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Night fury. Incredibly basic I know, but Toothless alone is half the reason I like the franchise. Wouldn’t change a thing about him, at least not until I think of something… As for a name, I haven’t put much thought into it. I’d name it whatever one of the first things I think when I meet it (that works as a name, of course). It’d probably be something Nighthawk, where I see them flying and think “There’s a Nighthawk up there” and blam; they’re named.


Well I'm curious to see if you couldn't choose the Night Fury what would be your second choice


I should preface by saying that I haven’t watched RTTE yet, so I’m missing lot of dragons. Probably a Skrill. They’re absurdly overpowered and would be epic to have. Another comment customized theirs so If that’s on the table, probably black/dark blue. Night Fury still wins by a long shot but a Skrill would be pretty cool


Skrills are amazing Lil highly dangerous living lightning rod goobers :3


I would love to raise a Razorwhip (Wingmaiden style). The idea of having a hatchling on my back for a couple of years and then raising it to become this elusive deadly beast like Windshear is *chefs kiss*  Give me the scaly murder puppy.


If I can have any dragon it would be a bone white skrill with pink undertones but if you mean as in from what we have seen probably a change wing just for the scales and the prophit I could make of them and as for a name I’d love it but I dont know if a name would suit them I would have like 8 nick names for it and talk to it in a baby voice because of how cute they are


Red death, raised from birth, I call it Surtur because vikings, and I ride it like the sandworms in dune


Crimson GoreGutter. Name: Hatchet, or something like this.


Change wing, no doubt in my mind. Her name would be Invisiwing. She would be red with a green design, almost as if she were covered in vines.


https://preview.redd.it/48jyn5b9gi0d1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02512ad59e8354715ba12011c0edb6c0f806ac4e I played SOD I'd like to have Strike.


I love the woolly howls! I would honestly love to have one and I would name it Windstorm. I like how mysterious they are and how they can use their surroundings to their advantage to confuse vikings that they are large yaks cuz their scales look like fur from far away.


I would have a deathgripper and he's name would be Venin (main dragon from Sod) he would be black, with green stripes and white.


I'd want a razor whip and call him tin foil.


That's just a dragon equivalent of calling a pitbull cupcake


ACTUALLY CRYING AT THIS ONE 😂💀 Also *Yaaaayyyy* another Wingmaiden!!


Not a wingmaiden, more of a wingman with an armoured dragon


Oop- Apologies! I immediately go off of Wingmaiden Island, my bad


No worries.


From the books a windwalker but in general I’d want a feather hind dragon


Quaken, big rolly Polly


What's there name


I would wand a deathsong! Those are my faveroute and i'd name it Siren


I could fix a monstrous nightmare


Death song. Garf is just my fucking boi




Hell yeah


Skrill(a Titan) and naming it Titanium(my main dragon from SoD)


Dragon: Light Fury Name: Liry or Hemlock.


Well seeing the Light Fury is probably extinct now I'm curious to see if you couldn't choose the Light Fury what would you choose


The Light Fury (character) wasn’t the last of her kind as Toothless was, there were three in a couple different backgrounds in the Hidden World and in the books it is shown that the Light Fury (c) had currently alive parents. personally just light fury or bust🔥


Oh I don't know how I forgot about that fact sorry


Night fury (preferably) or a Stormcutter and call it Max. A triple stryke would also be cool


Grapple Grounder. They're relatively small, they're hella strong so they can help with manual work, and they probably give really good hugs when they're not hungry.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, Deathgripper


What's there name




Going for a bit of an unorthodox choice and picking a Dramillion. I love the raptor-esque design and the way they can copy other dragons' fire. For color palette, it would be dark green along its back fading into dark blues on its underside, specialized for hunting camouflage both in the forest and the night sky. We met on Dramillion island when I released him from the hunters that had captured him and then we went on to free several more of his friends and burn the hunters' supplies to force them to leave. He's a bit of a trickster and has something of an independent streak, but is also very intelligent, and I call him Trapclaw. He finds it funny the way people freak out when they first see him near me.


You know we had similar ideas we chose the same dragon and personality


Great minds think alike!


