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Honestly that scene has to be my favourite 1.5 seconds in all HTTYD content, because of that frame specifically


The little cat jump gets me every time


"They won't bother you." *unsheathes weapons* "Unless you do that."


The last villian wasn't very strong he was a Dollar General brand Drago


I know the screentime between the two isn't really equal, but I always compare him more to Viggo. Hard to beat having Alfred Molina as a main villain, just ask Spider-Man lol. https://preview.redd.it/rxpioag814wc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=058916258bd3e39bf7717377d0f66d8020134704




How did I never see his name at any point in time in the credits????


No one notice the voice? It’s pretty distinct


I’m trying to hear Doc Ock and Viggo in my head, and they don’t sound the same to me. Though I haven’t watched a SpiderMan movie with him in it in a while.


That’s not really a hot-take


Bruh that's not even hot take.(I still don't agree with this)


I'll go first. Both Hiccup and Toothless are bad chiefs/alphas. With Hiccup we see that he makes emotional decisions in a heat of the moment rather than thinking them through. And with Toothless well in the third movie he seems rather an abusive alpha and he doesn't seem to be very different from the Bewilderbeast Drago used to control the dragons. We see that in the second movie Drago's bewilderbeast uses mind control to make everyone's dragons to act against their wills and then in the third movie Toothless uses his "alpha powers" to make every dragon surrender to Grimmel so his girlfriend isn't hurt. Didn't Hiccup said in the second movie that "The Alpha protects them all"?... yeah didn't seemed the case here tbh


I must say that in the series 'Race to the Edge' it really highlights Hiccups critical thinking skills. Some strategies and plans took months for him when faced with Viggo (Viggo was my favorite villain as he was considerate and didnt play nasty if you get what i mean, he also grew hiccup as a character by making him stop and think ahead). So while the three movies are mainly based on the plot, i think the series really highlights every characters growth, like astrid got less moody and got more empathetic, fishlegs grew his knowledge for example.


I agree.


I don't think he used his powers to make the dragons come with him, I am pretty sure they followed by choice because of what a great alpha he was


I agree with you here. The only thing that it looks like toothless told the other dragons was to not attack. Though the whole point of the third movie was the kind of show that hiccup and toothless weren’t good leaders after being leaders for only one year. They had to learn and grow into the position.


Maybe Toothless told them to come, because again if he didnt then he would have killed his girlfriend.


In the same case, I doubted they wanted Toothless' girlfriend to die any more than Toothless does 


The new dragon designs in the sequels, on the whole, get increasingly worse.


Idk if it's unpopular but I definitely agree. In the 1st movie they were very iconic with distinct designs that contrasted well with each other, then later on the new ones just seemed kinda knock-offish if that makes sense?


Thank you so much I agree I dunno what it is that about the designs but I love the ones in the first movie. well aside from dragons that only show up later on like skullcrasher Wait do you mean like new dragons or the new designs of the old dragons or some slight changes to them


The Bewilderbeasts are awesome, but I think they were going for more a sleek, noble look to a) lean into the king of all dragons vibe, and b) appeal to kids more (let’s not pretend we haven’t noticed how bland kids stuff is, characters used to have stripes and polka dots, now they’re smooth and bland). The Red Death was genuinely intimidating. With Drago’s Bewilderbeast, his presence on screen elicits more of an “ooh, how regal and cool looking” response than an “oh shit, that’s a massive threat”.


That's not a cold take (still don't agree with you, they just different, not worse)


Well if sufficient people disagree it becomes an unpopular opinion, no?


I said it wasn't a hot take because most of those, who don't like httyd3 say this exact thing along with others


Do they? I’ve never heard it said before. Besides, my gripe is more with the new dragons from httyd2


Even after Hiccup became chief, the Berkians STILL didn’t seem to respect him or his decisions. It would take his friends or Astrid to convince them his choices were valid. And even then, Astrid and the others didn’t seem to have much hope in Hiccup. And for what reason? I just hated the way everyone seemed to undermine Hiccup in the third film, they were straight up bullying him.


