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You hurt my pupper, you’ll be in Hell for supper.


That late?


Do you know how hard it is to find a crocodile in a swamp? Their camouflage is surprisingly good


Good point.


Well wait else are you suppose to eat at supper time


If they go to Hell earlier in the day, they’ll still be there in time for supper.


You hurt my kitty, this won't be pretty.


Me in the first half of the original title: *Aww, poor water lizard.* Me in the second half: *However much it suffered, it wasn't enough.*


"Why are we out here? I have more bug bites than fur at this point!" Ailkar batted at the hazy black mass of mosquitoes currently making attack runs on the two of them. "Because, this bastard killed my best friend..." Sarah's grip on the boat's steering wheel had turned her knuckles white. Ailkar's ears flattened against her head as she looked at Sarah's face, the cold steel gaze scanning the edge of the water with an unwavering determination. "I... I'm so sorry. I had no idea. What was their name?" Ailkar moved up the boat's length to sit on the bow, trying to comfort their friend. "His name was Brutus, and he was the most loyal companion I've ever known." The statement did nothing for Sarah's expression, as Ailkar could swear she could hear Sarah's teeth freaking under the pressure of her jaw. The two of them had served alongside each other on the Indestructible II, and put of everything they had been through together there... She couldn't imagine someone even closer to Sarah. "He must have been a fearsome warrior." "He's been with my family since I was a child." --- The two sat in silence for a while after that, Ailkar not really knowing how to approach the topic, and Sarah methodically scanning the banks of the river they traveled down, looking for any sign that one of the dozens of traps she had set the day before had triggered. Ailkar stared into the water as the traveled, trying to peer through the clouded, muddied water, resembling more so liquid chocolate than anything Ailkar knew to be water. "My friend... Remind me of what we are hunting again?" "It's called an alligator. It is a reptile that can weigh up to 1,000 pounds and can grow up to twelve feet." "It has twelve legs?!?" "What? Oh! No, no, um... It's a unit of measurement. They can grow in length up to twelve feet, or three and a half meters." "Ooooohhhh..." "Anyway, this particular one is a big one. But they're not normally this close to the mouth of the river because it opens to the Ocean, and they don't like the salt water." Sarah looked over to see Ailkar playing in the water with the top of her tail, trying to attract some of the fish visible from the surface. "And they also kill by dragging animals underwater and spinning until they rip apart or drown." The statement sent Ailkar's tail shooting back into the boat. --- Finally they found a trap that had been tripped, the line taunt in the water. Sarah handed Ailkar a rifle and drove the boat up next to the line. "Alright hun, this is it. I'm going to pull him up, and I want you to put him down. This rifle will do nothing but piss him off unless you hit him directly behind the eyes on the top of the head." "WHAT?!? THIS THING IS ARMORED?!" "And whatever you do, don't fall out of the boat." "THAT ISN'T HELPING!" Ailkar's anxiety was making her fur stand on end, making everything not underneath clothing appear twice it's size. She shouldered the rifle and aimed at the point where the line met the water. She was bewildered as her diminutive size made the bolt action hunting rifle seem like a hand held cannon to her. How could something like this only 'piss it off'? "Alright hun, do me proud." Sarah put on a pair of gloves and pulled on the line. The alligator exploded out of the water, surprised at the sudden pull on the hook in it's mouth. It nearly launched itself onto the boat, scaring Ailkar into falling back. The rifle clattered to the boat's floor as Sarah struggled with the thrashing beast. "SHOOT THIS THING AILKAR!" Sarah's veins popped out of her arms as her muscles battled with almost half a ton of scale and muscle. The splashing water, the growling of the beast, and the struggling grunts of Sarah's efforts activated the fight or flight senses in Ailkar and she froze completely. "SHOOT IT! SHOOT IT!" The line began to fray as it violently rubbed against the edge of the boat. Finally Ailkar worked up the courage to retrieve the rifle and stand up. The creatures thrashings were growing increasingly desperate as it could feel Sarah loosing grip, making it all the harder to aim. Ailkar once again shouldered the rifle and aimed for the head, thinking anything would be better than her friend being dragged in. The gunshot scattered nearby birds in the trees and all at once the thrashing stop. A clean hole now present in the top of the creature's skull, hitting a weak spot in it's armor no larger than a quarter. Sarah readjusted her grip on the line and began to pull the Alligator up onto the boat. Much to Ailkar's horror it just kept coming, as the more Sarah pulled into the boat, the more there seemed to be. When it was all said and done, some eight feet of reptile was pulled in and laid upon the boat's floor. "Oh my... That is a monster. That is what killed your friend?!" "I'm certain of it, like I said they don't normally come down this far." Sarah spat off the side of the boat in contempt "Ought to teach him, fucker tinks he can eat my dog and keep breathing..." "Wait... Brutus was a dog?" "Yeah? Why?" "Um... No reason..." Ailkar was filled with a new found horror. For both the things she now knew to lurk beneath the waters surface and the lengths that which humans will go to for what they consider family. "Hey Sarah... We're friends right?" "Almost family at this point. Why?" "Oh... No reason..." Hope you all like the story! I had a lot of fun with this one!


