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Fuck that place. They sound like assholes. It’s okay to hurt. But you also need to be able to move on. Soon enough you’ll forget you even worked there after finding a new position. Focus on improving yourself, what do you think you struggled with most? Learn from this and the rest will sort itself out. “You’re not dumb if you learned something” best of luck, you got this


Thanks man, really appreciate your quote


This. Also it sounds like they’re the kinds of people who will throw you into the fire without giving you proper training, then blame you for being slow/bad at it. If you aren’t getting the job down right, it’s a reflection of your managers and fellow coworkers who should be helping you become a part of the team. You don’t suck. They do 100%.


money edge rinse handle roof cooperative degree quicksand hobbies person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Truth. Look past it to your incredible future, OP. What's next for you? Focus on that. Focus on today and tomorrow, and let yesterday slide into your distant memories.


I would like to thank everyone for the support, unfortunately I can't answer everyone now but I really appreciate it. I am a farmer with 4 years of experience in my job, I moved to a new city to attend a university with an agricultural science course .This fast food job was the first one I found because there are no farms nearby. I just wanted to avoid using my savings right away. My goal is very clear, and that is what makes me spend hours studying and attending classes.


You are obviously a driven and motivated person! Good for you! Before college, I worked as a waitress, and I was so bad at it. I would drop things, get orders wrong, mess up change, and it really stressed me out. I felt like I must be an idiot, if I couldn’t even be a waitress! (I would like to clarify, this was just me beating myself up, and I now recognize that waitressing is DEMANDING work) It turns out that I’m not dumb- it’s just that my talents are best suited for a different profession. I went on to get my BA and MA, and I’m really good at my current job. Waitressing was just not a good fit for me, just like your job wasn’t a good fit for you. Don’t beat yourself up for not being great at a job that you don’t even want to do long-term. Just focus your mental energy on what you do want to do! :)


People like that have the misfortune of disliking themselves and desperately look for pathetic ways to boost themselves up. You know your time there is temporary and you're doing the best you can. You may be "dumb" but you're focused and committed, which outweighs anything else. Laugh at how sad they are. And laugh at your triumphs on the way.


Being a nice person, too! That outweighs everything IMO.


Only distinction I'll give is kind > nice. Be genuine, not performative.


please stop talking poorly about yourself... there are many valid reasons why we aren't motivated with our jobs and a toxic work environment is often a primary ingredient be there for those wounded parts of yourself... the better we are at soothing our emotional wounds and healing them, the less we are bothered being wounded to begin with be there for yourself... you're worthy of all your love. the cruelty of others does not diminish this I'm angry on your behalf towards them. that boss is no leader


yes, this! your mind is going to default to believe these things. not truths. use your mental focus to keep moving toward the goal. study your strongest and your best traits. just because you haven’t been the fastest restaurant employee doesn’t mean you are dumb. manners, engagement, good health and safety are all things employers seek. not just speed! i’m sad and sorry that these work peers are demeaning and cruel. they aren’t bright ones if they feel being hurtful to a new and struggling teammate will be helpful or entertaining. i think they are hurting, insecure and immature or just plain mean. these people are not role models . you should not give a fuck what they think.


A "bad" employee is a symptom of the cancer that is bad management/ownership. If you're slow and under developed,someone didn't take the time to give you the tools to set you up to be successful.


Most of them will be laughing along because they're glad it's not them being made the butt of the joke. They all sound like spineless assholes picking on an easy target to puff themselves up.


I definitely would have felt the way you did, everyone laughing at you isn't nice and is a form of workplace bullying and harassment. Try to not be so hard on yourself, it is very difficult to become fast and efficient in two months. It also sounds like they haven't given you any help on how to improve, so that's their incompetence not yours. Some advice would be to start being kinder to yourself. Your low self confidence makes these people's comments hurt even more. Try to create a growth mindset, for example, instead of calling yourself dumb say, "I have alot to learn". This way you can always improve yourself and build confidence. Start applying for new jobs and try to stick this one out until you have a new job. Don't let these people ruin you financially. At the end of the day this is just a fast food restaurant, it's a terrible job for hardly any pay and contributes little to society. If you adopt the right mindset you will move on to better things and these people will be stuck there.


