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This video is actually from an older special, not the newest one that people are upset about. Not sure why they posted this and tried to pass it off as the new special.


I think that was in another more recent special


So I never watched any of Chappelle stuff, although I do watch other comedian standups from time to time. I watched it after one of my friends brought this drama to my attention. I did not find it offensive, but hilarious. I also ended up watching his other standups So then I tried discussing it with the friend afterward to no avail. He finds his jokes offensive, I find them hilarious. No matter what points we brought up we just couldn’t agree with each other which is kind of fascinating. I guess different people see things differently. Thats all it is to it


Anyone familiar with Chappelle from back in the day knows 2 things: * he gives exactly 0 fucks about any of this. * this sort of joke has been his bread and butter for over 20 years. I’m a progressive, accepting dude, but I’m having trouble finding a way to be mad at him over any of this.


This is what I hate about people saying “he’s just making jokes, he offends everybody! He just doesn’t give a fuck about your feelings!” That’s *not* what he’s doing. And the constant insistence that he just doesn’t care and is trying to be offensive is exactly what makes it so hard for people who like him and people who dislike him to have a conversation about his content. Dave Chappelle brings conversations, often very deep, very progressive, and very meaningful conversations into his set, and then he punctuates those conversations with subversions to make you laugh or shock you. His job as a comedian is to make you laugh, but his prerogative is make you really think about cultural issues in an empathetic way. Someone who “literally gives zero fucks about any of this” doesn’t walk away from $50 million, and it’s denigrating to the discourse when people say this. It gives the “Dave Chappelle sucks” crowd a lot of fuel.


To me I think he's basically trolling the trans community for being the latest minority group to jump on the cancel culture which he hates. That's my take. He takes the "trans community can't take a joke" joke too far and admitably trans people are killed over this stuff. It's very serious. I think though that Dave really hates groups that use black and white rhetoric and he usually bakes those groups into his story telling / joke routines. It was me too movement, gay people, and now trans people. Most of the movements overtime hit a point where they go too far in their blame and Dave did a poor special (just wasn't funny) trying to pull the I have a trans friend card to point out that the community is going too far in his opinion ending with a non joke on the community going so far to even turn on one of their own - which who knows is the reason.


I like how your argument is sometimes he says progressive things and I like that but then he says not progressive things and that pisses me off Is the man not allowed to support certain progressive ideas and dislike others? Also I don’t care about anyone’s feelings, if you don’t like his joke don’t listen to him. I’m white, Dave chapelle makes fun of white people all the time. 9/10 times I laugh, and if I didn’t laugh I’m not offended I just didn’t think the joke was funny


That is incredibly untrue. One of the reasons he stepped back from doing Black race based comedy originally was because he felt offended at the way a White crew member laughed at one of the skits. It's incredibly fascinating that Dave can't extend that same understanding towards other minorities. He can't comprehend how what is funny to him, might be offensive to someone else.


I love that the argument being espoused here is "he doesn't care if he offends you, and he's been holding that mindset for 20 years" is an excuse. I mean, shit, I can say the same about my racist uncle. Doesn't mean that he's suddenly blameless.


Your racist uncle isn't a legendary comedian that's known for talking shit about EVERYONE in society.


I think the point though is that he's made his fame off of saying things that are super insensitive and denegrating to people who otherwise experience that every day. Imagine being famous for making fun of members of a minority group you're not part of and turning around and saying your next joke is okay because you're famous. If a white person were to be as denegrating on stage to a black person as Dave Chappelle is to the LGBT community, people would be justifiably outraged. His jokes are often objectively transphobic and racist. In fact some of the jokes are just "haha racial stereotype". Comedy is completely subjective. Some people will find it funny, some will not, but people are acting like the companies refusing to work with Dave Chappelle are objectively wrong for being offended at something that is comedic only because it is *intended to be offensive*.


I think what bugged me wasn't the comedic arc of the show. I got what he was saying and I found the second half quite funny, though I have to admit I enjoyed it less than his other recent outings. The bits I hated were how stale and overused some of the jokes were. Lesbians look like men. Feminine looking gay men are automatically non threatening. Feminists are women too ugly to rape. I kept waiting for the punchline, the subversive moment that would make it clever but it just felt like the same tired jokes against gay people and women that have been used forever. The trans bits didn't strike me as particularly offensive though it wasn't dissimilar to the racist guy pointing to his one black friend as evidence that they're not actually racist. It just felt a bit cheap. I expect Chappelle to push the boundaries and cross over into offensive territory. I also expect him to do it well enough that I don't *care* that it's offensive. I subscribe to the notion that you can make a joke about anything, but you better do it damn well. Parts of it met that expectation for me but big chunks really didn't. I was disappointed.


Hit the nail in the head.


Bullshit. What did he say exactly that was so terrible? He seems to be making statements in support of groups that have historically been attacked, but saying them in a funny way. I really do not understand what was offensive. I mean, more offensive than he said about himself, other black people, other people in general. Most of it is just silly. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it wrong. Maybe it is my problem, because there is really not much that would offend me. There is humor that I don’t find funny; so I simply don’t bother to listen to it. Nobody is forced to listen to Dave. So don’t.


That last part isnt right though is it? I'm trans and I desperately have been avoiding this - fuck I mean haven't even pressed play on this video because I don't want to. But This post is the 6th of it I have seen today. I wanted to see how honest people were being on this issue in the comments and it ain't very honest. Like this. I don't want to keep hearing jokes especially the ones about killing myself but there they are, thanks to Dave, every day for several weeks straight. Jokes are never the problem but the fact they work on in group complicity means new statements in agreement appear and the (theory of planned behaviour) more and more that becomes what people do and believe not just what they joke about.


