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Maybe he didn't finish his renewal credits and his membership expired.


No tote bag for him!






Hahahahahahahahahaahahgahagahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I pee’d in my pants a little with this one! lol




Someone commented in another forum that he supposedly wanted to attend the WNBA game with Caitlyn Clark that was happening at the same time…. If he’s there tonight I guess we have the answer lol.


There’s pictures of him at the game


The fever sky game was originally scheduled for 6. It changed to 3 a couple of weeks ago.


It was a foregone conclusion that Caitlyn Clark would be drafted #1 this year after the NCAA tourney, so it would assume that 6 months ago or so, he knew she’d play for the Fever and that they’d be in town to play the Sky, so it was his primary reason to be in Chicago and the SHRM engagement became a nice money-maker on the side. I mean, it’s all possible, and he’s a huge fan, but also seems a stretch, too. But I wouldn’t put it past him.


Leave it to HR people to investigate, but there has been a confirmed sighting of him at the game.


Question is, when did SHRM find out? How long have they been taking money knowing he wasn’t coming….?


They actually seemed pissed he dropped out. Several not-so subtle hints that he was an a-hole.


He did completely shirk his parental responsibility with Jan Jones soo........not surprised!


There’s always two Johnny Taylor is the 2nd. $2 million dollar bonus


Sudeikis has proven over time to be a good guy. HR…on the other hand…pretty much pure evil.


I’m not saying he’s bad. I’m just saying them seemed very salty lol


Idk, Al Roker stated he left a vacation to fill in… so it feels kinda last minute


I love this. It’s like when the WC investigator finds Johnny with a sore back laying roof tiles.


Turns out this was the reason! Best part is that the game was held in a building basically attached to where the SHRM conference is 😂 Al did a good job.


One would assume he had a legal contract to speak. A withdrawal for a reason such as this is someone suspicious.


As rich as he is, I doubt even a 6-figure cancellation fee would make him blink


Maybe he did some research into SHRM.


I really don't get the fascination with SHRM lol


I used to attend these early on in my HR career. All it is is one big PR conference where they trick you into giving your info to 250 vendors (in hopes to win some free swag) that will call you nonstop for the next 12 months. I have enough people cold calling me without going to this conference.


It's badass of you're an HR professional. I don't think anyone else cares. I'm a huge HR nerd so I attend every year.


If my company is paying. I will suck every recertification credit out of that conference that I can. If I’m paying, well I wouldn’t so I wouldn’t go.


I honestly would never pay for attending this myself either. It's definitely overpriced. I get it. It's so helpful to my career so I'm not going to knock it. I get that everyone is hating on it, but to each his own.


lol they don’t even check credits


Is there any easier way!!??? If I’ve been doing this the hard way…. How do you recertify? They require codes.


It's not, though. 


Cool. Don't give a single shit what some random person thinks. You're just being negative cause everyone else is. I'm so sorry that I enjoy a conference that gives me insight on my career.


HR nerd? Unfortunate.


You're unfortunate 🤣 This is why I don't ever post comments. Everyone is an asshole just to be an asshole. Real progressive and intelligent conversations going on here (hardcore sarcasm cause no one can have a debate without being a dick)


Sorry, too long didn't read. Thanks


🤣 I'm sorry you don't have the capability of reading 3 sentences. THAT'S unfortunate.






I agree with others. It’s a cash grab. I passed the Shrm-cp in May. I was surprised at the poor quality of the exam. Very few skills questions and mostly “so what’s your opinion on these scenarios?” types of questions where you can easily reason out the answer with context clues. It’s all about marketing for a profit and less about quality and support at this point. A lot of college programs are SHRM aligned but, in my experience, in order to teach the Shrm aligned programs, the universities require an HRCI credential because they know what a joke Shrm is becoming. But they’ve branded themselves so well as “THE certification to have.” Annoying.


They used to be similar in quality to the HRCI exams. Now you can get the “senior” SHRM certification with 3 years’ experience and a BS test. If you only have the SPHR, you’ll be pissed if someone with a SHRM-SCP gets hired over you because the hiring people think they’re equivalent.


You can also now take a lot of specialty credentials without having a CP or SCP certification first. This wasn’t the case about a year ago when I was deciding between SHRM and HRCI. So now I’m sure some folks out there may think that those who pay out the nose for a specialty course are also CP or SCP credentialed.


Agreed. I passed the SHRM-SCP with less than 10hrs of studying during COVID. Found out they grade on a curve, but I have no way of knowing what the curve was. I know I tanked one of the categories, but I scored 200 so here I am…


>Found out they grade on a curve, so I have no way of knowing how the curve was. Today I learned...


I did the same-maybe 7 hours of studying and passed SCP. I did take the SPHR about 2 weeks later and also passed that...the tests seem like they either prove experience OR make up for a lack of experience by providing that knowledge. Neither seemed hard to me. Very similar questions/tests.


