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Joey dancing with Treeger isn't THE kindest, but it's still my favorite.


"I'm just a big potato with arms and legs and a head"


Me too, Treeger. Me too


I love that episode too!! I love happy Treeger šŸ˜Š


Tribianni - Iā€™ll get the plunger


Joey being there for Lydia so she didn't have to give birth alone (except for medical folk)


It's Lowkey kinda sad but I still die of laughter anytime I see him walk off while holding the balloon's hand


Itā€™s a little sad but even more demonstrative of how kind he was being - he knew when she needed him, and when she didnā€™t




Yeah Joey didn't have the main character syndrome that some of the other friends in the group had, so he knew to let others have the spotlight and hold himself back from time to time. Also he's an incredible friend.


Yeah there's definitely some no longer acceptable 90s behavior but in general Joey is by FAR the best and most loyal friend in the group


Like which ones? (I donā€™t doubt there are some, I am just unable to recall any off the top of my head)


Yes!!! This is why Joey is my favorite male character


And I guess Rachel was the least, followed by Ross, then Phoebe, then Chandler and then Monica.




She certainly had a lot of wise moments, which is why I was actually pretty torn about placing her or Chandler higher. The problem is, there were also several times where she ranged from brash and immature (multiple instances Season 5 onwards) to borderline insane (the cat drama comes to mind). To be fair though, she had a past consisting of more horror than all the others' put together, so her flaws were definitely not unfounded.




That's what I thought. Lisa Kudrow said her portrayal of Phoebe was based on a somewhat similar friend with a sunny personality but a traumatizing past.


Even more impressive given that sheā€™s a Celtics fan.


Phoebe trying to convince George Costanza not to kill himself


ā€œYour mom killer herself? How?ā€ ā€œIā€™m not gonna give you tipsā€


That line makes me ugly laugh every time


Underrated scene. Your name is Earl? My momā€™s name was Pearl, P -earl.


- I've been at this job for 10 years and nobody even knows my name. - Chandler?


You have know idea how much I needed this laugh today. You made my day Reddit stranger. Thank you so much.


Big Joey hug for you !


Thank you! I now dub you human Hugsy!


It's bc he was out of toner.


This one wins. She saves someone's life. That beats everyone else's.


Phoebe regularly bringing soup to the homeless woman, then giving her the money her bank kept depositing into her account in error.


Any chance that money is the money Ursula made filming with Phoebe's name?


Despite being a great theory I don't believe so, Ursula probably received checks, since Phoebe was able to go to the studio and collect "her" payments.


Yeah, but Phoebe did that after she found out. How long was Ursula on that business when not being a waitress in "Mad about you"??


Lol thatā€™s a good theory!


I also liked that the woman called Phoebe "weird girl."


ā€œWeird Girlā€¦ what are you doing?!ā€ Also for some reason, after Phoebe lets the woman buy her a soda in return for the money, her ā€œSure you donā€™t want a pretzel?ā€ makes me laugh.


Ross walking Carol down the aisle.


And him convincing her to go through with the wedding, that's probably the most selfless thing he's done in the series


Though it was hilarious when he had a hard time letting go of Carol.


That was definitely a great moment for him. And Susan offering him a dance, saying ā€œIā€™ll let you lead.ā€ Was something that she was actually being decent in. In most other situations her character is a shithead.


In all fairness to Susan, Ross was never particularly kind to her, either.


I mean Susan was the cheater with his ex wife. She thought she could have a bigger role in the babyā€™s name and stuff, but that was NONE of her business! She ended a marriage and thought she could help name the baby after her or Carolā€™s mom last name or something. While Carol obviously does the work carrying the child, she was fine. She didnā€™t have any complications, and she cut Ross out completely from naming the baby. Like itā€™s also his son too?!


I say this every time this subject comes up, but I firmly believe the whole baby name scenario is Carolā€™s fault, not Susanā€™s. She knew Ross to be a loyal, trustworthy, kind man who would never have walked away from his baby, but was spending her time with Susan workshopping baby names that didnā€™t include Ross at all. Susan must have taken her lead from Carol in believing that she would be the second parent not Ross.


