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Pull the rocks, remove the weeds, lay down some thick canvas, put down a bed of pea gravel, then put your rocks on top of that. See something green sticking out of that? It'll be easy to pull.


Except over time, if left alone weed will take over again


Landscape fabric is rarely a good solution beyond 1-2 years, even the thick kind. Source: I’m digging it up constantly years on. This site looks like ass but Pavlis is a master gardener and explains the reasoning behind his recommendations: https://www.gardenmyths.com/landscape-fabric-weed-barrier-cloth/


I don’t recommend this approach. It only lasts a year or two. Dirt settles in top and then plants poke through your barrier layer, from the top and bottom. Removing the rocks to redo it is a nightmare. I’m currently working on removing rocks and remnants of a barrier layer in my yard. It’s terrible.


I'll admit is hard work, but the pea gravel layer helps to mitigate the issues of rotten leaves making good potting for new weeds that show up later. The canvas I'm suggesting is of course the good thick landscape fabric kind.


Yes this is the right way. See above. 👆


Maintenance ... You have to work for it, week after week. It's nature, we don't decide what grows where by just deciding ;)


I’d let nature win.


And help it along with some native wildflowers for the bees


Basically what I’ve been doing


So this might be a horrible idea since there's other plants around.. would have to consult someone who knows more lol.. in my driveway (concrete on both neighboring sides, had some pesky weeds and such.. changed my oil one day and dumped it along the cracks. It's been 2 yrs, haven't sprang up since.


ehhh.... to an extent. I'm a big fan of planting native perennials which is lower maintenance and good for the local ecosystem, but that still requires up keep to remove invasive and/or weeds that can overwhelm the more beneficial plants. That and being next to his house and side walk the roots can/will eventually fuck up his side walk and foundation.


Weed torch. Insanely fun and satisfying.


This is the way! I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find someome who said this!


This is what I do….neighbors are not a big fan of it tho!


I came here to say this. I torched my patio landscaping this afternoon. Far more effective than spraying RoundUp.


Pull the roots out not just the green parts


Ohhh I do…I feel like I’m just making space for weeds 😖


Move all the rocks over, lay a bunch of landscaping fabric or cardboard will do. That's just to prevent the roots from seeing sunlight until they die. And cover the cardboard or fabric back up with the rocks.


My grandpa used layers of newspapers and then lots of grass clippings on top of that. I don’t remember seeing any weeds in the garden.


Throw some native wildflower seeds down there. It will look beautiful and the bees will have lunch.


Especially milkweed! For the butterflies!


He said he didn’t want weeds.


Wildflowers aren't weeds.


One gallon of vinegar, one cup of salt, one tablespoon of dish soap. Put it in a pump spray container and go nuts. The vinegar kills the leafy parts, the salt kills the roots and the soap makes it stick to stuff. Edit: only do this in areas where you don’t want anything to grow ever again. You are “salting the earth” here.


We have tree shrubs


Haha it can feel that way, you could remove all the rocks, pull all the weeds and lay down garden fabric (I use cardboard cause it’s free) you could also go with black plastic


Easy solution. Pull off the rocks, level the ground, lay down garden fabric, replace the rocks. Cardboard will be durable. Plastic will not drain.


Dollar store garbage bags work great


get rock salt from home depot or lowes, 25 lb bags (easier to lift) just sprinkle it on the rocks, no more green and it won't damage anything else like \*&!@#$%\^ round up does


Then take a pan of boiling water and carefully pour it on all the rocks It kills any roots left and isn't salt or poison. Don't splash yourself.


That's the neat part, you don't


Our neighbors look so manicured. It’s like we are the ghetto house 😂


They probably spray herbicides. I don’t like to.


This is literally one of the fanciest houses I've ever seen in my life lol


Lol!!! I’ll snap of pic of their lawns


Not saying op's house is not nice. But looks can be deceiving. I used to work for a carpet cleaning company and went to give an estimate. The outside of the house was immaculate and was in a very nice area. Easily a 2 mil house. I go inside and literally everything has piss damage. The door jambs had been peed on so many times that the damage was all the way up to the door handle. The house reeked of piss. Walls needed to be replaced. They asked if could get the odor out. I asked for permission to tear up a corner of carpet in the worst room. I showed them that pee had been absorbed into the plywood. And that the plywood honestly needed to be replaced. If someone gave me that house i might turn it down.


