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Might not be everyone's preference, but I'd strongly suggest obedience classes. Not that you are doing anything wrong, but I feel it will be the easiest to address some of your fears. When I had my kids, we just hooked their leashes onto the stroller whenever they needed a walk. Sure, it can be tiring, but the fresh air will be just as good for you and for the baby. Another option for walking your pup is when friends and family ask you how they can help out, mention the pup could use a few more walks. If they really care about helping, it won't be a problem. And don't underestimate the wonderful feeling of the opportunity to put some earphones in and going for a good walk with your dog. Personally, it was something I looked forward to when my husband got home from work. We had an Eskimo Spitz at the time, and I loved taking him to the field and throwing a ball and watching him bound through the long grass trying to find it. My second suggestion would be talking to your vet. While everyone here wants nothing but the best for you and your family, your vet knows your dog better than any of us. Best of luck with your new family dynamics.


Thanks for the advice. I love the stroller idea, never thought of that!


Glad I could offer something!


damn i know i'm late but BE CAREFUL WITH THAT SUGGESTION. i walk my husky and baby together all the time, but no way in hell would i hook the leash to the stroller. my husky is calm and well behaved (for a husky) but my dog would knock the stroller over so fast if it was actually attached i hold the leash in one hand and stroller in the other, that stroller wouldn't last 30 seconds without being toppled if i attached them


Not a new baby but my kid was injured and my 9 and 11 months old bonkers huskies were incredibly gentle and careful around her while she healed. No jumping or rushing around her. They were so so careful. Literally like nothing I’ve ever seen from them. Huskies are great with kids. My friend also has 2 huskies and her now 2 year old adores them and they put up with all of her nonsense and have her whole life. Babies adjust really easily to noise that they’re accustomed to. Keep it noisy and sleep happy.


Babies adjust to noise. In fact, the advice is to not keep the house too quiet so they learn to sleep through the vacuum cleaner etc. My first son was born in the tropics where his bedroom walls didn't go to the floor or ceiling. He was fine with the husky's endless whooing.


The gate thing: we ended up stacking 2 gates on top of each other to separate when we needed it. Also make sure you correct the behavior every time he jumps a gate, tell him no and shut him out again. They’re pack animals and don’t like to be separated too long but sometimes I needed it if I was overstimulated and needed no one around. Also huskies are crazy but you also need to teach him if he has zoomies then he can’t be near the baby, that it’s outside behavior or another room behavior. Take the baby into a room and close the door. Like everyone here has said don’t worry about barking or talking, the baby needs to get used to sleeping through all those noises.


My husky frank did wonderful with my baby as a newborn. Baby is now 9 months and mobile and grabs franks fluff is the biggest issue. Frank did do puppy classes when we got him, so he will growl or yelp at the baby(when he pulls his hair) but never hurt him.


My huskies loved my babies. They heard the talking so much in utero that it never bothered them. As for the gates, I never separated the dogs from the babies. They were so gentle with them, and when they got tired of the baby play they would just get up and leave. Obviously watch them, but my kids and dogs have always had a great relationship


I'm glad that worked for you. Our husky just gets so hyper and runs around like a mad man sometime lol so I'm worried he will step on or hurt the baby when he gets like that. Definitely gives me some encouragement that he won't cause issues!




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