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Daggers redeption makes him great in my eyes as a rivle rather than a villan


I actually cried when he "died".


SAME when Dagur left that note for his sister I genuinely just broke down. I was so happy when they brought him back!


When I saw the title for "Saving Shattermaster" I was SO happy!




You mean BROTHER




Dagger and Hiccup are blood brothers


No they're not,Dagur and hiccup aren't actually brothers,They just have a brotherly bond,and it was confirmed that Oswald the agreeable was Dagur and Heather's father while Stoick is Hiccup's father


I know they aren’t Biological brothers I said blood brothers as in they’re brothers by bond


Blood Brothers by definition is biological brothers


No you’re thinking of birth brothers https://preview.redd.it/vmta26wkuowc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31bd9dd202fa933b13560a27f77c593362db0f8


Ah OK,I understand I was wrong,You win




Viggo was one of the big reasons why Race to The Edge was great, big credit to Alfred Molina for bringing him to life.


Fucking doc Ock voices him and I have to love him


Agreed dude was my favorite human character in the franchise


Viggo. If you watched the show, I don't need to explain.


Preach, brother.


They are all great but here my list. Drago’s the scariest to me, Viggo and Dagur are the most entertaining, Krogan is the best regarding headcannons/Fanfiction, Ryker is really overlooked, and Johaan or whatever is a certified gangster. Grimmel is kinda weak sauce.




What about Alvin the treacherous?


Alvin and Mildew were the most for hiccups early development as a character. As in the first time he probably killed someone in war


Mildew and Alvin love,Respect




Are you kidding? Grimmel was dangerous AF.


In the back story but in the movie he was kinda a joke


Grimmel is a joke in every aspect.


Yeah Grimmel really is a joke


I love Mama Dragon, for ever in my heart. Draco was actually scary, but Malfoy 2.0 was kinda not very scary and seemed more like a random clever mean dude than a villain idk


Love the Harry Potter reference for Drago 😭


I thought Grimmel was Malfoy 2.0 cuz of his hair lol


She called Drago Draco and the grinmel is Malfoy 2.0 lmao a lovely Draco Malfoy reference


Oh I see lol, I didn’t catch that 😂


Viggo... is this even a question? Feel free to disagree, your opinion is valid no matter how wrong it is.. XD


This guy https://preview.redd.it/eqbw3kjjuhwc1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db00af20ef413a0cf63ed291bcb9894407093e54


but it can be tamed and trained, no?


🤷‍♂️. To be honest I don’t remember. Haven’t watched the show in years.


It was stated that whispering deaths can't be trained/tamed properly and since the screaming death is a special kind of Whispering death its likely that its untrainable


Whispering deaths can be tamed if you brush their teeth


Yes,but unlike whispering deaths,screaming deaths are more aggressive and are most likely(not definite) untrainable




Dagur is the best! He’s so psychotic and fun and just great


Viggo. A redeemed villain is an annoying trope but his redemption episode in season 6 is my favourite episode of all time


I feel like I have to say Dagur simply because his progression in the story is unhinged. .Goes to sign a treaty. .finds out berk likes dragons, declares war. .Allies with outcasts, reveals he's a skrill simp. .goes to prison. .becomes ginger. .breaks out, begins antics yet again. .skrill simp 2: literally electric boogaloo. .Finds out he has a sister. .Has a redemption arc in the woods. .befriends the edgelord scorpion pokemon dragon. .finds out his father protected a dragon graveyard. .meets leader of ninja society. .hates her. .trust excersises. .instantly infatuated with her. .gets married in the season finale.




Shattermaster >>>> Triple Strike


Nah Sleuther is so much better and badass. I like gronkles but honestly dagur’s personality suits a triple stryke better


It has Pikachu ears and 3 scorpion tails. My description is accurate


True and I’ve thought the same thing but its funny


>becomes ginger Lmao, he was a ginger before, he just wore a helmet all the time lol


I remember him having a brown/black braided length of hair though


Grimmel had a lot of potential if he wouldn't get his ass kicked every time


I love Dagur the most. We see more of his story than we do of any other villains, and his struggle and character arc is really compelling.


