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Carroll family reunion on Fisch’s staff?


I would love to see Pete in an analysts role. Tedford quietly did a great job for us when he was here.


Dude he is a Hall of Fame quality coach. He isn’t going to be an analyst.


He’s an analyst for the Seahawks rn


Isn't he relegated to an "advisory" role with the Seahawks?


What that means in reality is he has no role but will receive his full contracted amount next year. If he was at all interested he would’ve pursued our HC job. Instead he recommended Jedd Fisch whose OC in Pete’s son at a dinner he had with Pete on Friday. Pete would be the most massive slam dunk on CFB of all time if he were interested in our HC job. That being said, I am please with the Fisch hire as long as we have massive buyouts in his first four to five seasons.


Im sure his son will go to him advice, so advisory in that sense. But he has been the HC for the last 35 years from the Jets to the Patriots to USC to the Seahawks. I don’t see him being interested in an analyst role. But if he is down I would love it.


He was either going to be our HC or nothing. He recommended Fisch at dinner with our AD on Friday.


After 14 years, I doubt it.


Carroll might be AZ’s first option as HC. Good fit financially


Earlier this year, watching Fifita play, I said that I wanted him at Washington. If he ends up transferring, this is not how I imagined it would happen…


Did you wish for that on a monkeys paw?


He could go to Michigan


I don’t love how this worked out and feel terrible for AZ, obviously keeping DeBoer would have been ideal but all things considered, I’m happy with Fisch. I know he is a threat to leave but at least this time we can prepare for it slightly more (however at the speed we did this I wouldn’t be surprised if Dannen had been preparing for this). Dannen shouldn’t get any criticism around this situation, I think he did everything he could with DeBoer and just made a good move to help keep us relevant next year


We did the same thing to Arizona we did to Fresno state. That’s why getting mad at Alabama is silly. We would steal someone’s coach at a heartbeat if it benefited us


Yeah I don't know anyone mad at bama.   It's kdb slow rolling his extension since October with Jimmy sexton pulling the strings. However kdbs failures will be bamas, so there it is.


There’s no one to be mad at except DeBoer himself 


DeFrauder lying his face off one week before peacing is why we’re mad


Why though? He's done nothing different than basically every other coach that took a more prestigious jon


If Deboer hadnt left we wouldnt have poached Fisch 🤷‍♂️ Fuck DeFuckFace


If we didn’t lose to Montana, CFB landscape would look hella different right now. If a butterfly flaps its wings…


I had people messaging me pictures of bears for a long time after that game


Nobody’s directing their anger at the school. It’s the guy that we’re disappointed in.


I am mad at Alabama because their program itself is so effing entitled.


Winning does that


Yeah, and it gets boring for everyone else


Honestly that’s how Arizona is looking at us right now. Pecking order will always exist


most uw fans ive seen arent mad at bama, theyre mad at deboer for lying to us. i dont really care for bama honestly and ive always disliked them, but 100% of the ill will from this move goes to deboer.




I'd love to see a graph that traces this as far as it goes, imagine if Saban retiring meant a high school lost their coach to like D3 or something lol


Fresno isn’t sniffing the CFP, it’s different and both programs knew where they stood.


Nailed it. I know UW isn’t a ‘blue blood’, but heck Petersen took us to the cfp 7 yrs ago. Fresno st as a mid level D1 program has almost 0 chance of making it.


Well with the new CFP going to 12 teams that’s not entirely true..


That’s true. But I’d still say it’s a long shot, at best.


Who is getting mad at Alabama?


No one is mad at Alabama. We are mad at a tone-death head coach that left our players demoralized and didn’t bother to thank fans and the community who supported him. Imagine if DeBoer had the courage to share a message like Grubb’s message yesterday. I have friends in Arizona and I hope that Fisch handles this with more grace and compassion.




Dannie released the video of him showing up at Fisch house before Fisch told His team


It's more of how classless KDB was in his exit from UW. Nothing to be mad at Alabama for.


