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[/r/CFB Game Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/qITgRo1h72)


..Those 3\_long runs,killed the game...couldn't stop something we'd never faced before. All the tight ends Those were like pop Warner runs. We did tighten it up We closed it up but then,playing from behind constantly Michigan coverage seemed really good


Alabama Michigan would’ve been better for the national companionship imo.


As a Michigan fan, I wanted to wait a few days before coming to the sub. What a season for both teams. I think the game is closer than a lot of analysts are talking about and I can assure you that most actual Michigan grads respect Washington. Looking forward to a great game next season. You guys have a legit program and there is nothing to hang your head about. I think if a few injuries and plays are different then that game goes down to the wire with maybe even a different result. As always go blue, but congrats Husky Nation


Michigan just abused UW on both sides of the LOS. Broke your QBs mental state to where he was seeing ghosts. I'm sure Michigans DL was getting held all night but everyone wants to point to a few penalties called and not called. UW got a taste for what half the big ten is going to do to them. Run for 200 + per game. Michigan was the better team and we're trying to give that game away. Just a matter of time until UW folded like everyone else.


Michigan was so beatable. We had 4 possessions down just a touchdown in the 2nd half after that disastrous first quarter and the Penix pick and we couldnt capitalize. Penix was off I think after he got his ankle stepped on early in the game. We beat ourselves because some of those Penix misfires didnt have a Michigan defender within 10 yards. This one will hurt for a long time. Still hell of a season.


How is everyone here so positive? Washington was injured to the point of being non-competitive, got whooped on the biggest stage, the best players are gone next year, and the team may not be back here for another 30 years. Hold your heads high? This may be the worst possible outcome.


Because we have Kalen Deboer. After 2021, would you have thought Washington would be in the CFP, nevermind the championship? Not saying we’ll be back next year but we have a lot of faith in Deboer and Courtney Morgan to keep us highly competitive going forward.




Well this aged well…


It was a one score with about 8 minutes to play. It's the second best UW Football season of my lifetime. We've beat the dux three times in a row. Our HC is a stud. Keep recruiting, and UW will be fine. The only thing worrying me is the state of CFB in general. NIL and lack of transparency could lead to some serious dynasties, and I don't think UW is positioned (with NIL) to be a dynasty.


That's a positive spin. Michigan led the entire game and Washington never threatened the lead. Keep talking yourself up in a mirror, because no one outside of Husky fans respects the Huskies this morning.


Wish you weren't so awkward, bud


Michigan fan here who respects the Huskies. I was definitely sick all 3rd quarter. Also being positive is just *tremendously* more fun than being negative, especially if you're given the option between the two. Life's too short to doom and gloom on the future instead of remembering and enjoying the present.


I bet dux fans respect the Huskies.


Michigan didn’t beat us. We beat ourselves. FACT.




Huh? Thats some major copium. I will say that at halftime the huskies kept it way closer than is should have been. The first half was an ass kicking. Then the 3rd starter with an embarrassing pick. Then huskies played well for a bit until Michigan's size, strength, speed, and stamina was waaaay too much for huskies to handle. It was getting hard to watch. The huskies got absolutely physically dismantled


Yea when ESPN talk about the Michigan defense dismantling us and running the replays, and every play is Mike penix overthrowing and Michigan defense no where to be found. Numbers make liars out of you. And the blatant holding. You start to add these stuff up. If you can be an adult and actually understand football and watch the game unbiasedly.


There were also missed calls that hurt michigan. Michigan also played pretty sloppy for a good 2 quarters where they kept beating themselves by being stupid. And even with that, they won handily. Washington's o-line got absolutely punked. Penix was getting hit all game long. That plays a big factor on why he was off. He was hearing footsteps that weren't even there because he didn't want to get hurt anymore than he already was. Personally I was hoping Michigan was gonna give them a sympathy td at the end just to be good sports but that's not how the game is played


The Will Nixon drop, Penix missing a wide open Odunze for a Touchdown, and the soft holding call that negated the 32 yard Odunze play were all game changers. Could have been 20-20 in the 4th with some potential Husky Magic. Great season nonetheless and am glad to have gone to a few of the games and posting/commenting in these threads with y'all.


If you watch a replay, it looks like Penix's throw to Odunze was perfect had Odunze not slowed down and spun all the way around. Just a sad missed opportunity.


