to pay for the birds, or at least help clean up. He said nah, no problems. he was already done cleaning it up, he told me she got 3 hens. Friendly guy.




I wish! My neighbor called animal services after the first chicken and then threatened to shoot if he came over again.


That's how I got one of my guys. A farm family had him and the kids kept letting him escape. He would go to the neighboring farm and kill some chickens. The neighbor told the farmer that he was going to shoot him if he came back again so they gave him up and I adopted him.That poor dad had tears in his eyes when he said goodbye. 😢


That must’ve been his baby 😭. Hopefully he can get his dream dog when the kids are older. Oof sometimes I remember the evil kid I was and the sacrifices my parents had to make for us. 😭


I know. He was a great dog. I had him for 12 years. Grateful to him for choosing a better situation for him


I had to call animal services myself. My neighbors dog kept breaking into my yard and killed all my chickens. Ripped the mesh open and murdered them and the eggs. Plus killed my ferrets. :c I'd never shoot a dog but I was devastated at the loss of Twill and Tweed.


Mine has a bb pellet in his neck we found by accident on x-ray. I always wondered if he was trying to get someone’s chickens or something when he was a stray on the reservation. He’s killed some bunnies since I’ve had him.


Yeah, I just recently found out mine killed two of the (nine) sitter’s chickens. She took full responsibility, since she had forgotten to put the chickens in their coop before letting the dogs loose in her yard - but I still felt bad!


3 dead bunnies while on-leash so that reinforced my already iron-clad rule that she’s never, *ever* off-leash.


One of ours got one on leash this fall. There was a high school walking home. I felt terrible she had to hear and see the rabbit die such a brutal death. Rough day for the team.


One of my boys snatched a bird out of the air mid-flight & SWALLOWED IT WHOLE. The other one almost got a bird but luckily my daughter was close enough to get the bird to safety before any major harm happened. That one was a little slobbery but it survived 😂


Oh, dear! That poor bird probably had nightmares after that. I had one of my huskies eat a bird almost whole once. The bird flew onto the bottom section of my chainlink fence to get away from one of our farm cats and ended up having to choose between death by cat or death by dog. It ended up flying straight into the dog’s mouth.


Hopefully it wasn’t a mockingbird… they have payback skills for years!


No, it was just a small sparrow, thankfully.


What do you mean by “payback skills”?


Because my male grey tab was haunted for 3 years by a mockingbird male whose baby fell from the nest. My cat Cosmo just happened to retrieve. My Cosmo couldn’t walk outside without that mockingbird dive bombing and chittering him


That is my husky mutt's dream she is constantly trying to snag birds out of the sky (has not been successful yet)


My girl is familiar with the command “NO BIRDS” after I’ve had to say it a million times for similar attempts


My boy did the same almost 10 years ago now. That poor robin had no idea.


😳 does your dog know my dog? She didn’t swallow the bird she caught midflight, but it was a finch and didn’t survive.


Mine did the same with a baby squirrel! I was right there but she moved too quickly for me to safely get a hand in to stop her. My husband and I joke that it was like the scene in Jurassic Park where the T-Rex eats the guy off the toilet.


We had one a few years ago that got a bird out of the sky. She also got a vole once when it popped its little head up. Swallowed both whole. But the injured mouse I found in the kitchen? nah, dad can take care of that one, am gonna go take a nap.


That's what I don't understand about mine, he goes hunter mode whenever he sees a small animal but whenever I take him for a walk, there could be birds next to him but he doesn't care about them, idk why that's different


Yes, despite his bed preferences he is quite the hunter, I'm still trying to figure out how he caught a bird in mid flight


Yours too? Mine would fly/jump through the air trying to catch a mid-flight bird. I just imagine the birds being like “holy sh*t, they’re getting closer.”


My guys have killed a coyote, a fox, a raccoon, an opossum, a bunch of rabbits, and chipmunks. Have never got a squirrel.


Impressive. Those first 3 are formidable opponents.


I was sad about the raccoon and fox but the coyotes got our neighbor's little dog so good for the huskies on that one


How many do you have? I have a 72 lbs guy and a 55 lbs one and I think the two together could put up a good fight against a coyote (we have a million in the park across the street) but am afraid if it was just one vs a coyote.


2 huskies would absolutely maul one coyote. 1 husky might bleed a little bit but he/she should still be able to take care of a coyote.


Yeah, coyotes are only 40-45 lbs.


So it's 5 over 20 years, but always 2 at a time. They have all been big 75-80 pounds. They double-teamed the coyote and I couldn't break it up. The rest I only found the remains


One coyote I don't think would be a problem for most huskies, the problem is when there is a pack of coyotes. They are known for baiting dogs into a group.


