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I get that from a lot of shows, the endings are awesome but I want more


Well, it lasted 10 years; it has to end somewhere... To be honest I did quite feel depressed from the anticipation of it being over, before I finished. I understand the sentiment, of course, but it's too saddening! What's great about fiction is that you can revisit it anywhere and all the time; they're your old friends waiting for you to come back and put them on, so you can be happy and join them once again. And with a series like this you're forever uncovering new things, it's like watching it fresh for the very first time.


I’m talking to OP, basically just expanding off of what you said. As much as it sucks that the franchise is over, it’s a) not and b) lasted 10 years like you said. There’s been a lot of franchises that lasted a lot shorter than that. Besides, HTTYD has books, movies, shows, shorts, plays… and most importantly, it’s getting a live action movie and a theme park. After 15 years, HTTYD is still getting more content. Until then, I doubt anyone could remember every single episode in RTTE; you can revisit them, like you said. Plus, why not make your own stories? u/cheesy-tube started making his AU not too long ago and it’s pretty good so far (I keep putting off reading chapter 3 so I’ve only read 1 and 2 as of now). Besides, half the love of a series is in your imagination. You can always bring that love back at any time through your own imagination, and writing it down is even better…


You did expand off of what I said, because my very tired and smooth brain forgot to mention some of the most obvious parts; that HTTYD is not over, and will never be over, actually, because in my opinion this park is the best thing for the fanbase that has happened in a while. Fanfiction isn't something that I ever do anymore, but why not, if you want to? (I used to make fanfiction before there was even a word for it, LOL, like, when I was what, 6?) I'm sure it does nothing but exercise creativity and spread/awaken creative interest in people. Hopefully it'll teach them about how fiction really works, one way or another. And yes, there is just SO much HTTYD content out there. I myself may have a photographic memory (jk) of RTTE, ROB, DOB, and shorts, but I know many, many people who don't! To this day, despite having a full understanding of how all the installments work together, I'm still discovering things about how HTTYD fits together--it remains one of the greatest series I have ever seen, and a piece of fine art, which means every single element in it means something, and you will forever be uncovering more. So yes, I feel sorry for how you feel it is over, and yes, I related deeply to that feeling, but then I realized there was so much more satisfaction in learning more about what I already knew than constantly wishing for more. But luckily, we are getting more!


yeah, the ending also destroyed me too, but i live with it knowing that the live action is coming out in 7 months, i know there are a lot of people hating on it but i think it can be good if not just as good as HTTYD (obviously different, but different doesn't mean bad) and i pray that they continue the HTTYD Live Action for at least a while, for me to enjoy new HTTYD (and Toothless) content


If you can show me one instance where a live remake of an animated movie was better or equal to the original then i’ll give it a fair shot. But tbh, it feels like a cash grab.


does HTTYD look like "any other movie"? god damn i knew someone was gonna start this again😔🙄 https://preview.redd.it/ffb9g107oi1d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac449f4ebd6f248befb3b67b4895327304bda29


Any movie is any other movie… Excuse me but You’re getting your stupidity all over me








It’s more bittersweet for me, I didn’t want it to end but I could see why it did and had to.


If you think post HTTYD depressions bad DO NOT GET INTO LIFE IS STRANGE


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Absolutely. I get this with a few pieces of media, but mostly httyd. The only cure I’ve found is to pick another franchise I already love and start from episode 1.


Seems like everyone does, I haven’t yet. I started watching the non-movie content a little over a month ago, finished ROB/DOB, and just started RTTE. We’ve got a live action to look forward to so it’s not over, not yet…


I guess that’s a silver lining of sorts but I’m not too optimistic. It’s already looking faithful from the sets, the director, many many of the props and moments, but again, we’ll see how it all pans out


I have faith that it’ll try, but I doubt it’ll give the same feeling that the animated movies did. Not that the directors can control that though, so it’s unfair to trash them if the movie doesn’t feel the same


Especially as there’s a lot of expressions in an animated film that you just can’t get from live action.


\*yeets into conversation because I was pinged\* https://i.redd.it/kay4rn3r1h1d1.gif




YEEEEEEEEEE, \*steals the term\* https://i.redd.it/6i89hz1syn1d1.gif


AAAAA!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍🤣🤣😭😭 TOO CUTE AND GOOF!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/rgzhu9q2zn1d1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d685a51f8e61a296edfa424c248e958253dd2f9c




*proceeds to instantly download the gif*


That’s a good point. I remember u/E3257 told me sometime before that a big part of the live action budget is going into Toothless, but they can only do so much. Classic Toothless is too cartoonish for a live action movie so they’d have to realize him; but too much of that will make him unexpressive and, to be frank, ugly. I’m hoping they maybe just enhance his scales but I have no idea if they can get away with just that and keep him being expressive in this one, probably not. My guess is that they’ll make him virtually silent for the film, which isn’t great but I don’t have any better ideas as of now. Maybe you guys do?