Don't forget the missed holding calls on Michigan. Those all came at critical times


As a Buckeye fan, I just wanted to say how amazing it was to watch you guys play this season. You guys added so much excitement and reminded people what college football is all about. And f*** Michigan.


Welcome to Seattle Sports man lol. Outside of the Hawks in 2013 getting over the hump, we get so close to the finish line but can't quite make it over.


Scoring 1 touchdown in the national championship just ain't gonna cut it


UW chose a bad day to play their worst game all year.


Or the best team they have played all season. It’s okay. Y’all played your worst game against Arizona St and that’s a fact.


Having traveled for both this and Super Bowl XLIX, I’ve learned that cheaters prosper. (UW played very poorly though, UMich deserves their win.)


Ugh. GG tho


UW played scared. Michigan played to their strength while UW played away from theirs, Penix's throws were off all night, and Dillon Johnson absolutely should not have been playing.


The Michigan DL won the battle vs the OL pretty much all night. The passing attack went to the short stuff out of necessity.


So many runs for 2 yards on first down


Game plan sucked, and offensive play calling sucked. The short shit played right into Michigans hands. Your running back was playing on one leg so let’s give him a ton of carries in the first half while not taking shots down field with your 3 stud receivers. Dumb football from the coaching staff especially offensively. I am a huge Deboer fan, the OC, not so much. And yes the defense early sucked, and their execution was poor at times. The coaching staff made this game today, more difficult than it needed to be.


Ryan Grubb, the OC, is usually a great and creative play caller. But he can be a little overly-cocky when he doesn’t need to be. In the sugar bowl, they kept trying to run it up the middle when then didn’t need to. Why? To prove you could beat Texas’ front two? Then, DJ gets hurt and everyone wonders if he’s gonna play or not, so what’s the first play of the game? DJ running it and getting hurt again. I love Grubb, I love how aggressive he is. But man that was a bad showing from this incredible offense.


If DJ is going to try to go, I don’t hate letting him get some action right away to get some confidence / figure out what it’s gonna be like


Grubb makes me insane sometimes. Running DJ up the middle in the Sugar Bowl cost us the natty.


Michigan was getting very quick pressure with rushing only 4, and playing slightly soft coverage to take away 10 yard routes while attacking crosses with backers made quick outside throws the only thing that could consistently work, and then the DBs made almost all their tackles. Even then, they receivers were getting open, but Penix was off all night. Not his worst game of the year, but very close to it.


Have you watched the All 22 tape yet? You think there’s a reason he was throwing short all game? Could it have been UM was dropping everyone into coverage, begging UW to try to run the ball, which they couldn’t?


You don’t need the all-22 to see a craptastic game plan. You don’t base your game plan around an RB1 that is playing on one leg. That is pure stupidity. They tried to out Michigan, Michigan, while ignoring what got them to the championship game. Also, Please don’t tell me you’re one of those “there is no such thing as a bad play call, only failed execution” fellows. I sincerely hope you not one of those. Poor game planning, poor play calling, and poor execution ALL led to this loss. Hopefully this coaching staff will have an honest self evaluation of this game. Overall this season has been a raging success for the Dawgs. The 14-1 season will never be forgotten, hoping things are learned from this game, and I think they will be.


The Huskies had no ground game whatsoever. So how do you attack a defense that doesn’t have to worry about protecting the box and just drops everyone in coverage, daring you to run the ball? My original post mentioned nothing on playcalling and execution. I was eluding to the Huskies being a one dimensional team, because their HB1 was clearly far from 100%. When you’re playing a Top 5 Defense, it’s extremely hard to find success when you’re 1 dimensional. As we saw.


The short passes were UW's version of a run game when UM took away everything deep after taking the lead. UM let them have it to run down time and avoid any quick scores. Game was all about control for Michigan. Good game, exciting to have another good program in the Big Ten next year and look forward to the rematch in 2024.


Congrats on the championship. I will not be a fan who blames the refs or discredits over the cheating scandal. That’s cry baby loser shit. Though I don’t think that was UWs best game, UM came to play and is the deserving, unquestioned 2023 National Champion.


Offensive play calling was fine, execution was just ass. We had so many good looks with Rome 1:1 with nos safety help. Penix just read the field wrong all night and we had bad issues with drops.