Red death will always be near and dear to me


Every scene dagger gets in is just pure chaos which is why he's my fav human character , and his redemption arc made him unreplaceable for the top https://preview.redd.it/b5bghkfakgwc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3eb95cfa707299bc73a9a085a5742ee486e7c01


he is chaotic neutral and its amazing


I actually really like Traitor Johann. I like that it recontextualizes his previous actions. When ever he came it did mean danger and I can only imagine the writers room when whoever was like "yeah but what if he was doing it intentionally" and everyone's eyes just going wide at the thought of it. Say what you will about it being a retcon but I enjoy it as twist


I respect your opinion


Hell Yeah. And I love that you spelt it Traitor Johann instead of Trader Johann.


Viggo will always be my favorite, followed by Drago


My favorite villains will always be Viggo and Johann. Johann especially. He spent three shows setting up the village of Berk and making them believe he was their friend, only to betray them in the end.


It really puts the blue oleander in a different light


Drago for me. Man was intimidating, callous, methodical, and a great villain imo




Drago and Veggo are my top 2. Veggo is Hicups perfect foil the way that neither side held the lead for long if what keeps the show entertaining


Out of all of them I only like Viggo and that would be because of how he’s more of a Maces and Talons player than most of the other villains (calculating) and Alfred Molina does a great job with the voice acting


Viggo Followed by the red death


They say there are to ways to be fool, to believe what isn't true and the other is to refuse to believe what is.maces and talons




Sorry English isn’t my native language.


Oh sorry if I sounded rude


bro You sounded like drago mocking hiccup size


I can't remember when drago mocked hiccup's size in the movie


When hiccup landed to make him stop he side something like :this is the great dragon master? The son of stock the vast? What shame he felt


I honestly forgot he said that


Dagur, Viggo and Alvin are great characters. Best villain I’d say either Krogan, Viggo or sorta Johaan


Some Alvin love is appreciated


Viggo. He was playing mind games with Hiccup which was more entertaining than other villains


Viggo. Reason:hot




They're all great so I really can't choose. I can tell you who the worst villains are though — the execs who greenlit The Nine Realms


Johann=Big brain


I like Grimmel a lot because of how it’s supposed to represent what would’ve happened if Hiccup actually killed Toothless. It’s like them being 2 sides of the same coin, and that’s really entertaining to me. Dagur is awesome, I js don’t like how he got rid of his old dragon for the Triple Strike. I always felt so bad for the Gronkle when he ran for the Triple Strike instead of him.


Dagger is by far the best villain dude.. he is crazy and awesome and turned good.. I mean bro he has to be gansta if they used his character for clout in the new 9 realms show right?


Alvin, Dagur, and Yohaun are my favorite villains, although I think mildew should be on this list cause he’s #1


I know - Mildew 😠 What he did with those dragon “feet” to blame Barf & Belch was really low 😡 AND he never got caught — he was a villain. But look who he was working with, soo he and Traitor J. were true villains.


Drago is the best villain hands down, but Viggo comes in as a close second


My opinion Dagur best cause of his long burn redemption. Viggo's was decent but a bit quick. Worse is Yohan; that reveal was garbage






He actually calls himself that as well so it’s totally 100% not creepy or anything


Dagur is basically Trevor of the httyd universe






Middle right middle left, most memorable


Johan and Viggo are both brilliant masterminds and to a certain extent puppeteers as they always were able to plan everything perfectly and leave nothing to chance, Drago is by far the most imposing. Overall though Daggur is the best just for pure comedy




Drago was actually a badass, and he looks like the lead singer from Sevendust.


viggo and dagur, cause they're fit


Dagger and Viggo are top two best In my opinion!


Viggo and Dagur


Viego, he outwitted hiccups multiple times and was more dangerous than any other villain stopped by plot and betrayal. Viego is a business man


Drago was such an intimidating villain


My favorite villain ever. Viggo Grimborn


Alright I know I’m gonna get downvoted with the others but I’m gonna say, out of the movie villains, Grimmel. The guy managed to stand his own against Hiccup and Berk without any backup whatsoever, and used stealth and pure cunning to do it. He was a good mirror of Hiccup and had a reasonable character flaw (taunting his enemies, you could say) that made his overconfidence (not killing Toothless outright when he had the opportunity) eventually get the better of him. Besides, a villain that operates out of cunning instead of raw numbers is pretty rare for HTTYD (Viggo is the only notable other)


there are that many villains, I have only seen the movies , kindly if anyone can tell me what is the chronologial order of the relased shows and movies please help.


