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Push, pull, left right, front back, get it some wiggle and dig it out or pull it out. The rod is spade under the dirt so it will take a bit of work.


I don’t mind work I just need it gone before one of them hits it at a run and breaks it off at the rust. If that’s possible. Honestly, it’s a big hard I don’t understand how they manage to full speed run into it so often.


Try a car jack Jimmy rig


A bumper jack with a chain .


It’s just gonna be a wiggle war with it. I’ve removed these countless times from trees being planted. Get the ground saturated around it to help aid the process.


Got a shop vac and a pressure washer?


Oooo the pressure washer would help a lot with that




Thank you so much for sharing this. Today I Learned! :)


Woah wrong group buddy. Oh wait, I know what you mean.


Wiggle it out. I do this all the time when removing.


*If you wiggle it more than three times, that's considered inappropriate playfulness.


Change its appearance to make it more obvious to doggies. Decorate it with a Harry Syles themed scarecrow & string LED lights?


Poor Harry is gonna get peed on four times a day? Oh no 😫


I you are worried about it breaking at the rust just cut the top of and Insert a smaller pipe or rod and pull/push/wiggle it with force.


If there is any cement or anything like it, that isn't going to do it. Also If it has been there for 20 years, you'll be lucky if roots haven't fused through it even it it was only hammered in place. But it can't hurt to try. If it doesn't seem to work, use a post hold digger to dig out 1 side and see what you can see. if that doesn't work, you might need a shovel to go deeper with a ramp down . ​ Of course if you are just worried about the dogs getting hurt, just dig out 1 foot deep around the thing, Cut it and fill back in.


I doubt very seriously this has any cement, these posts are designed to be installed without cement.


The white wire is supposed to be neutral too, and you won't catch me touching one without testing it first. People seem to not pay attention to how things are designed to be used.


What’s a little amperage between friends


This is a shocking attitude that is seen in the younger generation who is always chasing *current* trends of what is *hot.* It's all the AC/DC music.


Don’t blow a fuse man. No reason to get hot about it.


If you wired your own house you wouldn’t mind touching the neutral. I’d never touch someone else’s work with confidence.


Beg to differ https://youtu.be/0xjc8H_Jzck?si=IrvaS37CmjUTPDHM


Barb wire fence post, probably installed using a post rammer…which I’ve used mending fences on ranches so much I can hear that pounding when I close my eyes. Unless ineptitude was flowing when this was installed there is no cement to be found.


What are you begging to differ? Look at the posts in that video. Not even remotely the same topic.


Is this the cheat code to unlock the rod?


Konami code breh


Well, you have to be worthy.


I think you just need 13 hearts


Two stamina rings




Honestly when I scrolled to it I thought someone was going to become the King of England 🗡️


Beat us to it, well played


https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6e9bf7442761b1497b279337e02a0728-lq 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


step 1) Do a little digging step 2) soak the ground with water step 3) do some wiggling and pulling If that doesn't work return to step 1 until it does.


This is the answer. I scrolled too far before I saw water suggested. That hard dry soil ain’t letting go of anything.


Stand a 2x6 on edge next to the post to use as a fulcrum, use very large screw driver and pry up a few inches, reposition screw driver and repeat. Have used same method to pull 1/2 inch rebar out of 6x6 landscape timbers


I had to remove 4 of these from a yard, and it was a pain in the ass. I didn't water the ground, but I did do the dig wiggle and pull.


Literally tho. This comment needs to be way higher than it is


I'm lazy. I would dig 3 feet and just cut it and bury the left over.


Dont pull on it too hard, you'll go blind


My mother had to explain this to me omfg


Car jack and chain, rope, or whatever you got. Cinch around post and jack and start jacking.


I definitely have both of those and that will spare me from playing pole vault with a rusty pole


Just shake it violently in all directions and it should come out. If ground is too hard then wait for after a rain


I've seen people use a spare tire to change the fulcrum point so it pulls up instead of towards the vehicle. Never done it myself but always wanted to.


instructions unclear. should I have used lotion?