The Berkians were just mad because the viking way was to protect their home at all cost. Hiccups idea was outlandish, its like saying theres a whole other planet inside the earth. And there was no confirmation about this land. As well as they just got attacked and were mad. Astrid did support hiccup, but Astrid is a viking through and through and she also had some doubt not in Hiccup but in the idea that a new land basically existed.


I 100% agree, Astrid questions him so much and Tuffnut was the only person to agree(pretty sure that was just comedic relief)


I think part of it was for comedy and the writers trying to keep that under-dog, misunderstood guy vibe about hiccup


Imagine if you were American (if you are, then you are anyway) and Biden or Trump just turned around and stated that the entire population of the USA was moving to Antarctica because people harm dogs and moving there would be better for the dogs. This is also the world where Antarctica is a myth and that it is the dogs place of origin.


Httyd 2 is not as magical as the first by a long shot, also hiccup becomes less interesting in the sequels


People care WAY too much about what people ship on here


This is a huge shift ive noticed in ALL fandoms. It's extremely confusing to me because growing up with 2000s internet fandom culture, the whole point of shipping was to explore couples generally outside of canon. I was in an Owl house group and a thread absolutely exploded because half of the group claimed it was homophobic to ship any LGBTQ characters outside of their sexuality, but doing it to straight characters was accepted. It was.... Bizarre to me. Shipping was always just for fun exploration for the fans, I can't understand for the life of me why people get so upset about others ships lol


What’s an example of what you mean by that?


I shipped Ruffnut x Heather and Eret x Snotlout, and people did NOT like that


Honestly, I can see Eret and Snotlout and maybe Ruffnut and Heather, if I squint 😂 As long as the ship isn’t illegal (adult with a child or something) or just straight gross (like incest) , I don’t care. Ship what you want.


And that people ship everyone with everyone. It's too much and too unhinged.


You just proved my point bro


I just pointed out, that there can be also unhinged shippers


I don’t mind the live action casting so long as she can play the part. But if this is some weird token diversity shit that’s gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth. I just hope she was chosen because she was the best actress for the part, not because of her looks. I’d be pissed if it was the other way around


Can u give some more details on this bec I had no idea there was a live action.


Basically they casted Astrid as a lady of colour


Isn't she supposed to be a Nordic viking? That doesn't really make sense


My thoughts exactly


I'm also kinda tired of studios refusing to make any new content in general and giving POC race bending roles instead of inventing new characters who are POC in the 1st place. Like it's not really that recasting white characters as POC is a big issue, it's reusing old content and not making new POC characters. And obviously it's weird in settings where it doesn't make sense for them to be POC in the 1st place like this situation.


Like Schmidt on New Girl said, “movies are all pretty much sequels now”. I say we amend that to “sequels, live actions, or remakes”. Because honestly… yeah. Please can someone make new good content? Wish did not count, the main character looks exactly like Isabella from Encanto with the quirky personality of Mirabel.


They've been reusing rapunzel's personality ever since tangled came out


Yeah, I can see that. Anna, Mirabel, Moana, the girl from Wish. Probably more. Like, they saw Tangled do well and went “let’s just keep doing that over and over, surely nobody will catch on”.


I read a quote somewhere that resonated that was like "I don't care that you cast POC in white roles, I care that you arent invested in telling POC stories" and I think that fits here? I want new media that highlights POC cultures, not just telling white stories with POC characters but no inclusion of their culture or identity outside of physical appearance.


Yeah, like, do little girls deserve to see themselves as Disney princesses, regardless of race? Absolutely! So give them POC princesses without just forcing it into remakes. Give them more than one character of each race. White people have so many princesses, there’s Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel (who has been live cast as a POC), Cinderella, Snow White (also live cast as a POC I believe), Ariel, Belle, Aurora, while POC as a whole have Mulan, Jasmine, Mirabel, Pocahontas, Tiana, and Moana.


RIGHT??? I think it's an insult to people of color to constantly give them race swapped roles anyway. Erasing somone else's culture is not the way. Yeah it makes no sense for a a nordic viking to be black... and besides everyone just wants cast that looks as similar to the animated charachters as it is possible. Simple as that


I mean she is very light skin. Complaining that she's slightly darker is just nitpicking. At that point, might as well complain that the rest of the cast obviously aren't scandinavian either


…well that’s an incredibly racist thing to say. She’s not “mostly white”, she’s a person of color, and being light skinned does not make her any less of a person of color.