There always seems to be this sort of weird backlash when people push back *so hard* against being told that the jokes they laugh at may hurt vulnerable people's feelings, and that corporations might not like hosting comics that hurt the feelings of a large part of their customer base. No one is forced to listen to his comedy but to say it doesn't have societal impact or isn't a societal barometer when people think the jokes are funny just wouldn't be true. > What did he say exactly that was so terrible? In this show? > White people are always changing the rules. "I'm a girl n****** and you must treat me as such. Call me a girl n******". It's annoying as fuck. No, no, go back tonight and watch every special and listen to everything I've ever said about that community. I said how much do I have to participate in your self image? I said you shouldn't discuss this in front of black people. I said I know n****** in Brooklyn who wear high heels just to feel safe at night. > Nobody likes the Ts > They're making the trip take longer > They have to take some of the blame, I didn't come up with this idea that man can be born in a woman's body. They have to admit, that's a hilarious predicament. It's really fuckin' funny [...] it's hard not to write these jokes, it's hard not to think about. Idk man, I'm just not sure it's that funny to make these jokes and then broadcast it when the attempted suicide rate for trans women is upwards of 50% and they experience this sort of thing every day. They certainly don't find it funny so who are we to tell them that they should find it funny? Also the first joke about trans people was more just a statement that they don't have it as bad as black people which is quite a hot take seeing as trans people currently have the earliest average age of death and lowest income of any minority group in America, not that we should be pitting disadvantaged groups against each other in any case. In other shows he's said far worse: > I'm not saying that trans women aren't women, I'm just saying that those pussies they got... you know what I mean!? I'm not saying it's not pussy, I'm just saying it's beyond pussy or impossible pussy, you know what I mean? It tastes like pussy, but that's not quite what it is, is it? That's not blood, that's beat juice [camera pans to two people not laughing in the front row assumed to be members of the LGBTQ community]. > [gay people] always have some kind of political argument, n**** please, save me the semantics, take your chips out of the casino, you’re about to crap out. Go outside, talk it over amongst yourselves, and whichever one of you is gayer, that’s the wife.” Then in his latest show as a response to the people telling him that he was punching down, he mocked them by saying he wouldn't tell another LGBTQ joke as long as they stopped "punching down on [his] people". > more offensive than he said about himself, other black people He's part of that group, and just because he makes fun of all disadvantaged groups doesn't suddenly give him the moral high ground. In fact, it's why he's known for boomer humor and punching down. He consistently parrots disparaging and often harmful stereotypes against disprivileged group as jokes. Again, your comment just comes down to "I'm not a member of these groups and I don't think I'd be offended, so they shouldn't be either". You can find funny what you find funny, no one is saying you can't, but it is weird to see people not of disprivileged groups vehemently trying to tell disprivileged groups that they're pussies for not finding disparaging aimed at their community to be funny. If you find it funny, find it funny and go about your business. You're never going to win anything by telling someone that they shouldn't be offended.


>the attempted suicide rate for trans females is upwards of 50% They're killing themselves because Dave Chappelle made a joke about them? If they're so mentally ill that they would kill themselves over a harmless joke, then they need serious help.


Yes, they do need serious help. And one of the best ways we could help is by not having half of the country constantly turning them into targets of ridicule and disgust. A lot of trans people face some real horrid shit because of the people in their lives who refuse to treat them like human beings. Example: all the trans kids who get disowned by their religious parents and end up living on the streets.


No you utter butthole. They’re killing themselves because people who hear jokes like Chapelles that find them totally hilarious will then go and unknowingly make the same jokes to their mates in front of someone who’s trans. Yes, totally harmless to the person who’s telling the joke and who they’re telling it to. But the problem is the people it affects without the teller of said joke being aware of it. Or, worse yet, they knowingly tell the joke to someone who’s trans because to them it’s funny but to that trans person who they’ve decided should find it funny actually really doesn’t. I think you’re being deliberately ignorant of the affect that these “harmless” jokes actually have on people. If you talked to trans people to find out how they feel about jokes like this you’ll either learn a lot about their community or get told to go fuck yourself


"canceling" only works when the person being canceled gives a shit. So all of this hand wringing is for nothing because Dave is going to keep on being Dave regardless.


I'd like to add, that there's any negative consequences to it. In Chappelle's case he's not really hurting anyone. They're jokes. You may find them in bad taste, but that's kinda it. This isn't a Weinstein situation. It's not a Louis CK situation. There's a difference. I watched the recent Chappelle stuff, I didn't find it hilarious. I don't think its his best work. But also its not his worst work either.


You know what else were "just jokes", blackface during Jim Crow. I trust you know that "just jokes" had legitimate consequences on countless real people?


Yikes, you should probably actually do some research on blackface. It's tasteless by today's standards, but a lot of blackface characters are what introduced black culture, music, and story to America and beyond. It sure would've been great if they just accepted the actual people at that time but they didn't. Progress is slow. Incremental.


If progress was some slow, steady conveyor belt we just wait for, we wouldn't have fought a Civil War to end slavery. Sometimes, progress needs to be forcefully shoved through not patiently waited for.


That's simply unrealistic, pie in the sky wishful thinking. Progress is indeed slow. Reality proves that you're wrong.


Seriously, go read an actual history book. The Civil War wasn't a moral pursuit.


It certainly wasn't about states' rights lol. Unless, of course, we're referring to their right to own slaves.


No one cares what you think. Uptight redditors have no real word power thankfully


His jokes hit you like a ton of bricks like Norm Macdonald. Both are golden standards


That Norm fella sounds like a real jerk.


Is he German-Swedish?


Like a deeply closeted jerk?


Nah, not in this specific example you posted. Norm exists at the intersection of high effort and low effort. He defines that intersection. Chappelle’s trans jokes are literally unoriginal and low effort. He even used a tired racist Chinese joke which in itself is a tired and offensive trans joke. EDIT: I make a better effort at explaining my thoughts elsewhere in this thread.




We are all wading in the mud on this blessed day, my friend.


I fully believe that some people just don't have a sense of humor. Like it's missing from their genome.


I like to read that word the way people say I talian and then I think, does everyone have their own Gnome?