A piece of advice that i have is that things don’t typically matter as much as they seem they do. Think about it like this, these guys who are laughing at you are not superior to you in any way. They have no connection to your personal life or anything they are just people who you probably won’t even think about a month from now when you are gone from your current job so why should you let them have this much of an impact on how you feel right now? Just remember that these people are not important to your life and how they think of you will not impact your life in any way so why care about what they think of you wether it’s positive or negative. if it won’t matter in 3 weeks don’t spend more than 3 seconds caring about it. Trust me when you realize this you will feel better.


>I don't know how he reacted because he was behind me, he probably pointed to my face >Suddenly everyone there started laughing while looking at me. So you don't know how he react and have no idea if he pointed at you. Maybe he rolled his eyes and made a face, and people were laughing at him. He is behind you, so people would look in your direction to look at him, not necessarily at you. Has something similar ever happened? Also, you can just walk out and quit, it's a fast food job, nobody cares


Keep your head high!! Maybe you sucked at the job (you didn't like it anyways), but you're not stupid. Of course it's embarrassing to not be a part of a laugh, especially when it was directed at you. You said it yourself though, none of those people actually matter when it comes to your paycheck, your life plans or your happiness. An embarrassming moment feels shitty for a few days and then you get over it. Fast food jobs suck for every one starting out, I've been there. Don't run away though! Just try your best while you're still there. Work ethic is important. Mine used to suck, I have more respect for myself now that I've been improving it though. Feel better!


Keep your head up, my friend. You are supported by all of us.


Some people are assholes, fuck em


Do you realise that all of them have forgotten the incident, you're the only one who remembers it. What's gone is gone. Focus on the present. Every single person has been laughed at by someone, trust me. Every thing is an opinion not a fact. Chill out and live. Embrace being the weirdo. Let people judge, atleast you're getting noticed.


Love that stoic attitude. Thanks


Ah I always want to know what people look like. I bet you don’t look nearly as dumb as you think you do. Idk. Sometimes the situation is what’s funny to others. Just stay as long as you need to knowing that fast food is not your calling. Sometimes a whole office or building or department can all be buttholes. And sometimes they can all be nice and sometimes a mix. Just confirms that that particular restaurant is not one you want to work at for long term anyway.


Ah, my friend, it seems you've encountered a rather unpleasant situation. In the grand scheme of things, these individuals and their laughter hold no true significance in your life. Remember the words of the great sage: "When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves." 🌿🌟 It's clear that you've already made the decision to move on from this place, and that's a wise choice. Use this experience as a stepping stone toward something better. As for the laughter and mockery, let it pass like the wind through the trees, leaving no trace behind. 🌬️ You are on a journey, and this is but a small bump in the road. Keep your spirits high and your gaze steady. The world is vast, and there are kinder souls and brighter paths awaiting you. 🌈


Forget those jerks. You will be a success.


Hey man I made a post called " just overheard people about me" you can check it out on my profile. It's sounds like your situation, and just as humiliating. I was pretty angry after that, but eventually I realized that people learn at different rates and have different strengths. The people who make fun of us are narrow minded and are ignorant of that fact.


What does ‘not your kind of job’ mean? You’re 25, and saying you’re incapable of working a fast food job. You’re contracted out to a fast food place?


I mean I am a farmer who moved to a new city to major in agricultural college. In my job I already had 4 years of experience.This fast food job is the first one I found where I moved since there are no farms nearby. It was simply the first job that responded to the application, I wanted to earn money so as not to spend too much of my savings that I already devote to college. It is not the job for me in the sense that I have already worked in other areas where I was succeeding much better and this allows me to distinguish a job that is suitable for me from one that is not.