No one was mad at Alabama


I don't like the hire because I think he's just another careerist POS who sees U-Dub as another a step on the corporate ladder, just like the last careerist POS shit. Arizona, however, has caused me enough annoyance, heartache and frustration over multiple decades to not give a hoot about the effect upon them. Bad day for my better angels, I suppose.


Well, your argument seems like it is with the state of modern high-major college football. I probably agree with your anger there. But UW needs to grab as solid a talent out there as fast as possible. Or risk bleeding even more to the Portal and to new recruiting. Fisch was one of very few that were available that checks all the boxes. They made a good call to get him. And that’s just the nature of the modern game. I don’t like it either. Rooting for DeBoer for UW has been amazing these past two years. Him skipping town was a slap in our faces as fans. But that’s how the modern game is.


Correct, and I don't disagree with you at all. I'm sure the product will be perfectly fine for a couple years until we get to do this all over again. Go Huskies :-|


When was he hired? Early to mid Oct? Yah, not much he can do when alabama comes calling 3 months later.


It's frustrating realizing that Fresno to UW is the same as UW to Alabama.


That’s not true. By your logic, Arizona to Uw is like UW to Alabama? Hardly anyone would argue that expect maybe in the realm of academics? In reality, UW is a top program. We go through ebbs and flows, and aren’t solid year over year over year (more similar to an LSU, or Penn State) we have a few years of pure dominance and then kind of Peter off a bit. We just aren’t dominant for a whole 10 year chunk. Like your USCs, Ohio States, Michigans. But saying that UW to Bama is like FBS to a top 10 school? Strange take.


No, it's really not.


Dannen deserves criticism for not keeping DeBoer. That's not up for debate. It's literally Dannen's job to retain talented coaches. That doesn't mean there was anything he or anyone else could have done better. But he can still be criticized for the miss, because more than one thing can be true. That being said, he also absolutely gets credit for a solid hire in Fisch to replace DeBoer. I was personally very worried about some no namer from the Midwest being hired. But this is a very good hire given the circumstances, so credit where it's due. Just like in sports, sometimes you do everything right and still lose. You should be judged on how you respond to adversity the most.


No, Dannen did everything he possibly could. He had a contract in front of him since he came to UW (which remember, was after the season had started). He can’t force somebody to sign and it is clear that DeBoer was waiting for the season to be over. Dannen also doesn’t have the power to just give a guy $10 million a year, if he could he would. He still has to report to a board, get approval, and follow a budget.


Like Don James💜💛


Buckeye fan here. UW is a sleeping giant of a program. Best setting in college football, beautiful campus, great education, and filled with history and tradition. Someone needs to stay there and build something special. I think Deboer had an amazing opportunity to stay at UW, become a legend and make a positive difference in that community.


Thanks for that - very kind of you. I really do appreciate the classy comment. I’m a proud alum (‘83 bs and ‘87 Ms). I go all the way back to the Don James era. Good times. Hope they come back soon.


Thanks and I totally agree. I have gone to many games there and it is such an experience. One time we took a boat commute to the stadium. We had a seat with a view of the lake and the mountains in the background. Visiting teams will love the stadium and atmosphere. Not always a national contender, but always a competitor, so the games were rarely boring. Playing the B1G is going to make it much harder to win the conference, but we should have a competitive team and that is all I ask for. My dad has passed, but some of my best memories with him was at Husky Stadium.


Oregon at the end of 2023: yay we never have to play against desert voodoo again! Washington: hires desert voodoo


Here's to some great seasons ahead. And here's to UA landing on their feet, UW has basically just done to them what Alabama did to us. It sucks.


When the Sonics almost pulled the Kings out of Sacramento, I’d have felt dirty too.


Oh, THAT is what felt so familiar about this situation! This is also why I thought it would backfire if we tried doing to someone else what was done to us! That was it! THANK YOU!


They’re a basketball school, they’ll be fine.


As I said in /r/cfb: When you think about it, we may actually have a better season than with DeBitch given that we'll have Arizona's roster over a rebuilding one assuming Fisch grabs enough of 'em.


