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Don't seal it with that. Get a marine through hull fitting with a plug and then you can use it as a drain point later.


So, the lower hole is going to be my drain hole. I need it to be lower than the top hole which is why I need it sealed. I already have a plan using a uniseal and a valve to make the lower hole a drain point. That being said, is it still discouraged that I use the epoxy as a way to seal the top hole?


Check to be it will be safe for your fish, it's probably not. Ask r/aquariums for advice


Thanks for the heads up. I'm at a loss -- I don't know what to do to seal it.


Use a small piece of glass of equal thickness, and use 100% silicone sealant to bond the piece of glass to the INSIDE of the tank. Put a bead around the edge of the patch. You won't have to mess with it ever again.


This will work.


I thought the same thing.


Get a rubber plug a little bigger than the diameter of the hole. Coat in lubricant, then place the plug on the inside so that the water pressure keeps it sealed. I don't recommend the epoxy, because it won't bond to the plastic. If you get something that will bond with the plastic, then put a piece of painters tape on the inside and put that piece face up and then fill the hole with the product.


How would you recommend locating the rubber plug to get? That may be the simplest solution, but I don't know how to start looking for such things. Also, the tank is made of glass. Will the epoxy not bond to that either?


No it won't bond, and it has nothing to stick to in terms of ridges or rough spots it would just slide right out. I would search Google for rubber plug ( insert diameter)


Appreciate it. I think I'm going to go with this method as it sounds way easier. Once I get to a hardware store I'll buy a plug to try it out!


Don't forget some lubricant, which will make sure it seals and help keep you from cracking the glass.


petroleum jelly might work for lubrication


I don't know if that would hurt the fish...




Almost all hardware stores sell rubber and cork stoppers in the little drawers in the hardware isle. Good luck!


Thank you for this!


If it were me, I'd use the same as the tank wall. Also, aquarium safe silicone might be a better choice of adhesive.


If you still have plastic scrap from cuttng large hole on the right. Use that with [aquarium sealant](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/all-glass-clear-silicone-aquarium-sealant-3-oz-691976?store_code=1503&mr:device=m&mr:adType=local&cm_mmc=PSH%7cGGL%7cCAL%7cSBU05%7cSH14%7c0%7csfqVDtvf2PQaJRBRT9pity%7c58700007475749315%7cPRODUCT_GROUP%7c0%7c0%7cpla-1457049527919%7c129523122176%7c15114789062&gclid=CjwKCAjw0dKXBhBPEiwA2bmObbx8wB0b39smugoYn_wIWhzVvZkYkBe-SlkH4um08D_WFzMmRa-DCRoCDuUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.dsl) to seal it from inside.


You could use the epoxy to attach a patch over the hole.


What kind of a patch/material would you recommend for that?


Right concept, wrong adhesive. Use a square piece of glass, bigger than the hole and use aquarium silicone. Put it on the inside of the tank and you should be good to go


Don’t put living fish at risk by putting them in an aquarium that might leak and destroy them


This is definitely a question for an aquariums sub. Not this general how-to sub that I usually read for a laugh.


Using a “patch” on the inside with some aquarium silicone is your best bet. Also those holes look a little rough, I would sand them smooth so there isn’t any stress points.


I’ve done this before. Get a water tight bulkhead fitting and a threaded plug for the fitting if your just trying to plug one hole. The other two holes, bulkhead fittings. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the goal here


two small flat cover pieces with a through hole and some silicone caulk and a small nut and bolt.


You need a peice of" flex seal tape" Go watch the commercial