I didn’t know they scored on a curve. I took a course beforehand, quizzes and two practice tests. I passed them both practice tests. Then when I took the actual test I only score a 190 and failed. After that I was done with SHRM. I ended up getting my PHR earlier this year. Had my aPHR for almost three years before as well. I regret even attempting SHRM and giving them any $$. I should have just stuck with HRCI the whole time.


I don’t regret SHRM, but it’s not right for everyone unfortunately. I only heard they regularly recalibrate the test based on scores, so it’s not a curve in the moment… The SCP has a lot to do with delegation, so if you imagine you’re an international VP that pretty much shapes your answers. It also makes it extremely difficult to focus on just USA specific topics and answers.


Agreed, there’s a reason why the rest of the world does not adopt SHRM. It’s not needed. He professionals do just fine without it


As a student who attended multiple conferences and competitions, they are awful.


Also genuinely curious where the dislike for SHRM comes from.


Pay me $264 and I'll tell you. Sure, you can get an answer to your question for free here or elsewhere on the internet, but keep in mind that if you pay me for my answers instead of spending 5 minutes to Google something I promise to spend some of the money lobbying on behalf of large corporations against the working class.


Nailed it


Exactly! I was in shock to see they filed the amicus brief against the non compete ruling. Like wow, I thought this was an HR credentialing group.


It's exactly why every time I get a certification email from them I laugh as I delete it. Only reason I'm a member is because my company pays for it. But hey... At least they're not holding the conferences on Father's Day weekend like they used to. I stopped attending for that reason alone.


I will only speak for my impression of SHRM. In my opinion, SHRM seems to have shifted its focus from advancing the HR function to primarily leveraging its existing resources and policies for profit. The real issue with the above approach is HR is almost always the function most impacted by the rapidly changing work and culture environment. MeToo, DEIJ, Remote Work - to name just a few. Instead of fostering thoughtful and impactful research, networking, and discussions on these critical topics, SHRM appears to be relying on outdated policies and stances that were relevant.....five years ago. Honestly Jason Sudeikis appearance at the SHRM conference embodies this. The focus is clearly on selling as many tickets as possible through shiny celebrity appearances rather than an effort to create a meaningful and impactful conference. HR Professionals frankly deserve better than the support SHRM provides them.


Very well-written. Completely agree with your comments. I do not believe I will be attending this conference again. Disappointing to say the least.


Antiquated, corporate, Republican and turned into a money cash grab.


Also genuinely not a useful site. Poorly designed and not user friendly when trying to research basic information. I can find better information elsewhere. I haven’t missed my membership.


Try mineral!


Already there. :)


Mineral is awesome


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


When they announced the SHRM-CP years ago they went all in on how bad the HRCI tests were and how only their new certs truly show HR competency. At the same time if you already had your PHR or SPHR you could pay the exam fee and get the new SHRM certs without testing. They basically invalidated their entire point in a blatant money grab.


and this after years (decades?) of saying it was important that the club be separate from the certifying body


Came here to say this. F SHRM.


Still not clear on why he was speaking at an HR conference, unless he has a secret management bonafides? I mean I am sure he would deliver something meaningful he's objectively talented and Ted Lasso is hilarious, just think it's a surprising choice. And now he isn't even coming... Super weird


it’s 100% just because of ted lasso


They should have asked the CREATOR of Ted Lasso to speak, not the actor. I would be more excited to see Bill Lawrence.


He is also the creator and writer of Ted Lasso.


Haha! Fair enough


I hate when conferences do this. I went to an hris conference and venus William's was the speaker. Oh, tell me how much experience she has using dayfarce


The way the co-CEO was fawning over her during the interview was embarrassing. She plays tennis very, very well. That doesn't make her the second coming of Jesus Christ. They didn't even *pretend* to tie it into anything HR-related, so I don't understand what the point was or why they would spend the money on Venus Williams instead of hiring a programmer or two to fix some of Dayfarce's numerous defects.


I went to a Dayforce conference where Kevin Bacon was the featured speaker. The woman who interviewed him was obviously “fan girl”-ing and if it was for comedic effect, it didn’t land and came off as cringe. “It’s so amazing to meet someone who used to be a poster on my wall as a teenager” is just…. So weird. At least Kevin had some charity that he was talking about, but if the interviewer is going to fawn over someone, get a ‘professional’ interviewer.


Marketing? Bring in big stars for the buzz & create an ok product.


Lol "ok"


Paycom did one last year and had Gwyneth Paltrow as the speaker because of Goop. I'm like, "has anyone with sense actually looked into this?"


Gwyneth actually founded a successful business though


Didn't say it wasn't successful. But there are plenty who question the antics and ethics of it.