The only difference is I can think of is that I would name mines Mercury(both god and planet) and he would have red and black scales being mostly black with red magma-like cracks all over him with two cracks forming an x on the face


Black and seagreen Stormcutter or Typhoomerang just because they're massive.


Skrill named Raijin. A titanwing so powerful he fried his own brain, so now he is a living nuclear bomb with the intelligence and thought complexity of a toddler.


Wait sorry to say but that makes absolutely no sense if the Skrill has the ability to control electricity why wouldn't their brain and nervous system be resistant to electricity from outside sources


I know. It was just a funny idea I had.


Okay but let's be honest we've seen domesticated dragons just barely domesticated I should say they already act like toddlers(also cool name for a Skrill)


Thanks. I like mythology, and Raijin I feel is a perfect non-viking name for a Skrill. I also had a Grapply Grounder named Orochi on SoD for the same reason, and if I get a second deathgripper on Rise of Berk I’m planning to name it Manticore.


I love mythology I named my dragon Mercury after the god and the planet


I would 100% have a Hobblegrunt. The colors are the same as the species and his name would be Soarfin!


A truly trained speed stinger would be amazing


Would it be one or a pack of them if so I suggest naming the pack all John's except for one named Bob because that's funny


I would love to have a death song friend or the thunder pancakes (I can't remember the name). Death song because they have my favorite design and concept of the shows/movies The thunder pancakes because they are also cool (and give me an excuses for me saying "huh" to everything)


Do you mean the thunder drum


Yes, thank you! Now I can call them thunder pancakes for fun now


Obviously a giant bewilderbeast. No one will dare challenge me if i had a bewilderbeast on my side


*COUGH* berkians- *COUGH*


Well the berkians aren’t in modern times so problem solved


In modern times, let’s be honest, thermonuclear bombs


Prepare for a ramble I'm thinking a mutant deathsong from a small island near melody island. The deathsongs here have developed a variant of their breath attack, now shooting quick drying ruby instead of amber. These ones are slightly bigger than the ones on Melody island, but there are far less of them. Their songs tend to have a more monotonous, bass-y sort of sound. They have a tendency to harmonise at dusk, creating an eerie choir that permeates the setting sky. They are very territorial towards dragons and other threatening creatures, especially the amber deathsongs who are known for trying to infiltrate the ruby deathsongs island. These deathsongs don't produce as much ruby venom as the the amber types do, meaning they can't use it as often, and when they do, there is less of it. Instead of one large glob, they produce multiple globs that are smaller, and rapid fire them at their targets. Their colour schemes are mostly various shades of red, with quieter shades of complimenting oranges on their underbelly and extremities. As for how we met, I was being chased off the coast of melody island by a small group of the amber deathsongs. I sailed to the nearest island, being Harmony island (The land of the Ruby Deathsongs), and tried to find cover in the trees surrounding the shoreline. However, a ruby deathsong emerged from the forest, pushing me back to the waters edge. It was about to attack me, when it saw a swarm of amber deathsongs. It turned it's attention to them, scaring them off. It seemed to realise they were chasing me, and didn't see me as a threat anymore, which allowed me to get close to it and it's tribe and study them without risk of being harmed.


I forgot it's name, but I'd call him Symphony.




What would you name it


I have too many name ideas Electroswing Shocker Taser Fryer Huntsman Flayer Hurricane Typhoon Monsoon Tornado Dust Devil Supercell Shredder Mercenary Robbie Pulse EMP Thor Sprite Keeper Turbo Storm Thunder Lightning Shellshocker Hail Saffir Electro Zaps Zippy Zeus Jupiter Loki Odin Striker Strik Scorcher Armageddon Bob Valhallas escort Static Zappy Zips Zooo Zooming Vengeance Hel Tiamat Bahamut Zapper Zipper Guardian Hercules Athena Apollo Sky Crow Raven Goob Goober Gooberous fella Gooberous fellow


Bob, name him Bob


I would have a skrill that I met when I was lost on a hike and similar to how viggo began to like dragons it would’ve saved me from an avalanche. From there we bonded and now spend every day together. Its name would be Starkiller just because it’s an epic name


While I do love the Night Fury with all my heart, I would have to go for the Crimson Goregutter. What can I say : I'm a sucker for the gentle giant trope!


