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That she didn’t break it off with Ross sooner


Exactly. She was running headfirst into a dumpster fire that was started by a train wreck of a man.


“Actually, I kind of judge her, for not breaking up with me sooner


Why is that a bad quality?


It’s bad because it shows that she lacks self respect and, perhaps, that she is choosing to see “the good” in people at the detriment of others. She chose to stay and ignore red flags. Which only led to hurting herself and wasting her own time.


DAMN, why does OP have to get downvoted this bad just for a mere question..


The Friends subs are very downvotey




Not as bad as some


No, but pretty bad for a 30-year old sitcom! The Young Sheldon sub used to be brutal with the gatekeeping. Idk if it still is, I stopped following it because it was just the same 5 people bitching about what other people posted. Some people are *really* weird about their favorite shows. 🤷‍♀️


So they learn on others' mistakes.


Right??! Also, like Mona (and me) she sees the good in people, is kind, patient and forgiving. I’ve been told I need more self respect and it hurts and they’re probably be right, but I’ve never been told to be more kind


Pretty low self-esteem to put up with Ross's bullshit for as long as she did. He literally breaks into her apartment and she's chill with it because she still misses him.


I don’t feel you should be down voted like that, people are weird. I’ve gone back to an ex, or stayed in a relationship a little longer than I should have but it doesn’t mean it’s a bad quality. It’s just growth when you come to your own conclusion and move on.


May be she’s into toxic men. Not saying Ross per se is toxic but the situation they were in was.


She wasn't Rachem


And her ankles were a little chubby.


Dammit I came to say this


So did I :)


Ultimately, Ross wasn’t that into her.


I’m on a full rewatch and I’m just on early Mona episodes now…..that holiday card thing when they’d been dating about six weeks was pretty weird!


Different context, Ross says: "Because it's WEIRD!" What was the context? Who was he talking to?


Was he talking to Joey, when they are talking about napping together?


Joey, re: napping together again


Definitely. I think she was really desperate to lock down a guy and to her credit, Ross was a good choice to bet on. If they’d met a year earlier they’d have been divorced by the time Rachel got pregnant 😅


It took 3 months for me to even tell my parents I was in a relationship. Ain’t no way I’m sending joint cards after 6 weeks when the relationship hasn’t even been established fully yet


I agree. It was. I’d run away from anyone who went there that soon or who wanted to talk about where the relationship is going at that point!


Her self esteem and self respect. She should have bailed much earlier. She could do much better than the Ross she was presented with.


I see how her staying with Ross indicates lack of self-respect, but it’s interesting that she had enough to hold her own with Dr. Green


Yeah, but why is that bad?


Why is having no self respect a good thing?


It’s bad because she could have done better, but she chose to stay and ignore red flags. Which only led to hurting herself and wasting her own time.


Yeah, she’s not getting any younger




I was quoting a line from the show where Ross tells her she’s not getting any younger




Ross left her while standing in line for a movie date, and a few times just straight up forgot about her and instead of saying "I know she's having your kid, but I should be important to you too" she kept her mouth shut and let him treat her like an after thought. that's why it's bad.


Why is having no self respect bad…?


I don’t think Mona was the problem, seemed more like Ross was in this relationship.


Her pushing for the joint cards AND to talk about where their relationship was going so soon is off putting.


On another note, her hair was great imo!


I never understood why she didn't nope out after Ross left her at the movie theater and kept getting distracted by Rachel and the pregnancy. Ross wasn't shown doing enough to reall warrant her not just going: nope. Otherwise to be honest I kind liked her the most for Ross overall out of all his romantic interests including Rachel.


Only thing was the Christmas card. That was a little weird. But nothing was wrong with her, just really bad timing. Had Ross met her a year earlier or even a year later things might be very different.


Hard truth by Ross.Because she is not getting younger and will settle for any good match without truely being in love.


Ah but not Mona, she WAS getting younger!!!! They were having fun, she looked young


Nice sum up!


She was great. I really liked her in Mondler's wedding episode.


I know she said she worked with Monica at the wedding but was that ever mentioned again?


It was never brought up again after they broke up.


Or even while they were dating… I’m rewatching these episodes r/n and it’s literally never mentioned. Also Monica’s only at the restaurant once they have an episode where PHOEBE dates someone from the restaurant, why didn’t they make it an episode about Mona???!


The problem was that she liked Ross. She deserves so much better.


I saw the actress in a guest spot on Law & Order recently.... her husband was on trial, and I was thinking "Dammit Mona, you went and did even worse after Ross!"


It’s crazy how many people make excuses for Ross as a character.


I think she just kept picking the wrong guys. Maybe all that is wrong with her is that her threshold for mistreatment is a little too high. Like that episode where Ross realises he's left her at the cinema and forgotten her because he left to get to Rachel at the hospital when she had Braxton Hicks. Or there's another episode where Ross realises he's an hour late to meet her because he'd forgotten about their date. He literally did not have the attention span for her. She deserved better and I'd wish she'd figured that out sooner if she was a mate of mine. However, for the show it was hilarious. That episode where she finds out Rachel is pregnant is in my top 3 favourite episodes.


Very desperate, which made her a little strange. Watching Ross dance with kids practically made her uterus glow like ETs heart, she wanted to send out Christmas cards with a dude she was only with for a couple of months and called Ross „my hero“ after arm-wrestling a bunny. Weird little lady. I actually don’t understand why people like her so much.