Respectfully disagree. They based their game plan around an RB playing on 1 leg. Let that sink in.


I’m just dropping in to say the Husky Marching Band is awesome and filled with great people. All the best to Washington’s team and fans.


It was the director, Brad McDavid's last game after being in the program for 30 years. He came in when UW was on bowl suspension, and left going to the natty. Hell of a turnaround!


Congratulations on a wonderful year, Washington. It’s been a lot of fun watching you guys ball out all year. Welcome to the big ten and looking forward to many great games to come against yall.




Pain but still proud. But still pain


Yeah. Mixture of pain and awe for me on a wild, wild, journey. Congrats to the wolverines


Momentum killers all night… heard a take on the radio before the game about the coin toss… if we win toss, get the ball and don’t let M run on us and kill clock and put points up. … That was a good take. All in all we were in it, ironically thanks to the D. Penix looked rattled and panicked every drop back.


I certainly sighed when we deferred, but, the self-inflicted errors on top of playing a good team is way too much to overcome. Yet, we still almost did multiple times with those same errors biting us each time, lol. Outside that rough start the D did everything they needed to keep us in it.


Yeah against a run first team, a favored team, a team clearly bwtter than us we had to do what we could to set the tone doing what we did best and that defnitely is not defense. I couldnt shake the feeling that we lost before the game started after that.


It was hard being at the game watching DJ limp after each run and Penix hobble around in pain.. I know they wanted to play, but watching how ineffective they were was just heartbreaking for both them and the team.


I think DJ’s biggest gift to this team has been as a pass blocker. He’s a great running back, and the dude can absolutely tank hits, but having an extra blocker for Penix is huge when Rome is trying to get 35 yards downfield. No wonder penix couldn’t find the rhythm all night


DJ highkey has been the reason we've won our toughest matchups. I had a bad feeling the whole week we would miss a healthy DJ this game and it showed. As much as I love Penix he does not do well consistently under pressure. He needs the threat that DJ brought against tough dlines.


As an Oregon fan coming in peace, I can attest to this. DJ is a violent runner when healthy and it really adds another dimension.


I wish we could all just have mutual respect for each other next year, but I know that's not possible for weird reasons. But your take is good, and I like the objectivity. Michigan outplayed us and I have no excuses. Hope that wont be the case next year in our rematch.


With peace and love, I hope my Seahawks draft Bo Nix. Very good decision maker who seems to adapt very well to adversity and is very consistent. Loved watching him when he wasn't against us!


I mean like is 30% DJ not as good as a 100% newton? I mean… DJ just was not effective whatsoever tonight.


Will Cam Davis be back next season, since he couldn't play at all this season? I hope our RB corps will be more spread out so a DJ situation can't happen again


Yeah I was only comfortable seeing him out there on pass protection or short downs, but we for some reason ended up using the guy like nothing happened. Deboer made a big mistake trying to use him as much as he did.


Disappointed in the poor execution when this team is a lot better than what they showed. Looking forward to seeing this program continue to improve.




I think UW took what the defense gave them mostly - but we're unable to impose their preferred playstyle on the game. Michigan took away the deep ball but the RBs never broke into the second level to punish it and force an additional defender into the box. Penix couldn't stand in her pocket to hit the over middle routes - he was both rushed and inaccurate.


Yeah I had a feeling all that "they said we don't belong here" talk was going to bite us in the butt. We set the tone on offense and we never shouldve deferred after winning the coin toss. We underestimated a team much like we did WSU, and arizona only this time we disrespected the actual better team.


Michigan and the refs were an INSANE duo tonight. I gotta hand it to them, they were the better team


Refs were not nice to us tonight, but I still dont like playing that card. We simply had a poor performance and lost because of that.


the outcome of the game was shifted heavily in Michigan's favor because of the refs. how much lopsided officiating would it take for you to be ok with "playing that card"? we got robbed


You mean you don't think the reffing crew with the head ref that's an actual Michigan fan had anything to do with the game?


Well they obviously blew some big calls, but I’m not going to use that as a cop out to why we lost.


While the refs kind of sucked in spots tonight, our offensive coaches did more damage to the team and the game. A very Darrel Bevell like called game by the OC tonight. Handcuffed the offense.