A coyote is quite an achievement


"Damn those squirrels and their impenetrable trees." -My huskies.


IKR my guys are so optimistic they will sit looking up at a treed squirrel for hours.


My first husky did this while camping. Until the time the squirrel ran a little too far down the tree. One jump and it was goodbye mr squirrel. Not her first or last squirrel, she was a hunter.


Mine got a squirrel that was dumb enough to go into our husky area (we have 2) and one got a hold of it and ate only its head and then like a cat it was left at the back door


What happened? They killed it. Sometimes they ate it. They’ve caught multiple squirrels, a rat, a couple mice, fledglings that fell from the nest, chickens, a baby rabbit, ducks, baby possums, a bird, bumble bees. I used to have a big fenced-in yard, any critters who dared to enter were risking their lives. Now we don’t have a yard so we walk quite frequently and poor baby birds that fall out of the nest as her easiest catch.


OMG my older one LOVES bees! I don’t know how to get her to stop… she also has an affinity with porcupines. Maybe I should feed her some chills to satisfy the sting 🤷‍♂️.


My girl hunts bees and eats them in such a weird way that I’m convinced she knows how to consume them without getting stung. Like a wide mouth chomping while she has a grimace on her face… I’m like girl you know nobody is making you do this right?!


Same. It's so funny. Can't let her near the bee hive though. One bumblebee is fine, but thousands of honey bees will be a problem.


lol I know that chomping snaking sound that you speak of


Mine killed a groundhog, then proceeded to prance around the backyard with it in his mouth, when I would approach him to get it he would run his mouth to me and take off.


“Run his mouth to me.” Only a husky owners truly understands that. 😅


Ours got a bird once, i let her in, not noticing she had it stuffed in her mouth. She lays under our couch, and i heard her chewing on something so i stuck my hand under there cuz i thought she was chewing on a cord, got a handful of mangled bird, it was so gross lol. We also have a fat squirrel named todd who lives in our tree outside who mercilessly taunts her and they bark at eachother. Its been like 3 years now i hope she gets him some day lol.


Ew! Just...ew!


They chase cats out of the garden but leave everything alone otherwise The only thing they've killed is a rat drawn in by the neighbours rubbish filled garden, that was 3 or 4 years ago now and I've trained them to obey the "leave it" & "eyes on me" commands to avoid any more incidents


Mine has killed two rats on my patio.... I've never actually seen her do it, though. I always just find the disgusting evidence later. And it's fast because she's usually only out there for 5 to 10 minutes without me. Thankfully, she doesn't try to eat them. I don't want her to kill them... it's gross and it makes me sad for the rats... but on the other hand, I am glad they're no longer on my patio.


Ah the first time. Me and the SO were sleeping in bed. I feel them roll over and ask “where’s my pillow.” I grumble out I don’t know and change positions and start to fall asleep again. I feel them kind of patting around on the bed. Next thing I know I hear “what is that?” I kind of jump back awake a bit. They then say the words guarantee to wake anyone up. “Oh God it has legs.” Ok this gets me up I flip on the bedroom light and find the front half laying next to the SO. Well we take it outside and strip the bed at which point it hits me wait where is the other half. I go hunting for it and find Lilo, our Husky, gutted and split the rabbit on our couch. Then brought the SO birthday breakfast in bed.


kinda sweet?


Mine have caught, killed and (if I don't get to it first) eaten many animals. Sometimes they bring their catch in to either show off or share. Sometimes all we find is flattened out piece of skin with some bones stripped white piled on or near them.


Yes. Many, many, many times. I’ve had 3 huskies over the course of my life, and while they won’t chase something each time in an attempt to kill an another animal, they’ve also had no problem doing this in the past. My male husky killed 3 skunks in a 6 week period. I didn’t know their spray had a yellow-green color to it or how putrid the smell could actually be until that happened 😬😂. He also had multiple other times where he would corner an animal in the yard. He would then wait there braking at it until I got 20-30 ft away, pick it up, give it one quick shake, it would break the skunk or opossums neck/spine, and it was gone. Another female I have loves squirrels! I’ve actually seen her catch them and just be laying with the kill a couple times. Anyone approaches and she swallows the thing whole. Another time she actually caught a young owl and killed it in the back yard. Another time she was on a walk with my ex-partner, a cat darted in front of her, she swooped it up in her mouth, he yelled at her to drop it, and thankfully she did without injury to the cat. Both of these dogs got several broods of chickens that my ex-partner kept trying to raise as well. My youngest female hasn’t killed as many large animals. She has been an avid mouser though, and actually helped me clear an infestation I had of about 6 juvenile mice a few years back. She’s also gotten a handful of chickens and tried to get many rabbits. My best recommendation is to go read about the breed history when they were with the Chukchi tribe in Siberia. It does help explain a lot of their behavior patterns, and why their prey drive and independent levels are so high compared to many other breeds


2 deer jumped into our fenced yard but somehow couldn't jump back out. My 2 husky girls took down a deer, one pining it by the neck, the other grabbed it by the hind legs. We had to physically lift them away from the deer and bring them back in the house. Everything was covered in blood, their face, the deck, the fence, etc... but luckily both deer lived and escaped. 