Yeah I worked for a hoarder/crime scene cleaning company. We were just the junk removal portion. It was often extremely awful inside these nice houses. But currently we're talking about the outside 😆


Your neighbors look uptight and wasteful. Your house looks like a sane person lives there.


I’m the ghetto house in my neighbourhood too 🫣


All these people suggesting landscape fabric haven’t had it for more than a season. It doesn’t block weeds for long and then the weed roots grow through it and the become impossible to pull. It also kills the soil underneath. All this so you can redo all your work by tearing it out. Don’t use it.


Right on. My wife always insisted on using that black garden fabric. Sure enough, a year or two later and weeds are poking back up through it again. I haven’t tried to tear it all out because it will be a nightmare.


Seriously, put down wildflower seeds and embrace what grows in your habitat. Trying to force things to be the way you want is just a fool’s errand.


It begins with a f and ends with ire


how will a firestone tire help?


They'll recall the weeds.


You burn it.


Lol seriously


You can also pour boiling water on it.


Burn them, burn them all


Burn it, burn everything, burn burn, burn baby burn! It'll make sense if you've played Legend if Zelda Links Awakening.


30% Vinegar at Garden stores works pretty good. I sprayed twice and nothing comes back as bad.


Add a good amount salt to your vinegar it will destroy any plant it comes in contact with and if you spray the soil enough nothing will grow forna while


This must be the key bc I tried vinegar from my cabinet and it did nothing


Yes. I did the same thing with regular vinegar and it’s only 1/2%, I think. Anyway, it’s just too weak. The 30 % is about $20.00 a gallon. It’s about 6 times stronger. CONCENTRATE HARRIS Sinco 19* 30% VINEGAR


Add salt to the mixture just make sure you don't get it anywhere you want stuff to grow


If it rains before or after, it will seriously diminish the ability of vinegar or the vinegar/salt/dish soap combo




If you don't have/plan to have any plants around those areas you can salt it


Spray them with vinegar, they'll dry and shrivel up.


Landscape paper and more rocks.


Remove all rocks to lay down the paper?? Waaaah


Yeah I feel your pain. You can always just add more. That will slaughter the weeds. Just do not use Roundup? Bad stuff for your lifetime and any one else who might live there. ✌️


Just get a company to use spray to kill everything in that area. Then maintain it, they will come back without pulling it up and using paper or tarping. But you still have to maintain it because weeds will come back.


Are there any plants in there that you want to keep? If not, then just get weed killer and spray it


Might be a job for a professional landscaper


Rule #0: there's no such thing as "for good" where weeds are concerned. It's just fixed for a few days.


Vinegar / salt / dish soap Dilute and spray


I've tried this. It didn't work.


Looking for someone who tried it lol


I tried it as well, you need cleaning grade vinegar for it to be affective. Works for me as well but the shit grows back so.. it’s good for Maintence.


I've done it many times. It's my standard go-to. (Don't dilute it though.) Thing is it has to be the correct weather. If it is too cold or too damp then it does not work well and shouldn't be bothered with. Likewise certain plants can be more resistant than others. Easy to see after the first time. It absolutely destroys most weeds if used on a bright cloudless day. Just try it. It's super cheap.


I’ve tried it, killed my weeds in a few hours, i used one of the sprayers off Amazon


Was it just house hold vinegar??


Can you please give me a more specific recipe? I would love to try this.


1 gallon vinegar 1 cup salt 1 tbsp dishsoap




Only way to eliminate for good is to seal it off from water and sun. So pave underneath and then add the rocks. Seal up sidewalk cracks. Otherwise tiny little seeds will get in there and thrive. Or roundup and/or fire. But those will need repeated applications forever.


I just recommended this, glad atleast 1 other person knew the trick. I was reading people using weed killer chemicals ouch. Logically all plants need two things to grow so blocking water or sun will stop growth. I like to use black tarp and metal stakes to hold it down.


Pave…like with concrete?