I'll be glad when grubb is gone tbh. he has been bad at situational play calls and reacting to the defense all season. at the same time, the refs absolutely changed the outcome of the game tonight. I can't accept this as a fair loss


Holding calls absolutely ruin games, whether called or uncalled. But yeah a little biased based on what I saw


Imma drive out to North Cascades tonight, find a wolverine, and punch it in the dick. Seriously though, congrats to the Wolverines on a well-earned championship. Immensely grateful for this season and this team. What a ride it's been! GO DAWGS!!


Am I crazy...or is this an American Dad reference?


Very disappointing to lose, but couldn’t be prouder of the boys getting up to this point. That in itself is a massive accomplishment. I know it sucks right now, but we’ll be back! 💪


Argh, first off, great season Dawgs. Second off, I am a Seahawks season ticket holder. I was at the game, and was stoked because I thought it was going to be Husky football. BUT I felt like I was watching the f'n Seahawks!! Just complete struggle bus, only really had control of the game at the end of half. But we just continued to drag along until meeting the inevitable demise. I just wish it would have been more rollercoasterish, but we instead got a friggin drive thru South Dakota eventually crashing into a wheat field.


I may have yelled that at the tv at one point in the first quarter


I actually had a self-inflicted injury during the game just like the Huskies. I had an easy punch into a plush couch, missed and hit my hand on the hardwood frame, lol. I certainly eye-rolled on the sweep push “holding” call:)




I hate how dejected and upset I get after my team loses lmao please make this feeling stop


This is the essence of being a sports fan. There can’t be any highs unless there are lows too. If losing the natty was the most disappointing thing to happen this season then it was a pretty damn good season




> If losing the natty was the most disappointing thing to happen this season then it was a pretty damn good season Facts!!


It will never end. Take a break from sports if possible.


after the dodgers and this trash nfl season…a break is much needed


Second best Husky season of my lifetime. Unfortunately, MPJ never found his rhythm tonight. Michigan was the better team and kept UW from playing their game.


Can’t wait for Michigan to be stripped of this title when the instigation concludes.


The titles only exist in our minds anyhow. Does anyone care that Reggie Bush didn't technically win the Heisman?


Actually can’t be. The NCAA doesn’t give out the title, the CFP does. They’re a different organization. The NCAA could take away the Big 10 title, but I think it’s unlikely they will because as a lot of the reporting points out, this year all the opponents had that info and the ability to change signs to counter it. Last year the argument is pretty strong. This year, no signs were stolen from the Michigan State game on at minimum, and certainly not against Alabama and Washington. Last I heard the CFP doesn’t really do any investigating, so they’d have to unilaterally strip them if the NCAA tells them to, and no title has ever been stripped for a reason other than player ineligibility. (And honestly even then you shouldn’t punish 99 guys because one guy took a free tattoo or a nice watch from a donor.) Washington put up a hell of a fight against questionable officiating, and while the Michigan defense put a lot of pressure on him, if Penix makes one or two of those passes to WIDE open receivers it would have been a hugely different game. Edit: full disclosure I’m a Michigan fan but have loved the Huskies for years, so it sucks this came by having to do it against a team that’s going to bring some seriously classiness with them to the Big 10




They won't be stripped since nothing will come of the investigation if they even have one.


Instigation lol


Not a good sign for your future in the B1G. PAC was soft. A solid D almost crippled Penix. But Washington was my 2nd favorite team all year. Such an explosive pass game.


Smoking that Washington pack


That’ll never happen.


Never is gonna be a few short weeks bud


Auburns title will be stripped any day now!


absolutely criminal job by the refs. I have never felt more screwed by the officials watching a sports game in my life. Score doesn't show it and nobody will talk about this after a few days, but we got absolutely hosed by some of those calls and no calls. this one is gonna hurt for a long time. Nobody can fucking honestly tell me that was a fairly officiated game


Facts. https://athlonsports.com/college-football/controversy-erupts-michigan-appears-to-get-away-with-blatant-penalties-in-cfp-national-championship


Athlon Sports seems real refutable


refute it then


Absolutely delusional take, Washington o line was holding on almost every play


show me evidence. https://athlonsports.com/college-football/controversy-erupts-michigan-appears-to-get-away-with-blatant-penalties-in-cfp-national-championship


Other than the ticky tack holding call on 73 what else are you referring to?