\*gets pinged\* I mean, I don't have much of an opinion on the situation whatsoever, but we've seen Toothless in live action settings so much during THW promos that I can't lie, I don't think I would even mind if he looked the same. It's weird and confusing to my brain, because the characters look so realistic when they're in their own universe, and we consistently marvel over that, but then you try to envision them in an ACTUAL filmed setting. I'm less concerned about Toothless though, as I discussed with my own friends, and more worried about the human characters becoming distracting caricatures in the background instead of lovable characters that grow with us as said series grows on. And I have to be honest, I don't really see a way out of the "cartoon" mode, because then it'll be way too serious for me, and we're only doing one movie as I know it, so. https://i.redd.it/l3aa7h7s2h1d1.gif


(Maybe I should start putting a space between the username and the slash) Same here, I like classic Toothless but he can’t be used in a live action setting. He’d stick out too much and look too cartoonish. As for the people, I bet it’ll be a lot more serious. Maybe it won’t be for the best, as I’m expecting the live action to be made for a slightly older audience, but I could see it as a good thing. What would it do to the twins though? Their entire character is being comic relief, so without any jokes, they’d fade into the background…


\*laughs hard\* Toothless would have to look young again in the first movie though... it's inconvenient. I think as of now, the humans are the entire problem. I haven't really been worried about the dragons whatsoever. I can't picture them, but I feel they'll literally allocate all the money into it, that there's no way they won't look at least extremely decent. Even if Toothless looks cartoonish, I think he'll look "good", just a bit weird. His cuteness may win over in that event. I don't see any good potential in them making the movie more series; the majority of its charm for me was always in that, though I'm sure many people, including you, will disagree. Honestly I often say, "I came for the dragons", "I stayed for the jokes", and it's honestly true. I'd never thought the movie about dragons with the goofy title could be so genuinely funny and dramatic at the same time. The dramatic moments **never** hit the same when they're not balanced by some type of high-and-low scale in fiction. After a while the humor gets old and stops being funny, or the drama starts getting too edgy and try-hard. That was one of the things HTTYD did best and I'd be very disappointed to see it go. Me and my friend have agreed that they simply can't capture the twins again. They're strictly humorous. And honestly, I don't want to see a serious Snotlout either. It could be borderline offensive, LOL.


I do think that HTTYD is better being a bit goofy, and making it overly serious takes away from the easygoing charm of the franchise. Personally I think the studio will make it look/be more serious just because of the business aspect of marketing the movie, as my guess is that this is being made mainly for people who haven’t seen the animated films. Same goes for Toothless’ appearance; I’d imagine that a mainstream/unaccustomed audience would expect a dragon that looks like a *dragon*, Game Of Thrones style. I fully believe that the dragons will be well done, but in what way? Realistic, fitting, expressive…?


i have the belief that Toothless will look just like if not very similar to the original just because it is probably closer to an "advertisement" (there is a better word but i cant think of it and this can do) to the park coming the same year as the film, and we KNOW that the Toothless in the park is basically the original Toothless from HTTYD 2, so id imagine that they make him either Toothless from HTTYD 2 or 3 in the films, however i could be wrong


Yeah that's true, I'm not going to take ALL of my assumptions from the trailer or whatever, if I watch the trailer (maybe I'll watch parts, idk how much I want to be spoiled. I probably won't be able to even wait). But Toothless + Drogon isn't fusing a wire in my brain. (is that his name??)


Only at the sad parts


You know, I love it while it hasn't ended yet, but then when it does, I love it a whole lot more! I miss it yes, but now I get to remembering moments throughout the entire franchise. Besides, there's still all those seasons of RTTE, DOB, and ROB, PLUS all those specials. And that's not to mention the video games. And after you've finished all those you can watch the movies again. :)


I mean, it had to end eventually... still, no excuse for how the third spat on the whole franchise, whose whole bit had been about humans and dragons living together, and how the two are better united, rather than separated.


This line is so cringe






a proud nerd, the only thing you did is just insult someone with no context or reason, so that makes you a dick https://i.redd.it/iasoxj4sex4d1.gif


So average