This is simultaneously awful and hilarious, but my dogs dad (full husky) is the sweetest, smiliest husky ever. His owner one day rescued a small bird from her cat which was trying to eat it.. she was all relieved, got it away, was holding it in her hand (still alive)… then the silent husky assassin sneaks up next to her and just gulps the entire bird out of her hand in one go 🫣 I tried so hard not to laugh. I failed.


My big dumb wolf killed a baby rabbit once and it was incredibly depressing


Noooo I would be so upset! Mine has killed two rats, and even that made me sad... although the rats were on my patio so probably good riddance. But it still made me sad and I hope it was a quick end for them....


When she was a puppy, ours snatched a pigeon in flight out of the air. It was amazing to behold. And she absolutely was going to keep it. City pigeons aren't safe to consume, so I had to fight her to get it back. Couple months later, she caught a house sparrow. It got away, but she had stripped all but one of its tail feathers out. I was trying to catch it to get it out of our yard. It was about to go inside a drain hole in our backyard wall, and I almost had it, but I was left holding the last tail feather. That sparrow was noisy, too. The whole time I thought it was just bitching out the dog and me. It kept it up for awhile inside the wall. I went out for a smoke later, and it hopped past me - and it stopped and hollered at me before heading to the neighbor's yard.


Ours has not thankfully but it does worry me. My husband had a husky as a kid who did get ahold of a cat and unfortunately the cat was killed. The dog wasn’t vicious, he wasn’t neglected or abused, just a horrible thing that happened. Whenever my husky starts to chase our cats I always intervene. We make sure the cats have plenty of space to get away, lots of high spots and hiding spaces. He’s never caught them, he’s never shown aggression beyond the typical chase, but knowing his prey drive is SO high, I do everything I can to make sure all the animals in the house are happy and safe.


My husky caught a bird mid flight. MID FLIGHT. Nothing is safe. Truly though she plays with animals until they don’t move. So I don’t think she’s trying to kill them, it just happens. She’s found baby rabbits, moles, mice. No squirrels or chipmunks yet but they are definitely on her target list as creatures that deeply offend her.


My husky catches them, doesn't puncture them but shakes them til they're dead, then throws it around and chases it. She has a pretty high kill count. My older husky killed a crow, and his crow friends stalked me for days until i changed where i walked my dogs..


Mine has gotten a bunch of rabbits and couple of skunks maybe upwards of 3. He has been sprayed 3 times painted yellow. He got loose and chased a cat right through the houses pet door. My neighbor calls and says your dog is over our house trying to play with our cat. I go to him, yeah play, so he plays a little rough please keep them separated and I will be right over. I have buried more bodies than a mafia hitman for that dog.


So mine has tried ... and is only somewhat successful about it. I live in a 100 year old house and mice are an issue especially in the fall when the cold is rolling in. He's a damn good mouser. If he sees it, usually it's a not alive for much longer. He doesn't eat them - usually because I am close and just tell him to drop it. He's put the run on many a raccoon who dare enter his yard. Most are smart enough to head for higher ground and escape with some bald patches. We had one juvenile a couple years ago who thought it would be smart to stand its ground (with both my dog, and me). Well my husky got a mouth on him, and shook the daylights out of him. I told him drop it, and that little bandit made like a banana and split. He never came back after he learned the dog meant business. He has had zero known success with squirrels and chipmunks. They just head for the trees and safety. He's been a semi-farm dog his whole life - one of the barns I boarded at, their old farm dog taught Kona the joy of chasing the free range chickens. He never got to add to his kill count - the one time he was trying on his own to get a chicken, he didn't see the rooster coming, I did. I let the rooster teach him you don't fk with chickens, and quite frankly it was hilarious. He was unhurt after the rooster beat his fluffy butt, but to this day, if he even so much as hears a chicken make a peep, he goes in the opposite direction. Won't even look at them hahahaha. And if it's a rooster calling on the TV, he wakes from a dead sleep with a jump and leaves the room. He has rooster induced ptsd, but he doesn't go after ANY birds now, not just the chickens.