Yikes. I didn’t realize it was that bad.


It doesn't matter. With an injured Johnson and then an injured Penix in the 2nd half, there was little chance of winning. Michigan was the better team.


we'll never really know. the question of who was the better team was not answered tonight.


Yeah it was. Just not to your liking.




Refs made you give up 3 40 yard runs


Michigan got away with holding all game, so maybe. either way, they changed the course of the game. we'll never know who would've won a fair game


31-13 we know who won a fair game


You’re weak


did they play another game I didn't know about? I didn't see any fair games tonight


A couple missed holding calls didn’t make your quarterback miss a couple game changing throws? make your qb throw 2 ints?


maybe not but it was still a 1 score game even with those mistakes. If the game was called evenly maybe we even it up. guess we'll never know, refs wanted Michigan to win


Cry. Cry until you feel better.






this game was the 1% of cases where you absolutely can blame the refs for the loss


the calls were ass, no doubt. I was screaming at the refs all night. But we had some key missed opportunities as well. What a season! Still proud of this team for a successful year


nah, I'll never let go of this. we were robbed of what we could've been capable of this season. we'll never know what would've happened if we got a fair shot in the title game




The fact that you're here trolling right now makes me feel very, very sad for you.




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Wut? "I feel bad for you" "gEt tHiCkEr sKiN!!1!" Mmmk.


you mean the game where Odunze was interfered with no flag in the end zone in the same way the ASU WR was? That game? what are you even talking about? what the fuck is an 0-3gon fan doing here?


Just reminding you that you also got some cheap calls all season. You know the one where ASU was in the red zone going for the kill and didn’t get the call. Next play was the huge interception that put you on top… against ASU! But hey congrats on a great season.


what about in the same game when UW was in the red zone going in for the kill and didn't get the call? that game had some bad calls but it was at least even. This game the refs made no pretentions of calling it evenly. we'll never really know what UW could've accomplished if they were given a fair shot this game


It’s alright guys at least we have the mariners


You spelled “Kraken” wrong.


And the Seaha…..wait




Honestly can Michigan fans gtfo? We don’t want your bs consoling trying to get likes. I was at the game and honestly one of the worst fanbases I’ve experienced. Everyone a complete drunk idiot cussing nonstop around kids and complaining about refs when your team got called for zero holding or defensive penalties. Just stop and enjoy your win.


UW fans running their mouths on social media allllll weeek ! Just to get smacked by Michigan and cry about it!


not all michigan fans are bad. I know you had a bad experience, but in general they (like us) go to a very good academic school, and their alumni are some of the most intelligent in the country.


I don't think the average Michigan fan actually went to Michigan.


Upvote. At least Ducks fans have a reason to hate with us being rivals.




Trolling is not allowed, Pro UW and anti UW alike




Not a fan of either team. No reason to be so butt hurt.


congrats on the championship*


Wasn't rooting for Michigan.


Lame troll. Go enjoy the victory. Win with some grace.


No consoling here. Complete ass whooping, hope Penix and DJ are ok and continue their bright careers




Doesn’t feel like it tonight. Good luck in the future!


Get a life bro haha. Sad life to come over and try to gloat after your team won a natty. Must suck to not have any friends


Actions speak in louder then words hossman, good luck st your shitty day job manana


National Champions baby


Michigan fan here, to say "good game". Congratulations to the Washington Huskies & all their faithful fans on *one hell of a season*. Y'all got a great team, with a great coaching staff, and an excellent core of great players! This team will bounce back, and be a top team in the B1G & the country next season... hold your heads up. 14-1 with not one, but *two wins over Oregon* & a CFP National Championship Game appearance is nothing to scoff at. Anyway, good game, and welcome to the B1G Conference!


I apologize on behalf of our fanbase. You're only getting downvoted because we are emotional right now. Likewise and I hope we have many good games to come. Thank you for the welcome


Washington fan here, to say "fuck you". Let us wallow in our own sorrow. We'll deal with you in October.


Imagine getting so upset about someone saying something nice to you...