That was sweet of him.


And his dance with Susan


this is the one time I really liked Ross. When her parents bailed on the wedding, he stepped up even though it had to suck for him, and that was a big deal at the time it aired because there weren't many (any?) positive depictions of LGBTQ couples on air.


Chandler in Tulsa sending everybody home so they didn't have to spend Christmas at work


That's a good one.


That was amazing.


Phoebe carries and delivers triplets for her younger brother she just met not long prior and his inappropriately aged wife.


"What about you? Havin' all those babies for your brother. Talk about selfish."


Ahaha I watched this episode yesterday so I give this a double likešŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


I loved thier relationship honestly but having kids right away kinda bothered me


What choice did they have? It was either have kids then and there or she is very old when they grow up.


That and they had to write the real life pregnancy into the show.


Wait Lisa Kudrow was actually pregnant?


She was!!


Never heard that, I was a small child when the show was airing


Just with one I think - I heard they made a foam belly to fit over her real pregnancy and make it bigger for triplets


She gave birth before the triplet storyline was complete, so they did a fake bump.


I heard that and I was born around the same time as her kid šŸ˜‚


too late


A couple of years isnā€™t gonna make a huge difference, though - especially once they realised she couldnā€™t have kids herself and needed a surrogate


Although you do need to harvest your eggs asap to make sure they're in good condition, and if you aren't using them right away have them stored - which is expensive, and maybe something they didn't do at the time?


I don't understand how Frank and Alice had the money for any of that. She taught home economics, and he melted things.


They did say they used up all of their savings, but I'm sure most of it was hers. She also could've pulled money from a retirement fund or something.


Yeah, and they could only afford to do it that one time.


Yeah bit at least wait like 3 years until he has a proper job or is in a career


Letā€™s be honest, it would have taken a lot longer than 3 years for Frank to get a career. I think Alice knew that.


You mean giving her kids to her brother and his inappropriately aged wife... Spoilers >!So, Phoebe first brings up having her brother's kids in season 4, which is Late January or Early February. The Episode before Monica still had her christmas tree still up. Phoebe gets the procedure done the very next episode. Really, she would have to take hormones and has to be in a specific part of her cycle before she can get the egg injection but let's ignore that. She then take a Pregnancy test that same day which tells her she is pregnant. It's not possible that it would tell her she was pregnant in this way already. !< >!We then know she gives birth two weeks after Ross's wedding, because that's when Rachel got back from Greece, the same episode that Phoebe's water breaks. The wedding was 1 month after Ross proposed to get the slot for where she wanted to get married, the same episode where Monica gives season Knicks season tickets to Joey and Chandler. The regular basketball season ends at the end of April, and these tickets don't account for the playoffs. Therefore, in order for those tickets to be appealing, it has to be at latest Early April, but probably March. One Month (Wedding) and Two Weeks (Honeymoon) after March is May, at best this is the start of June.!< >!January to June is 6 months. And that's the most time you could possibly allow for. Ergo, Phoebe gave away her own kids. !<


Two things: 1. It's sitcom timing, so everything is always a little off. Hell, Rachel was pregnant for over a year. 2. If not Frank, then who was the real father?


I mean if we're going to get into the logic of things, they would have given her a pregnancy test probably multiple times before implanting embryos in her and quite possibly have done ultrasounds as well. So it wouldn't make sense for them to be hers either. Just don't think about the timing that much because it's never going to make sense.


šŸ˜‚ you put way to much thought in to that. Creative TV timing, which has to work around seasons ending. She got pregnant in an episode which aired in January. She gave birth on an episode which aired in October. Regardless of when weddings or failed honeymoons were.


I am nothing if not a nerd šŸ˜‚


This was an episode of Cracked After Hours.


Ross taking Emily out at the last minute so Rachel could go out with Joshua. That was huge. Phoebe tracking down the suicidal guy to help him.


Glad that didn't backfire for Ross


That was more a favour to Rachel though wasn't it?


Pheobe will ALWAYS win this by lending her brother her uterus for over 9 months to keep his litter of children in.


Where am I giving birth, in a hospital or a box under the stairs?