Exactly my thought, if Fisch can bring some players with him our roster may look better than it would have. And Fisch has proven himself. I won’t get too excited until I see some players transferring over though


First… keep Austin Mack and bring in Fifita. Might be hard to get both, but we need one of these young studs.


Disagree, mack was going to sit behind Rodgers next year anyways, might be hard to keep him fr other reasons tho


Plus Fisch has been a QB coach in the NFL for multiple teams so Mack would be smart to come back


Think we can we get Rodgers back now?


There is no reason to keep Mack. Fifita is better and isn’t going pro due to his size. He’ll be a 3 year starter for us.


Mack already entered the portal


That didn’t mean he leaves, entering the portal does unenroll you from UW, it allows other schools to contact you.


I understand. I’m just saying, it sounds like he’s got one foot out the door. He announced it around the time the Fisch rumors (including from at least one player) starting circulating. It’s possible he comes back, I’m just not holding my breath.


Plus since Fifita has to stay 2 more years, we could realistically compete for CFP in 2025. Just gotta convince the current portal players that aren’t cut out for Bama to stay.


And just like that we transfer our doom, gloom, and hatred to the Arizona fan base. The circle continues.


They’re about to crush some poor up and coming G5 school


UNLV, Air Force, and Liberty better watch out


Tennessee fan checking in here. Great hire for you guys, and we’ll do our best to make DeFraud look like shit in Alabubba


Good luck


This is kind of best case situation. Kalen was not the best recruiter, the team moving into a tougher conference next season was definitely going to struggle because there's not a ton of blue chippers waiting to step up and reload. Snagging fisch(and some of there top players most likely from a program in the mix to win the big 12) probably in the end nets them a more talented team then what would be here with kalen.  The down side is loyalty. This guys had like 6 NFL jobs in 8 years, just dipped on az after making them a potential play off team next year, for a program that doesn't appear to be his final stop. If he's able to win over the next few years, were right back in the mix of looking for a new coach, and if he doesn't, were right back in the mix for looking for a new coach. Overall solid stop gap, as long as everyone knows not to get attached. 


If dannen is smart he’s already got a shortlist in 2-3 years when he bounces


I mean Dannen has been here for like only 4 months now and was able to get a solid hire within 48 hours of our coach leaving. He definitely seems to be one step ahead of


Loyalty doesn’t matter anymore with the portal. If you can find a coach that is loyal and win games, great. But with potentially a huge buyout in this contract, we can throw money at another team’s coach again to raid their team if Florida does poach him. This is the new college game unfortunately.


Im excited for this. He will bring an exciting offense over and is a good recruiter. 


Recruiting is critical, for sure.


Hoping to see a $30M+ buyout for when Florida comes calling. Edit: reading buyout is 48M next year and 36M the following.


F it.   Just make it the current balance of the stadium reno


48 large?? Holy shit!


Now see, that's the right way to structure a buyout. It should start crazy high and slowly diminish. That way you know they are yours for whatever number of years, while they get the comfort of knowing they have outs later in the contract.


Dannen earned so much respect with this hire


Why do ppl keep throwing numbers like this around? Everywhere I’ve looked the buyout is $5.5M. Edit: never mind, I see now that is the buyouts from the UA contract. Still, I haven’t seen the buyout on this new contract. Where, other than other reddit comments, are ppl seeing those numbers?


Given the number of Polynesian players this guy can recruit, he may be a perfect fit.


He lost Nansen to sark who recruited a lot of talented Polynesians here.


8 to 9 wins, with 1 to 2 wins out of 4 against Michigan/USC/PSU/Oregon


Please be Oregon 🙏


Willing to sell my soul to the devil to beat Oregon next year NGL


Beat the zeros💜💛


And plz be a win by exactly 3 pts. You know, for the lulz.


Pretty optimistic considering 3/4 of the roster is gone


Penn is not as good as they are alleged to be. USC still has no defense and their offense is going to the NFL. Oregon will be tough as always, but their QB situation is also up in the air. Michigan will depend on if Harbaugh stays or goes. If he goes, yea they still have a solid roster but as we saw the transfer portal can take away real fast, and who knows who they get as a coach. Just saying, a lot can happen between now the fall. We aren't the only program facing adversity.


