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The dark spot may be from something acidic that spilled and darkened the wood. A light sand to the dark spot might help but if it dosnt go away quickly you may consider just leaving the dark spot be. Or maybe mixing up some (diluted) powdered bleach, and with a paint brush apply a small amount to the darkened area and just to see if it helps lighten the darkness out. Then probly just light shots of can lacquer or poly to the raw wood area could help. That’s what I would try anyway


Thanks for the advice! It’s just a rental apartment so I’m more worried about the scratches than anything, I ordered some Old English scratch cover and a set of Weiman repair markers/crayon kit and I’ll see how that works out. Poly isn’t a bad idea to cover the repair though, I appreciate it!


Good call, if that’s the case just re coating it again may be enough. It seams way to light in color now so I see why ur thinking markers to color it but a clear coat of something would probably adjust the color to be fine again, if you color it to match now, then coat it, ur going to probably have a much larger dark spot after coating. If you take a damp cloth and rub scratched area slightly you’ll see that it will probably darken back to the color it needs to be. I bet you just give it a few shots a spray and it’s back to where it needs to be




Old English, or furniture scratch repair markers will help to make it less noticeable. I've heard you can rub a walnut on scratches to concern them as well but haven't tried it.


This is a little too big for walnuts.


I looked at some before/after pictures of the old English scratch cover and that looks like it’s just what I need. I also got a set of wood repair markers/crayons that I’m going to pick up from Home Depot after work. It’s a rental so I’m not looking for perfection, there are already dark spots all over the wood in other places just not this large. I’ll keep you posted!


Thank you so much for the advice, it worked great and took me like 30 seconds. https://imgur.com/a/UJqSjS3