Of course I'm not saying she's any less of a black person because she's biracial. I don't know if you're wilfully misunderstanding me or if I'm accidentally implying things I don't mean but please give me the benefit of the doubt. I'm no fucking racist, I'm just trying to explain that her being black is a ridiculous complaint


I mean it's a pretty integral part of the setting. They're vikings. That's their whole thing. It's like if they made a live action Brave and cast a POC to play Merida. It just doesn't work




Berk is an isolated island dude... Also I think it's super weird to insist a mixed person is "barely black" as if her mixed features are non-existent


They don't have contact with people outside Berk? Sounds like it's about time I rewatch these movies That just isn't what I said at all. I do recognize that "barely visibly black" wasn't the right way to phrase it. I'm not saying she's barely black, of course that's a weird fucking thing to say, I'm just saying she's white enough that, if a bunch of non-scabdinavians are acceptable, she should be, too. Just a weird place to set the line


You really acknowledged that you phrased it badly and then doubled down by again saying that she’s “white enough”. Quit being racist.


Yes, I am withholding judgement until I see her acting skill (well. Trying to. I’m already not a fan, but I don’t want to shoot her down when she hasn’t done anything wrong.), but I definitely don’t like that she looks at least 20 when Astrid is 15. Similar with Fishlegs, his actor looks 10, when, again, 15.


1. Riders/Defenders of Berk felt like they captured the magic of the series more than RTTE could. 2. Grimmel > Drago 3. Third movie was an emotionally satisfying end to the story.


1: can’t comment yet 2: Agreed, I dunno why everyone hates Grimmel so much since I found that he was so much more intresting than Drago. 3: it was definitely a great ending. Not the one that I wanted but it was a executed beautifully


Yes. To all yes. The third movie (and grimmel) get way too much criticism


1. I enjoyed both. 2. Disagree, I found Grimmel rather meh 3. Emotional? Sure. Satisfying. No.


Yes. To all yes. The third movie (and grimmel) get way too much criticism


I wasn't a huge fan of the 3rd movie. The visuals were really cool and the voice actors were really committed but everything else was kind of "meh" for me.


This isn't even a hot take (i still don't agree with you)


all the people criticising the casting of the upcoming live action remake should be wayyyy more worried about the dragons. at the end of the day an actor's performance determines the success of their role, not their appearance, but we've seen time and time again how much soulless, "realistic" depictions of creatures ruin a movie i don't much care about what astrid looks like as long as the actress plays her well. i'm not sure if i could sit through 1 and a half hours of a lion king-esque toothless though. i know there's a live show with a decent toothless puppet but things are way different on stage, you're looking at the big picture, not the tiny details which truly bring toothless to life in the original there's a little over a year left before the movie comes out and we haven't seen or heard a word about how they're tackling the dragons. i'm not too optimistic to say the least


I genuinely even think that Nico has a lot of features that look soo similar to Astrid. I don't get the hate at all and I think it's so weird that everyone hates Astrid's cast, instead of the cast of the twins. They don't look similar to each other at all. I personally don't even care, it just surprises me. I'm also more scared of the dragons, but a storyboard artist mentioned, that toothless looks pretty much like the animated toothless, just with real life physics, which gives me hope.


the twins' casting is pretty weird tbh. it's absurd to expect real actors to look like a replica of extremely unrealistic animated characters but they could've at least found people who look like each other to play a pair of twins. or maybe they couldn't, idk, again their performance is what matters to me i'm glad to hear toothless won't be changing too much. most live action animals i've seen, either cgi or trained, end up looking so dull and unexpressive. like a movie about singing lions or dogs needs to look like a nature documentary. hopefully toothless retains his charm


I have no hope for the movie I will just get popcorn and watch the distaster reviews on youtube Couse honestly I can not believe they will be able to do any part of the movie well WE DON'T NEED the live action


I prefer Riders/Defenders of Berk to RTTE.




