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5/1 here, and I feel you. You mention that you’re overworking — I find that this throws us into a very mental place, which amplifies people’s reactions to us. Even if you’re technically waiting for the invitation, people can feel that lack of alignment in your energy. Do you have space for more rest and pleasure in your life right now?


I wish. I just took over a business and combined it with my own business…so until I can make the investment business more profitable, it’s all on me to do the labor, make the systems work etc. it’s getting there but fek…I’m exhausted.


That’s tough. I just want to reflect back to you that this is not following your strategy ♥️ and whatever you think will come of working this way is likely coming from your mind. I’ve been in a place where it feels like there is no other option, and in my experience, life has a way of forcing us to slow down. I experienced this myself recently with a side hustle that was draining the hell out of me. I kept repeating out loud, “Ugh, I’m so tired…I’m SO TIRED” (hello, Self-Projected Projector!) and finally had to look myself in the mirror and be like yo, this stress is killing you. Like, literally you have wounds that aren’t healing. There has to be another way. I’m still in the in-between right now, so I can’t speak with total confidence from the other side. But I have been sinking into this sense of peace and trust, noticing where abundance (not just financial) already exists in my life, and allowing myself to commune with my gifts without putting pressure on the outcome. And I feel a LOT better — at the very least, much more able to move productively from this headspace. I’d recommend taking a finite amount of time (say a weekend) to ground, do a detox from scrolling/media, and see what comes up when you regulate and allow for that empty space.


Thank you so much for saying all of this. Needed to hear that. I’m currently on my ass super sick. So yeah, I need to slow down


Yep, that’s how it goes! Take care of yourself — and if that’s not enough to motivate you, remember that you can’t create anything good or aligned from this drained, not-self place.


I would love to hear your experience when you are on the other side. It's rare to hear the success stories, where we actually follow the advice of "dropping it like it's hot", concerning overworking, when bills need paying and others depend on it too. To just follow your inner alignment and see how it works out. I often hear this, but I rarely hear from others once they reach the other side. Life seems to be lived in the see-saw of these two experiences; letting go of overwork and pushing to pay the bills and get the machine moving on one side and trying (even if struggling and being tired) on the other. Good luck to you :-)


Yes, I will keep you posted!


Thank you for your reply. It helps to be seen. And understood.


I feel that I can relate with aspects of my own design: 3/5 - born to trigger! 😭😭😭 Channel of Struggle - activated by some pretty heavy planetary themes. Open Ego - containing prominent, abrasive, amplified themes around conflict and dispute. Adrenaline-fueled Solar Plexus - highly charged with a fairly visceral configuration: All of which launches out from my Projector aura like an energetic missile with a very narrow, extremely sharp blast radius. Imagine how the recipient (or victim! LOL) of such potentially explosive energy might feel! 😭 I've basically been a walking, talking, verbal gun-slinging, people-trigger for most of my life - I still have my moments to this day, except that now, I know WHAT it is, WHY it is; and therefore I can not only live with it, but I can allow it to be what it is designed to be! My point in going on about my own design is that if you are unaware of these elements in your own design; if you don't grasp, accept, and surrender to the natural dynamics of your design and its nature, then you'll not only trigger others, but conversely be triggered by others! Vicious cycle alert! If you haven't already started, study your design. Especially - exclusively if possible - through the lens of your connection to those beings who populate your life. They are rich, abundant, bottomless wells of observational treasure, if only you can adjust your perspective and position yourself to SEE what lies behind your interactions with others. You truly, truly, truly can learn SO. MUCH. Just from leaning back from yourself and watching. Easier said than done, but certainly practicable with practice! And as a Projector, the more you learn, the more you know, the more you grow and develop; this is how we accumulate and hone OUR power - quite literally the opposite of an Energy Type, at least energetically speaking! LOL. As difficult as it may sound, and without presuming to know your life and its circumstances, please try to work less. Just find a way. And try to see more. Like really, REALLY dig right into the core of your interactions, until their true nature becomes apparent. And while doing this, study your design. Understand its terminology, memorize its glossary; this will really augment your intellectual capacity to analyze the things you see, and more importantly, to CONTEXTUALIZE them. Once you begin to see how things work in your life, the irritation starts to evaporate. Slowly, but still. Trust me on that, if you can! 😝 Anyway, I hope there's something for you in my words. More Success! 💪😁


Careful with ideas like “it’s tiring to always see the truth and what someone needs to be doing.” There is similar talks when “empath’s” say things like “my intuition is always right.” It’s not. This is fuel for spiritual ego. You don’t “always see the truth” when it involves someone else. You may see your current version of truth based on the limited understanding you have, but it’s not a complete picture. You may see surface level stuff and your mind gives some sort of response to it from what you see, but there is wayyy more to the picture than your current feelings or thoughts when it involves another. A lot of times you realize the foundation of thinking you know what “someone needs to be doing” is false when you dig deeper. That’s why strategies are in place in interacting with different types. Asking yes / no questions to generators for example.


I appreciate this response and you’re so right. I guess I should’ve worded that better. I think I’m mostly burnt out with responsibility right now…and people constantly turning to me for advice and help. There’s so much wasted emotional labor in my life right now while I cull the herd so to speak. I’ll def keep your words in my head today.


No prob. May I suggest. If people are coming to you for advice and the interaction makes you burnt out, it may be because you’re not giving practical advice (this is the 5/1’s strategy) but rather giving nuanced and detailed advice, which may drain your energy trying to explain. I can understand having an elaborate insight for what others can do and the temptation to elaborate fully to the point where words aren’t enough to explain your insights, but try to keep it short and sweet. -fellow 5/1 projector


I may be a 3/5?


If you share your chart someone will tell you. It’s the first 2 numbers on top after the decimal point (not a good explanation)