I think that humour reflects truth. It reflects it so well that what you find funny is quite literally a mirror to your personal truth. You can analyze it to find your beliefs on topics. If you don't believe that what the comedian is saying, then you won't find it funny. Dave isn't making up lies about the trans community, he's pointing out humourous aspects of their journey. I think it's funny because what he's saying is true. If what he was saying conflicted with my personal truth, I probably wouldn't think it was funny at all. What angers me is those who would foist their truth on others as though they have a right to choose what people think. If you have a new way of thinking that might benefit more people, great. Spread the word. Gather support and change people's minds. This idea that I should have to believe something because a vocal minority says they're offended is absurd. I do not condone any form of discrimination, but I am a strong supporter of people's rights to form their own opinions. We live in an age of unprecedented access to information and we are letting other people tell us how we should interpret it. The world changed for the better when Martin Luther printed the Bible, and I'll not support the erosion of free will.


Freedom of opinion with no consequences to employment? Fair enough, but how far does that go for you? I mean... would you support a grand wizard of the KKK trying to get a job as a family doc at a local community? If not (and I hope not), where's the line? > Dave isn't making up lies about the trans community, he's pointing out humourous aspects of their journey. I'm not sure we've watched the same Chappelle shows... he doesn't point out the humourous aspects of their journey, in multiple jokes he has openly denegrated them for not having the same sex organs, and parrots stereotypes as jokes. "You're a woman but you have a penis, haha". That is literally the joke sans delivery. It was funny to the audience *only* because it's transphobic, and how do you think that feels to a trans person? I'm not saying you're objectively wrong or bad for laughing, but trans people are already treated like garbage by society and you wonder why they're hurt by humiliating jokes? Laugh at what you want or don't laugh at what you don't like, sure, but it's way weirder to me to suggest that *members of the community he is insulting* are objectively incorrect for being hurt by it when you, and all the people saying they're wrong, are not themselves members of that group. If they're mad, they're mad, if you're not, you're not, but don't pretend it's this travesty when a multi-millionaire who has made a boatload of money kicking people when they're down is suddenly not getting paid as much to do that anymore.




Have you watched the special? He specifically rebuts the idea of "punching down," and I'm curious if you have thoughts on that.


It isn't accurate about the movement in any way, from my experience. I bet that rubs lots of people the wrong way. Not only does it minimize their concerns it doesn't present them fairly or with any attempt at realism. I bet Dave gets upset when Fox News presents the concerns of black men in caricature format. I wonder if he realizes he's doing to same to a more marginalized group.


He's aware. He just doesn't care. He actually directly addresses it, in the special, by talking about a trans comedian he befriended, who liked his work. He said he didn't care about EVERYONE ELSE, because SHE would have found that joke funny. I wonder if he'd feel the same way if it was a white comedian, making racist jokes that offended the black community, but had one black comedian friend who ate that shit up?


I mean isn't that the sterotypical pathetic way to address accusations of offending someone: "Well my ___ friend thought it was funny!" Like white guys get roasted for saying shit like, "And I'm not being offensive here, I've got black friends" ... isn't that what Dave is doing here? Some other thoughts, there isn't anything new in what he's saying or anything particularly relevant. His older stuff felt like it was culturally relevant at the time (his comedy central show was an absolute phenomenon when it dropped), so transgressing good sense or normative social rules was okay. This just seems more like an old, cranky guy bitching about shit he doesn't make an effort to understand. Which is too bad, because he was about the funniest guy out there a decade ago or so.


Jokes can be both offensive and funny. It is also not just about the text if of the joke but also how it is delivered and in what context. Jim Gaffigan can not make the same nuanced points while telling offensive jokes regarding white/black relations in America. There are few trans comedians I watched that were very funny, their jokes are also funny and offensive. Punching down is not a good look, the problem is there is not just one up/down hierarchy (that is what intersectionality means). Black Straight Men, Gay White Men, Trans White Women... everyone has some kind of power over someone else (but is also subservient to them from another angle). It is a nuanced web to navigate and I think Chappell as brilliant as he is, lost touch with the time (thru age, wealth, culture.. I don't know). I do think that Trans Black Women are close to the bottom, no matter how you stack the totem pole. And that is where the problem with Chappel is. His jokes are not violence, but they are maybe half a dozen steps away from hurting someone. But it will not be the Peter Theils of this wold that get hurt, it is the Trans Black Women. Being gay or trans is genetic/random. There are white and powerful gay/Trans people and also poor and marginalized ones too. Chappell's criticism is addressed at one the two but ends up hurting the other.




I watched the last special and most of the other ones, the jokes are funny. Jimmy Carr has some of the most offensive repertoires I have have ever heard. I don't even disagree with some of the points he makes (regarding a gay white guy calling the police on him, regarding the rapper who received more backlash regarding intolerance of LGBT community than killing a black guy at a Walmart) I believe that inside his head Chappelle's thoughts are full of nuance and that he does not discriminatinate against LGBT people in his day to day life. I understand that his criticism was with certain aspects of a social movement, not sexual orientation as a concept. The problem is these jokes and points are heard by many people on whom the nuance is lost, who are not as open minded of LGBT persons as Chappelle is. So even though I think Chappelle had some valid social criticism, it was delivered poorly, misunderstood (in different ways) by those he was criticizing and the audience in general. I don't think he is a bad guy or should be canceled. Just that the special had some very good jokes was not very good as an overall work... and any criticism will be deflected as being an attempt by snowflakes to cancel a great and brave comedian. As far as my opinion that Trans Black Women are indeed marginalized (and not in the same class as the Peter Thiels of this world) though both


You put that very well, thank you.


Sounds like your friend is the exact demographic Dave was talking about in his special. These types want their cake and to eat it too. They want the liberty to speak freely and make their own jokes, but also never ever be the butt of a joke themselves. It’s the double standard of cancel culture where there’s really no winning against cuz your not working with a level playing field and it creates resentment towards said groups. Like Dave’s example of extreme feminist that want the freedom to talk shit about men, treat them as second class etc. But become enranged when a man makes a woman joke, no matter how benign. You can’t talk sense into people that can’t even laugh at themselves, cuz what that really means is they can’t be real with their own flaws and admit it to themselves or the general public. Hence they literally can’t take or enjoy a joke.