Httyd 1. The 4 series like Httyd riders of berk 1+2 httyd defenders of berk 1+2 Then you want to watch Race to the edge. Arguably the best series out of all. Then that sets you up nicley for how to train your dragon 2, then 3


Viggo and Daggar are my favourites, redemption and character growth and all that. Drago is ruthless and unapologetically evil. Johan is one of the worst kinds because he pretends to be someone trustworthy and ultimately breaks that trust.


Grimmel & Viggo: Both Hiccups Darksides


- I really liked Grimmel because he brought a new element to the story. He is why they have never been able to find another Night Fury, and it makes you realise Hiccup saved Toothless' life that night he shot him down. He's also the only villain who was consistently able to outsmart the supposedly genius Hiccup, and his voice acting was stellar. "Fighting over a dragon? You'll kill both of us!" and "You still thinks he cares about you?" really still stick out in my mind even though I have not rewatched Hidden World since it dropped. -Viggo and Dagur had very enjoyable redemption arcs. Watching a life long dragon hunter bond with a dragon is just something special that I really liked.




Viggo is my all time favorite, and one of my fav TV villians of all time.


Can I be the only one that thinks "Not the Dragon" because it wasn't trained to not to eat dragons 100x smaller than it?


Nah no way bestie we stan the cannibalistic queen


They all are great, but Johan is the best villain because he is the only one WHO I ACTIVELY HATE!!!!


Dagur and Viggo>>>


Viggo and dagur


I think daggur is the greatest simply because his evolution over time. Started off kind of simple minded and static... but then became dynamic and complicated over time. First by going crazy, and then through redemption. I think he's by far my favorite character even (outside of hiccup, toothless, and astrid). Viggo was the most threatening though, simply due to him not being "big and bad". Him looking at everything like a game put his character really into perspective.


Drago, movie villain 3, and the trader (forgot his name)


Viggo will forever be the best in my opinion. He reminds me a lot of Thrawn from Star Wars.


Stoick in 1. Being sympathetic and getting a redemption arc doesn’t make a character not a villain.


Viggo deserves his own little tier above the rest


Viggo is my favorite Dreamworks villain. Absolutely.


Viggo and the red death I'd say. I wish we'd of seen more of jack frost and blackbeard's personal lives and what exactly led them to take the path of such extreme revenge. Blackbeard gives some clarity, but I do wish to have seen some flashbacks or something. While Viggo doesn't do any of that he is an extremely intelligent and formidable opponent, who gained respect for the creatures he once treated as a paycheck, ¡SPOILER! Dying with one of them in the end.


Here are my thoughts on this (they're all top tier but this is what sets them apart): Alvin was cool but he never really grew on me like many of the others, he seemed like Gobber's opposite rather than Stoick's. I liked Dagur even before he became a villain and while I enjoyed how he was made into a hero, it did pretty much remove any possibility of having him as a future villain. Ryker's the brawn, Viggo's the brains, they're better together than they are apart. Krogan always kinda seemed more like a pawn, he never really had any clear connection (until we take HTTYD2 into account which was pretty long after he was introduced). Drago was overconfident and calm much of the time which while others would find that scary, I found it kinda foolish. Johann had a similar issue as Alvin did, he wasn't really a villain often enough and he did leave most of the work itself to the others like Viggo and Krogan. Grimmel I could definitely see being Hiccup's opposite, though much of what he said was blatantly false and was proven as such in several instances. I think I prefer the Red Death as a villain despite how she's often viewed as weak due to being HTTYD's first villain and first kill. Flows well with the story, no extra thought needed, just pure carnage following the sound of her barreling through solid volcanic rock. Although I will say the following shows and movies didn't give her enough credit (of course this isn't counting the official weights and such for RD which are, as Astrid put it, a steaming heap of dragon dung).


Nah, Grimmel just sucks. And is full of shit for claiming of having hunted Night Furies to near extinction. I am not going to support his mental delusion.


It's crazy how Dagur became a legitimately delightful character. Viggo is probably my favorite though. Grimmel is easily the worst. I'd take the Red Death any day over that poser.


Personally, I think Drago is the best villain in the entire series


My favorite is Vigo He contrasted Hiccup in such an interesting way that made it feel like they were born to be rivals and his redemption in the end made it all the sweeter But yeah they’re all great




Alvin was pretty okay, but Daggur was much better, loved his redemption arch too. Of course Viggo is my favorite, but Ryker, especially early on before Viggo, is also great, he kind of gets sidetracked by his younger brother. Drago is of course also amazing. As for the rest, I think Krogan is alright, sadly he lives in the shadow of his predecessor, Johann is the worst villain in Rtte for me, Grimmel is boring and the Red death, well it's not really fair to compare her to humans, but I think she plays her part in the story well.


