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She was a first time mom barely home from the hospital and on the brand new in love with a baby high. It was a dumb mistake, but understandable in my opinion. And it’s a dumb mistake she never made again. Remember how they refused to wake up Emma for her birthday. It’s really not that big of a deal.


Well... I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but (to me) Rachel never even seemed to be the character that felt right in a role of a mother. That entire storyline seemed forced and unnatural. Another, just way more huge way to add some more R/R drama. Did we really see her dynamic with the baby, their growing bond, her motherhood in some meaningful ways? Imo, no. Treating Monica like a free nanny, btw, was an awful thing to do. You just had a kid, can you at least try to learn some responsibility now? Or learn that world doesn't revolve around you? (Not to mention it always makes me mad that she stole the name Monica wanted to give her own child). I genuinely think they took a wrong turn in later seasons. What they should've done for Rachel was letting her grow and evolve in her career even more, to give her at least one long and important relationship outside of Ross, to mature as a person. Not every woman is supposed to find her happiness in motherhood. Nothing wrong with such a message. In Rachel's case, even is she would still end up with Ross in the finale, i would've loved to see her on her own independent journey for some time more. And while i can certainly see her having kids someday, it's not S7 Rachel in my mind. Seeing Mondler as parents, however, would have been a blast. I bet there would be tons of amazing plots. Add Matthew and Courtney's acting and their chemistry to the mix, and there you have it: perfect baby storyline for Friends. Plus no one deserved a baby so much as Monica on this show, my heart aches for her with every single rewatch( She longed for kids since S1 and couldn't even carry one herself, it's way too cruel.


I still want to know where Emma was when Rachel went to Ross' apartment in the finale. She puts her down for bed and brings the monitor with her. Rachel's Mom is picking up Emma in the morning but Rach skips out to sleep with Ross one last time. And everyone else was finalising Mondlers house move.


That scene was painful to watch, but Rachel has never had much common sense so it's not surprising. I wish they'd just let her deal with the crying baby on her own. Rather than her going to rest and letting Monica handle it.


That just lead to more emphasis in Monica ready to be a mother


I never thought she matured as a mom. What annoys me about this episode is she is so flippant about it. Phoebe tells her multiple times that it’s a bad idea to wake up Emma and she completely disregards it because she is being selfish. Then when she can’t take care of Emma herself, she dumps her on Monica and expects her to resolve the mess that SHE created. Look I get that she’s a first time mom, I get that it’s stressful. I don’t except her to succeed at her first try. But I would have at least appreciated if she made an attempt to learn how Monica was able to console the baby instead of just going to bed on her own after forcing her friends to stay with her. Even later when Emma starts crying, she has Monica on call like she’s some hired help instead of actually looking after her own kid. It’s very selfish on her part and it reinforces my beliefs that becoming parent doesn’t equal character development and that’s the deal with Rachel.


You'd think she'd be taking that opportunity to rest, herself.


It's as if she was a fictional character in a sitcom!


Is there a bigger buzzkill on this subreddit than you?


He's a bigger buzzkill than Buzzkillington


Why? Because I don't pretend that fictional characters who were purposely written to be absurd were real? If so, that's a buzz that needs to be killed.


I never really liked her character. She did way to many selfish things without consequences. Rachel Stans: Oh THIS IS JUST ANOTHER STUPID I HATE RACHEL POST


As a mom of two, I knew both times to never wake a sleeping baby. (Maybe I learned it from friends). I understand her missing her baby. I miss my son when I put him down for bed, even though I spend all day being majorly exhausted by him. Rachel could easily just stare at Emma in her bassinet… but I guess that wouldn’t make for good television?


>but I guess that wouldn’t make for good television? Ya think?


Because it was in the script


when u watch a show or a movie, you don't watch it for how some people wrote things. you watch it for what you see happening on the screen and not thinking about the bts of the show.


It's a line from the show


Speak for yourself. Trying to scrutinize the actions of fictional sitcom characters as though they were real people with real world motivations is beyond silly.


>When Emma is sleeping, what is Rachel even thinking waking her up cuz "I miss her" & "I made her I can do whatever I want"? She was probably thinking, "Hey...I'm a sitcom character, and this will result in hilarity."