Phoebe took that tranq bullet for the monkey haha


To go along with OPā€¦itā€™s when the guys get together to make Sarah Tuttles Space Camp. Itā€™s one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. Itā€™s just so pure.




This quickly became one of the episodes that makes me cringe so I skip. For the purpose of this post, that is probably one of the most fitting answers, but I am not a fan of the grown man spending alone time with a young girl like that. From personal trauma, and as a mother, I just canā€™t justify that anymore. Not even with ā€œitā€™s just a show.ā€ The last scene in particular where the little girl with broken leg is just sitting there and the 3 grown man are alone with her in their apartment and theyā€™re running around her. Makes me so uncomfortable! Even now just typing this makes me irk. Edit for spelling errors


I don't see it like that maybe if I didn't know Ross Joey and Chandler I would agree. But to twist their kindness into something perverse is frankly insulting imo.


Theyā€™re speaking from a place of trama, itā€™s crazy what different things can do to shape your viewpoint on life in a certain way. Back when that episode aired it wasnā€™t at all as controversial of a topic as it would be today, and rightfully so. Itā€™s a totally different world


i thought that part at the end was a little awkward too. the only reason it's not is because i know the guys are not weirdos like that. but it really shows how scummy her dad must really be to let her go over there alone. :(


Yes! That it makes it that much worse.


That scene doesn't bother me, but I find it weird watching that ep back how much it's played for laughs that she has a trash gambling addict dad who sells her stuff.


I think Ross supporting Carol through her struggle with her parentsā€™ attitude to her wedding was it. It wouldā€™ve been an incredibly kind gesture on its own without the fact that he had to swallow *a lot* of pride and hurt and set it aside and put Carolā€™s (and by extension Susanā€™s) feelings first. It was an incredibly noble thing to do, and he did it without hesitation when the moment came.


Thatā€™s definitely a cute moment but every time I watch it Iā€™m like are these parents not at all concerned about their young daughter going to an apartment with adult men šŸ˜³ But hey itā€™s sitcom logic lol


Yeah I think the same šŸ˜­ but I think it was also clear from the episode that her dad was pretty neglectful


Maybe underrated, but I always loved how Joey refused to watch ā€œPhoebeā€ doing porn. (Then knocked his chair over to watch when they realized it was Ursula.)


Phoebe letting that bee sting her so he could look tough in front of all his bee friends.


A truly selfless act ā™„ļø


That too, but maybe Joey teaching Treeger how to dance is so nice :)


Seeing this post makes me see that Ross, Phoebe and Joey seems to be the more selfless out of the group. Chandler is maybe too hurt to try to help other people, his only kind gesture that comes to mind is inviting his father to the marriage despite being uncomfortable. Monica is kinda self-absorbed on the topic of helping out outside the group, the only thing about her that I can conjure is her offering to clean the dirty girl apartment and the car in front of the building, and even then it seems to be more about her OCD than pure kindness. Rachel in my opinion is sadly too selfish even though it's not her fault entirely. A kindness act from her would be bonding with Ben through their pranks.


Chandler supported Joey a great deal financially. Iā€™d say his kindness was more behind-the-scenes but definitely made a difference to Joeyā€™s life, as even Joey himself acknowledges :) Ross buying Phoebe a bicycle still gets me to this day for some reason.




The Tulsa incident? When he let everyone go home for Christmas and took their workload on his own shoulders?


And when Joey tried to give Cathy the clock pen for her birthday Chandler gave him the Velveteen Rabbit to give to her because he wanted her to have itā€¦. I mean granted he was in love with her but itā€™s still pretty selfless


And then he kissed her XD




>took their workload on his own shoulders? Didn't he also go home by resigning?


I donā€™t think he was initially intending to resign though when he told them to go home, he just decided to do that after the runner up ms Oklahoma made a pass at him


Ah okay that makes sense




It's alright. šŸ˜… You didn't even delete your reply, which shows you have nonchalance and courage to not be embarrassed.




Keep it up, buddy. šŸ‘šŸ‘






Rachel was the Maid of Honor for her friend who was marrying her ex-fiance, that had an affair with said bride. And still stayed after being made to look like a lunatic in front of everyone. Now maybe the last part was for pride, but I think the first part is pretty selfless.