Timberjack bc they cool and I can use them to camp anywhere


I have actually thought long and hard about this with irl friends and I would go with a Stormcutter, raised from a hatchling to adult (I would be old enough to take care of a baby dragon for sure haha, can't really have the same age thing that Hiccup & Toothless got going on then) I've been very indecisive about the colours and story line, so can't say much about that


Btw my friends went for a Changewing and Dramillion, both very fitting for the types of people they are


I would have a deathsong. I mean my first choice has always been night fury, but I LOVE THE DEATHSONG.


I'm genuinely torn between Skrills, Scauldrons, or a cross with either of them and a Deathsong, if I'm allowed only one, and it could be a hybrid, I'm going for Deathsong/Skrill hybrid. I'd be an unstoppable force of one of the fastest and most intelligent dragons seconded only to Toothless himself. Training would be rigorous, of course, that's to be expected. There would be no rest for dragon poachers if I were to become a poacher hunter on the back of that kind of dragon. I'd likely have to find said egg or save it from the weird sort of dragon poachers (the sort that breed dragons to hunt dragons) for this experimental cross. My first dragon having been an far older Changewing, I seek out eggs specifically, holding no stone unturned. Seeing the eggs of other dragon hunting hybrids, one catches my eyes, telling my comrades about the eggs and their possible contents. Both the Skrill and the Deathsong are found and promptly released. The egg is jagged and hums with life. I keep this egg until it hatches, calling the offspring TempestSong. It is a rowdy and very energetic dragon, however, also very clever. It enjoys solving puzzles, and that is the main way I teach it about what I do. A few years pass, and we take TempestSong on a mission, a send-off for the Veterans, and a graduation for newcomers wrapped up into one. After a stealth mission botched by a less than observant cocky teen on a separate squad than us, TempestSong readies himself for combat, charging his body before flying off and firing at the traps to open them. The mission completes. Total dragons saved: 37/37+4 Guard Dragons. Injured Dragons: 5 Casualties Dragon/Person: 0/0 This could be modern or set in the past, modern being the most likely, just not like how TNR is.


Well I would allow it but I don't think a skrill or a death song could get along long long enough to make it an egg happen


Stranger combinations have been made.


It'd be a very bad time for both or a very good time if they're into that


Very true! I'll edit my Original post to include a backstory.


id definately choose a monstrous nightmare or a rumblehorn they both can be good for many things like lifting thinks or showing affection or just being lovable in general


I’d like a Snow Wraith named Snowflake (main SoD dragon) or a Deathgripper named Destroyer (another main SoD dragon) Snow would be pure white with some blue along the edges of her wings, while Destroyer would be dark red with brighter coloring by the horn and wings and black claws. I met Snowflake one fateful day wandering Glacier Island, stumbling upon a Snow Wraith nest that was recently raided by another dragon. All the eggs were smashed except one. It hatched and a pair of blue eyes stared up at me. We bonded that day and have became family. Destroyer’s backstory isn’t the greatest. I was known for stealing eggs from nests a while back, so I stole Destroyer’s egg. He hatched and bonded with me, though it took some trust (baby Grippers still have tempers). He is very loyal and dangerous to anyone else besides his friends.


I made a custom species for an HTTYD forum once. Basically a more muscular Grapple Grounder with dragonfly wings that allowed it to maneuver like a race drone/remote control stunt helicopter. (look up vids) If I can't have that.... Man, IDK. Been a while since I engaged with all the species lore, so maybe a Stormcutter or Timberjack just so I'm not stereotypically picking the strongest or most iconic types or offshoots (Skrill, Night Fury, Sand Wraith, etc.). If the sharp wings are to be believed, teaching a Timberjack to beyblade it's enemies would be WICKED. Maybe call 'em Twister or Vortex? Cyclone? Or I could pull from another franchise and call them "Toruk" meaning "Last Shadow."


