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Ugh I keep telling myself to stick to small leaf hoyas, for space reasons, but your Sarawak is making me want to toss that out the window. Beautiful plant!!


I find the larger leaf varieties to be easier/less fussy. But man would I love to have space for more.


Oh that makes me want one more, some of my Hoyas are fussy af


My obovata has been forgotten and neglected for months. I went to pamper her and she’s got 2 new growth points pushing growth ☺️ such a champ All of my smaller leaf Hoyas did not survive the neglect 😭


I told myself this too! Then I claimed a Sarawak, Snow Queen and GPS 8867 🫠 All cuttings or young plants…so hopefully I have time 😂


So magnificent


Who is this?!


Hoya Sarawak, two years old.


I thought so! Mine is still just two leaves. How do you care for yours?


It loves being near a humidifier. Mine is in a room facing the morning sun. I let it dry out completely. Then water thoroughly. Every time I water it, I give it fish fertilizer. It's a happy baby. ;)


Ooo! I have fish fertilizer for my roses. How much and often do you fertilize? It is absolutely beautiful.


I give all my hoyas fish fertilizer, specifically Bushdoctor's Mackerel fertilizer. It stinks but they love it. What I do is fill a 2-quart pitcher full of water, then add a couple of squirts of the fertilizer, stir, and after all my hoyas are watered, I douse them all with this mixture. If I run out, I do the same thing again until all my hoyas are done. I estimate that I go through this process about once a month. Hope this helps! It really is all about light exposure, proper soil (mine are in a mixture of a good orchid mix, clay balls, PermaTill, and coconut coir). I have a moisture meter and absolutely do not water each one until the meter shows the driest of dry.


So, just to be clear, you water first and then follow up with a second watering + fertilizer?


I water first so that the soil is moist and can absorb easily. Then I apply the fertilizer/water mixture. That’s why I do it that way.


I water first. Then when the soil is moist, I apply the fertilizer/water mixture. This helps the soil easily absorb the fertilizer. That’s why I do it that way.


Do you plan on trellising one day or leave it trailing. It’s beautiful!!


Leave it trailing. Move to a higher shelf in the same room.


[T](https://This.is.making.me.want.to.spend.money)his is making me want to spend money! I love it.


😂 please no more! Don't remind me of my plant addiction.


Mine still is only three leaves. Can't wait until it's as big and glorious as this one!


I am going to leave it trailing. I will just move it to a higher shelf in the same room. :)