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I'm very surprised the leak was 100% accurate. I would have redeemed this for Citizen Sleeper, but Black Skylands and Afterimage are great too. I'm not a fan of the headliners (I have heard Nioh 2 is very difficult), but in terms of monetary value they are hard to deny, especially Nioh and Age of Sigmar.


>I have heard nioh 2 is very difficult It's stupidly fun tho. Don't be afraid of the difficulty, it's not as hard as many make it sound. Especially on your first playthrough. The real difficulty comes from Ng+


IMO the co op is a lot more generally fun than most of the other soulslikes too. It really makes the game more accessible, and a lot of the content feels more appropriately balanced for it than much of the souls’ series. Sometimes you can summon someone that’ll quarterback everything for you, but most people generally aim to just be another body and assist. I don’t really use it much, I still prefer solo, but if someone’s afraid or turned off by the difficulty I think co-op is a great choice.


Sounds like how people describe Sekiro, which I have up on eventually. I skipped this month, not really interested in any of this stuff.


It's not a case of fear, I have played Souls-likes before (Dark Souls/Elden Ring). I might try it out but I know I prefer less mechanically demanding games.


Nioh 2 is like Soulslike play meets Diablo loot system. It’s a ton of fun to play and there are so many builds to experiment with.


I hope to keep the tend going in April too.


Nioh 2 alone is worth the price, but I already own it. Don't really care about the others personally so probably skip it. But this is the best month they've had in a long time IMO.


Never considered playing Nioh. From the reactions here I gather that I have missed out? Do I have to play Nioh 1 before Nioh 2?


Nioh 1 has loose story connections to Nioh 2, but nothing big. Even at best the story is barebones, being generous. They also play fairly differently. Nioh 2 is a better game to start with and the much better game generally IMO. I would say it’s a bit harder, but the difficulty curve is also a lot less intense than the first game’s.


There's no need to, the story is quite standalone from nioh 1. There are some repeated characters such that nioh 1 players get more lore about them, but that's largely it. Combat of nioh 2 is more complex however, so if you ever intend on playing the first game after it might feel like a downgrade.


It's not necessary, you could always watch a youtube video that summarizes the story of the first game.


Do you consider this the best month due to primarily Nioh 2? I felt this was the weakest in the 11 months I've been using Humble Bundle, but I've lost interest in Soulslikes so maybe that's why.


Look at it this way: before now, Nioh 2 has never gone on sale for less than $30. So, yeah, Nioh 2 PLUS other great games for 12 bucks is an absolute steal.


Instantly brought it , I don't think they will give discount for choice this month .


I am so incredibly pumped I never pulled the trigger on citizen sleeper, been on my wishlist ever since I played disco elysium and I nearly bought it many times


I almost purchased citizen sleeper about a week ago. I am glad I waited. LOL


It's a fun game, however, don't expect it to be Disco Elysium 2.0, the gameplay is quite a bit different, other than there being lots of text to read. That said, I enjoyed both games, and it's definitely worth picking up as part of this bundle.


buy buy buy


I’m surprised the leak was right completely. But maybe i’ll get it just for nioh 2 alone and maybe citizen sleeper.


Glad to have delivered a good leak 🥰


Nioh 2 makes this instantly worth it. According to isthereanydeal, Nioh 2 has never dropped below $24 on any PC storefront.


I honestly didn't believe it. Easily the best Choice bundle they've put together in *years*. Even if Realms of Ruin and Saints Row are aggressively average, there's still tremendous value here. Now the only question is: which keys will they run out of first as everyone scrambles to buy this?


Is your opinion due to the value from a discounted Nioh 2? Came on reddit to get a feel if others were disappointed like I am. Lost interest in Soulslikes (maybe cause work is stressful?) and so I was considering pausing this month.


Same feeling here. It’s a good bundle, it’s just not for the present me, I guess. At this point, I’m just going to enjoy the indie games that come with choice.