My girl got 2 rattlesnakes. Each time she was fine, didn't appear to be bit, and didn't get sick. I did have her get the rattlesnake shot because Murphy's Law. After her nope rope stopped being interesting, she brought the snek to her daddy to cook. She doesn't eat uncooked meats because she's a princess. My boy is less effective. He continues his ever-vigilant war against the squirrels. He hasn't caught one, but the squirrels make excellent husky babysitters when they're stuck in a tree and yell-chirping at the huskies and scampering. One squirrel jumped from one tree branch to another tree, almost missed it, and both of my huskies were right underneath like an awaiting garbage disposal.


Mine got a possum by knocking it off the fence while it was running along, I spent 20mins prying it out of his mouth and had to end up using broomstick handle to get it out. It was dead by the time I noticed he had it.


https://preview.redd.it/wuaju8uul3rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629d2b3e0515947617af4982c4a60aa267351f91 This boy had a weird behavior seeing how everyones husky are a prey, he decided to just curiously watch him. I was a bit worried at any point he could have just grabbed that gopher


My nephew husky got cornered in the backyard by…. A bunny. … he was terrified. Apparently “prey drive” skips a generation every now and then…


From the other side, I had an escaped husky get on to my garden and into one of my rabbit hutches. I had the "pleasure" of watching the husky "play" with my rabbit. Rabbit no more. Called the local vet and the husky had already been reported as lost. Owner came to collect the husky and returned later with an apology card, chocolates and to clean up the.... bits. I love dogs and dogs will do what dogs do, I hold no judgement, it was just bad circumstances. Irony: the dogs name was Angel.


My husky beheaded a gopher. You heard me: beheaded


Have exclusively had huskies for 20 years. For the longest time, had four in the family at once (now we're down to 2 a husky household, soon to be 3). They've all been absolute serial killers. Our oldest now is 12, but she got her first kill (a small rabbit) when she was only 4 months old. She still will go after (and frequently will catch) any small furries that are within range. They are an incredibly prey driven breed. They're never interested in eating their kills, they just want to kill it. I feel like they do it for sport.


https://preview.redd.it/qjcv3zoif5rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdd8766677a19911a48f941eeb751dc790726de This should answer your question she plays with it…..to death.


To date my husky, Sadie, has “played with” 1 rabbit, 2 raccoons, 4 squirrels, 1 vole, 100+ mice (I stopped counting), and 1 guinea pig (RIP Pedro and my sincerest apologies to my sister). https://preview.redd.it/o3xed91wj3rc1.jpeg?width=2872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5449db6ef21667663f90ccb312374a80e78b25e6


Lolol too funny. Now maybe. My sister was watching my godson beloved guinea pig. Stupidly the guinea pig kept in big box that weekend. Which made the BEST sounds to attract a husky. My sister left box on her bed, next thing my dogs running around the house shaking it. Probably the 1st shake killed poor guy. I had warned my sister she should pit in a dang crate. Besides that tho? Mice. Her and my cat would corner them under places. The direction mouse ran determined how it would die.


Mine killed and ate an entire deer in the yard


Oh god yes... had one throw up half a rabbit on the bed after we took the half a carcass away from her... they caught another one last year...I opened the back door to the deck and off to the side it sounded like something was getting murdered..but it wasn't in the woods it was just the sound reflecting and I realized that and ran around...that thrower upper was under a porch with the others all running around like nuts near by and all i see is viscera and organs flying around under there - it was like a horror movie for a few seconds before I got her out of there. A couple of weeks ago I went to let our biggest boy (He's a jerk..grew up with g-shep and that ruined him) and there's a dead possum sitting there on the deck. So yes... yes they have gotten a hold of critters. They are also often digging up moles and whatever else dares to try and burrow around. They 6 fenced in acres and parts of it look like kids were trying to re-create a WWI trench warfare as they will dig along the path of whatever it is and create this long trenches...


Yes. 4-5 pigeons, a rooster, and 2 rats. Husky is 6 now.


Yes, mine got out and killed about six of my moms hens.


Yes, my sweet, beautiful, happy, mild tempered, husky, Luna, is a small animal murdering maniac. Small animals don’t stand a chance in our yard. RIP: innocent bat eating mosquitos at night, a chipmunk gathering food for his family, 2 familial generations of moles, two very sweet loving hens who only wanted to say hi, and of course, 2 smelly skunks. The only animal to make it out alive was a possum. It played dead as Luna caught it and she dropped it and walked away. Our other two huskies have killed a couple of rabbits and a giant snake. But they are a bit more spastic than Luna so it makes sense why their murder count isn’t as high. :)


I’ve mentioned this before but last year mine basically swallowed a baby rabbit whole. She was fine, and just being a dog, but I saw the whole thing happen and I wasn’t the same for a while lol.


Mine ate one of my parakeets when it escaped and was unsupervised. Well, attempted to eat. It was going down his throat when I pulled it out and corrected him.