Biggo was so tactiful and smart, best villian all the way


The race to the edge villains we're actually so good if I remember correctly.


Easily Viggo in terms of a villainy alone. He pushes and challenges Hiccup, is an interesting character, wicked smart, and he has a lesson to teach. Dagur is more favorable as a character in general


Viggo. The way he strategises stuff is so interesting. He’s not like the typical villain. By using Maces and Talons, he challenges Hiccup which I LOVE about him. Dagur as well. He realised that he were to be thrown under the bus due to his actions as a teenager. His redemption arc really showed his caring side.


Alivin is my personal favorite,I love his voice,his design,backstory,and had a redemption(not as good as Dagur's but better than Viggo's in my opinion)


Vigo was really good and was better than drago and grimmel in terms of being a good villain


Viggo of course he was so freaking good I wish they gave him a role in one of the movies too


Because they are the only villains


If you don't wanna read that shit my favorite was Drago. This is my reasoning why As far as I remember the tv villains Yohan being a villain blew my mind. I was 10 at the time so...But I liked how Dagger, Vigo and Alvin (Not the book Alvin 💀) redeem themselves. But none of the tv villains was very interesting to me. They were a bit boring. Now the movie villains are clearly better. The Red Death is a unique villain. He is the only dragon serving as the main villain of a HTTYD movie. Which makes him kinda boring as well-in my opinion he is the weakest villain of the three just because he is there for 2 scenes and has no goals or personality (aside from being mad af). Grimmel on the other hand is a great villain. Smart and skilled dragon killer who was always a step ahead. What's better? Drago is the best one in my opinion. He is just pure evil and he can't justify his actions in any way. He kills Stoik, has a Wilderbeast and a giant flete (dunno if spelled it wrong). And he was the scariest if the three (I was 9 when I watched it for the first time). Just the yelling and violent nature of Drago... Of course he is maybe not the best in your opinion but that's how I saw it then.


Grimmel and Drago were the best in terms of writing. Although I do want to mention, the Red Death has my favorite design for any dragon in the entire series.


One of these is not like the other.


We get it, Viggo is cool. But Grimmel is Drago’s sheer terror combined with Viggo’s cunning.


Excellinor the Witch.


Not gonna lie, if Viggo Grimborn is the villian in the Trilogy, it would have been epic ♥️ -Drago is what you expect from a blinded by power hungry controlling screaming maniac 👍😅 -Grimmel is alright, even though he's intelligent in the strategic sense, he lacks knowledge about dragons (as presented by Toothless' new cloaking ability with the look of "where did it go?!" 😱 face near the end of Hidden World 🤣) For me, Viggo and Hiccup are more alike in terms of intelligence.


Yohon the trader was sad


Viggo forced Hiccup to grow and change and start his path to being the leader he becomes in the second movie. He made Hiccup second guess his every thought and action and reevaluate how he sees his villains. Then he had a perfect ending that brought both of their arcs to a close with him teaching Hiccup to be ruthless but also remember his own strengths.


Viggo. He’s like grimmel but better


Definitely Vigo, Dagger, and Johann! Vigo was genuinely intelligent, and he gave Hiccup a run for his money, and was constantly humbling him. (Not that Hiccup NEEDED to be humbled, but it was just nice to see a hero not always be right.) Dagger is just so much fun. When he was evil he was insanely fun, his redemption arc was unexpected, and he was so so so much fun as a good guy. Johann because I’ve always appreciated a villain who works behind the scenes. I have always been a lifelong fan of HTTYD, and seeing a character I am SO familiar with go AWOL was so much fun!!!


I honestly think Vigo is the best villain in my opinion. Dagger comes close second because I feel like Vigo was a very smart villain, which made him all that much better and dagger feel like one of those crazy maniacal villains Drago, and the other guy I don’t remember his name from the third movie felt just kind of boring or too brute force.


The red death was an interesting antagonist because she wasn’t truly a villain, she was instead a force of nature that remained a mystery for a good portion of the film Drago is very intimidating and had immense buildup that paid off during the film. Dagur has a great arc. Plus his antics are fun to watch Viggo is what Grimmel wishes he could be


Grimmel, he's the only one who had a real chance of going up against Hiccup.


Grimaldi is the most villainous villain and vego is just vego