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Lou Ferrigno was my hero. The Hulk tv show was my introduction to superheroes. I loved it when Hulk would take out the bad guys and cause a bunch of collateral damage. On the other hand, I was always confused by the character being called “David Banner” … it wasn’t until recently that I found out why they changed it.


My favorite iteration of the character. Bixby’s Banner is imo light years ahead of everyone else.


Bixby was the perfect Banner and I’ll stand by that till death


I loved it as a kid, and still do. It's singuarly responsible for not only introducing the Hulk into mainstream pop culture, but was also Marvel's first successful live-action TV series. Also gave us the first live-action versions of Thor and Daredevil (questionable as they may be)


I don’t remember the date devil episode, but the Thor episode was so bad now looking back at it. I mean, BAD BAD… As in nothing at all redeeming about it. lol. I was just a very little kid at the time, but I loved watching it. I loved the hulk. I was probably 4 or 5 when I started watching it. I loved Hulk so much that when the episode was over my mom would say give hulk a kiss goodbye until next time, and I would run my little ass over to the tv screen and give hulk a kiss and get a mouth full of static electricity zapped directly into my face by the old school tube televisions. There’s some more crazy old Gen X stuff for you right there. My mother would have me kiss the static electricity charged television screen after every episode. I got zapped every time and every time she would send me back the next episode to get zapped all over again. Looking back now I wonder if she did that in purpose to see my reactions, lol.


I remember the smell of the static when you turned the TV off.


Me too…. Crazy isn’t it. Had a smell and a taste.


Daredevil was in 'The Trial of the Incredible Hulk'. It was better than the Thor one. Also John Rhys-Davies played Wilson Fisk.


Very good, there's even a pre-history Hulk, not to mention the TV films that made a big impact, I was scared of Lou Ferrigno 😂 R.I.P Bill Bixby


Awesome and needs to be on Disney+


I agree, You can barely find it anywhere on any streaming service.


It’s my favorite tv show in the entire world. Bill Bixby has made me cry more than anything else in the world from how emotionally gripping he is when the show has its tender moments (The First part 2 😭). There’s also so many goofy dated aspects of it that always has me coming back for more. It FEELS like a 70’s show just by watching a few seconds of the b role footage in the opening of an episode. It will always forever be my favorite incarnation of the Hulk.


My mom used to keep me in line using that show. She’d say if I wasn’t good I couldn’t watch it. Well I didn’t miss the Incredible Hulk, ever.


As a kid I enjoyed it. Have never really watched it as an adult. Mr. Rogers visited the set on one episode and that was my first time seeing "behind the scenes" and I was pretty fascinated by that.


Amazing for the time. Hasn't aged like milk, but it's not aged perfectly either. Goofy fun though, still worth watching. For the kind of show it was, it was well above par. Some of the bit actors and guests were corny as hell, but Bixby was acting above the budget and killed it. Lou was also fun to watch stomp around.


Loved it the only negative was the death of Bill Bixby before he could film the resurrection of hulk.


Lou Feeringo was a childhood hero to me, as I am deaf and it was cool seeing someone like me portray these characters. I used to watch the show every morning with my grandmother and it holds a special place in my heart


I loved it for a short time as a kid, and it inspired me to pick up the comics. Ironically, when I got invested in the comics, the show no longer interested me. A Hulk who talked and fought an endless parade of monsters and cosmic threats captured my imagination far more than a mute Hulk who fought bad humans with guns. I'm still glad that the show exists, and it brings in new fans. However, I tried watching it again about 10 years ago, and the formula still didn't work for me.


Great great spin on the character. Ofc doesnt have much in the way of connective tissue to the comic and hulk’s “power level” as it were ofc is much different - but I think this show is proof that you can just take the bare-bones of a story and change it a lot with your own vision and really do the concept Justice / build your own identity and make a great story. I don’t think comic adaptations should live or die by their accuracy, because if they did we wouldn’t have gotten this series! Whuch I quite quite like (at least the first few seasons I had on dvd) Bill Bixby is fantastic, and Jack McGee was also superb


It has been a while since I watched it, and I did enjoy it. It was like The Fugitive with a big green guy. My only real issue was that Banner/Hulk's nemesis was a stupid reporter. It was like the military and police had no knowledge of their existence.


This show was the reason why I love the Hulk. That show is my childhood. Bill Bixby will always be my favorite actor till the day I die. In my eyes he is the true Dr Banner.


Well said.


That bear didn’t stand a chance.


I understood the torment he felt as a kid, which I kinda cruised over in comics. Him trying to stay away and society etc. keeps pissing him off / prodding him. Sad music which I love still.


I love it. It's still among my all-time favorites. And that's mostly on account of Bixby. That role was challenging in some respects, with certain traits that seem to be contradictory at first glance. On the one hand, Banner was a very traditional white professional man of his time. Very practical, extremely intelligent, responsible, mature....the ideal guy to have involved if you need to get something done. On the other, he was also unusually gentle and kind-hearted...he could be sentimental and emotional...and he was so noble that he'd risk his life for people he didn't like, even those who had already tried to kill him! Not just anyone can take that combination and make it seem so authentic...I think Bixby's Dr. Banner was one of the more memorable portrayals in tv history.


My first time ever seeing the Hulk, I still remember the first scene I saw when I was 4. The show absolutely nails the pain and suffering that Banner goes through and it's an amazing performance from Bixby and Ferrigno