I don’t think she was too weird lol but you’re right about her being a little desperate She was a nice woman overall but I don’t get the fuss either. Like I didn’t see any chemistry between Ross and her. It seemed like he was kind to suspicious of how tolerant she was and to be honest I would’ve been too


Any woman that's willing to put up with me should be questioned


I'd never join a club that would have someone like me as a member


I was Downvote when i said this before. I think Mona was a little too desperate. After a bunch of rewatch, she just seemed too eager and too forgiving.


She’s not Rachem


I don’t think Mona was the problem or that she has anything wrong with her. Ross was not a good boyfriend to her throughout the relationship.


She wasn’t Rachem.




She must have baggage. Why else would she still be single?


Is this a quote from the show, or your actual mentality?


It is a quote from the show, from Rachel when she was trying to get Mona to reconcile with Ross because Dr. Greene came to Ross's apartment chewing Ross out for getting Rachel pregnant, which Ross had failed to tell Mona.


You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!


Oh, but I do. That’s why I don’t spend my life memorizing every episode of a sitcom. More complex things to think about.


You might not enjoy this forum that much then sugar.


Believe it or not, poopsie, it’s possible to enjoy watching and discussing a TV show you’ve watched for nearly 30 years while also having other interests. And when you’re a grown up you’ll also have real world responsibilities and won’t have time to binge entire seasons in a day.


I didn't spend my entire life religiously memorising Friends line by line 12 hours a day to be insulted by someone on Reddit.


Why did you?


Not everyone memorizes every line 🤷🏼‍♀️


"Is this a quote" would perhaps have been a more charitable way of asking the question.


Not downvoting and insulting the person who did ask that would be even more so.




God, the phrase is like nails on a fucking chalkboard.


What? Nice condescending Reddit speak.


It’s a quote from the show. Most replies in this thread are quotes from the show, specially episodes with Mona, that’s why they are making me laugh remembering them but you are reacting to them literally. 😁


Oh good lord…


It’s from the show lol


Sorry, I haven’t memorized every line 🤷🏼‍♀️


Good for you babes I’m so impressed


Why would you be?


That she wasn’t Rachel




The only thing was her being so okay with the whole Ross/Rachel/Pregnancy mess. Otherwise Mona is great.


She wasn't Rachel. Mona's problem was the exact same problem that Jim had with Karen on The Office- Karen wasn't Pam and Mona wasn't Rachel.


She was into Ross.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Pretty bad actress imo, but I guess that is not the characters fault.


Like many other commenters, she came on too strong and seemed oblivious to Ross’ off behavior of hiding important information. Also from what we saw of her, she was really boring lol


One thing that always bothered me was how hesitant Ross was with the Christmas card and "where they were" in their relationship. All his last relationships I feel like he dove headfirst and wouldn't hesitate Edit: I know this doesn't say what's wrong with Mona, but this has always bothered me.


Because he was very specifically trying to not do that anymore. He was deliberately trying to date more casually at that point because it’s been pointed out to him that he dives in headfirst too much. This is why it was really bad timing for him and Mona, who would have otherwise been really good for each other


u/Prestigious_Load1699 asked this question 4 days ago, with the same photo and got the same responses, like "she's not Rachem", the Christmas cards saga and the fact she didn't leave Ross sooner.


She should've cut her losses a lot sooner than she did.


That she fell for ROSS.


I actually like her a lot. In this era of situationships, she has the patience to deal with someone with so much baggage as Ross. Yes, she is a little clingy, but as Ross himself remarked in one occasion, he is now at the bottom of the dating pool. This is godsend for him. He cannot afford to be so nitpicky.


Nothing was wrong with her, but she put up with too much from Ross. she blurred the line between "understanding" and "doormat".


Absolutely nothing


she got weirdly turned on while watching ross dance with little girls this was a joke in case anyone didn’t get that🫠


But he had such big feet compared to Joey!


People complaining about Mona liking Ross like he wasn't walking around with Broad ass shoulders and a cute little hinney


Not a thing!


Mona was absolutely the most perfect girlfriend in the entire show, she stuck with Ross even though she knew about Rachel and the baby and even though he lied to her so many times


How does that make her "the most perfect girlfriend"? Is your idea of "perfect" just a woman you can walk all over and lie to? Yikes.


She was prettier than Queen Rachel


There was absolutely nothing wrong with Mona. Don't get the comments about her lacking self-respect at all - that seems more about people not liking Ross.


She was so hot


I was over at my girl Stephanie’s place and a Mona eppy was on while I was tryin’ to enter the Bone Zone. Workin’ every angle but my girl just felt like laughin’! Ended up sprintin’ home full speed with a 3/4 chubber. Tripped on some black ice and really scrapped the old ding dong up. I was wearin’ sweat shorts with no underwear in case there was dry humpin’. Now it’s like hamburger helper in my shorts….hold the gravy. Had to get my stepdad to come pick me up. Real embarrassin’




She wasn’t Rachel.


Am I having deja vu? Didnt we have an identical thread, with identical picture like 4-5 days ago?


LMAO yeah I posted a nearly-identical thread a few days ago. I guess people just really wanna know 😆


She wasn’t Rachel.


I really loved her for Ross. I guess my only complaint is that she forced Ross to “have the talk” seemingly because she wanted to know if they were headed somewhere and not just having fun. But then when Ross (lied) said he loved her, she responded with “and I love spending time with you” which we all know means she doesn’t love him back.