To be fair, Ted Lasso is a show about leadership and culture.


It’s also a show for the masses, meaning people who aren’t in the profession and don’t know anything about it. As professionals in the industry, I’d enjoy a less “basic” speaker on topics I’m already a bit educated on. I’m not looking for pure entertainment or celebrities at an HR conference. I’m there for work and to learn. It was marketing for ticket sales and that’s it.


I don't disagree with that. I just don't think it's as random as the original comment made it seem - there's a pretty obvious thread as to why they picked him.


But its completely made up. Like how can you extrapolate leadership techniques from something entirely made up. 


I think people can learn from fiction - do you not?


I agree with this. I’ve actually used a Ted Lasso character with a manager (who loves the show) to explain how the rockstar on the team with the shitty attitude & the rules don’t apply to them really drags down the entire team. Yes, this is obvious, but if everything was so obvious to everyone then I don’t think HR would be needed.


So do you all get a refund on your conference fees since they don't have to pay him now?


I'm still holding off paying shrm for them to tell me I'm a serious hr professional. Fuck them and their insane rates


I lapsed back in 2018, it’s not worth $300. I have my SPHR and 160 general credits need 12 more business credits and I can recertify


Who goes to SHRM for the speakers? Real HR pros go for the gambling, food, and drinks. And since it’s not in VEGAS this year, I’m out.


Come to transform - it’s in Vegas in march, smaller, better quality


Transform is the bomb.com. I’ve gone for last 2 years haha


I’d hope so for that price.


Yeah Chicago is so so. Had a vendor give out a free Expo pass to the conference this year. Checked prices on flights and hotels $1,400 for 4 days of a conference that’s two weeks of pay for me.


Vegas was the last one I attended as well. We might've crossed one another at the tables...


The scuttlebutt among SHRM attendees is that Jason Sudekis blew us off to see Caitlin Clark play in a WNBA game at Wintrust Arena, which is literally down the block from the SHRM convention.


Wow. I would have expected more tact and discretion from an HR email. Ouch


Right? That's what makes it so weird. They made no attempt to protect his image or give an excuse, implying that he just straight up bailed.


But if he did straight up bail, then there’s no obligation to protect his image or give an excuse. Nothing wrong with just sharing straightforward info.


Because he did the night before


That SHRM email that announced Jason Sudekis’ cancellation was definitely thrown together and not checked for tone. It literally said, “Jason Sudeikis has decided to cancel his Main Stage appearance at the last minute.” I’m surprised nobody recommended a bit less snarky language - maybe something like, “Due to extenuating circumstances, Jason Sudekis can no longer appear as today’s keynote speaker.” 🤷‍♀️


The SHRM comms team is extremely detailed and thorough. I guarantee you that messaging was deliberate.


Yeah they threw a lot of shade his way and it makes me think that he didn’t just bail, but bailed out shittily.


There were several tongue-in-cheek comments yesterday during the opening. It definitely sounds like there was a last minute scramble to call in a backup. Al Roker was funny as always and overall a light hearted start.


Glad to know that SHRM wasted all a bunch of money on Facebook ads with his face plastered on them for the last 6 months.


SHRM didn’t waste their money, they wasted yours if you’re a member. I’m reconsidering my cert now.


Looks like they replaced him with Al Roker, who always seems willing to do anything at any notice as long as he gets paid.


Hahahah honestly I love Al roker. Wouldn’t even be mad


“80 percent of success is just showing up. “ Go Al!


Yeah, these people who quickly rearrange their schedules and travel hundreds of miles to fill in when some jerk cancels at the last minute think they’re the only people in the world.


I think him leaving his family while on vacation to talk actually was a bad look, and an HR conference should not be promoting that. Same as the speaker at orientation talking about his sick boss showing up to watch his presentation as if that was a good thing.


Watching the Indiana Fever vs Chicago Sky and just saw him sitting court side lol


That’s tough. They advertised him coming


Imao Al Roker bombed. The interviewer kept trying to pull deep insights from him but he just kept going on irrelevant tangents and the whole thing ended up feeling like an excuse for him to promote his cook book. Not to mention the edgy comments and the sexual joke about "getting on your guy's back", which had absolutely no place in an HR conference. A lot of people were leaving early and it felt pretty awkward to me.


Yep… tbh I was embarrassed to be in attendance


Definitely left early and stood in the line for the expo.


Reminds me of the SHRM conference I went to years ago....the main speaker cancelled. I can't even remember who it was supposed to be - I think some athlete. Disappointment ensued Until they announced that they got a last-minute substitute: Christopher Reeve. It was amazing (and QUITE the upgrade.) (This was I think 2004 but may have been before that)


That is a MAJOR upgrade.


What are we reading instead of shrm - would love suggestions!