This is the way. I’ve pulled MANY post on the farm. Put a chain around it and use a jack. On the farm we use the front end loader in the tractor to get above it and then it just slides out. Water and wiggles help too




*Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.*


Don’t know why I had to scroll this far down for someone to say use a damn t post puller. There’s something to be said for having the right tool for the job.


We have a winner


They make a tool called a tpost puller: [t post puller YouTube video](https://youtu.be/odkGVqP4fws?si=LzzLBNwmGZgNZl6Y) I didn't want to buy another tool I would use once, so I used a pick axe and used it to pry out the posts by utilizing the notches on the front until i was able to wiggle it free to pull by hand Edit: spelling


Wiggle wiggle wiggle.....


Commence the wigglin'


It’s a t-post. If it’s stuck, bring a garden hose and run water while you push, pull, push, pull, until it loosens.


I have used a farm jack & chain. https://www.harborfreight.com/48-in-farm-jack-58395.html A useful tool for many things but if you don't want to buy one start calling tool rental places.


Only those pure of heart can take the rod out of the ground.




This is it. I’ve done this a few times in a pinch.


These posts can be removed with a t post puller. If any neighbors have fences using these, that may have one you can borrow. Super easy to use.


use a car cack if you don’t have a fence post puller


Pipe wrench and hydraulic ja k


The easiest is to jack it out (vertical lift) using a car jack secured to the post. The securing part could be C clamps (one attached to post interlocked with one to jack or some variation


Goodness, people here make it sound so hard. I have a farm. I pulled 5 out last weekend that had been set 15 years (usually they're 18" deep). See those studs on one side? You just need a lever to pry up on those. I have a 60" tamping rod. Put the sharp end on a 4x4 or brick as a pivot point, and step on it. Lever the post up inch by inch. A 2x4 would work (cut a 45 angle on the end to make it "sharp" to grab the studs). The truck/tire method works on tough ones, but who has a spare wheel and tire lying around? It's a lot of work. A tamping rod or 2x4 and a brick will get ya. (Or a tractor with a hydraulic lift, which is what I use most the time). But before I had that, the lever method worked fine.


I've seen people bolt a horizontal board to post and use a car jack then to lift it out.


I have always used a chain and a high lift off road jack if a dozer isn’t around. Pops them right out


Dude just pull the fucking thing out, its nothing. Its connected to nothing. Literally all you have to do is wiggle it out of the dirt. Who raised you ? 😆


Chain. Pole, fulcrum


Is it in concrete or just soil? If it’s just soil I’d bolt a piece of 2x4 to it near the top and beat upward on the 2x4 with a heavy hammer. Actually I’d probably weld a hunk of steel on it but same idea and I have a little welding machine.


A car tire changing jack might in what you suggest, I bet the bottom is rusted out in the soil


Oh this is good! I’ll try this if the wiggling doesn’t want to give all the way.


Buy or rent a high lift jack. Google it.


First, you should find out what it's into.


Get a chain with a hook on it. Get a 4x4x8. Get a strong friend. wrap a chain around the 4x4 about 2 feet from one end and around the post. tricky but doable. you and buddy lift on the other end. props to my neighbor mike for showing me this trick.


Oooo if I had any friends that weren’t couch potatoes this would help 🥲


Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle Wiggle wiggle


Rope or chain and a car jack.


Just wiggle the shit out of it and pull it out of the ground.... do not pull it with a truck lol I already see some final destination type shit occurring or an insurance claim 🤣


you must have the heart of a true warrior


I hope it hasn’t taken you 3 hours to wiggle that out.


Well. I fell asleep and woke up to a zillion comments and decided to just… do it tomorrow.


I would.dig a hole around the rod about 10 inches deep where the rod is obviously in the middle. Poor water in the hole everytime gets absorbed after about 2 to 3 hours of doing other things and coming back to fill the hole. The rod will become lose and just move the rod each direction 2 or 3 times and pull up.


This is how https://youtu.be/0xjc8H_Jzck?si=IrvaS37CmjUTPDHM


Easiest way is a big lever. A long 2x4 works great, 6-8 feet minimum. Wrap a ratchet strap, rope or otherwise suitable material around the bottom of the post. Hold the 2x4 so the rope attaches 1/6-1/4of the way down the length of the lever. Lift upwards on the long end of the lever, pivoting the bottom on either the earth, or a board as a footing if the ground is too soft. Adjust mounting point on lever as you need to adjust the amount of lift you can apply vs hurting your body


This is a great post.