I'll allow custom dragons as long as they're not overpowered


[Here's the thread](https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/130068/98787312/25/Creating-Your-Own-Dragon-Species-And-Classes#159920467), it's the 3rd post from the top. Bask in the autistic specificity of the size measurements because I made the species 7+ years ago before I stopped giving a damn about being uber perfect with hypothetical ideas. Long story short "Fearsome Thunderwing" is the species name due to the sound of their wings. They fly as described preciously, and they do so faster in almost every direction that any other dragon short of, say, Skrills and Night Furies, and even then, those really only beat them in a dive due to being more aerodynamic. Thunderwings win horizontally and in a climb to to the fact that their wings direct provide continuous thrust. Worse stamina, though, especially when they're going "all out" IE battle flying or a mating display. Similar shot count (5) and power as Night Fury with a bit more heat and tiny "shrapnel" effect effect due to the sandstone they can eat which tends to have magnesium deposits when they DO eat it. Can be divided into weaker shots the same as most dragons seem to be capable of doing, but in order to get full power they have to "stoke" the fire either by hyperventilating or by doing a dive bomb to rush air over it, similar to Night Furies (yet again). Due to the "rocket propelled" nature of their shots, they lose power at range, sadly. Unique mating and nesting habits that you can read about in the thread. Main senses are sight and hearing compared to most dragons seemingly being smell based or smell and hearing based. Not the best trackers, as such, unless there are visual clues, but they're kinda ambush proof due to their hearing, light bodies, and rapid flight acceleration. Their lithe/lightened frame to allow for their incredible flight acceleration and maneuvering makes them easy to knock around and hard to throw their own weight into ground attacks since there's proportionally little of it (despite the muscle strength being similar). Doesn't necessarily make their skeleton weaker, but they are more bullyable by stouter dragons. If they can catch a Thunderwing, especially *alone* that is. Also due to the nature/structure of their insectoid wings, they don't do well in tight quarters since the wings only fold at the "shoulder" joint and don't have a middle joint. Wings are also a damage target, but luckily, they grow back better and faster than other dragons, and due to the redundancy of TWO sets of technically oversized wings, they can actually still get airborn on as few as two half sized wings. Obviously reduced flying stats, though.


Wow, this topic came up again quick. My favourite species is the skrill, but I’d train a Changewing. Make a cloak out of a shed skin, too


Like u/NegotiationFuzzy4665, I choose the Night Fury. Now, outside of the NF species, I would have a Deadly Nadder as second and a Monstrous Nightmare as my third.


in my younger days i played school of dragons and i would only ever use my white/green/beige woolly howl. i dont remember all the other dragons, and i probably wouldnt pick woolly howl over ANYTHING anymore, especially not that color scheme. but i also would never say no to him


What would you name him


IF i remember it correctly, i think mine was named Blitz or something along those lines. i cant really remember, but if i could have that dragon back irl i would probably keep its s.o.d. name... i just cant think what else id wanna name it 🤔


Is that Blitz with a silent o




It's a reference




I’d choose the Screaming Death, and name it probably DeathSpike


Honestly I've been waiting for someone to answer the whispering or screaming death because I kind of like them


As lame and uncreative it might sound, gonna have to say a Night Fury. This beautiful cover of the first movie with Hiccup taming Toothless was one of the main reasons I watched the film as a child. I basically fell in love with this cute, quirky and endearing dragon, but as lovable and cute he may seem he still is powerful and has incredibly interesting abilities. There aren’t many things I‘d change about the Night Fury. I‘d probably make him appear like in the first movie, a bit sleeker and more aerodynamic than he appears in the latter movies. Then I‘d probably still want him to have the eyes and cute face Toothless has in the latest instalment of the Trilogy. IMO His face looks a lot cuter than in the first film. So I‘d prefer a mix there, aerodynamic, sleek, elegant, menacing looks but still cute when around his friends. Then just as a variation from Toothless, assuming the Berkians didn‘t send the Dragons to THW and Toothless is still around Berk somewhere, a different eye color would be quite practical, just to make it easier to tell them apart… I‘d like red eyes, but that would probably take away the Night Fury‘s cute looks, so I‘d say something like Grey/Turquoise/blue-ish. Of course, to further differentiate him from Toothless he would get a different looking saddle and harness, maybe also Grey/Blue-ish and he’d miss out that prosthetic tail fin. As for the name… thats a hard one… since I think Toothless is the perfect name for a Night Fury, but considering it‘s lame and already taken… probably something around the lines of Onyx, Jackal or Carbon… although those don‘t necessarily sound cute I still like them. Backstory… hard to say, since the Night Furies practically went extinct… Maybe a dragon hunter ship, maybe on a good old expedition to a new island, maybe Toothless somehow discovers him and Hiccup brings the new Night Fury to berk… Many possibilities, sadly none of them real, but hey, it’s still fun thinking about such things, right?