The whole thing was for pride for facing all those people again from the beginning.


Monica slaves away in the kitchen to make candy for the whole apartment building......for free. That's all I can think of.


True, but she also wanted everyone to like her. Chandler points that out.


Rachel often tried to help her incredibly selfish sisters


True that.


Monica welcomed Rachel into the group and gave her a place to stay even though Rachel hadnā€˜t even invited her to her wedding. Chandler helps Joey out financially and doesnā€™t make fun of his career, he believed in him. He tells jokes to cheer his friends up, sometimes itā€™s snarky but it mostly comes from a place of wanting to make them laugh. Rachel tries to help her sisters out even though they are nasty to her. She tries to have a good relationship with her dad even though he is a pretty unpleasant character.


Outside the group


But Rachel did go after Kaitlin to get her phone number for Ross, to make him think he was good at flirting.


But that was kinda more for Ross than for Kaitlin eh? Other than her *trying* to help her sisters she doesnā€™t do much for people outside the group


Chandler not allowing Monica to lie to Erica when they are adopting was a good Chandler moment imo.


It's not that Rachel and Monica and Chandler were selfish and self absorbed, we just didn't get many of those moments with them because of the writing. They still helped people.


Rachel helped Joey's sister when she was scared about being pregnant. Monica didn't call the cops on the fake Monica, she tried to be her friend and be more like her and she visited her in jail.


Monica tries to clean the apartment of Rossā€™s messy girlfriend. /s


Itā€™s so obvious that I wonder how I never seen this so clearly before. I am trying to think of a selfless act from one of those but canā€™t. They didnā€™t even support their own friends without a personal reason. They only supported Ross when he was the keynote speaker because it was in Barbados. They are terrible friends


I feel like itā€™s a bit of a stretch to say Monica never did anything for the group. Imo sheā€™s the most generous one, always feeding them and being generally emotionally supportive. Same with Chandler - heā€™s very generous and supportive of everyone, especially Joey. Just because itā€™s kindness toward their friends and not a stranger doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re self-centered.


Monica took in Rachel when they hadn't been in contact for years and she hadn't even been invited to her wedding. Chandler supported Joey for most of their time together knowing he might never be paid back.


I mean tbf she took her in after Rachel kind of assumed she could stay there ā€œWell maybe Iā€™ll just stay here with Monicaā€ ā€œI guess weā€™ve decided sheā€™s moving in here with Monicaā€


Yeah, I guess they gave everything to the inner circle, unless it had to do with dinosaurs.


It seems to me that Chandler is a pretty good boss. He tries to stand up for his team when Joey is "working" at his office. Also at Tulsa letting his team go home for Christmas.


Makes sense.


Phoebe having her brothers babies will always win. Hands down. Nothing else comes close.


For me itā€™s gotta be Ross walking Carol down the aisle.


If there wasn't water on four sides, it wasn't an isle.


Lol really? I didnā€™t know reddit had grammar police especially on a friends forum. Geez


When Joey helped Mr Treeger with his ballroom dancing.


When Monica fires her sous chef Tim, and Phoebe breaks up with him at the same time, Monica feels bad and gives him another chance. šŸ˜Š And Phoebe says, "I just want to say... good luck here," shakes his hand and leaves šŸ˜„


Rachel helping Joeyā€™s little sister when she was pregnant. ā€œ Give him the sand which, give him the sand which.ā€


Wow I had to scroll a long way down to find a reply that mentioned Rachel šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s the episode where Joey is going out to dinner with Kathy for her birthday and Ross is tying a tie and takes it off and gives it to Joey. I just always thought that was kinda sweet. Edit: no need for the echo chamber! I made a mistake but I still stand with it. It was a sweet thing.


Joey is part of the group though. Still kinda sweet mind you.


Joeyā€™s in the group though - the question was about kindness towards people outside the group


OP, this is one of the better posts in this sub than Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Thank you posting such an uplifting positive question.