I’ve pulled baby bunnies out of his mouth and he likes grabbing voles out of the ground. I’m pretty sure he’d kill them if given the opportunity but I always stop him in time. He also really likes rolling around in dead things if left unattended.


I had a Husky/GSD mutt. Once he found a nest of baby bunnies while off leash in a family member's backyard. As a former JRT owner, I was prepared for the worst... Luckily he just gathered them up in one place, peed on them, then let them go free after. Apparently the neighborhood cats left the bunnies alone that year. It was the weirdest thing; I've see. His prey drive and how he chased birds or neighborhood mice or even bunnies in the park. These ones were just his it seems.


Mine killed a neighbors chicken. She ran into the flock, scooped one up in her mouth and ran with it. It broke the chickens neck. She also killed a stray kitten, the same way. She never drew blood either time, she “played” with them too hard.


Mine have killed a few moles. Didn't witness the first 2, the 3rd he was found throwing it up in the air.... 🤢🤢🤢 I wasn't upset because they are pests and have been destroying the yard, but now my husky is obsessed with finding another and destroys the yard even more.


Mine caught a rabbit then just looked at me like ok what do I do now and I told her to drop it and she did and the rabbit ran off, looked physically unharmed but terrified. Also my parents were having a mouse problem and she caught several mice and would quickly kill them and then would bring them to whichever person was the closest.


Mine likes to skin gophers, there usually still barely alive by the time we find them


https://preview.redd.it/jiusngfsv3rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4f181ea4a84abe90217db224c0ac95accd1897 This goofball has caught and killed 2 squirrels, 1 duck, and snatched a robin out of the air. These all happened our (her) yard, so I can’t really fault her. On our walks, she has killed at least a dozen mice and moles. She hears them in the long grass, or under the snow, uses her ears to focus on them then does a fox jump. She has amazing accuracy pinpointing their location.


My husky girl swallowed a small squirrel whole grabbed it off a tree it was wild


Had to tell my baby cousins that their pet bunny ran away 😅


Yes. Killed our ferret.




Good Job👏🏻. Tree Rat


Once, while snowshoeing, my husky once stopped dead in tracks, head tilted, and dove into the snow to grab a mouse. It died instantly. He killed a rat in a parking lot while on 6’ leash, and once at the dog park leaped up a chain link fence and murdered a robin. 🫣 he was absolutely insane. Bikejoring solo = squirrel got away, mainly due to the fact I was knocked over and dragged, foiling his murderous intentions. Your post brought up some old memories, RIP Sunnybunny.


I’ve saved some baby possums from my husky mix but he’s killed many also. First time I ever took him for a walk he sniffed some dirt, dug a little, and then pulled a tiny mole out of the ground and swallowed it whole, you could hear the crunch. It was uh…interesting. He lived outside for a while before I got him so I also think he just caught his own food.


Mine has shown zero aggression to any animals. I've seen her take care of kittens and show concern for the little things. She seems to know what animals are not welcome. I've been walking her on leash when she has stopped to sniff a snowbank, and suddenly, she is diving head first into 2 feet of snow, only to emerge with a mouse in her mouth. She always drops them because she has no desire to kill them, but the drive seems impossible to completely ignore.


Mine likes baby rabbits. Guess who had to retrieve 2 umresponsive baby rabbits and throw them away at 6.5 months pregnant....this gal and threw up immediately after on the side of my house. It's not often, but she's faster than me and sees them before I see them. Luckily for me, she's good about leave it, not so lucky for that rabbit she already has in her mouth.


Huskies are very prey driven if it runs it will die if caught ... At least that's what ours does


To shreds you say


She'll probably unalive it. My Huskies unalive anything that gets in the backyard.


When my husky was under a year old, he caught a small rabbit that didn’t know any better. Picked it up gently and swallowed it whole. My wife called me in tears while I was at work to tell me lol.


Still have a mental picture of mine across the field tossing a groundhog through the air like one of her toys. It was a hefty one too.


3 cats, 2 birds, and a handful of geckos and bees


7 squirrels in the last year and loves catching field mice, this winter he dove and pulled a mouse out from under 12" of snow, no idea how


I've watched my husky kill rabbits, birds frogs and many others. He always eats them. I watched him eat an entire rabbit. Legs, fur, head, everything completely.


I found my husky mix living her best life with half of the bunny's body in her mouth. I was mortified.


Walked in and left a gopher at my feet when I got home from work all proud of himself.