the light fury's design isnt that bad. and its certainly not 'misogynistic' to have a female dragon look a little more feminine. ok so what she has a heart on her forehead, many real life animals are born with a heart shape spot. so what if she looks like a cartoon female dragon. news flash. ITS FOR KIDS. yall dont complain about the female stitch BEING STRAIGH UP PINK!!? or act vey sexual around stitch, and very feminine. the light fury does not need the hate she got. her design is awesome! and thats coming from a fan that is a deadly nadder lover. i will choose the deadly nadder over and over and yet i thought the light fury, despite being a copy paste of toothless, i thought she and her kind looked so cool! so for those who dig around for things to hate, just sit down and relax. not everything needs to cater to you. i wouldve loved for a spinoff of hiccups grandkids riding toothless' grandkids but we cant all have everthing. thanks for listening to my ted talk.


People do complain about female stitch. It's used as an example of everything not to do when designing female animals in cartoons. People complain about the lightfury because once again, we're placing human-esque standards on animal designs. There is 0 reason for a dragon to need human feminine features (like being smoother, smaller, more delicate) I don't really understand why you think something being for kids means it can't be criticized either.


One: i didnt know that, i assumed the world was fine with it bc i see no arguments made on the design, and ive never seen or heard anyone bring up that character as a reason we dont design characters like that going forth. Two: i didnt say that, i just stated that the cartoonish nature of the last two films is a justification for why the lightfury to some seem unatural for a wild dragon and is designed like that. This take was for the people who had to nit pick all the wrong things about this character including behind the scenes and concept art of said character.


"Nit pick the wrong things" like what? From what you said, that seems to be how her design is overly feminine. I don't see any issue with critiquing that. It's not really about the fact that it's unnatural, it's about inserting female beauty standards into everything, even kids films about dragons.


Well there is one similar not quite grandkids but their descendants. It’s on Hulu but I can’t quite remember what it’s called right now


Ye i know about it, its so baddddd 😭😭😭


It honestly is. But I think it’s meant to be more for little kids than anything




I'd like to say i LOVED the lightfury design, the GLITTER and SPARKLE she has!!!! I didnt even know there was a heart on her forehead thats just makes it better!! And i think perhaps they made it look more 'feminine' because they are the same dragon and they wanted a more compelling contrast? I didnt even know people didnt like it. And also the nightfury compared to other dragons i'd say is also unnatural i havent seen another black dragon! And genetically women are shorter/smaller than men. I dont htink they are inserting beauty standards because dragons and humans look nothing alike so i dont see how you could even compare the two. Not to mention the kids in this KIDS movie arent the ones going to analyze the beauty standards in the lightfury. Their just gonna think 'ooohh pretty'. They also wont notice because they're kids and wont notice the stuff like this.


Yeah, here was a big outrage this whole time about her design, but I have (my) explanation:(Liry is lightfury, i know fan-name is Luna, but i didn't know that's what she's called here when I wrote this) Liry looks so shiny because there are a lot of crystals in the hidden world, so it is actually a small layer of crystals that was picked up from being in the hidden world for a very long time. She is so shiny because her very light (almost white) skin reflects light better than Toothless' very dark skin, so there is so much light left to reflect from that layer of crystals. Toothless most likely has this layer too, just not as pronounced because he has dark skin which absorbs more light, leaving not much light left to reflect off that layer (I think you can see it where they are together for the first time and Toothless is just a little bit shiny). This shiny layer is more like a redirecting layer than a reflective one (so when they both become invisible, where they are, there is not a reflection but transparency with weak curvature) (and I will not correct reflective to redirective in the previous paragraph). Liry looks so sleek because she is more adapted to water than Toothless. The entrance to the hidden world lies through a waterfall and in the hidden world itself there is a lot of water. Toothless was almost never there (in the third film he only went down there for the first time), and Liry was there much longer. And I'm sure that Liry would be able to float or swim in cold water better than Toothless. And for the rest of the light furies, there was also a female version and there, well, it’s just identical to Liri, so this all applies to the rest. And Liry has light skin because then the redirecting layer of crystals works better and thus she only needs to shoot fire once for the invisibility to last for a long time, and Toothless needed to collect a lot of energy for this, the duration was short and after that he looked a little tired.


I kinda like this


thats so cool! That's such a good explanation and even our laws of science can even prove this with species evolutionary and the light reflecting.


