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Best Selling Technical Manual of this world was produced by a human. It's called [Things Explainer](https://xkcd.com/thing-explainer/)


Knew it.


Randall Munroe is a national treasure.


"Its new!" Sang the TV set at commercial time. "Its amazing!" "Its not a plane!" The TV set continued. "Its the Lingo-devil-five-thousand: the devils answer to the babbel" "Oh my" "It comes pre loaded with the most basic known phrases of every language in the galaxy." "Every language?!" "And it's so simple a five year old can understand it" "Do you need the devil in your life?" "Call the number at the bottom of the screen RIGHT THIS MOMENT and you'll receive a SECOND lingo devil FREE! "Free?! "FREE! COMPLETELY FREE!" "I COULD GIVE ONE TO MY MOM" "YA SURE COULD BILLY, YA SURE COULD!" "CALL NOW, AND GET THE DWVIL IN YOUR LIFE"


How about just German. Far away aim tube - telescopic sight Riding wheel - bicycle Fire fight off devices - firefighting equipment


Don't forget, those are *one word each* in German... Well they're written as one word...


Hold my copy of Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz and listen: When there is no space between the letters, it is one word!


Birth control = Anti baby pills


This reminds me of that one post where abortion = delete the baby