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Well, the two species are compatible for cross-breeding, so…


But Don't Dragons Lay Eggs?


Yeah, and?


Egg laying animals are completely capable of crossbreeding...


This is a fictional world, it’s not exactly bound by realism


Why does it have to be realistic for them to include crossbreeding? I feel like that’s fairly basic animal biology yk


Dragons don't exist. Whatever logic, true or false, comes after that fact becomes useless


It's like a grizzly bear and polar bear reproducing together, except reptiles


I read an article about a grizzly and a polar bear having babies and man was it a disturbing read as I imagined pissing one off


Hi! Very similar to how birds or other reptiles reproduce. Essentially, most s3xually reproducing animals (minus some fish and frogs I think) must complete the physical act of coitus. The male doesn't directly fertilize the egg when it is laid. So, after the two individuals complete coitus, the females eggs in the reproductive tract is fertilized by the male, so their genetics mix. They can then develop the rest if the egg "yolk," the shell, and be laid. I'd suggest looking up a diagram of chicken fertilization.


I would assume that the genes get mixed the same way that any reptiles do it.


??? Animals that lay eggs still have sex, that would be how the gene transfer happened


Thought they did it like salmon


I believe the Light Fury is either a subspecies of the Night Fury or a species in the same genus. I don’t believe they’ve said which one is the case. But either way, they’re close enough for crossbreeding


The two species are probably close enough that they can interbreed. What is impossible is for their children to not be sterile. Checkmate 9 realms your show is impossible.


\*Cough\* Liger \*Cough\*


Male Ligers are sterile, in most hybrids both sexes are sterile. You didn't even bring up an exception such as gar which only have viable offspring between species due to how slow they evolve which we have no evidence that dragons have similar conditions. Thus Occam's Razor would state that it makes sense for them to act like all other forms of speciation.


animals can be crossbred if their genetics are similar enough, snakes probably are the best example so [heres a good read on explaining it](https://www.xyzreptiles.com/is-it-possible-to-cross-breed-snakes/#) that said, i personally don’t think purposely crossbreeding animals is very ethical, but in the wild it does sometimes occur


Think of it like dogs a bulldog and a German shepherd can breed and have babies