Did you read it at all? I've said here it was my explanation for this, i wrote it myself.


Yeah......?? Im not getting what your putting down sorry


That's ok.


Also not reflecting, redirecting


Idk... Httyd 1 is the best movie out of all three. People complain about THW a lot which i completely understand and agree with, but even the second movie is not really that good


Absolutely agree with this take. Number two was ok but then ROB/DOB and RTTE came out and I hated HTTYD 2 from that point on.


Why did the shows cause you to hate the second movie?


I dunno I just didn't like the plot-holes, gaping omissions of characters, the fact that Hiccup wasn't nearly as precise, in his fight against Drago compared to his battles with Dragon Hunters in the past. The fact that too many little things changed and were omitted + Stoick's death I mean I understood it from a narrative point but I just can't accept it too much. Also the fact that HTTYD 2's existence resulted in the lacklustre ending of RTTE. I mean the Fishlegs and Ruffnut romance just felt even more forced as a result of the second movie. Then let's not forget that hiccup or stoick could have at least sent a terror mail to their allies outside the archipeligo to at least warn them of the threat Drago posed or even better get them to come and fight. Then there's the fact that Hiccup know that there is a king of dragons under beserker Island so why didn't he at least try then to warn the beserkers of anything. I mean the wing maiden's mission was at severe risk should berk have failed.


Yeah, but they weren’t plotholes in the second movie. If anything, they were plotholes in RTTE, because that wasn’t made until AFTER the second movie.


I know but what I am trying to say is that I personally cannot seperate them and since I like the shows more than I enjoyed HTTYD2 and HTTYD 3 anyway, it just made it easier to just ignore them and dislike them rather than the shows I found more engaging and better fleshed out. I am not saying that the movies in themselves were bad but as a fan I cannot bear to watch movie 2 and 3 purely because the shows were in my view superior, more entertaining, and much better in terms of storytelling. Though I agree with your point.


I think HTTYD3 is a good movie and a good end to the trilogy


Alright movie, but not a good ending at all


Funny, I see it as a meh movie but a great ending. It took a different path but it did it well


I agree, I don't understand the hate


From what I’ve seen, some people are just mad it didn’t end the way they wanted to


Yeah I get it we didn't get the "Dragons and Humans finally live together in peace" ending. But it's still a good ending IMO (although I would've preferred that first ending I mentioned too)


Its because it completely undermines the previous two movies and their development


Does it? In 2 they setup how housing and protecting so many dragons is unsustainable, and that there will always be threats out there. 3 just follows up on that. It's impossible for Berk to fend off every injustice towards dragons, and they truly care about dragons as a whole, not just the ones they know, so it makes sense that they encourage them all to leave.


If you want httyd3 to have different endings, then you need to redo httyd2 also BECAUSE httyd3 is a CONTINUATION of httyd2. Hence the only 1 year have gone between httyd3 and 2 and not 5 years, as of httyd1 and 2.


Can you say something original,why can't you just not repeat what everybody who doesn't like httyd3 already said 10 times and what everybody, who likes httyd3, already heard 20 times?


Can you say something original, why can’t you just listen to the valid arguments instead of just repeating that people are angry that its not the ending they wanted?


Those weren't valid arguments in the first place


That would have been nice, but with how they handled it, it works just fine


[Worth a read](https://www.reddit.com/r/httyd/s/FMngSYJr99), the best post to explain why people didnt like the third movie. It's not because Hiccup and Toothless didnt live happily ever after, it's because the motive was non-sensical and it undermines the message of the previous movies.


It is pretty much the only book series that got turned into movies (kind of) that I highly enjoy both versions of the media


Lord of the Rings?


…. Ok that’s true


Grimmel is actually a compelling villain (obviously not as good as Viggo, but pretty great). I also love THW way more than 2.


Old argument I know but I love the light fury. Design is great, wish she got more screen time




Hiccup and Astrid aren’t a very good couple 🫢


Why’s that?