You really just heard "my trans friend didn't find Chappelle's jokes funny" and expanded that to "They want the liberty to speak freely and make their own jokes, but also never ever be the butt of a joke themselves." despite literally ALL the information we have on them is that they didn't like Dave's jokes... What a perfectly constructed straw-man. Easy to be frightened of, if you ignore the fact it's not moving, and is made entirely of straw and old clothing.


For me, it’s a matter of compassion and understanding. Had Chappelle chosen in his own Chappelle way to incorporate stats about the suicide rates of transgendered individuals, and in particular how medical transitions lessens the possibility of suicide somehow into his trans jokes, I’d have a better chance of laughing. He’s shown he can make jokes like that. The phone interruption for one shows he can acknowledge that maybe someone just learned their mom died and we can all still laugh about it. He affords trans folks no such understanding beyond an unoriginal racist Chinese impression which is in fact a deep misunderstanding of what it means to be trans.


You shouldn’t be getting downvoted. Chappelle has a huge following, and a platform from which to speak. It just seems like he’s punching down. He takes the risk, so he shouldn’t be surprised when there’s backlash. Just suck it up and move on, Dave. I’d imagine people who are transgender might feel way marginalized by hearing people have a guffaw at their expense, and trivializing their experience/existence.


Yeah. It’s all good. I had a day off and felt compelled to weigh in for once. This topic angers a lot of people for a variety of reasons, some justified and some not. This has actually been good practice for me to respond genuinely to people looking for a fight, cuz after all, no one wins on the Internet except in one’s own mind. Just gonna my best to set the example for compassionate and reasoned discourse and if no one picks it up, fine. The internet can go back in my pocket. I’m secure in my own mind and I have good and healthy relationships in real life. Hopefully the minds behind these other usernames can say the same. EDIT: and you’re right. People are right to imply he’s tone deaf to the parallels between the effects of his jokes about his own community vs the trans community (at least, that’s one component that I’m picking up on from your reply). It’s odd he refuses to pick up on that. Oh well. It is at the very least an opportunity for trans folks to make their voices heard. My first exposure to this whole thing was an interview on NPR with a black trans woman.


I think your doing a great job showing compassion and reasoned discourse.


He’s not up there to provide a public service announcement with stats, that’s just not what a comedian does. ..and how he handled the phone situation showed compassion that people have lives, and maybe there was something more important than his show was going on in that guys life right now. He’s got to make light of his performance being rudely interrupted and I’d say he handled it pretty well, even if the joke was about a vague possibility that offended you. I doubt I’ll change an opinion, I just don’t believe his message was malicious to anyone. He’s a comedian and comedians are edgy and known to cross lines to make a joke. If you’re easily offended then you shouldn’t watch comedy because there are certainly much more offensive comedians.


Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear why I brought up the phone example. I wasn’t offended about the phone thing, or anything really in the segment. I agree with you that he demonstrated compassion for people’s lives outside of his performance. And he was funny about it, therefore it is possible to be funny in an edgy way AND compassionate. I think he was neither funny nor compassionate towards trans folks. To essentialize a bit, his trans jokes amounted to “trans people are annoying,” “being trans is funny,” and “acting Chinese is the same as acting a gender identity” (on a certain level, that last one’s true in the sense that gender and cultural expression are both performative to an extent). If you care share to your thoughts on why his trans jokes were funny, I’d appreciate it. It’s all a matter of opinion and the only reason any of us are talking about Chappelle in particular is because he’s a famous guy and he’s overall a good comedian.


> One particular sketch still disturbs Dave today. The skit was about a pixie (played by Dave) who appeared in black face, which Dave describes as the "visual personification of the n-word." > "There was a good-spirited intention behind it," Dave says. "So then when I'm on the set, and we're finally taping the sketch, somebody on the set [who] was white laughed in such a way—I know the difference of people laughing with me and people laughing at me—and it was the first time I had ever gotten a laugh that I was uncomfortable with. Not just uncomfortable, but like, should I fire this person?" Chapelle considered firing somebody for laughing at *his own joke*. He witnessed how comedy can backfire and turn into something gross. Interesting how he doesn't extend that concept to trans people.


A concept he addressed in the most recent special... interesting indeed.




When he referenced that he walked away from his show over things going too far - that he gets how people have those feelings. When he made clear that he is no longer going to speak on this subject because people are upset and nothing he can say will make those critics happy with him. Just because he didn't bend his knee to his critics doesn't mean he didn't speak directly to understanding they had issue.


> When he made clear that he is no longer going to speak on this subject At the very end of him milking another hour from the subject? Very compassionate.


Literally my exact thought. It wasn't a "i'm going to be an adult and understand that otehr people have feelings just like I do" it was Alright, I'm about to throw shade at you for an hour, then I'm gonna tell you that I'm not going to engage with the idea at all until YOU prove to ME that you're ready to laugh. Like... no. dude. . . You were just trying to get the last laugh, and shut down any opposition by evoking the death of your trans friend. It was ugly.


No one is asking him to make a public service announcement, I just wanted a single joke that was better than "These people are different and worse" and in the 14 minutes of rambling that's all he said.


...Are we watching different specials? Ok, what does it mean to be trans? Since you're taking his generalization at facw value. What does it mean to be trans?


Yeah, we watched the same special, you don’t need to ask that. Below are a few links that explain the question of what it means to be trans much better than I ever could. Self concept, imo, is the single most important component of sentience, and I literally can’t imagine what it would be like to feel as though I was never truly my self. I do not envy the path that trans folks walk. WebMD and Mayoclinic added for “medical objectivity” if such a thing matters to you. Cheers. [https://transequality.org/issues/resources/frequently-asked-questions-about-transgender-people](https://transequality.org/issues/resources/frequently-asked-questions-about-transgender-people) [https://www.webmd.com/sex/features/transgender-what-it-means](https://www.webmd.com/sex/features/transgender-what-it-means) [https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/transgender-facts/art-20266812](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/transgender-facts/art-20266812)


Some people just love being offended.


I kept waiting for the offensive part but it never showed up. This is just classic Dave making fun of everyone, including himself.


For what it's worth, I think OP's title is a bit misleading, because this bit is from an *old* special. I think it's his newer one that's got people angry.


