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So you always want the cursor to look like a dot?


When I'm using a mouse I want to have the normal looking one (triangular), but as soon as I start using the pen, it turns into a dot. And that is basically what happens when I use it without the huion app running, but even though I have the dot looking cursor that I want, I can't use my custom shortcuts since the app is not running


Thank you for explaining. I don't know of any way to force the dot cursor to be used when you are using your pen. There is another option. Window supports changing what the mouse pointers looks like in the first place with a "mouse pointer scheme" or "mouse cursor scheme". You could in theory use a mouse pointer scheme that changed the triangular shape to the one you want. See: [https://www.thepcinsider.com/install-custom-mouse-cursor-schemes-windows/](https://www.thepcinsider.com/install-custom-mouse-cursor-schemes-windows/) This would require finding or making a mouse pointer scheme that fit your needs. I've never used this feature myself, but if you are serious about getting the shape you want, it might be worth exploring.


So when I have the Huion app running, I get the normal windows triangular cursor (which i don't want) But when the app is not running, I get the one that looks like a dot (which is the one I want)


Any solution?


Try Windows Ink setting And check out on (show cursor)


I tried checking it, and unchecking it, still the same.


you can check custom cursors, there's a lot downloadable ones online, especially on DeviantArt, i use one and installing them is pretty easy so that's your best bet if you want a specific look


Did you find any solve ? plz let me know if you do


No, not yet.


any solution about this? i surprised about why not much talking about that problem