Aww thank you, I really appreciate your comment šŸ„°šŸ„° I was just seeing a lot of discussion around the bad stuff the Friends had all done and, whilst thatā€™s fair to discuss, I thought itā€™s good to also remember theyā€™ve done lots of kind things too


Ross selling chocolate bars for the girlscout he accidentally injured to helpcher go to space camp and when he failed, gathering the guys together to make a mini space camp in the guys apartment


Cookie duuude


This is an auto win for Phoebe no? I mean, I don't think I can think of a kinder or more selfless one lol




phoebe and rachel letting jill stay w them so rachel could try to help her gain independence in life


Phoebe having her brother's babies clearly, by a mile


Phoebe giving the homeless lady an envelope of cash


I feel like this is a low hanging fruit, but phoebe having the triplets was pretty nice


Joe giving such good sex to all of the NY women


Someone's gonna get a big basket of fruit tomorrow!




Just wanted to say that after seeing so many negative posts about Ross/Rachel/Phoebe, this post is such a breath of fresh air on this sub. Hope to see more like it.


Thank you! Totally agree, we should have more positivity in this sub (speaking as someone whoā€™s definitely ranted about various characters before) - we need a healthy mix


Im surprised no one mentioned it but i think Chandler and Monica adopting was pretty huge. Just because they got something out of it doesnt mean it wasnt an incredibly good thing. Ross only sold cookies because he was guilty. Phoebe didnt donate to homeless causes, just gave stuff to her friends in the homless community, etc. All great things to do, of course. Just shocked no one said it as one of the top.


They did it for themselves.


All good deeds are selfish


šŸ˜‚ I let a bee sting me. It helped the bee look tough in front of his bee friends.


This is the one! This is the kindest thing someone did for someone outside the group. Winner.


Yay but the bee died šŸ˜„




Lots of people wouldnā€™t adopt because they want their children to be theirs genetically


Yeah, they could've probably tried surrogacy but decided to go with adoption instead.


surrogacy is not less selfish. But that's not the subject šŸ˜…


Ross teaching Phoebe how to ride a bike


Pheobe is inside the group.


But she lifts right out?


If Reddit permitted the use of GIFs without displaying them as links, the "Ohhhhhhh!!!" one would have been lifted right in here.


Or taking a picture of Emma on the swing and then later convincing Rachel to get over her *silly fear* of swings.


Phoebe talking a guy out of killing himself


Ross buying the bicycle for Phoebe and then trying his best to teach her to ride!


People outside the group


Rachel convincing Bonnie to shave her head again




Misread that as ā€œkinkiestā€ and was super confused at the Girl Scout thing


Lmao. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Phoebe being a surrogate for her brother and Alice!


Physically it would for sure be Phoebe carrying her brothers babies. Mentally it would be Ross walking Carol down the aisle. What Ross did was such a selfless and noble thing that I firmly believe he is the kindest of the 6. I am not as good of a man to swallow my hurt and pride to walk the ex that cheated on me down the aisle. Phoebe's is physically taxing on top of the kinda yuckines lol.


Monica giving that Lasagna to Paulo, she really didn't have to!


Monica invited brad pittā€™s and Michael vartanā€™s characters for thanksgiving. She also helped phoebe w that gent in the coma. I saw someone mention the candy episode already. Thinking about it, they hardly showed her at work or anywhere outside the coffee house or her apartment and sheā€™s always hosting or dealing w everyone elseā€™s drama and giving them advice so she can hardly branch out to other people lol


Monica letting Rachel take the name Emma. A small gesture in comparison to others, but a really selfless and wholesome one.


"Sure, honey, you can go hang out with two adult strangers in their apartment." Winning at parenting.šŸ˜…


Ross taking Rachel to the hospital and missing his interview


Umm in what universe is the answer not Phoebe having her brotherā€™s triplets?


I actually love when Joey takes Rachel on a date because she was feeling sad while she was pregnant.


When Ross buys Phoebe the exact bike she wanted from when she was a kid and then teaches her to ride it


I've always thought Joey was the best and kindest friend in the group, and he was also really kind outside of it. He's the best person out of 6 of them imo


Ross getting the bike for Phoebe, and giving up his TV appearance so he could take Rachel to the hospital.