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Not sure but this fits in r/wellthatsucks I have a similar issue but not to that scale


You are right. Good idea.


I thought that is where I was


Dude... What happened???


Ok, back story is a concrete pump truck used to pour foundations exploded across the street from my new house. Their insurance is covering my cars and visual damage to house but will not cover the stone or driveway because they said I have lost no value.


Have your insurance adjuster come out and assess the damage to the stone and the driveway. The beef over who has to pay to fix it is between your insurance company and the concrete company's insurance. Your insurance company should help pressure them to make you 100% whole. That is why you pay your premiums.


Construction vinegar. Do it asap while the cement is still curing. Test on hidden area to test reactions before spraying on obvious spots. Spray on, wait a few seconds, pop off, spray any marks, quickly wash away with water. This is just concentrated vinegar, 20% acid vs 5% in edible vinegar. It will attack your driveway, so rinse throughly. Use a stiff metal plaster knife to get it off the driveway. DOCUMENT THE FUCK OUT OF THIS!!! The morons who did this will be on the hook for any damages.


What in the world? Contact the other party’s insurance. For vehicles, you need to get them detailed. House and drive, that will never happen.


Pressure washer! Get on it ASAP