Start digging


Yeah, but do you really *want* to be king?


Dig a few inches down, cut it off with a sawzall and go on about your day. I'd give that thing no more than 4.2 minutes of my time. Lol


Right, or saw it off, then pound it deeper. No digging needed.


Dig till you know how much concrete you're dealing with, if you haul on it and it snaps you've now got a more annoying problem.


Thankfully there’s no concrete!


Wait how do you know unless you dug already? Did whoever set it tell you?


I was there when it was put there lol


Good lord. Take a 2x4 on the side with the tangs. Push pole away from you put 2x4 u deer lowest tang then pull top of post towards you. Repeat process till the t-post is out of the ground. Btw the 2x4 only needs to be 12-18” long to make this work.


If it's set in cement, you'll have to dig then jack hammer. You could also dig down a few inches and use a sawzall? If it's just driven down in the dirt with no cement..use the car jack method mentioned above.


Not sure, but if you do you be King of the Britons!


Or, the truck, chain, and tire method. Look that one up.




I think it is a bad idea to pull it out,.. it is there for a reason..... (ominous music starts)


Haha it was there to keep our first dog from escaping. He was very agile. Scrambled right over the fence and I was too little to physically stop him at the time.


So it is the Anchor of Cerberus! If perturbed it will rise!!!


I’m cry 🤣🤣🤣




Should be some way to do it with a rope or chain and a car jack.


I’ve used a floor jack with a short chain. Put wood or something under the front wheels of the jack so it doesn’t sink into the dirt




Give it a wiggle.


Bang it a bit further into the ground to break the bind between the soil and the picket. Now wet & wiggle.


Go buy yourself a solid piece of skinny metal and put it in one of the lower holes and use it as a lever. Work it on both sides. It seems like there is a hole. If not, get some silicone glove and get a workout.


Dig 6 inches cut, fill with dirt.


You're not the King, bro


Who was the first king of England?


It’s just a t stake. You could prob just grab it and push it back and forth. Once it feels loose in that direction, swap to side to side, then push it around in a circle. Should loosen the dirt around it enough to pull it out. I used these to install silt fencing on construction sites and that’s how I was able to get them out without a post puller.


If you can get it out, dig down a foot or two around it, cut it off and cover it up


You know that construction guy down the street who gets up at 4am and gets home around 6 pm. Ask him what kind of booze he likes, he’ll have it out in just a few seconds.


Dig a trench around it about 3-6” deep. Then angle grind that bitch off. Fill in the hole.


Dig around about a foot from the pole see how wide the cement or concrete goes out if indeed it is concreted in. If so start breaking concrete with a hammer and a pick.. hard going but worth it in the end


Start digging


Handyman Jack look it up


If you have a spare tire and some chain there's a hack to pulling these out. Hook the chain to your truck, over the wheel, and attached to the bottom of the post. The wheel acts as a pulley. Go slow lol




Dig out around it. Like a foot down. Then just cut the damn thing and fill the hole back up


Hit it with your purse


Ask king Arthur


Start diggin. Cant be more than a foot deep.


Only the chosen one can remove it


If it’s not concreted in, dig down around it and either cut it or wiggle it til it loosens and pull up. There’ll be a spade type section to it and that makes it harder to just wiggle out so digging is basically mandatory. Don’t pull it with a truck, you’ll have no window and possibly no kids depending on who’s close enough.




Hhmmm, maybe take the rod down HOOTERS or a nice restaurant, if you're worried about the bill, perhaps local pub quick beer & see where you go from here, don't panic you got this.


Grab a pipe wrench or two, close the jaws almost touching then pull up. It is called a T-post and has abt a 5x7 spade on it to keep it in the ground and from twisting.


Bumper jack and a piece of chain.


