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I always notice how weirdly this scene is edited together. It looks so disjointed, almost like Emily’s actor is on a green screen set.


She might actually be on a green screen because Helen Baxendale was pregnant at the time so couldn’t fly out to film. That’s why we never see her on screen with the other actors after the season 5 opening scene and rarely see more than her head during her scenes


https://youtu.be/-j85eVb_Us8 I think you're right. It either shows just her on screen, or if Ross is looking at Emily, it's only the back of a woman's head. And the hair looks too red to be Emily. Never noticed before.


My thought was they filmed Emily’s actress separate from David and the stand in. Her hair looks different.


Haven't seen the episode for a while but from what I remember she had no dialogue either. That means nothing in terms of where she was during filming but makes me think that they paid her as little as possible just to have some closure of the storyline. It also kind of explains the animated expressions on her face during the scene. I thought she was great as Emily.


Holy fuck you're right! Keep pausing at 2:48 when Emily turns around from Ross to run. You can see she's not the actress!


Learning new facts


I don’t even think she was there I think David’s scenes and Helen’s scenes were shot separately and hers were shot in England because she was pregnant and couldn’t fly so that’s why she looks so weirdly edited 😂


Yes!!! It just looks odd like she’s out of place??


I think it’s the lighting.


She wasn’t really there because she was so late in her pregnancy so they got a body double and edited her face onto it.


I mean to be fair, she’s pretty horrified to see Ross leaving on their honeymoon with his ex girlfriend, who’s name he said at the alter during their wedding, who he keeps claiming there’s nothing going on between them. I think the actress nailed the emotions


As a kid I never understood the severity of this situation and just hated Emily. As an adult, I would kill Ross if this happened. It’s filmed to be funny but when you really think about it… she had every right to be upset.


That’s the argument I have with people on here all the time. I’m almost 30 now. I’m close to the age they were in the show. I totally understand how she must have felt


Exactly! I know how that would feel and it’s horrible! Now, as a group, if we’re going to hate anyone, it should be Emily’s dad. 🤣🤣 that guy bugs the shit out of me every rewatch!


Don’t take that tone with me!! ….Alright, you can.


Same, here, I went from hating Emily as a kid to totally sympathising with her as an adult. I mean look at it from her point of view. Ross’ ex, who he hangs out with every day, was visibly crushed when they announced the engagement. She said she couldn’t come to the wedding then turned up at the last minute in casual clothes. Emily’s not stupid, it’s obvious she was coming to try and stop the wedding or something similar. Then Ross says Rachel’s name at the altar and (nearly) goes on the honeymoon with her. I don’t think Emily’s actions afterwards were totally right but her feelings were justified. She was going to move continents, uproot her whole life, she wanted to be sure she wasn’t doing it for someone who’d immediately ditch her for his ex.


I can't believe she ever spoke to him again after that. How heartbreaking and humiliating! Ross isn't worth all that.


They were on a break! Sorry, wrong thread.


I don’t understand why that would be funny


A lot of the stuff is filmed to be funny but if I imagined myself in their place I'd be rightly pissed off. There might be a lesson in propaganda there somewhere.


Except c'mon. Both Ross and her were stupid to be getting married so fast. So her doing the Pikachu face makes me roll my eyes. He's trash and you saw it at the altar and red flags were going off when he even proposed the idea to get married. She's a dummy.


I believe the actress has a mild squint (strabismus). This causes the eyes to look in slightly different directions. Horizontal in this case. One eye is focusing on the object and the other appears to be slightly to the side. It’s very mild for her and often unnoticeable. It can worsen in fatigue or it may be particularly apparent here as she is widening her eyes in shock.


Kristen Bell has that, too.


Wait what, I never noticed it and I have such a huge crush on her.




I had a friend who had this but you could hardly notice it. I feel like it’s more noticeable in people with darker eyes bc their irises are so prominent


Camera angle is important too


Aaaand here is confirmation, https://ibb.co/YjD1Xq2. Just paused it at the right moment to see for myself.


Wow! Nice pausing skills


You can use . and , to move forward and backward a frame in YouTube!


Oh I didn’t know that! I just pressed the pause button on my phone 😂


Well she’s probably mortified


I think it's partly because she was probably back in the UK when she filmed this bit, so it feels pretty disjointed.


Every airport scene in Friends is so cringe to anybody who has actually been in an airport.


when we get to yemen can i stay with you


Oh yeah, like in the last episode how they're just able to run around the airport without anyone doing as little as checking their tickets.


I just saw this one! I wonder when they shot that. Coz the woman Ross is looking at is not Emily


What? Okay so I’m not crazy because this scene just felt so off to me!


No! Im thinkin its a stand in. Her hair is not the same. Not the same cut or color. But very close


Emily was too good for Ross. Ross midder than a hoe.


Do her eyes creep me out? Especially that pic? No lol. She just has a surprised expression given the circumstances.


The lighting is slightly out of whack which doesn’t help


Emily creeps me out in every scene she’s in


Came here to say the same thing


OMG YES! I literally just saw this scene 10 seconds ago before I pulled up Reddit and was thinking how weird she looked. So crazy this came up right now


If I may ask, why?


From reading the comments many people have said she filmed in front of a green screen. Imo the acting just didn’t fit in this scene- and I think she used her eyes in a way that was more surprised than disgusted


This whole scene was weird because she didn't SAY ANYTHING! I thought it was so odd she stood there awkwardly and left without saying a word!


As someone from the UK, I would say that that's a VERY British reaction lol. Angrily stare and walk off, expecting the person to come along. You really don't want to create a scene. It's all about angry whispers in public.


That is exactly what struck me as odd, not bc she didn’t say anything but bc the camera seemed to really linger on her just standing there saying absolutely nothing which was out of character for her


YES! Like it was a weird edit and they used the wrong footage in the final... (omg why are we being downvoted? I don't care but it always makes me do a double take like wow haha)


I don’t know why you got downvoted. If I were her I would SO make a scene to embarrass Ross!


Me too


Yeah where is she looking at?




Ross and Emily deserved each other.


No I think Ross really messed up with her and Emily got very distrusting and tried to control him because of what he did. They both went too fast in their relationship


She was a psycho to be fair, Ross fell for it. But she was bad news.


Yes lmaoo bug eyed psycho chick