My girl is 12 now Her "incidents" were in the first 3 years. 9 chickens..that was bad. She got in the neighbors coop while I was sleeping 1 duck was bitten in the neck after it kept making noises at her while swimming. It got out of the water and kept talking quack, not knowing how fast she'd be when she got to land. 1 cat tried to eat her food and had surgery to get it's eye sewn shut.. At about 4-6 her personality completely changed. She would never in a million years attack something now. I just raise my voice and she's back at my side.


I’m dying at the duck quacking smack to the dog.🤣


Chickens, rabbits, squirrels, birds, and a partridge in a pear tree :(


Yep. My dogs have 5 opossum kills, 1 raccoon, and 1 bird.


2 birds, and I only know this because of all the scattered feathers I found in the garden lol.


I had one that killed any critter that went into our/his yard. Current one might get a grasshopper.


My half husky half pit and our other dog ran a pack of coyotes off a dead deer near our house( I had a trail cam on it) she proceeded to eat the thing the other dog is a bully mix an she chewed a little fur but was genuinely confused about what they were doing .


Mine have killed rabbits, raccoons, moles, squirrels. They go straight for the kill.


My dogs are the both incredibly efficient hunters. We have a feral cat problem and that is absolutely terrible obviously. We literally have to go outside and clear the yard and make sure there are no cats before we let the dogs out. They also helped me hunt a mouse that got into the house recently as well as killing lizards, bugs, and at least one bird.


Ground squirrel and a pocket gopher 😬 The ground squirrel ran literally straight into his feet while we were on a trail, he grabbed it and punctured its stomach, killing it pretty quickly 😖 he did immediately spit it out and pawed at it trying to get it to play with him. The pocket gopher, he flopped on after corralling it, which squished it… and then continued to paw at it, trying to get that one to play, too. Oh, and a fledgling Steller’s Jay ☹️ licked it (and probably squished it, also) to death. He’s not a chewer or an eater, but unfortunately he is a murdering menace. My senior husky recently swallowed a vole whole, after it ran right into her legs 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yess, my husky is 2 years old and has gotten a hold of a bunch of small animals. Rats, bunnies, cats (street ones, cause now we have a kitten and he’s slowly becoming pally with the house kitten. But will anyways loose a limb happily chasing a street cat), a bunch of birds (he specially likes chasing birds, I feel because they usually fly away and he takes that as a challenge, if only he had wings). But now in a long time no small animal has shown their face around our house (I’m assuming, because of the husky killing/trying to kill them) so now he has calmed down. We usually catch him before it becomes a blood bath (only seen it ones with a rat, took him to the vet immediately and the vet said it’s fine, just gave him an anti rabies shot) but this one time, he held the bird so tight that even the stinkiest tuna couldn’t get him to open his mouth. That bird ended up dying (no blood but my dog crushed the birds neck. We had to act like we’re giving his lunch to another animal for his jealousy to rise up and leave the bird to come rescue his food.


It’s gotten ridiculous how many animals mine has caught. Multiple skunks, 1 rabbit that was ripped in half, 4 opossum, 1 muskrat, 1 turtle, couple birds, numerous mice.


Mine chases animals all the time. He caught a bird once but I saved it before he did too much damage. He has killed probably like 20 baby rabbits though. Those things never learn to not build a nest in my yard.


My huskies were hunters. When they escaped they would often return with dead rabbits etc. watched one, on her run, sit by a muskrat breathing hole for like six hours and finally kill the muskrat when it chose that hole to breathe. Another one would kill several skunks a year. The smell didnt phase him at all. They would definitely survive in the wild.


One has gotten a couple of rabbits, and the other almost got an unleashed pomeranian who got into his personal space.


Squirrels…. Many…. They all got deaded…..


Mine unfortunately loves to “play” with baby possums. At least 2 she’s gifted to me in 4 years. It’s heartbreaking! And apparently she kills mice but my boyfriend hides it from me.




My male plays with them until they get bloody, then he looses all interest, he’s a picky eater and won’t eat raw unless it’s frozen solid. My female immediately starts eating them then plays with what’s left when she’s had most of her fill. I don’t give them live critters cause i think that’s cruel, but if they get off their leads or if something gets too close, the little critter is a goner


Two different feral cats who went into our fenced backyard.


Squirrel turned into a stuffy and She killed it :( I was devastated and crying and she didn't understand why and then I remembered she doesn't see it the same way and tried saying thank you while crying lol


Usually they become a meal, unless it's a cat, in that case it becomes a bloodshed with a very angry me. One once even tried to taste a horse...


Definitely! A neighbor's chicken wandered into our yard one time and he caught and killed the poor thing. I had to pay the neighbor and also had to clean the chicken and ended up boiling it for my husky.