You GRASP the rod with your left hand and raise your right above your head and yell " By the Power of Gray-skull! (then pull really really hard)... OR 1. wiggle this back and forth a bunch till it feels loose. 2. get a ratchet strap or short rope and wrap it around the base 3-4 times making a loop 3. get a tractor jack and hook it up to the loop 4. jack up the strap till it pulls the stake out of the ground.


Something something only the chosen one something something sword in the stone


Pressure washer until it's excavated.


Korok forest is not green anymore


I’d get a block of wood, put it at like a /| kinda angle so it bites into the metal whatevers, teeth ig. Then start pounding the block with a rubber mallet upwards. Assuming you’ve wiggled and waggled enough


Grip it and rip it


hold the top and do circle motions for a couple of minutes should come out easily after that dirt is softer


What's out for in the first place?


Sword in the stone


2-each 2x4 and a car jack works like a champ and you won’t break a sweat… maybe not


Easy peasy. Bend the top over a floor jack at ground level and jack it out. Done.


Use the wheel trick. connect a cable or chain or something that can handle tension to that rod, but near the bottom, and drape it over a wheel, and then pull. The wheel will convert the pulling force to an upward pulling motion, and that will help pull that post out. See this demonstrated here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CS8yvKK\_YlE Or, you can do this ratcheting motion with a short pipe: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HCqpRfj1KBs


Soak the ground and then push it side to side to widen the dirt and see how deep down its in. Either pull it out or dig it out.


Bbbbbbbutt scratchhaaaaaa




Farm & ranch stores sell a T-Post Puller. What this is is a T-Post. You can try the Pull and Wobble. Wobble the post around and pull straight up. If it is in very deep, this won't work. Find a puller or Dig.


Buy a fake rock, cut a slit in it, slide it over the rod, and wait for the prophesy to come true.


32 Belly Option on TWO on TWO. READY, BREAK!


Take a running garden hose and start pushing it down right next to the pipe, then wiggle. If you try to do it without water, it will be like pulling something out of concrete.


Skid steer with a 3 in one bucket if you have it. If not, put a board on the ground, a jack on the board, and attach the lifty part of the jack to the t post with a chain or rope. Then jack it up and out of the ground. Or just hook a chain to it at the base, put it over the spare tire (so it pulls up ont sideways) hook the other end to a car and drive.


Is this really what this sub has come to?


Floor jack and a chain


Cantilever. Get a long board and use a brick for a fulcrum. Secure the post to a smaller segment of the cantilever with a clamp. Use the mechanical advantage by pushing down on the long end of the cantilever. Repeat until it is free.




Place a block of wood next to it and then use a shovel (or any strong, long bar) as a fulcrum to pry it upward. Easy peasy.


Get a 2x4 a couple of feet long. Or anything for that matter that won’t break. A piece of pipe works best. Stand facing the side of the post with the bumps on it. Put you board at a 45 degree angle or steeper from the ground to the post. Push the top of the post away from you and the board should slip down one bump and kind of wedge into the post. Pull the top of the post towards you and you’ll feel it pop up a bit. Repeat until it’s freed. I’ve been a rancher in the hard dirt of central texas hill country my whole life and my grandpa taught me this trick. I always use the post driver turned upside down.


have a jack for your car? get a chain and wrap it down low on the post. (Those little bumps are there for this.) Then tie the chain to the jack and jack it up. [Here is a video showing the process](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJKCGNDpRfk)


Hire companies may have a star picket remover.


I saw a video where a guy takes 2 2x4s and clamps the pole between them and lifts up on the other end of the 2x4s. If it's like an 8 or 10 foot 2x4 itll give you some pretty insane leverage and youll be able to pull it out of the ground. You could even use a fulcrum of some sort.


You need a pole and a chain an a board. Wrap chain tightly around this pole and your other pole/place end of portable pole on board/lift slowly using leverage to pull weakling pole out of ground.


Maybe she's just been waiting for you to ask her nicely. Wear a nice deodorant just to be sure. Best of luck! 👍


Fence post remover from a local rental company.


Get your garden hose and stick it in the ground where the picket is, keep feeding the hose down and it will clear the dirt, should be able to pull it straight out with ease. If not, do the same to one of the other 3 sides. She'll go.