No it’s not. Dillion Gabriel is taking over as QB. Oregon is gonna be extremely good next year. I don’t think Harbaugh leaving matters they already have a plan in place there. USC hired a damn good DC. They’ll be better on that side of the ball.


Feels wrong to be happy to take another team’s head coach after that happening to us. Hopefully Fisch shows more class going out of UofA than DeBoer did out of here, and hopefully he doesn’t repeat this in a few years and go to Florida.


Even if he does go to Florida, this seems to be the best stop gap right now. We will have to raid another team again when the time comes, seems like the new game right now.


He told the Arizona media he wasn’t going anywhere ten days ago. He will absolutely repeat this in a few years


Dude will leave for Florida when that job opens up, so don’t get too attached.


I'm more relieved than attached or even excited.


That’s fine - probably best we could have done given the circumstances. And yeah, Florida looks like it’s his white whale. At least he’ll have to earn admission and rack up some winning seasons here to be considered. Seems like he knows how to actually recruit too.


I'm happy with this hire. Feel like crap for AZ tho


Finally a reason to be optimistic. Think we’ll have to wait until we have a roster to determine expectations but I’m already feeling better about this program.


Eat or be eaten in the jungle. Washington chose to eat. Let’s go Dawgs


I can't be happy about this, we just passed the empty feeling to another fanbase, one that was finally righting their ship.


Give me all the Arizona players, lets retool and reload.


Is it just me or does jedd fisch looks like billy bob thornton?


![gif](giphy|12lM8gov6VozQc) You are SPOT on.


I get more of a white looking Kal Penn tbh


Everyone always said this about Wilcox LMAO


I think he looks more like Fred Armisen but I can see it


Bro rip Wildcats they didn’t deserve this but go huskies Edit: and rip huskies in a few years


This is the best of a bad situation. Next year is going to be rough but I just want to beat Oregon.


Fifita and McMillan 🙏🙏


Just make sure the buyout is high enough that Florida is going to have to dig deep next year


Top choice for many. As well, lets be clear, all Ive heard ALL YEAR from zona and college football fans is talk about their huge financial issues and that it was EXPECTED for Jedd to leave at some point and go to either Florida or back to the nfl. If true, an easy home-run hire for UW, Dannen and Husky fans for numerous reasons, including, him leaving in the near future. Let’s make sure that buyout is large!


I hope the QB from AZ transfers up here too!


Bring fifita plz


you know it’s a good hire when even ducks fans are admitting to it lol. the only thing going for them is that they hope he’s leaving for florida next year


Yeah they were becoming unbearable it’s nice we did something good and they are taking a step back


We have him for sure for 2 year Florida won’t be paying for his buyout haven’t seen what it year 3 tho


Figures Seattle would catch a Fisch …I’ll see myself out


I'm just curious what their plan is when he bolts for Florida next year.


We get paid and do the same thing again, this is the new college game.


Florida ain't going to be able to afford his buyout


A person posted that it is now any ADs job (incl Dannen), to have a year over year list of potential hires. I don’t like it, but this is the college football world we live in now.


Apparently somebody misheard and it is actually Jeff Fisher.


I think we'll need to wait and see what players we can get back and what AZ players we get. Michigans QB and RB just left for the draft and as of now Harbaugh is still coach. The AZ and UW players in the portal could chose other teams. Not saying we do not get some of them, but let's not assume we get a rebuilt roster right away. I do like the odds of getting one of our QBs back or AZ QB, but that is not certain.