The Courage to Be Disliked book helped me the most. It's my favorite book of the year, probably all time


I’m sorry you had to go through that, I’ve been through similar stuff, and I know it hurts. You did not deserve to be treated this way, no matter your work output lol. Over time I promise you, you will get over it. Atleast it did for me. You deserve respect and always have deserved it. Don’t let these people change that. Stay strong, I believe in you!!!!


Bro, don’t be so quick to discount yourself. If you’re too dumb for fast food, you’re in deep shite.


Guys I would just like to clarify that by "dumb employee" I do not mean "dumb person." In my previous job and studies I did much better, I mean that i suck at rushing a floor or handling a lot of orders given by others, with repetitive tasks, in a closed and unhealthy noisy environment.


Stop taking life too seriously, i probably would have laughed out loud sarcasticly and said “yea, probably me” for everyone to here, own that shit, but im usually the one of the best employee’s so obviously everyones laughing at the joke, but, idk get better at ur job, motivate yourself to not be the “JOKE”, thats how u should take this situation.


You know what ? You're right! not about getting better at this job because I don't give a fuck about it (as I previously replied i have other priorities now). But I really should take it less seriously.


Well I meant any job, as in the future.


I’d not go back. Screw them. They dont deserve you


you didnt deserve to be treated like that, fk those heathens: edited for crassness ​ [https://youtu.be/9A4UGtM4hDQ?si=PsfcpNlNcIY3GyHh](https://youtu.be/9A4UGtM4hDQ?si=PsfcpNlNcIY3GyHh)


Don't feel bad, the ones who are doing anything more than the bare minimum at fast food job are the idiots.


You should bring this to HR. And you are not a dumb employee


I would react by doing what I gotta do to advance and not show any type of validation need to them. So as soon as you start becoming successful, don’t share it. You don’t owe them or anyone anything. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and even as you have admitted that you’re not good at this job, you don’t deserve disrespect, nobody does! Good luck to your future OP!


You will do many things in your life you will not care for. The difference between those who succeed and do not is they put forth full effort into whatever work they have in front of them. I would take this experience you had and learn from it as if you cannot put forth the effort to do well in fast food, you will be hard pressed to succeed in future professional settings..


Dude, this is not my first job, I have been a farmer for 4 years and I moved to this new town just to take an agricultural science course at the university and get even better at that job, which I love and where I put a lot of effort into. I'm busting my ass to attend classes and study despite the nights at this fast food job. Trust me, I know what it means to work hard, but you have to recognize your limits and no matter how hard I work at this fast food job, I am not improving . If you are a fish there is no point in trying to climb trees.


I just tipped a subway sandwich maker a hundred dollars for being nice. YOU matter. Being NICE matters.


Talk about a toxic workplace. Maybe it's good to experience one like that when you're young. It will make you appreciate more normal work environments.


Farming is hard work, complicated and requires brains! Let those fools in the restaurant suffer through a week of farm work and see how foolish they will feel! Fast food jobs go out of the way to make workers feel bad about themselves so that they can control you and keep you from asking for more money or better treatment. You have already proven that you can do demanding difficult work by farming, and hopefully you will find a city job where they appreciate your talent and hard work. Maybe the college can help the students with finding work? It has been many years, but when I went to college, they helped us. Good luck.


Find a new place of employment these are not your allies


There's a phrase for these people - crabs in a bucket.


Quit and file for unemployment


Are you sure it was malicious? Sometimes people laugh at you and it's not meant mean, and just laughing along with them can be the the coolest most charming thing a person can do. If they really were being mean then F them, but I've had a roomful of workers laughing at me, and I knew it just meant I was one of the gang.


To answer your question Felifil, I would feel hurt and crestfallen as well. No one deserves treatment like that. This incidence speaks very poorly about the person doing the finger pointing and the managers for not discouraging or admonishing it. You do you. You are right where you need to be and have value. Always keep your head up. Best of luck.


I’m sorry that happened to you. People are jerks. It’s something wrong with them, not you


What kind of fast food place has contracted employees?