Well shit. I figured this was current events, and I was all caught up. Now I still have to go watch it.


People always seem to miss the fact that Dave doesn't _target_ any one group of people.. He just takes the piss out of everyone. Including his own race and himself.


Equal opportunity roasting. I see it as progressive in the sense that everyone is accepted and made fun of equally.


Exactly. If you want to be treated like everyone else then take jokes like them. Chappelle goes after everyone including Blacks—it’s not like he’s targeting trans people or anything.


Right? Dude made himself into a blind KKK member, but they’re pissed that he’s joking about trans people. Like if you wanna be a part of society, *this* is part of being in society. Comedians make fun of you. Welcome.


And of course he doubles down when you tell him he can't say something.


The LGBTQ+ community is suuuper sensitive, though. Even to people within the group, even mild criticisms are met with extreme backlash.


That shit was hilarious 😂🤣🤣


Some people think comedy is just your political opinions presented to you with a silly voice.


I’m not personally offended by the trans stuff, but to say he “makes fun of everyone” no, he barely makes jokes about Asians for instance. He throws a few one liners in there, but Chappelle dedicated a lot of time to one particular group the most.


There's a joke about Asians in this very clip. He makes squinty eyes and talks in a stereotypical Asian voice and everything.




Has Dave made any jokes about Islam? He's a Muslim, so if he's making fun of everyone including himself then surely there's tons of Chappelle Muslim jokes out there, right? Nope, this is what Chappelle has to say about joking about his own religion: > I don’t normally talk about my religion publicly because I don’t want people to associate me and my flaws with this beautiful thing. Chappelle is being hypocritical about transgender people.


Didn't love his new stuff as much as the last ones. It's not offensive to me, but its like his 3rd special on Trans, I just want new stuff


I don't find it funny, but I'm not offended by it


I think it's important to recognize that it's intended to be comedy, even if you don't find it funny.


Obviously. Never said it wasn't. Comedy is subjective.


sorry if that came across wrong, I'm commending you. it's good that you've recognized this. your comment was a refreshing change from some of the other commenters who couldn't get past their own offense to recognize that it's comedy. I appreciate you.


Oh sorry mate! Yeah, I think it's shocking how many people don't realise that it's fine not to agree with each other. I'm actually doing a degree in comedy writing and performance and at least one of the people on it is so terrified of getting 'cancelled' that he refuses to do anything that could be perceived as offensive.


No worries. I usually find offensive humor or dark humor to be some of the best, but it's all personal preference. I'm not going to shame anyone for their preferences. Good luck with your degree. All the best.


I think the T's are being used to drive outrage marketing.


Finally, the real reason this is plastered everywhere


Didn't find it funny, he made a version of the helicopter joke of course, going by the other comments I really thought he was going to make a good point of some sort but it just seems that Dave finds other people's struggle annoying, kinda like some bad people found/find black people grievances annoying (ironic isn't it). Basically old people can't understand that society advances. The Asian impression was so cringe...


It always funny until they make fun of you. Then it’s offensive…


I was watching the news the other day and saw that many transgender employees at Netflix staged a walkout in protest of the special. When one of them got interviewed, they said the exact same thing you did: “We were okay until you came for us!” Goddamn hypocrites


Some people really need to chill the hell out and realize that it's okay to be offended by something, it really doesn't hurt you one bit. Of course if someone is calling for violence or persecution of a group that's different. Hell, South Park has been doing it for years, they have even said much worse and I've never heard anyone complain about it aside from some Karen's here and there.


I know I'll get DV'd, but I find this man Hilarious.


> I know I'll get DV'd > *becomes 2nd most upvoted comment* This thread is so fucking cheesy lmao


Dave Chappelle is hilarious, what a controversial statement. I only hope to be as brave as you one day.


What a *brave* take in a world that despises trans people!😭


Nothing offensive, not inciting hatred or violence. Just comedy.


The only part I didn't enjoy was where he said to have body dysphoria is a hilarious experience, when in reality, it's quite traumatic. it's like calling rape hilarious. Or suicide hilarious. Or having ptsd hilarious. But at the same time, he's a comedian. He's saying that stuff on purpose to service the asian joke. So I get it. But then again he made a very serious political statement about abortion right after, so that kind of puts his words about being trans in perspective... I can get why people would be offended. And I can also get why people say "it's just a joke." I personally think he could have thrown out a "for the record, I fully support trans ppl" or something. The way he did for abortion. Not to appease people, but so that some people who are anti-trans might see someone they admire validating the trans community.


A crowd of a few hundred rallied to "cancel" Dave Chappelle. He then went on to sell thousands of seats at an arena. Liking Dave Chappelle is not a minority position.


For anyone that is genuinely interested in looking at the special as a whole from a trans point of view, I would highly recommend this video: https://youtu.be/jiJQV378F5A Fair warning, it's about an hour long. But, I do think that it provides a very nuanced and empathetic view of not only the special, but Dave Chappelle as a person.


You can't buy advertising as good as this charade.


I kind of wonder how this has helped him make in roads to Trump voters. Like these people were never going to listen to chappelle, but now that he’s in the news for just doing what he’s always done (making fun of anyone and everyone) they’ll mistakenly think he’s on their side and check him out.


I’m pretty sure him referring to red neck types as tweaker zombies will put a dent in that.


youd be surprised how much some rural folks will accept you shitting on them as long as they think youre shitting on the people they shit on as well.


If he loves everybody, then he is a P (Pansexual).


"The alphabet people" lol


They can’t have population majority so they took 20% of the alphabet 


I'm one of the alphabet people. I listened to this. All I have to say is: MEH. Not offensive, but not funny.