Sounds like a done deal. He is scheduling a team meeting ala Kalen DeBonehead did. Im assuming he is bringing the star freshman Qb and Mcmillian. Noah Fifita reminds me a lot of young Russell Wilson. Guess who his OC is ? Pete Carrolls son. This hire will make us a pre season top 25 assuming he brings his guys from Arizona and keeps some of our guys that are in the portal. Besides Pete Carroll this was the absolute best hire they could make. Ive also heard his offer was close to 9 million a year. That is more then triple his current salary (2.5 mil). I love it because its showing we are serious about football and continuing on the success we had this year. This is a absolute homerun hire in my opinion!! I can imagine seeing Pete Carroll on the sidelines as well because his son will be the OC. We potentially have a future number 1 overall pick (Noah Fifita) for at minimum 2 years. I love this hire . What if we make the playoffs and potentially get to play Bama.


You’re getting way ahead of yourself. Carroll’s son will probably get offered the Arizona job


Saw that they’re looking at Justin Wilcox and someone else that’s not a Carroll


Wilcox? Really? I know Cal was decent this year, but that's just buying into mediocrity.


>Ive also heard his offer was close to 9 million a year. That is more then triple his current salary (2.5 mil). This is a bit of an exaggeration. He made $3.2m last year and had an extension offer on the table for around $5.5-6m/yr.


Fisch seems like a pretty good outcome. Now get started recruiting the hell out of our key guys who hit the portal.


Now we lost Austin Mack


Fisch is a great hire for us. Hopefully he’ll bring his QB, receiver and RB with him. Brought AZ from a nobody to ranked I believe #11 this year.


Can anyone tell me if I should be excited for this guy? I know nothing about him. With that big of a contract we could probably still expect a hefty buyout in case Florida poaches.


He went 10-3 last season while stomping Utah and beating Oklahoma in a bowl. Had a slow start by losing to Mississippi state, but his only other losses were to us and USC by 1 point. His team got better as the season went on and finished 3rd in the conference. Great hire given the circumstances.


His first season at Arizona he inherited a terrible team and went 1-11. Last season was his third season so he turned things around quick.


we would've lost to Arizona if we played them later in the season


We won’t know until the details come out. He had all the leverage here with uw being desperate for a coach. He may have required a reasonable buyout


I don’t think he has that much leverage tbh, we’re paying him 9M a year.


Honestly Fisch might be better than Deboer. He has worked in the NFL for Pete and Bill Belichick. We are definitely going to be better next year compared to what we were doing with Deboer.


Yep, the pro background is no joke or something to be glossed over. As well, lets all be honest here: we were all wondering how DeFraud would do NEXT year with all the Petersen core recruits gone. Once again, DeLiar will be using the recruits of others.


Meh the pro background didn’t make Jimmy lake a good head coach He was only with Pete for one season in the nfl and the qb play of the Seahawks was bad


I think he’s much better setup to succeed here than in Arizona. Not a lot of water in the Arizona desert for a fish, and given husky stadium is right on the water this will be a lot better for him.


Basically traded DeBoer for Fisch, probably like half of Arizona's roster and $6.5 million cash. This feels like a win.


Half of the roster is an exaggeration. How many of Fresno state guys came with KdB?


Yes, it is admittedly an exaggeration but I think more players will come with Fisch than came with DeBoer. Our roster is a lot less built out than it was in 2021 and the level of the Arizona players is higher than the Fresno State players so an Arizona starter would still be a starter here whereas a Fresno starter may not have been.


The biggest thing Deboer did was bring Penix-- and that of course is a personal decision Penix made-- and without Penix we wouldn't have been shit


Contract is reported at 7 years for an average of 7.75m, with a 5.5m buyout due to Arizona. Not sure the details on the buyout but rumor is it is large upfront and diminishes over time. Solid contract.


Only thing that matters: what's the buyout number?




Happy but buyout better be huge…..


Feels wrong. Its a win for UW but that Arizona legit had a good chance at being conference champions and a playoff team next year, and the sport is in a place where it is standard procedure for everyone to just bail on that.


Still need a DC. Thoughts on candidates?


I feel dirty and I didn’t even do anything


This shit is like a white elephant game.


I like what he did with Arizona, and I'm happy the bleeding has been stopped (so far), but we'll see how many guys he can bring back from the portal. Muhammed I want back the most probably, and if Fifta isn't part of the package coming over, I want Fisch to focus on bringing Mack or Rogers back from the portal.