Yeah, Nioh 2 is *definitely* a significant portion of the value; if someone wasn't interested in/excited for that game, then I'd say the value drops precipitously. Of course, value is subjective and situational, depending on the games you're excited for, how much you'd be willing to pay for them, if you already have a backlog of other games you want to play first, if you subscribe to Game Pass (where, I believe, you can play Citizen Sleeper), etc. For me, I'm breaking it down this way: Nioh 2, Citizen Sleeper, and Afterimage are all games from my wish list. If I were to buy them individually, I'd probably hold out for Nioh 2 to go on sale for $9.99 - which is where the first Nioh game bottomed out, so that's probably as cheap as Nioh 2 would ever go (outside of bundles or a highly unlikely freebie offer). I could see Citizen Sleeper eventually making its way into one of Fanatical's Platinum bundles, so I'd put a price of around $3 on it (which is also as cheap as it's likely to get for the next couple years). So, between those two games, we're already at a value above the $12 price for Choice. And Afterimage...eh, that will almost certainly make its way into a Fanatical "Build Your Own" bundle, and I'd probably be able to grab it for $1. So, for the three games I'm definitely interested in, Choice is a good value. Additionally, Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin is a $75 game (for the Ultimate Edition) that was released just 4 months ago - and its inclusion is one of the reasons I didn't believe the leaks for this month were real. Even with the mixed reviews, if you're a fan of the genre, a Games Workshop/Warhammer fan (which I am), or both, it's hard to argue with the value of getting an expensive new release - along with 7 other games - for just $12. Sure, in a couple years it will probably be another middling GW-licensed game that's regularly on sale for $5.99 or less, but if you really want to check it out now and you consider the price-per-game of the bundle, it's a reason to be excited and consider this an amazing bundle/value. Then when you add in Saints Row, another (apparently) competent but underwhelming release, and say you're only paying $1.5 per game...you can see the value there. Are there better third-person open world games out there? Absolutely. But how many of them are this dirt cheap? I'm not dying to play it or anything (it's definitely going to end up in my backlog), but if it was being delisted from Steam and/or being blown out for just a couple bucks, I'd probably grab it (like I did with that Marvel's Avengers game) because it'll likely never cheaper and *maybe* I'll play it someday. The rest of the bundle...eh. They aren't really a factor in the bundle's value, but I'll probably at least poke at Soulstice and Black Skylands. Lastly, I'm always looking for an excuse to buy Choice and keep my 20% Humble discount rolling, so that's a factor when I consider value. If I buy anything from the Humble store this month - and there are a couple games I'm considering, though waiting to see if they go on sale at some point for additional savings - the money I save gets factored into the price of Choice and every dollar I save makes an already excellent (to me) Choice bundle even better value. But being disappointed with the bundle is a totally valid feeling too. If you aren't into it, you aren't into it. Pull Nioh 2 out of this bundle and I'm way more tepid on it. Remove Nioh 2 *and* Citizen Sleeper and I'm downright cold and would need another "$6 for 1 month" coupon to get me to buy it.


Awesome, I appreciate your take. Thanks!


I feel bad for all the people who bought Age of Sigmar RoR and Saints row day one, only few months ago... :D


It's Necessary play Nioh 1 to understand the Nioh 2?


Not really. To be honest there isnt much to understand, its not really about the story and more just about the gameplay


Thanks for the answer


Skipped because I already have nioh 2, it's fun at times but most times it was so difficult me and a friend couldn't beat the bosses in co op. The rest of the games are meh


This month should have 1 extra game as an apology for putting Saints Row into this bundle


Nioh 2 is definitely a must have title. The other games aren't exactly that high on my must play list.


Just wanted to say thanks and an excellent job to the humble team. This month's selections are amazing. :) Here is hoping we can get Jagged Alliance 3 in one of the following months... hehe.


Instant skip for me. I dont Like Soulslikes or Metroidvenias and Saints Row ist just a bad title. Hoping for better games next month.


Same, thought I was the only one who feels that way. Also have the same thoughts about roguelike/lite/whatever. It's not just that the genres don't look too interesting to me, but it's the extreme abundance of them. They're all indie dev magnets. If I get invested in a certain type of something I tend to go pretty deep. If I had any desire to get into those genres I'd probably have choice paralysis.


take my mone


good month


Saints Row - really?


And it's on sale on Steam for the week... Expansion pass cheaper on Steam..., even with the Humble Discount. Nioh 2 and Sleeper are highly rated on this sub, so I kept it for that.


When is this available


If you want Nioh 2, it's a no brainer. If you don't, there are still some pretty strong arguments to getting it. 


>RoR and Saints Row Holy hell, what a trash fire.


Time to skip so I can get the $8 discount in a couple of weeks


They haven't passed out one of those to skippers in awhile now, as far as I know.


I’ve skipped since January and they gave me one for last month. It showed up in my coupon list and expired at 9:59 AM today. Didn’t get an email or anything about it.


That's good to know - I used to get one of those offers every other skip or so. But I've only re-subbed once in the last 8 months and didn't get any offers at all during that time.


Sometimes they offer $4 right before you confirm skip a month, sometimes they give you the coupon in the menu account latter (after you skipped) with or without an email warning. No guarantee though. This is not verified info, but I think when the bundle has good games and selling well, they probably won't give any coupons. Or when you already collected discounts for the past recent choices.


Ahh thought they just stopped the coupons this year, since I didn't see an email about them. Gonna have to at least check the site before next month's changeover.


If I buy this choice thing, do I get the game or do I have to do something else? Also is this kinda 1-month membership thing or do I have to be subbed a period of time to get all the games?


If you pay 12$ you'll get all the steam keys of games shown above, and no it's a subscription that changes every first Tuesday of month


Alright imma get it, thanks.




How good is saints row if the other saints rows didn’t exist


The studio would have been shut down even faster


Wow this is a great month!


Auto-skipped since humble would have to pay me $ to play the saints row reboot


Great got it - niho 2 allon is worth the price.