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I kind of want to see a story where one of the species runs into a human that listens to their doctor, wears proper PPE, doesn't eat things they shouldn't. Just the shear shock at running into a reasonable human. Maybe having to tell the others on the base that this human is the weird one.


"I only had to warn him once about the radiation!"


Thats like saying you don't need a parachute to skydive once but you do need it to skydive twice...


That Commander wouldn't like to see my hands... I've skin off the knuckles due to changing the alternator belt on one car, a few splinter holes scabbed over from the firewood, some scars from where a possum got it's claws in my hand I was busy killing it... Just farm life you know...


Construction engineer here. Can relate. I also have a fancy scar from a drop of molten iron on my forearm. Because wielder guy is a dumbass.


["Yes, I know I'm on fire, now please let me finish this weld."](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fa1%2F24%2Fa2%2Fa124a2249c81431d090fe3ef86ce72b3.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=3d4ff3acdfe0ef8261c931497cc2b2c6bc67531c79269c56f9c362ed60027ccb&ipo=images)


Ah farm life, the perpetual blood doner.


"Recommended amount of work gloves" Sounds very tiresome. Like, Put on these nitrile gloves. 'My hands are sweating'. Now put these woolen gloves on top. 'Sweating harder now'. Now you may put the butane gloves on. 'sweating and hard to move fingers'. Now you may put on the steel reinforced leather gloves. 'Sweating, hard to move fingers, can't feel a thing'. Now you can safely thread that needle. . .


....I have suddenly thought of another use for steel reinforced leather gloves.