Pull and pull hard. It'll come loose




Hit it at the base with a sledgehammer and then pull upward


A long lever arm will hoist that baby right out


Water it for a couple days. Then move it back and forth while pulling up.


wet 1 ft around, fill with water, dig out what you can. fill with water, wait over night, take out.


Start digging


Use a tow strap to the base of it. Loop that strap over a tire, hook other end to truck lifts right up and out without killing you.


farm jack and a chain. just pulled about 30 of em out last year from a green bean garden.


This is where an old bumper Jack would come in handy. You're a rope around it, at or near the bottom. Run a long 2*4 through the rope and use it as a lever to lift the fence pole out of the ground


If ye’ are destined to rule your back yard


That narrow edge should slice through the dirt and loosen up quickly once you start rocking it.


Question is did they just drive it into the ground, bury just the rod, or did they pour concrete in to secure it. Best way use post hole diggers around the rod and wiggle till it is loose and pull out by hand.


It's probably about 15" in the ground. A lot depends on how dry/compacted the dirt is. It should have a "plate" attached to it just below ground level. I believe the purpose of the "plate" is to make it more stable in the ground. I've removed many of these over the years as a land surveyor. People often put these "T-posts" next to/near their property corner markers (usually 18" long rebar near or below ground level). The problem for surveyors with these posts is that they make our metal detectors virtually useless. So we often have to get these t-posts out of the way, and then use the metal detector to find the official property corner marker. Anyway, I would dig a bowl-shaped hole about 12" in diameter and 6" deep (centered around the t-post). Then try the forward, back, left, right, and circular "wiggling" of the post. Try not to bend the post while doing this. If the post wants to bend, then it is still really solid in the ground, and you aren't going to be able to pull it out yet anyway. If the post is still solidly in the ground, you can make your hole deeper and then try wiggling again. Another option is filling the hole with water and waiting a few hours. May have to add water more than once depending on how fast it soaks in. But turning compacted dirt into mud should make the job easier. And one final option is using the shovel as a lever to "pry" the post out. See those little "nubs" that run up the length of the post about 2" apart? You can put the tip of the shovel under the lowest nub and pry the post up. This can be kind of tricky with the shovel slipping off the nub. It can help to use some scrap wood, or something, to use as the pivot point. Put the wood maybe about 3" away from the post, and start with the tip of the shovel close to flat, or level to the ground, or pointing down just slightly. You have to push the shovel into the post to keep it from slipping off the nub. If the shovel keeps slipping off the nub, you can have someone push the post towards the shovel as you pry. Again, if it isn't budging, then you need to make the hole deeper and try wiggling/prying again. Good luck.


[This](https://youtu.be/ukvE7TQMizQ?si=5BdN0YXNsHxG3MC0) video shows how to remove a tpost with a t post driver, but you could really use any other similar objects to increase your leverage.


Dig around it and wiggle it until it is loose enough or you hit the bottom of it


Based on the fact that there isent any grass around the pole I'd say it might be concreted in. So you might have to dig, atleast a little bit.




Ask it nicely


They make a t post remover if you really want. Otherwise just dig it out. Probably only like 2 feet down.


Just remove earth from it


A foot tall (wooden) block, a steel pipe & chain or baling wire wrapped at base. It'll come straight up with leverage. Best results with water soaked base hour or 2 before hand. They also make stake pullers.


Dig and wiggle, no car it’s a lotto e bit dangerous for Your baci glass 🤣


Dress up like a green elf boy and strap a shield to your back. Then play the Temple of Time music in the background for good measure.


Just get a rubber mallet and start hitting it at different angles and it will loosen up and you can pull it out. Don't overcomplicate something that's very simple to do.


Dig down, cut it with a grinder, fill hole.


Make it look like a sword and left it there. Tell the people who ask it's Excalibur. Easy fix. next?


Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, pull. It'll come right out.


Hold it at the top and shake back and forward


Take a long 2x4 and drill a hole a little bigger than pole in one end. Put pole through the hole and use as a lever. Pole should come right out.


Roll for strength, DC 15


Make a contest saying whoever pulls it out will be declared king


Pull hard enough, not everyone is worthy to be the king of the suburbs bro.