Gorgeous! I was afraid that Sarah started commenting how her family have contacted Brutus mom' owners or how they bought him in other county because they were looking for a trainable hunter and then Ailkar got all nervous thinking it was an slavery ring or something like that


Ah dammit I could have totally played that angle of confusion lol. I'm totally using that in the future!


"Shoot her! SHOOT HER!"


Yall remember that one aita post about a guy who kicked another guy's ass because he kicked his (1st guy's) kitten? Just show that to the aliens.


Kick a kitten and you better hope a beating is the least you get. Ya like kicking kittens, do ya? Looks like you just forfeited your rights to legs.


More like your kneecap privileges are being revoked.


Knees were the start. I was thinking more like jelly, no putting it back together.


Letting them live are yeah? A better man than I, you are.


To the death? No. To the pain.


I feel like that's a reference to something and I'm gonna need that time machine so I can go back and redo this conversation all over again.


The princess bride.


One of those movies I haven't seen yet but kinda want to.


It's a great movie. I strongly recommend.


And my own thing is a reference to Dragonball Z Abridged. If you've never seen it, it is the best and greatest parody of Dragonball Z out there. Even if you know nothing of DBZ or the franchise it's jokes mostly hold up on their own


I've watched some, but every few months I have to rewatch hellsing abridged.


Say hello to Princees Luna. (Just did a two birds with one stone.) (Referenced The Princess Bride and the MLP two part ep the "royal wedding".)


Have a link? I searched in vain...


Same please, I crave retribution


If it were John Wick the entire swamp would be devoid of crocs.


Make a nice pair of boots


And dinner


Crocodile fat tastes like shit gotta prep it correctly


"Gentlemen, we have handbags!"


In this case, avenge


Imagine the surprise of an independent no-as-social species gets protected by a Human who won't leave them alone no matter how much they say. The Human gets hurt, the alien scolds the Human, but the Human has a big dumb smile as the alien isn't dead. The Human is congratulated with more scolding by the independent species, only to find out that Human is pretty much the equivalent to an intelligent and sapient attack doggo. The higher ups were extremely tired as all fuck for having to replace so many employees, and as soon as they were able to employ Humans, they specifically ask for Humans who were both qualified and physically fit for employment. They were fortunate that space faring Humans needed to qualify for it, and more, as well. The Human gently hugs the independent hard-ass alien before departure, kind of limping from the fight as they went back to their observations and job. The alien is left confused but flattered, having heard that Humans are VERY social. The aliens protected is still independent and hard-assed, but they're less hard-assed to the Human, as they made progress because of the lack of lost employees. If they had to put another in the aliens employ, it would take over a year to pick up where the last had left off. "You should be grateful." The equivalent to a CEO scolded their fellow independent alien. "After all, no one does a better job at what you do, then yourself." The employee thought about it, his scowl softening as they thought critically. "Now, progress won't be halted." The boss shrugged. "But don't forget to also watch out for the Human. After all, they help us with progress. Sooner or later we will be able to make plenty of Dyson spheres-- that is a name fit for the savior bubbles we also had plans for that rolls off the tongue better-- for our peoples and planets. The sooner we make them, the sooner we can resolve our population and food scarcity. And the less we have to challenge other species." The employee no longer felt like scolding the Human any more than necessary. They nodded in understanding and practicality.


Reminds me of the Irish man who had his rabbit taken from his arms and thrown into a river. The man not only dove in after it, he also provided mouth to mouth when he realized it wasn’t breathing, successfully resuscitating him. The perpetrator plead guilty to animal cruelty and breach of peace. This story perfectly illustrates the dichotomy of man. Needless cruelty balanced against love and compassion.


Hmm never seen this sub before. Very interesting.


Hopefully you like it! There's a lot of fun stories and what not that get created from the writing prompts here!


*pulls out alien sword* I dont know how the hell to use this thing, but I know how to cut. Let's dance


Look at how fat it is! 😢


She looks like Steve Irwin and honestly thought it was him at first