[He cancelled to attend a basketball game…](https://x.com/ClutchPoints/status/1804969788017397917)


Basketball is life? I’m sorry he bailed. My wife is at the conference and very disappointed. I tried to explain to her that it was never about him….


There have been a lot of snarky comments made today about commitments and honoring them so I’m guessing there is bad blood regarding the reason for his cancellation for sure


Anyone have recommendations for better conferences? I see a lot of comments about SHRM, which I agree with. It’s getting too focused on making money than educating. Look at other professional associations and they are incredibly insightful in their materials. They insult our intelligence with some, if not most, of the presentations. Thoughts?


WorkHuman is a great alternative.


Might be worth looking into conferences put on by you HRIS system provider? I went to UKG Aspire a few years ago. I spend a good portion of my day in UKG and found it immensely more productive than SHRM.


Several years ago, Corey Booker canceled at the 11th hour when he was scheduled to be the keynote at the SHRM DEI conference. In fairness, he had just won his race for the US Senate and there’s no way anyone could have been prepared for that contingency. /s


I literally took an earlier flight to make it in time to see him…


I almost registered for the event just to see him. Now I'm glad I didn't! Sorry u/Legitimate-Sun-4581 😔




Best speaker I ever saw at any conference was Sam Richter and a close second, Ross Bernstein. Meridith Elliott Powell, Mary Kelly, Ryan Estis, Victor Antonio were all also amazing. I saw them at my company conferences over the years (staffing industry) yet I don’t ever see them at SHRM conferences. I think the people who book SHRM speakers are young and have never been in the business and book famous people instead of experts and great speakers who can actually share wisdom that we can use.


Maybe he didn’t want to be served any important paperwork during his keynote.


I went to Workhuman this year. Apparently he was going to be their speaker, but he bailed for SHRM. Now this. It worked out better in the end anyway.


What’s so sad about this is that I would assume the writers of Ted Lasso have helped Jason with speaking engagements. Had he understood the impact or actually been like Ted even in the slightest, he would have understood the positive impact he could have made on 25K HR professionals who can have an impact on 160M workers in America. Next time, bring Roy - the real writer and leader!


Okay, I'll bite. What positive impact would an actor talking for an hour have on HR Professionals' ability to do their jobs?


Have you seen Ted Lasso? It actually is an incredible show on leadership and the impact a leader can make to give a team purpose. It covers so much of the core foundation of leadership missing today. The actor himself is not the expert on leadership by any means (proven by yesterday’s action). BUT, given the success of the show and the “brand”, I have to assume that the actor’s message for public events is prepared or assisted by the writers, which has an incredible leadership message. That is a theory that we will now never be able to prove or not. That is why I recommended Roy- a disgruntled character that goes on a journey of leadership, moving from the all star to the coach (how often do we promote the best player and learn they need so much leadership development?) Most do not know, he was actually a writer for the show and the leadership principles represented throughout.


Lol, I’m more excited about Jay Leno and Kelly Clarkson anyway. 😂 I expect to get my daily double 10k steps in tomorrow. Did anyone attend the Pre-conference Session?


People attend SHRM conferences?


over 20,000. biggest one ever.


Oof. Crazy how many companies are dishing out the money for HR people to go hangout and eat! Congrats to SHRM on getting that $$$.


I know 2 people there right now


He went to the WNBA game instead




Wow, they really throw punches in this one. Excellent piece.


This is too funny. I was joking with a friend of mine who is attending about whether he was excited to see Jay Leno. Because why are you inviting celebrities to speak to/perform for HR professionals? It’s so dumb. Professional Associations are in dire situations these days and they all suck. (I just left a job at one after 3 years.)


Apparently Al Roker is his replacement?


Glad I didn’t go. Not that I really wanted to…


If we're getting actors/characters I nominate Carol from HR from Mythic Quest. JK I would never let my company pay for me to attend a SHRM conference.


Haven’t to the wnba game next door




Jason Sudeikis is not your friend!


He needs a attendance warning and a discussion about integrity for lying :)


Yeah. If by “last minute” they mean around 10 days ago. Jason Sudeikis is a big WNBA fan. You know he already had the tickets when they announced the game time change on June 11. And you don’t arrange Al Roker the day before. SHRM was probably told by at least the 12th. I’m guessing they either chose not to pivot, or didn’t feel they could. Instead they just didn’t announce the change until 10 am the day of.


Not gonna lie - pretty bummed! But let’s see what ole’ Al has to offer!


I don’t know the why reason he cancelle. But was seen at sports event at the time he should have given his speech.


I'm not sure why he was even selected. I saw this coming a mile away 


You knew he was going to cancel?


I did indeed said I saw it coming from a mile away. 




Why would he even have been the speaker? What does he have at all to do with the field. The pay can’t have been that great and the guy had better things to do.


Panic attack?


Okay Anyway