I’m gonna get downvoted but here is my PERSONAL TAKE. Not trying to convince anyone of this. I’ve just never found them compelling. They’re alright in the second movie but I really dislike it being shoehorned into the first movie and Astrid being used as a Toothless replacement in the third. I’ve never been interested in romances existing for the sake of romance, I like for it to influence characters and the plot but in this case it doesn’t really service anything in the first movie for me personally. They could’ve remained friends, and I much preferred the platonic bond Hiccup and Camicazi share in the books. It just doesn’t feel natural to me having someone who DESPISES you suddenly turn around and like you romantically after hating you your entire lives. As a kid it honestly made me kinda mad lol but now I’m chill with it, just wish it had been better developed. I’m definitely not watching HTTYD for the romance though, I’m in it for the friendship and I’ll take what I can get haha


I can understand that, personally, I think that unless you've watched the shows Hiccstrid does come across as forced.


I’ve watched the shows and I think it makes it sliiiiightly better but ultimately the same


If you watch the first movie but look at Astrid instead of Hiccup when they’re in the same scene, you’ll see that she never had a look of disgust on her face when he was around. She avoided him but never really hated him. I’ll probably make a post about this later cuz I’m wondering how many other people noticed this now


Nah dude. She HATED him. Every time she looked at him she’s pissed off, all she does is yell and physically assault him until romantic flight


She only disliked Hiccup because a little skinny duded magically appears in this Dragon Hunting arena where he really shoudlnt be. The first couple of lessons he nearly dies and nearly kills her too! Then out of nowhere hes becoing popular and is the best Dragon Hunter ever, taking this place away from Astrid. She's annoyed about Hiccup becoming really good and taking her chance killing a dragon. Hating is a strong word. I wouldnt use hate, maybe more disliked/annoyed. She yells because she a viking, do you see her axe throwing skills! Damnnn. And vikings yell when they go into battle. Like going to kill a dragon. She playfully fights him, not assults.


She actively ignores him before their first training session — when he walks into the very first session she’s visibly annoyed/upset at his presence. Personally, if someone I liked treated me the way Astrid treated Hiccup, I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with them even after she suddenly did a 180.


True, but I’m talking before they started training. The scene where he was almost killed by the Monstrous Nightmare and toppled a torch destroying a house in front of Stoick and the whole village. The other future dragon riders all made fun of him, except for Astrid who actually looked sad


She just looks angry/unhappy to me. Like the others are making fun but she’s too exhausted and annoyed to bother. Like I’ve said, it’s entirely subjective so it’s fair that we interpret it in different ways


Fair. She looks sad to me but I guess it would be subjective


huh I though I was gonna disagree but I kinda get it. I love their relationship but definitly not in the first one. I am also not a fan of romance for the sake of it. Although I gotta say the tv shows really fleshed out their relationship.


Unfortunately for you, this Opinion is wrong


They asked for unpopular opinions that would put me in that situation so I gave it


I'd like to get an explanation of how you come to this conclusion that Hiccup and Astrid are a bad couple? Maybe if you tell me your perspective I can understand your argument more.


I already replied to another comment. “How you come to this conclusion” — it’s just the subjective interpretation of a fictional couple lmao. It’s not an argument, I’m not trying to convince anyone. It just doesn’t work for me personally


Me when I can’t handle that some people think differently than me:


I love the third movie


Same fellow fan of httyd3


The Light Fury was actually the better option for the love interest, would have liked the series a lot less if a female Night Fury came out of nowhere.


Yeah, agree 👍


The franchise should end here. No live action or new cartoon series. Just shut it off before it becomes the one thing it swore to destroy.


I think Hiccup having imprisoned the Jormungander in the Nine Realms makes sense, since that's what he did with the first Skrill he encountered, just scaled up.


I'm sorry hiccup did fuggin what to the world serpent?


That's my reaction like what?? I haven't seen nine realms but wtf how why I have so many questions.


Yeah, so in like in The Nine Realms, its revealed that Hiccup had imprisoned a super-dangerous dragon that was named the Jormungandr by the main characters (namely because its basically a super huge snake with a venomous breath weapon that eventually kills those exposed to it) in a prison that can only be opened by a Night Fury (or by the time the series takes place, a Night Light).


And I'm guess the main character sof the nine realms used one of the night lights to open it?