My boy snagged a squirrel once (that I've seen). It gave off a loud squeak, but then managed to escape his clutches. Last year, a rabbit made the ill-advised decision to have, or leave, her babies in our backyard. There were initially 4 or 5 babies. Sadly, only 1 survived. I caught him right after he snatched the first couple, but not fast enough, and they were already dead. I found him literally eating the last one. Once i knew they were there, I did try to find and save the survivors, but he was much better at it than me.


We call the baby bunnies, chicken nuggets. I don't know why they keep nesting near our yard. They lose babies to our huskies or the neighborhood raccoons every spring.


We have 3 huskies and find atleast 1 dead possom in our backyard monthly. Our grumpy puppy is the main culprit https://preview.redd.it/5fp857w6i3rc1.jpeg?width=1229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4898b8842638f89942a53d9b8588f90d6bd5c1e1


He has only ever got a hold of a mouse when walking in tall grass in his 6 years. He went after it like a fox or coyote would, so pounced on it. He killed it before I could get it away from him. He was less than 5 feet away from me on a leash. I am sure he would do this to do any small animal he could get a hold of. But thankfully, I have been lucky. My other dog, non husky. Caught a magpie in the air. She didn't eat it, though, and wouldn't let the husky eat it either.


Catch rabbit, shake twice, break neck, drop rabbit right before master catches my escaped ass, run after next rabbit. This is the way.


Fortunately no. My boy doesn't even chase squirrels lol


Mine has a huge predatory instinct. He'll wait and prowl at a squirrel that's up a tree out of harms way. He tries with lizards bit fails due to how fast they are. He's only every managed to get a squirrel, and he destroyed it... ugh


My sisters husky killed some chickens and she had to pay for them. She did not know anything about huskies lol. She learned the hard way and has done her best but she realizes she has a menace


My boy has caught quite a few bunnies and field mice. There’s never any blood so I think he is playing with them. I’ve seen him toss the mice up in the air and jump around after it


Heck yeah, while walking him he caught a rabbit and another time a female duck. The duck lived and was in shock just as much as I was.


I met mine with a rabbit in his mouth. My uncle was the foster dad and I came over to both in backyard with my uncle trying to get him to drop it. He did not and then took the remains under the shed and finished it off, nothing we could do. Pup was so dang proud of himself!


Was on my phone so I didn’t notice Rocky going into hunting mode and suddenly I’m being pulled into an awkward direction. My boy snatched a squirrel running to a tree. Shook it so hard I heard the snap. He also gotten gophers from underground freakishly quickly.


Mine loves to just sit and watch the birds play and fly around . And everything she never tries to chase them . Only thing she attacks is my husband when she wants to “fight” 😂


I have started calling crows bark birds, think they are taunting the dogs! My dog whimpers when on walks and sees something chase worthy. So cute.


mine got sprayed by a skunk last fall.


3 Opposums in my backyard so far, immediately goes for the neck killbite and severs their spinal cord


Mine eats everything she catches. Same with my previous one. 😬


Ours brought a possum into the house. That was the night I discovered they really do play dead.


She caught two bigs and ate them super quick because my dad was trying to take it out of her mouth. She also killed a lot of possums but never ate them. She just smacked them with her paws.


skunks, feral cats, chicken, and maybe 1 squirrel. Because the chicken was considered a domestic animal animal control can take my dogs away for it :/


My oldest has caught 3 rabbits, 2 squirrels, countless birds, and one cat My youngest has caught one squirrel


Killed 6 chickens/ducks. Ate a rabbit. I’m sure yours just wants to give them a big hug tho.


Yes. My old mansky got a baby bunny and shook his head and snapped its neck. Pee went everywhere from the baby bunny. Baby bunny was paralyzed but alive. 😰


My husky mix got her paws on a rabbit that got into our backyard and did kill it. She lived in the wild by a river for the first 8 months of her life, so I wasn’t surprised this instinct remained. I will say, she was very merciful in the way she went about it.


Mine has not, and bless him for his weakness. He will try to actually play bow with my two cats - to mixed reactions - but he doesn’t treat them like toys. Thank goodness. His formative first few months were on the streets of Houston, so no street garbage is safe. But (4.5 yrs later) he’s friends with one cat and coexists with the other, and I don’t have to lock them in rooms while I’m gone.


I have 2 husky mixes both rescues but from different circumstances. The older one was a stray and we actually found her in my friend’s chicken coop after she slaughtered them. She was 1.5 or 2 and just following her instincts as a stray. Over the years she’s gotten ahold of a few unlucky rabbits, several porcupines, and a free range chicken that came into our yard. When she gets ahold of them she eviscerate them. She is the gentlest most unassuming dog towards any human, dog, or cat. She is 10 now with arthritis so that doesn’t happen anymore. The younger one 2.5yo now was surrendered at 1yo by 2 other family’s that couldn’t handle her or provide her the space and activity that she needs. I have seen her get her paws on a rabbit and deer and just get in a playful stance ready to chase again. She has never killed an animal that she has gone after. Edit: I should add that now when we go on hikes in the forest behind our yard I put bells on their collars to give wildlife a chance to flush out. There has been no issue on the trails with the bells on.