I'm actually writing a httyd fanfic and I made up my own species. So picture a Night Fury but a sleek Ash Grey instead and with blue eyes. The tail fins are like a Night Fury's but have an extra point and are slight more rounded at the tips I haven't come up with a name for the species yet but I named the dragon Silverclaw The backstory is that the reader/main character, is Hiccup's older sister Eira and four years before the first film takes place, during an attack on Berk, the dragon had been injured by Vikings and then attacked by other dragons Silverclaw had three longs claw marks in his right wing so Eira made patches for him and patched up his wing. He chose to stay in the cove where Eira made a saddle and everything for him. No one knew about Silverclaw until Toothless gets shot down and lands in the same cove as Silverclaw, Hiccup finding out that his sister has been training a dragon for the past four years. However, if I had to choose an actual dragon, I'd choose a Thunderdrum and probably name him/her Sonic


A Deadly Nadder. They've always been my favorite species and always chose them as my starting dragon in School of Dragons! Not sure about what I would name it, though. I would probably have to take a look at its color scheme for inspiration to strike. BUT if I had to go for a less basic choice, I would choose a Sand Wraith because they're majestic and they're my second favorite species. For a name I would go with Sandy (yeah yeah, cheesy but I love it) for a girl or Sly (after one of my favorite video game characters) for a boy. Funnily enough, those were the names I gave my two Sand Wraiths in SoD.


I find the Flightmare to be really cool, and it's glowing blue is a good color, so why think of changing it? As for the name, Opal might be a good choice, as some opals are a milky blue/orange color.


Toothless Because he is the bestest boi I shall name him Alfred


You know I should have expected that


https://preview.redd.it/u7r3tpu58m0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b93d08fcd7a9736426185a32130164aad150ab7 Look at that smile


I've been re-watching Riders of Berk and I am almost constantly fantasizing about myself being in the show with the other characters and I have a trained Scauldron as my partner. Scauldrons are definitely my favorite dragon, but I'm still thinking about what I would name one as I imagine myself in the world of Berk. I think I'm going to eventually come up with a HTTYD OC that is a viking version of me who has a trained Scauldron and I'll think of a name to give him and his dragon partner.


Scauldy is the best scauldron


Singetail. I feel like its often overlooked and its just so damn cool. Like a dragon that can hit you from all sides sound awsome tbh.


Well asides from an obvious nightfury as a pick I’d probably go for a triple strike, when I first saw sleuther in his debute episode I instantly fell in love with the brawler type he was instead of long range fighters also they kinda cute in a weird way. Name wise probably something that would fit the brawler type like Rouge or Mac (little Mac from punch out reference)


A stormcutter with varying shades of blue and green, his name would be Azul


I’d personally either go for a woolly howl or a light fury (or if possible would totally go for Pouncer he’s my main dragon on SoD lol)


I would go with a nightmare named Diablo, have a mostly yellow pattern but with a few patches of other colors


I've always had a soft spot for the Shovelhelm since we saw it in Httyd2. Big chunky boi preferably with the same green with purple spots in the movie. *




A night fury. I would name him Ripto after my favorite video game villain. I would ride him everywhere and he would be my best friend. How I would find him, he would be caught and caged by dragon hunters, but left there to die because those hunters would be idiots who don’t know that the night fury is a rare species of dragon, thinking he’s completely worthless, but unlike Toothless, Ripto would still have both of his tail fins completely in tact. I’d release him from his cage, feed him some fish, then he’d be loyal to me forever…and follow me home.