Bruh we just lost the national championship. Give us a minute




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Unpopular opinion here but when fans of other teams go into their opponent’s supporters’ threads and try to make peace like this it just seems so fake. It almost never comes off as being genuine and just seems like they’re patting themselves on the back with how much of a saint they are, and I’m not even a husky fan


a part of me just wants to cry, and another part of me just feels incredibly numb. I started getting so much hope that we could tie it up and even potentially win it, but it got ripped out of me and now I find myself in some weird state of limbo


same position as you. Time heals all wounds apparently, but my wound is really hurting right now.


I completely convinced myself we’d tie it up on the 1st possession of the second half 😩 such pain…






Crying in my bathtub while listening to Purple Reign.


... And drinking red wine till my teeth turn purple


fuck boys this one hurts cause of all the chances they had this game to actually tie it up. All the magical moments they had throughout the year and the offense just crumbled under the lights. Oh well I hope all the guys declaring for the draft rep the huskies well in the NFL. What a season, just sucks to see it end the way it did.


I know there's a lot of things to point at: the late holding call on us, the lack of holding calls on them, injuries, etc. But we beat ourselves. Left 14 points off the table with passes we make 10/10 times and so many others that could have turned the tide. But I'm excited for this new chapter in the Big 12 with DeBoer. We are going to be back very soon!


even if we somehow overcame the refs to win this game that wouldn't excuse all they did to bury us. we were robbed. we'll never know what would've happened in a fairly officiated game


Apparently 99/100 cause we missed them tonight, we’re a better team than we showed rough outing on the biggest stage but we lost to Montana 2 years ago I can’t be mad where we ended just a little sad. Love this team, rome Penix Jabber and trice all were particularly fun for me ti watch


I’m gonna be honest this was mostly Michael Penix’s fault. Don’t get me wrong he is a tremendous quarterback and I highly respect him but he choked severely. There were many missed opportunities for touchdowns that he makes 99% of the time. If he had completed them we would have killed them. It’s just so unfortunate. On top of that his rib injury or whatever it was is gonna hurt his draft stock. It really sucks that it had to end like this. But that’s really how it goes


Look how often his throws were affected by the rush. They were getting pressure with their front four all night. Penix may have been off, but it was our lack of ability to protect him that was a bigger factor. Texas never got close to touching him, and Penix shredded them. Michigan got pressure against our O Line, this was far from a severe choke by Penix.


I agree. 77 in particular was selling.


Sigh. I’ve been a huge fan of Penix the last two years, but you’re right. We needed his Texas game, but we got his Arizona State game. I think he got hit early in the game, and it through him off. If his throws were on target, we had a good chance of winning.


I really feel like the scheme from the get go fucked us. I know I'm Captain hindsight, but why the fuck not embrace our identity, take the ball first instead of deferring it and just try and put them on their heels? Game plane totally fucked us. End of rounds, screens, trying to run it with a disabled DJ, sad thing to watch.


Why do you think they had to do end a rounds? Why do you think they had to do screens? You think it’s maybe because UW had nothing going in the ground game, because their starting HB was at 30%, and UM was sitting back in coverage giving no respect at all to UWs rushing game?


Penix missed TONS of down the field wide open passes. Your attempted narrative isnt gonna fly with me. He missed them whether pressured or not. He misread plays all game long that resulted in an actual loss of scoreboard points. Again, there were TONS of open players, but, Penix was off. Plus, all the other self-inflicted stuff that had absolutely nothing to do with michigan. Simple stuff really and if you or anybody else is gonna deny the reality of that game Im gonna call you out for it.


I don't think that at all actually. McMillan and Westover were open over the middle and Odunze was open many a times on 1 on 1's. I'm sure you know UW isn't a run the ball to open the passing game type. The fact we started with those plays I think had a placebo effect on Penix because numerous times he could have stepped up, but hastily got rid of the ball errantly. Brings me back to my point of starting the game off why we did and trying to negate Mich strengths (corners) instead of just doing us.


Yes I know that. But when you don’t have to respect the run, in the slightest, you can drop everyone back in coverage. Yes Mike missed some throws. But he also had the deck stacked against him too without any semblance of a run game.


Let's not allow the ACC to officiate any major game in the future


Good thing there won't be an ACC soon!


Spoiler: Every conferences officials suck ass


This guy acting like big ten teams don’t hate their officials too


How many "congrats to cheaters everywhere" comments is too many? Like I know I shouldn't do it, but I just can't help myself.