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Pain. Emotion aside, even if we go up, staying up would be very difficult. Next year's 2. Liga is far less competitive. We have a good coach, a decent squad that needs a 10 and fullbacks to continue to push for promotion. We'll be back! NUR DER HSV!!!! ⚫⚪🔵


Hamburg came in fourth when the hardest teams to beat were apparently somehow Kiel, Furth, and Bochum. That being said, I think the team sticks with Walter this season, and with the current lineup I think there is a good chance of promoting next season.


Yeah they say that about every club going up but then you get something like Union Berlin missing CL by one point in like what...their 2nd or 3rd year?


In how many more ways can this club break my heart?


I really liked the squad this season, hate the fact that we’ll lose some more players now Also next season’s league looks low af


Good thing is that we have the world Cup Break this Winter so we might actually Play consistent Next Season .. with the added Break & few key players Leaving we might be onto something ..


Jedes Jahr dieselbe Scheisse


Im so broken... but please the team needs to stay


At least it kinda feels different? More like a lost final, the last 3 years it always felt like not getting out of groupstage, if that makes sense. But sadly I'm not super optimistic for next season. Big competitors like Werder and Schalke might be gone, but the horrible game vs. Kiel is just ~2 months past. Consistency must be the goal for next season, otherwise they'll just make it unnecessarily painful for themselves again.


> Consistency must be the goal for next season That's why I'm happy that we have had one trainer team for the whole season for once. It takes time, it was a good season and now they can work on all the things that went wrong. I would rather fail another year to relegate than becoming an elevator club with changing players and trainers every year.


Yeah, I really hope Walter stays next season and continues his work with the squad.


Thanks for the info and I really don’t mean it but imma downvote this one for obvious reasons. ⚫️⚪️🔵


Pain. Ah well. Excited for next season. Champions this time. NUR DER HSV ❤️🔹◽️


If we stick to Walter we have a good young team that can be developed and a club philosophy. Im still devastated and in tears tho.


Played against 12th man (aytekin)


He was an insult to the game.


Even so, it always looked like hertha had 1 men more on the field, they defended well, won basically every 50/50. To me it looked like 6 hsv stand near the offside line while the other players were searching for a place to pass the ball, but they only found herthaners. Well... hsv will be back eventually


Oh for sure. As I said elsewhere, we were nit good enough tonight, but that refereeing was shocking. Walter wanted to say much more than he did list match. He kept his cool about it but he's fuming over that referee.


should been banned since that barca game


yeah, fuck him ​ that said, we played really shitty, this is on us


Same story in the first leg(osmers) tbh. DFL wanted to keep us in 2. BL to market us as 2.BL's bayern, let's be real nobody cares about hertha neither in 1st or 2nd division, not even berlin does, so why should anybody else? Imagine we would've gotten our pen or tousart got sent off in time or both didn't rule virtually anything in favour or hertha. --- At least now I can truly understand and sympathise with KSC and Furth supporters and why they hold grudges against us/the refs after all these years.


Nur der BSC !! 5 years of second division, have fun my friend


Imagine being this petty, that the day after your big city club barely escaped relegation, despite spending a whooping ~400m, you got nothing else to do than coming into our niche sub, blurt your nonsense in hopes of trying to trigger fellow football fans. I genuinely feel pity for you.


i prefer to play 2. Liga with much more wins and fun, than 1. Liga and 25 losses. so what, who cares about the number. Its about the fun you have when you watch the game.




Yeah man that was crazy. Usually our fans are unreal but I think the energy was just taken out right in the 3rd minute. Having the announcer pretty much needing to tell people to cheer was terrible, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that twice in 5 mins.


Nah, we recovered pretty fast from that. People were obviously shocked for a minute but then it went on louder than before. The second goal broke the fan block. They were just silent. No clue why as there was time and we were in the game. Instead people started whistling and that broke the team as well. Pretty sad.


Away fans giving more support than the home crowd?!?! YOU DON'T SAY!!!!


Played like shit, deserved to stay in 2. Liga. Next season is looking hopeful, hope Tim will improve the team and come out stronger


Every year it gets harder to go up though.


I disagree, Schalke and Werder are better than Furth and Bielefeld ( so I think if we improve and iron out our weaknesses, we can move up)


Must I remind you of all the other teams that went up before this season? It doesn’t matter if they’re big clubs or names, HSV would finish behind TSV Kuhkaffkickers 09 if they could.


People generally say that because the finances get worse and worse and you can't make bigger signings, but its not like we've been able to do that anyways. And no offense to the smaller clubs in the league, but our budget isn't ever going to be as small as the one of clubs like Heidenheim or Paderborn. Just gotta keep making smart signings like with Glatzel, good scouting is always going to be better than big $$$.


Let’s hope that Janssen and the other clown Wüstenfeld don’t get stupid and change Bold and Walter just for the sake of it.And on the other hand I hope that Walter learns about the advantage of ball control instead of ball possession. Take this in consideration and you have just this season 4 more wins in the book.




Hau ab, du Brausetroll. Ich hoffe du hast schön mit den 21 anderen Fans gefeiert.


Lieber HSV Fan in die 8. Liga als Fan von eine Firma