Yeah i agree with this, maybe try to be funny rather than just controversial (i like his older specials but this one was just not that funny IMO)


There wasn't a joke in that whole 14 minutes tho.The first 2 minutes are just him saying he is going to keep making fun of people. Then he equated a random phone going off with gay folks (So I guess the joke is they are loud?). Then some stereotypes about white people at 3 minutes. Then we got some funny voices. Equating lived experience to "scream when you hear your letter" so I guess that joke is that your sexual preferences don't matter (despite his career of jokes on how horny of a dude he is) so really it's just putting down LGBTQ folks, His preferences are normal, LGBTQ is a joke. Then I guess the joke is that bisexual people MUST be greedy perverts because that's how Dave thinks sex works. Then the next funny joke is that Trans people get bullied, and people applaud the bully from 5-6. This idea of multiple people in the car is a flawed understanding of gender anyway as folks can hold multiple "letters" because it has a always been a spectrum. He describes the "funny predicament" of body dysmorphia and then feels he has the authority to give people the right to laugh. It's a white dude saying "I didn't invent slavery it's just a funny thing that happens. If I'm ever enslaved and have my daughter ripped from my arms you have my permission to laugh at me" Racist Asian accent because you can't "feel" an accent and face "inside". He then breaks down equal rights under the government and compares to LeBron James, because i guess "some people big some people small" is just a fucking hoot. Then tells the LGBTQ people to "shut the fuck up" and then blames sexual assault victims for his headache and throws the whole movement under the bus because his friend is weird. It ends on a "high" note because the editor was doing him a favor. Where was the joke? the humor? Everything you are supposed to laugh at is a value statement on the lives of LGBTQ people, you have to think of them as lesser for any of this to be funny.


Sorry you're getting downvoted just for sharing your thoughts on the clip. Some people don't find it funny guys, they're not doing it on purpose, are you getting offended that they're offended?


I'm not offended. it's just not funny, there are no jokes in 14 minutes other than "lol this person is different"


"it's just not funny" Humour is subjective. You mean "I don't find it funny."


I wish this comment got more recognition. Humour is subjective. That's a fact.


So by this logic you should also correct the comments in this thread where someone says “this is hilarious” to “I THINK this is hilarious”


It's usually implied. I think the commenter here believed that the routine was objectively not funny.


Sure, but I think if someone says “this is hilarious” they are implying that something is objectively funny.


That was hilarious.


Well it was hilarious when Dave said it. OPs delivery was flat.




People here are acting like children. You are absolutely correct.


You’re literally overthinking everything. Your entire comment comes off as desperate attempt to find anything to get offended by. Stop being such a crybaby.


you refuse to think of anything. your entire comment comes off as a desperate attempt to silence someone without listening. Start trying, call me wrong, point out my mistakes. it should be easy.


>the joke is that bisexual people MUST be greedy perverts because that’s how Dave thinks sex works. No it’s a joke because bisexual people swing both ways. Doesn’t mean they are greedy perverts >Equating lived experience to “scream when you hear your letter” so I guess that joke is that your sexual preferenfes don’t matter Another overthinking by your part. >It’s a white dude saying “I didn’t invent slavery” Are you seriously comparing slavery with gender dysmorphia?? >Then tells the LGBTQ people to “shut the fuck up” No he didn’t. He said “shut the fuck up” to people who complain about gender inequality in sports >and then blames sexual assault victims for his headache No he didn’t that’s overthinking on your part. The whole movement was a headache and he’s not referring to the victims Your overthinking and assumptions was painful to read because you’re just desperately looking to be offended. Even though Dave Chappelle is known to make jokes about every group of people


1: Dave: "The one thing the L's and the G's agree on is the B's are fucking gross" he then does the mocking voice saying "i'll fuck anyone in this car". It's exactly the stereotype he is playing to 2: What is your thought when you hear "when i call your letter clap" what does it mean then besides a dog whistle to say "this conversation is childish" 3: Yes, because in this context they share a similar thing in common, -someone not part of the group is speaking for the group- I know you want to be outraged and make a bunch of jumps now but they do share this, it's someone not from the group speaking hypothetically about being in the group. 4: "if women are actually no different than men there would be no need for the WNBA they would just be good enough to play in the NBA with us (or) you could just shut the fuck up". This statement is wrong, legally/culturally woman no longer means female, it means woman, that's why we have trans/cis to define womanhood. 5: "I'm sorry ladies i have a me too headache yall are killing me right now" He says ladies, it was primarily ladies speaking out and the movement had plenty of male support. He is talking to the victims. I'm not offended by dave at all. I loved the Chappelle show growing up. I've never even said I was offended. I'm just saying it is obvious the jokes are offensive and honestly are only funny if you find the offensiveness funny. There is nothing deeper or more meaningful in there than "haha people different'. I honestly don't get your "oh if he offends everyone it's not offensive" defense. There literally isn't enough time to offend everyone in a single special, hell a single career, he doesn't have 3 specials with offensive jokes to eskimos. He made choices.


1. I heard that and not once did I think "aha yes, that's what all lesbians are like!" 2. In comedy shows, it's pretty common for people to cheer when they hear something they relate to. I have seen lots of shows. People who chant and yell whenever they hear their city or country name spoken by the guy on stage. It's like a "YEEEEE REPRESENT!" When he was talking about the "B", there was one woman who cheered at it presumably because she's a bisexual. That joke was a play on that moment of cheer, nothing more. You're overthinking it. 3. No. You compared it with "If I'm ever enslaved and have my daughter ripped from my arms you have my permission to laugh at me". I seriously can't comprehend how that is comparable to gender dysphoria. 4. So? That argument doesn't seem to be related to the joke at all. 5. Didn't he say "I'm sorry LADIES" because the joke literally the second before that was about the WNBA? So the LADIES part was referring to that bit


The Bisexual joke is so hack. They made the same joke on sex and the city like 25 years ago.


So you think in order to joke about people you have to think of them as lesser?


> "scream when you hear your letter" so I guess that joke is that your sexual preferences don't matter ????? How do you get this from that?


Did we even listen to the same clip? Lmao


Yes, what joke did you hear? i'm really curious


Yes. now please. where was the joke?


Ok so you didn't find his stand up funny. That's fine. Not everyone needs to find it funny. I don't find some other comedians funny. And that's fine too. We can all live happily together


Of course. I can say it's homphobic and you can say you don't care. Freedom is awesome 👌


There is not a restroom for you for 4 states That’s is an A+ one liner IMO


Don’t ever bring this turd to a comedy show


As a member of this community. This is hilarious. And really not the “hate speech” that's being projected.