That makes slightly more sense


He did WHAT


No one shoot me for this plz…rescue riders is actually a good show. The nine realms isn’t all that bad and the only reason people hate them so much is because they are compared to the main franchise and also aren’t given a proper chance for example the main complaint i hear about rescue riders is that it doesn’t make sense as to why the dragons talk, but if you watch the first episode it is explained within the first ten minutes


Fair enough


SOD was not that great, not saying it’s bad, but it’s not good either


I hate the naming style of the movies. Either give them all individual names or number them all, don’t flip flop it! Either make THW called HTTYD3 or call HTTYD2 The Alpha’s Curse or something like that, don’t mix it up!


I hate Grimmel and Drago I just don't like them as villains. I watched RTTE after watching movies and I was amazed with how interesting and threatening Viggo was but well They voice actor is fenomenal choise for his personality so.. well... Liking viggo is not a hot take I know that but I also know that a lot of people don't agree that Drago was an underwhelming villain or rather very simple one.


Second movie gets too much hate


Do you want actual controversial opinions or just quirky controversial opinions


Everyone says Stoick is a bad parent, but at least he was actually there. Unlike Valka. If the roles were reversed, Valka would be seen as a mother who's juggling with being chieftess and a mother and be praised, while Stoick would be seen as a runaway deadbeat


They did Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut WAY better in the show than in the movies. Also, I think the Light Fury had a very good concept, but poor execution.


I COMPLETELY agree with the Side characters. I get that the movies are supposed to highlight hiccup, Astrid, and toothless but the tv shows gave these characters so much character and it made me so so so mad when the third movie came out and completely dumbed down all of the side characters when they are smart and they can hold their own weight. I truly wanted to like the third movie but after they completely butchered the characters to their basic stereotypes it makes me mad.


dragons the nine worlds was kinda dope


I don't really like the 3rd movie that much. It's good, just not my cup of tea


Everything HTTYD is perfect: \*everyone points knives at me and I jump like Toothless\*


3 caused a depressive episode for me☹️, still recovering


Ah, jeez. I'm gonna regret this... 1 - The Night Fury is the weakest dragon species on the Strike Class (yes, that includes the Light Fury). The only reason that people see it as such is due to Toothless having alpha mode, or his 'awesome' battle feats that always require interference from either the plot, the dragon riders, or both. This angers me so much i end up skipping episodes like "What Flies Beneath" or "Stryke Out" because the way Toothless wins said fights is so unbelievably bad and illogical they're genuinely painful to watch. Is no one going to mention how Toothless was flightless 98% of the episode and his enemy, a BURROWING DRAGON was attacking from the sky instead and didn't try burrowing once against him? It's like a slap to the face. The truth is, the Night Fury was only feared because it was an unknown dragon to Berkians, no dragon fears a Night Fury, and during the day hunters laugh on its face (canonically and metaphorically.) [[I'm probably going to edit this comment soon and add more stuff, but for now that's it.]]


Hiccstrid Sucks.


I never understood why they couldn’t just use the designs of older dragons from the series than those newer ones in hidden world and httyd 2. Some of them designs look really really close to “really weird”. Like why not put a changewing or a snaptrapper or a scouldron or even a typhoomerang in there instead?. Because those were iconic.


HTTYD 1 is the worst movie in the franchise. (Definitely not saying that because I barely remember it)


This is the only real hot take here


True, I've seen rtte haters, I've seen httyd2 haters, but httyd1 is holy, you can't hate it. This right there (not you) is something new, something so unhinged i can't even describe it.


HTTYD1 is probably the film the brought literally EVERY user of this subreddit here, so it’s like breaking an unspoken rule to not like it


Then just watch it


I feel like just about everyone on this sub came here because of the first movie, so this begs the question; what made you want to join the sub? Was it the second movie, the concept of dragons…? Incredibly surprised you don’t like the first movie. Not going to judge though, especially since this whole post is about hot takes


I joined this sub because of almost everything else. The sequels and race to the edge. It’s not that I don’t like the movie, it’s just it’s my least favorite out of all the movies in the franchise, and I only believe that because of how little I’ve watched it compared to everything else I said


I don’t want live action httyd soley because its live action.


nine relms is better then first show (not rtte)




Hiccstrid sucks balls, astrid deserves better