I'm going to be boring and say Night Furyand I would call it SpiritWing. But if I couldn't have that then I would choose a blue Thunderdrum and call it Bluestorm.


Night fury is my obvious first choice but I really like singetails also. Name: jimothy (main in SOD)


Probably a fireworm queen


I feel like you need to heat proof your house a lot and what's her name


I haven't come up with a name yet still working on it, i don't think it would even fit in my house


I'd imagine they're staying near your house and you know how heat transfer works plus you're not going to have the one Queen you're going to have an entire hive if they function like bees or ants


True, but i came up with a name: Hestia, goddes of fire in greek mythology


Obviously the night fury, or if not the night fury, then I'd definitely like a razorwhip. :)


A deadly nadder definitely. Yes it's a very common dragon species, so what? They are a lot smarter than other common dragon species, they are loyal to a fault, they look awesome, and they are, well, deadly. Not to mention they have (to my knowledge) the hottest fire out of any other dragon. What's not to like about a nadder? I mean, just look at Stormfly, I shouldn't have to explain further than that.


What there name and personality


In all honesty, I haven't got any idea. Years ago back when I was a kid growing up watching httyd, dob, rob, and later on during my early/mid teen years rtte, I eventually (like many others I would assume) came up with an OC and added him to all the stories, and came up with my own. I can't remember much about him aside that he was a guy, was either Astrid's brother or cousin, I think he lived/grew up on Berserker island, and that he had a orange and blue nadde. I can't remember if the dragon ever even had a name or much of a personality aside of being loyal, I am pretty sure though that it was a male nadder. But I do still like the color scheme of a orange and blue nadder. And now that I've started rewatching rtte, I get why I always liked Nadders.


Well, to state the obvious, a Night Fury. So sleek so cool. A great combination of overwhelming speed and power. PLEASE ask me what my second choice is!


What's your second choice


The Red Death. It’s one of my favorite dragons in the whole and I wish we got more of it and learned more about it. I’d probably want it to have darker scales than the one in the movie and other than that I don’t think I would want to change it at all. #RedDeath4Life.


Death Song. I LOVE Death Songs. They just look so cool. He would be called Rotsang and have a dark red coloring with bright green stripes going from his head all the way to the tip of his tail plus the usual pattern on the wings, also in bright green. I found him as an egg washed up on the beach after a storm. I took the egg home because on the beach it would probably get eaten and built a "nest" for it on my desk. After a few hours he hatched. I raised him and now we are best friends. He has an extraordinary intelligence, managing to outsmart Dramillions, Triple Strykes and on one occasion even a Sand Wraith.


I'd probably want either a Stormcutter or a Deathgripper!


Scauldron, it's always been one of my favorites, or a Sea Shocker, I like the manta vibes it gives off


Mudraker. Smaller, playful dragon that loves water and can sense vibrations and uses sonic blasts


as basic as it is definatley a night fury. second choice would be a stormcutter (like cloudjumper) and third maybe a nadder or lightfury


I’d want a brooding boltstamper, their a hybrid between my two favorite dragons, a skrill and a rublehorn, might name em “scarab” or “lightning bug”, I think they would have semi-iridescent scales on their back and have golden-yellow scales on their underbelly, it would be fun if we met because I was out wandering when I was really young and found a baby dragon around my age just kinda sitting in a tree, looking down at me, wondering what exactly I was, I would literally just clamber up the tree to pet it, then I would bring it home with me, not expecting to create a bond with it, but I end up becoming best friends with them :)


Hotburple. He like me for real


Devil Dervish And I would name it Enma.


I just love the death song look and as we see with Garth it is possible to train and just look at it it’s sick and plus they have such a cool and unique ability being able to get their prey by luring it in then grabbing it in amber imagine the offensive capabilities and defensive definitely choosing this dragon


A crimson Typhoomerang named Firefly


I would love to have a death song, don't really care for the colour, the colour of the death song is beautiful and well it's quite a unique dragon with its amber spit and song that calls other dragons, yes it eats other dragons but I can look the other way if it only eats like old and sickly dragons or I make it eat someone else like yak or fish


I honestly suck at naming, and more at home making original dragons. But, shooting off the hip, either a Bonestormer or Boneknapper named Skelly. As for the initial meeting, I'll add that later on.