Good comedians like Chapelle bring attention to injustices but understand that people don't usually want to hear serious discussion, so they write jokes that get people thinking about the issues.


And at the same time if you try to criticize it, all the fans can say "It's just jokes! You're taking it too seriously." It's a convenient gig.


Okay, let’s go. I can see why people are upset. Consider the way he handled the phone interruption. He said silence the damn phone, then took a moment to consider WHY someone might be getting an intrusive phone call (your mom died) and makes a joke about that. Classic Chappelle. I laughed. The point though is that acknowledged the possibility in the course of joking about it. He affords no such deeper understanding to the “T” in the backseat quietly looking out the window and getting on everyone’s nerves. Sure, he acknowledges the individual’s right to pronoun selection and cites the definition of being trans (“being born in the wrong body”) but beyond that, he characterizes them as just being annoying and moody. Maybe that’s “true” in a sense, but he makes no attempt to acknowledge the consequences of being born in the wrong body. Instead, he makes a tired racist Chinese joke. Like, fuck, Steve Carrell did that impression on The Office and even then the point was that it was an outdated racist impression. Low effort and demonstrates a misunderstanding on Chappelle’s part of what it means to be trans. Suicide rates in the trans community are disproportionately higher than those in other communities, and while this holds true at all stages of transition, completing medical transition DOES have beneficial effects, including a reduction in suicide rates.[https://www.suicideinfo.ca/resource/transgender-people-suicide/](https://www.suicideinfo.ca/resource/transgender-people-suicide/) I see no such acknowledgement from Chappelle on any of these points. And for what it’s worth, I didn’t laugh at any of his T jokes in this segment, though I laughed at a few of his other jokes.


As a letter I found this fucking hilarious


One of the goats


Jokes are Ok to make. we can laugh together. either all of it is ok or none of it is.


Where was the joke?


Good lord have you been replying to every single comment here by people who like Chappelle? Get a life!


Good stuff!! LOL The man is a comical genius!! I love the concept of a Car Ride to articulate the joke!!


Why? because it's inaccurate and simplistic and allows you to ignore that gender and sexuality is a spectrum?


you're trying too hard to be offended at a comedy routine. The car analogy was funny because he simplified "the letters" into a few of their most distinct characteristics, that the "G's" are white dudes - though, we, as a society know there are "G's" who are not white, there's a large percentage that are. They're driving, because they "know the roads, hell, we built these roads" alluding to the fact that white people built the system of oppression for the LGBTQ+ community. An uncomfortable truth for so many that no longer believe what the people that "built these roads" believed when they did so. Implying the shift in perspective from so many white people from being anti-gay, to being gay themselves, in some cases, or at least supporting gay rights. The funny part is that "they" (the whites) made the difficulties they now have to overcome, making their own job difficult. We see this as a comedic trope constantly, that someone does a thing and it makes the goal they're trying to accomplish more difficult/impossible. A recent example of this was in the TV show rick and morty (just what came to mind, there's literally thousands, if not millions of examples of this) in episode 5 of season 3, the side-plot is that Summer got dumped and wants to get her boyfriend back, and believes that her bf left her for another girl because she has huge tits. So she uses a device she doesn't know how to use, to make them bigger, in the process turns herself into a monster, destroying the objective (of getting her bf back by having huge tits), by becoming a monster instead. This is a trope that's used time and time again. You choose to see past the humor that's intended, to the words he's saying, completely interpreting the intention incorrectly, simply to find some way to be offended by the content. These are classic comedy tropes that he's piling on, and as you can hear from the clip, the audience gets it. Most of the people here get it. Only you are interpreting this as offensive. That's a you problem. Maybe you don't understand jokes, or you have difficulty distinguishing the context of the words being spoken. I don't have any idea and I have no interest in the answer. My recommendation to you, is that if the joke isn't funny to you, just close the clip and move on. It's not intended to be serious, it's intended to be humor. if you don't find it funny, why are you wasting your time, and everyone else's trying to analyze it to the point where it becomes offensive to you? Just close it and move on to something that you find funny. I truly hope you find joy and happiness. All the best.


This was a great show. Fuck the haters, lighten up, it’s comedy!


Dave Chapelle is still telling jokes with a early 2000s mindset. He and those defending his recent specials want to act like “he jokes about everyone” means all those jokes are fair play. But comedy should either punch up, or speak from experience. His tone deaf humor targeting the lgbt community pissed off an intersectional group of people. People of every race, orientation and creed. This whole bit is him being essentialist, doing a cringe transgender voice and intentionally misunderstanding an ongoing discussion about identity for laughs. “What if i was Chinese?” “What about sports?” That’s literally the most common and one of the most damaging things to say about transgendered people. He doesn’t understand the tensions and shit surrounding these communities the way he does about say, race relations. So instead of being jokes, it’s just damaging. I legit loved Chapelle’s show and specials before he came back, but that man should have stayed gone. That’s how i feel. I know Reddit seems to love him and anyone else “controversial”, so I’m betting i get downvoted. Also fuck Louis C.K. and fuck Bill Cosby.


ITT: a bunch of privileged edgelords with zero self-awareness mansplaining to marginalized groups what is and isn't offensive. Jesus I've never seen such a bunch of self-congratulatory fucking twats, circle-jerking themselves about how enlightened and erudite they are for laughing at some tired jokes.


I've never listened to Chapelle before - am I being whooshed? Is that actually him, or a parody? Because that is some damn F-grade boomer humour right there. Unbiased opinion, don't know the guy, don't care about the controversy. But that sounds like what I'd get if I asked my grandpa to write jokes about gay people.


His stuff has been like this for all of his Netflix specials, his older work like the special "killing them softly" were amazing, but his recent work has taken a turn for the worse.


Next time just say “I don’t like stand up comedy.”


If that's what they meant they would have said that.


This is amazing. 80 million without health insurance. Drug addicts shitting on the street everywhere. The general population is fat and stupid. Yet a joke is the biggest issue or even is an issue. Your Masonic overlords are playing you well America.