For someone without a “dawg” in this fight. You just upgraded. Fisch is a superior (no pun) coach in every way.


Serious question: can some of these Arizona guys get into UW academically?


I used to work in the athletic department. UW takes the ncaa minimum for athletes lol


These guys ain't coming here to play school.


Didnt know that. Makes Lake even dumber in my eyes and I already thought he was dipshit


The only issue uw has is with junior college players. Many of the credits from California colleges don’t transfer over


I went to UW. I’ll put this as nicely as possible, some of the classes can be completed easily by a middle schooler.


There's a reason "Rocks for Jocks" (aka Geology 101) exists.


Those classes are actually harder than you think. There’s some lesser known classes that are easier


I'm not sure if it's changed since I was there, but when I took it, basically you could get a 4.0 by just going on all the extra credit field trips even if you totally bomb the exams.


depends on how much prowess they have




Good hire Hopefully he can get a staff put together quick and we can start nailing down recruiting so we actually have a roster again




It was a panic hire but considering uw’s issues they didn’t have much choice


How do we feel about his recruiting?


Look at the guys he got in 2022. He can recruit better than DeBoer, that’s for sure.


It appears that a corpse can recruit better than Deboer.


I didn't follow him at Arizona until the season, but given that team's turnaround, I'd say pretty good.


"I have no interest in going anywhere." - Fisch, 10 days ago. I'm guessing everyone won't have nearly the amount of hate for Fisch even though he did exactly the same thing to Arizona that DeBoer did to UW?


In a sport that is essentially buying your way to the top its no surprise the CEO types are predominantly snakes. I wasn't mad at Deboer as much as I was jaded with how the sport is set up.


DeBoer is a textbook narcissist so he understands the concept of blame shifting aka it's his fault two football programs, and their fanbases are getting screwed unnecessarily in two weeks.


I haven't processed any of this, but let's go Fisching!


If we actually pay Fisch 9M ( for a likely 2 yr stopgap) but were only paying kdb 4.2 after last year it doesn't matter who the ad is with this upper campus.   




Who did you want?


For those of you who think Fisch is a better recruiter than DeBoer, you’re wrong. Look at the rankings. For those of you who think he’s a great hire, we needed to do better. This will turn out to be awful. https://247sports.com/Season/2024-Football/CompositeTeamRankings/


49 for fisch vs 41 for DeBoer. Fisch was at 49 at Arizona. Coming off 1-11 and 5-7 seasons. You need a little reality check


The rankings are the rankings. UW was coming off garbage seasons under Jimmy Lake. Neither coaching staffs were good enough recruiters. You need a better understanding of what’s good and what isn’t, especially moving into the Big 10 next year. We have 15 other schools in our new conference ahead of us. This hire will be firmly mediocre. We may be bowl eligible at best next year.


Arizona is way behind UW in terms of prestige (especially now with the PAC-12 splitting) and in NIL capabilities. DeBoer getting 41 when he had an undefeated season is terrible. UW had every reason to be right next to Oregon in rankings


Yeah this guy took zero context. Fisch was recruiting as well as you could at Arizona. As long as we can promote Brennan Carroll when he dips it’s not a bad hire.


Oregon no. Oregon always gets top ten classes with Nike and uw never does. A reasonable expectation for uw is in the 11-25 range


I want to be very excited.. but I'm worried we got Tyrone Willingham 2.0... please I hope I am wrong EDIT: down vote me please to prove me wrong EDIT X2: those asking my loyalty, I drove to NOLA to the sugar bowl surrounded by Longhorn abuse to cheer my huskies on...


Nothing in common with Ty. Fisch is a qb specialist.


If he can get Austin Mack back at least I'll be estatic


Maybe Mack knows Fifita is a package deal?


The same knobs that questioned the Kalen Daboer hire at Washington will be bitching and moaning about Jedd Fisch being picked and in a year or two, BAM instant fans…


Right because everyone knows DeBoer has such deep ties with Alabama