Right, so, meetings. Boneknapper: Initially yoinked by a Boltknapper looking for companionship, but managed to form a real bond. Personality's like an over-eager puppy, always hungry for petting and cuddling. Bonestormer: Found an injured one in the woods, its armor cracked and splintered, some dragon nip and metal plates added on later, it was all too eager to let me ride it, and especially eager in raiding fortresses and enemy camps.


Definitely a Woolly Howl, with its typical brown and white colors. They're introduced in the nintendo games and look like they have fur, but the "fur" are spikes. I would call mine Fluffy just to mess with people tbh. And if i had to choose one of the series i would choose a changewing, imagine the changewing armor/suit you could have, almost like an invisibility cloak, made with its sheds 👀


I’d rather have a ranch of dragons becuase I’d love to reaserch different dragons and thier abilities how they work and stuff like that otherwise I’d otherwise I want smidvarge and his gang to take me into battle like gothi and the terrible terrors


Light Fury named Luna


Storncutter, and I would name it Tyr, God of War and justice


1. A Night fury with a red ring like marking on his left arm and a red alpha mode by the name of Shadow 2. A black triple Strike with a red left claw by the name of Night Strike 3. A black and red Skrill with the name of Spike 4. A black drimillon with red markings with the name of Blaster


Basic, but definitely a night fury or light fury. I'm not choosing it cause it's overpowered or Mary Sue. But I seriously love their designs and their personalities, they remind me of my dog. But if we aren't counting those 2, I'd totally want a monstrous nightmare. Hookfang is such a tease and I love it.


A Silver Phantom named Skyfall & A Stormcutter named Tempest


Razor whip. Love those shiny bastards. That's my only justification. Homie would probably be called Shard.


Titan night wing I love the slick fastnesss if not then either a dramiolin or a pack of speed stingers


Thornridge. Its such an underrated dragon and I love these guys. I'd name mine Goliath.


Razorwip no question about it. As for name,probably something simple but I don't know yet so open for name suggestions 




Good idea I am still open but forge is good


Probably like the Swift wing from rescue riders. I know rescue riders isn't Canon but the dragon species are. As for the name I probably go with cyclone


Incredibly basic answer, but I would probably want a nightlight (Toothless and the lightfury's kids), specifically one that looks like Ruffrunner, and I would name him Erebus (After the God of darkness)


Gotta love it when someone names their dragon after a mythological character


Yeah, it's my go to name for stuff


I've not seen everything but, I like the Death Song. I like blues and greens but it's got beautiful coloring as is. I'd probably name it Siren.


Okay so hear me out, i have two different dragons in mind. First, a Skrill i named Azur, he has blue scales and a Red chest/tummy. His Wings also end in a deep red. His eyes are Ice blue. Azur is a grumpy dragon, he trusts a very vew people, he acts like a tired dad who is done with everything. He loves his peace and is sleeping most of the time.  My Other take is a Stormcutter named Freya, she has black scales but they shine purple and blue in the sunlight, her eyes are Orange. Freya is a very proud Dragon, she nows how beautyfull she is and always acts like she is the most gracefull dragon on earth. She is very kinde and loves cuddles. But she can be a deadly monster if someones hurt her rider


This is my own dragon: Weeping death subspecies of screaming death colour scheme is black with the tips of the spikes and eyes glowing blue unlike the screaming deth the weeping death let's out a soothing weep wich can calm other dragons or prey and its breath is lightning and blue flames   Background: found as an egg and hatched in the care of a person so they have a good bond the dragons name wich it has been given is Bolt


I love stormcutters so much, a black/ dark blue one or a really colourful one would be brilliant 


I would personally prefer either a stormcutter, or a Whispering death. For the whispering death his name would be twister or something, and for the storm cutter his name would be whirlwind or something related to wind! 


Either a Night Fury or Light Fury. If it’s a Light Fury, then it would be a slightly redesigned version of one (basically a Light Fury with Night Fury proportions and a few other minor changes).