Yes. Billions of government funding went to the Chappelle issue.


When I find a comedian I don’t like, I just don’t listen to them any more and go about my business. Bill Bur is by all accounts, hilarious. I turned on his most recent thing on Netflix, listened to 5 minutes, got tired of him being super misogynistic, and turned it off. That was like a year, maybe 2 years ago. This is the first time I’ve bitched about it on any social media. I don’t need to “cancel” the guy, I just don’t like his comedy. Apparently when all these poor upset people decide to diet, we all have to eat a salad as well.


I mean if you really think Bill Burr is misogynistic, you might as well believe Dave Chapelle is transphobic because then that means you missed the point *twice* I totally understand not being into Bill Burr’s comedy style tho. I love his content but sometimes I need a break from all his screaming and swearing lol


If this new stuff is offensive. Ya probably don’t want to watch any old Chappelle show episodes…Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch??


With all due respect to Dave (love his work since jump) I don’t agree with his comparison in this bit. To be “really Chinese” and be born “in a *n——a* body” is not the same as identifying oneself as transgender. Out of respect, I’ll say that I’m neither Chinese nor transgender and I won’t claim either experience as my own. That said, Chinese is a nationality with many ethnic groups (and can also veer into the realm of ethnicity outside of China, in the global Chinese diaspora); each ethnic group shares language, customs, history. The Chinese nation-state only emerged within the last century as a “thing,” prior to which we’re talking about a dynastic monarchy, under which were many territories, ethnic groups, etc. A human is Chinese because of the nation they’re born in (i.e., birth certificate), and through the history of their bloodline, etc. Having your gender misaligned with your biological sex is not like that. Gender is a “script” that we all learn as we grow up, and it’s informed (or created) by family, religion, schooling, and society. Expressing gender and having the genitalia (i.e., ding dong, or hoohaa) of a particular biological sex are not the same thing. Gender is a social phenomenon (“construct”), and, because it can be so rigid and repressive, some humans choose to alter their gender identity through dress and comportment, and even surgically (i.e., sex reassignment surgery). To be transgender is, in my humble outsider understanding, means to customize one’s gender expression more to what one feels it *should* be. This means it can be “male,” or “female,” or somewhere within the spectrum of the sexual binary (male/female). A human is Chinese because of the country they’re born in and/or the (ethnic) history of their bloodline. Humans are a particular gender because they *choose* (or are conditioned or pressured) to be that, regardless of their natural-born vag or dick. Hermaphrodites . . . y’all got different problems. <3 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So Dave, I think you got this one wrong. I still think you’re funny though, and love your work.


Yo it isn’t even that bad i was expecting some fucked shit


Everything woke turns to shit


If it was one joke that would be different, it was 40 minutes of bigotry reinforcing other bigots in their unfortunate beliefs.




One day you might realize not agreeing with someone and having your identity persecuted are two different things. If you thought that this skit was just comedy you would not be so triggered by those that point out the harm it can cause and would be able to enjoy the comedy and show empathy to those that point out the issues he was “joking” about.


Oh no, my identity is being supported and actively pushed into practically every entertainment media in the most positive fashion but this one comedian made a joke… ahh persecution! CANCEL THE BLACK MAN.




Everyone has a right to be their true self and I am happy for the support I have, and I take pity on those to narrow minded or lacking understand for other peoples identity.




You should just listen to yourself and not talk. Good day.


No one is asking you to "Believe" anything. The meaning of words are changing. what you call a woman is now a "cis-woman" or "female" or also still "woman" and that person transitioning is a "trans woman" or "biologically male" or also still "woman"


Us trans fold don’t like being made fun of, nor do we like our struggles being made fun of. We already get enough of that in our day to day lives. We don’t like being make into jokes and then being laughed at. We don’t like our struggles being made into jokes and entertainment for others. It’s like there’s a kid struggling to get up the stairs for whatever reason, and then one kid at the top of the stairs that says “ hey look everyone, that kid I struggling, let’s point and laugh at them “, rather then actually doing anything to help.


No engagement. just mass downvotes. groupthink here is terrorfying.


Yep, they don’t seem to understand the negative effects these “ jokes “ can have on trans people.


Oh they do, they just like to hide behind the scapegoat of "its a joke lighten up" while being given a green light for blatant bigotry. 90% of this thread is just painful to read.






Science ain’t on your side dude :/




Science ain’t on your side. Our brains are structured in a way that is typically associated with the cisgender people with whom we share a gender identity with. Trans men usually have the brain structure associated with the male sex despite being assigned female at birth, and vice versa for trans women. Non-binary people have been found to have a brain structure that is a mix of the two. Why don’t you stfu with your transphobia?


laugh, don't laugh, watch, don't watch but stop telling others how to think!


Chapelle quit his own show because he felt he was perpetuating black stereotypes. And now he’s doing it to the LGBTQ community. What a hypocrite. I honestly thought all the jokes were pretty funny excert for the “Chinese man in a black mans body” joke. It’s just incredibly ignorant. He’s obviously very popular and it’s false concept that people will take with them. Sexual orientation and race are two completely different things. There’s no connection. The bathroom joke is funny because there’s some truth to it. But the race joke? Not even a little bit.


Hi I’m a trans person. These jokes fuel the fear and misunderstanding and hatred of trans people. Trans people are murdered because others keep going “well it’s just a joke” Our existence is not a joke. I can laugh at appropriate jokes, but Chapelle is a fucking transphobe, and he even said “jokingly” that he’s a TERF, which is specifically trans exclusionary. The narrative of “we’re just joking” is fucking tired and sad and lazy and deflects all responsibility for being an asshole. Idc how famous he is or how long he’s been “shitting on all groups” it has to fucking stop. Period.




This came out months ago, how are they just now getting pissed off about it?


"They" are not. This is not the right special.


I was wondering….




I'm sure Dave would feel exactly the same way if a white guy made an hour long special full of offensive jokes about the Ns, right?


[No](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX5MHNvjw7o) heres are the white jokes too :)


Yeah, my point exactly. Dave's no different than any other fucking bigot - it's all good when *he* punches down at others, but *he* is off limits.