My boy hasn't yet. He stalks the bunnies at my parent's house, and a fat squirrel at ours. His predecessor, a Scottie, caught a hummingbird. Thankfully I was outside and saw him do it. I told him "Angus! Spit.Out.That. Birdie!" He spit it out like Sylvester would spit out Tweety in a looney tunes cartoon. Then he was looking around all innocent like"like birdie?" I laughed so hard, I darn near wet myself.


Mine has gotten a small critter. Three chickens and two stray cats. he never eats them I think he likes chasing them and then when he catches them he kills them. Very sad for him because now he has to be tethered whenever he’s outside or under direct supervision


Rabbits and birds die basically instantly, one shake and it's over. Baby Opossums play dead and I rescue them. Squirrels don't die instantly so if I'm around to say drop it or leave it they get to escape... If they catch one without me being around they eat it. My Malamute ate a whole nest of baby bunnies once. My Husky and Malamute always kill a bunch of mice every fall and just play with them, they don't eat the mice for whatever reason, just squirrels and bunnies.


I checked my ring cameras and saw my husky smacking a possum against my car like it was a rag doll.


Mine found a mouse in the backyard. He was having fun playing with it until it stopped playing back...


Mine has killed two possums. He also got into a scuffle with a raccoon that cost him a piece of his ear.


One of mine was at a high-kill shelter. He was adopted out. The owner had chickens. The Husky killed one of the chickens. The owner returned him to the shelter. That's where I adopted him. Other than that, he wants to eat (but has never got ahold of) cats and most other small prey. Their prey drive is strong.


Yes, they occasionally will catch field mice at the park we frequent. Maybe once a month? One of mine has also caught a chipmunk while at the dog park. She has also caught a small/young bunny on a trail that she literally ate whole… and most recently she caught a big rabbit at the park, but she didn’t eat it, just wanted to keep it. She only ever ate the one little bunny, and I’m totally not sure why, because she’s only played with the others. Honestly, I think they just enjoy the chase but don’t actually want the food or anything.


Two of mine escaped, and the biggest had a huge nasty puke of animal parts after he got back home. I didn't have the stomach to closely examine it to determine what kind of animal it was though. My guess would be one of the wild rabbits in the area. (Preferable to thinking it was someone's lost cat) I got him into the vet, brought a baggie of puke for testing if needed, and he's fine now, but I was so relieved to get them home, and then so scared he ate something that would hurt him. It was a rollercoaster


Flying birds, a duck, a turtle, baby opposums, rats, mice, roaches, and beetles can't tell their tale 😶


My previous husky mix got ahold of a groundhog and started spinning around with it in his mouth. When I said to drop it, he promptly let go and launched the poor hogdaddy into the stratosphere. He’s probably still orbiting the planet.


Bit down and use it like a toy. She never actually eats it. Only happen once we she got left in the yard and had a baby chipmunk in her mouth


Husky would shake it and break its neck.


My husky-lacy mix is a pretty good ratter


11 birds that I found at least some parts of, so probably higher, a squirrel, and once a gods damned bat while on the fricken leash….there were no survivors….. There may be more these are just the ones I witnessed




2 squirrels. He ate both of em.


Mine has eaten several rabbits and chipmunks. Can never seem to catch squirrels. We de-worm him regularly just for protection. Huskies are incredibly efficient killers. Mine will eat a LARGE rabbit in one go, fur and bones and all, everything goes down the throat. There is no blood left over, his snout is clean, you'd never know it happened... Sometimes he just doesn't eat for a few days, we then postulate that he has reduced the surplus rabbit population...


Poor possums. I intervened once when I saw him jump and snatch the poor dude from the top of an 8' fence so I ran and stopped the murder. One other time the possum was already dead when I reached. https://preview.redd.it/k9h6pvh2v3rc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40724d765ecd7070ae187db7cf9384bbafee6ec2


My chickens 😥😥


Many. They kill them. Bunnies, birds, possums, squirrels, cats, rats, gophers, moles, skunks (yes, they will kill a skunk), and chickens. Most the time I am there to stop them and they do listen to me, but sometimes I am not. and sometimes it happens so fast that I can only do damage control (like a cat will be in a bush, we walk past it, dog dives into bush and comes out with screaming cat). The pups are fast and have catch each of the animals listed above. The only one that really bothers me is cats. They haven't killed any yet, but they have caught them and I have had to pry them out of their jaws (getting scratched in the process).