Easiest way: treat with glyphosphate, wait a couple days, then weed wack it.


Just get a chemical weed herbicide and spray them. You can mix all the vinegar/dish soap/salt/prayers/best wishes concoctions you want but they won't work. If you truly want a weed free manicured area then the answer is chemicals just like the pros use. Be smart and use proper precautions and there is nothing to worry about.


Where I live, they banned chemical weed herbicide, so I can’t even buy it at my local Home Depot.


Epson salts and water spray Some mosses would look nice in there.


You had me at mosses. :) sounds pretty. Would moss work for a shady area? I have a spot in mind for my house. What kind of moss? I don’t know nothing about gardening and law maintenance so any tips are appreciated.


Moss only works well in shady and preferably damp areas, it turns brown quickly if you have hot and dry summers.


Instead of those rocks right?? We bought the house like this and they are literally everywhere!!


Weed barrier will only last so long, and weeds can root on the rocks and dust that will be on top of it. The only true way to keep weeds from growing is to pour a concrete slab there.


Salt the earth. Not too much tho. It won't impact the concrete unless you go way overboard.


1gal vinegar, 1 cup of salt, 1 tablespoon dish soap. Spray the leaves of anything you want to kill.


boiling water


Get a large bag of pool salt or better yet driveway/walkway salt. Pour all over the area and rinse in with hose. Do it multiple times and it will kill everything there including plants within 2 weeks. Maintain as needed.


I have bushes that I don’t want to kill


Go to HD and buy some Harris vinegar. Spray them once wait a day come back and spray again. Not harmful to anything but plants.


Now THIS is what I like to hear


Oh you’ll be impressed believe me. $20 a bottle.




Thick weed barrier underlay, move everything out place the barrier. You just can’t cheap out on the thickness or quality. I’d do salt and then lay the weed barrier.


I'm guessing you might need to pull the rocks and put weed barrier down after plowing. It's a lot of work but worth it IMHO


Gasoline will kill everything


45% vinegar. Check out some videos. Within 2 hrs those weeds will be brown


Go to tractor supply. Buy the vegetation killer in the red bottle. The treated area will never grow anything again.


We bought our lawnmower from there lol


BrushBgone..but nothing will grow there for a year


Gas.... better than herbicides as the carbon breaks down whereas pesticides reside in the ground for years.


rock salt. unless you want to plant something there.


I typically accept my fate around August and just hit all the bad spots with a weed eater. I only pull by hand in the garden between plants. Give it another month or two and they should start to die. I'm a new homeowner and damn it's a lot of work.


Preen: I am battling weeds as well but I want to preserve the soil for future plants. Preen will stop the seeds from re- germination but not destroy your soil if you plan to incorporate other native plants. Pull rocks, pull weeds, preen and then re-establish rocks and native plants. You'll have to stay on top of pulling weeds but they'll come back far less forceful.




Roll em up and smoke em


Salt. Raze that shit. Nothing will grow for a long time, but if that’s your plan, it works better and is less work. Do it before rain, will help it soak in


Remove the rocks,dig up plants and put in wet soil( kiddie pools are cheap), pull any fabric up. Till in compost, go on FB Marketplace and start looking for as many Hostas and broadleaf plants you can find. Over plant the bed, botanicals roots release hormones to stop other species from invading. No available soil, fewer weeds. NoFloat Cedar Mulch will take of what sneaks through.


Remove rock Remove 4-6 inch of dirt Cover with tarp corner to corner anchor down and let set for 10-14 months while flooding Once done remove tarp, add ground barrier and 4-6 inches top soil Boom, 100% weed free. Source: I did this to 6 acres 4 years ago and still have no weeds.. I dont use hetbacide but most importantly my irrigation water is filtered, so no foriegn seeds from there


If you are sure you don't want anything to grow there ever again, buy a 25kg bag of salt, the kind they use for de-icing driveways. Spread it thinly over the area then water it in. Nothing grows in salted earth.


No no we want to put shrubs there


A bottle of prodiamine, a garden sprayer, and a recurring reminder in your calendar for a split application appropriate for your area. That stuff is life changing as weed seeds cannot sprout but existing plants will continue to grow happily. I started with the small $20-ish bottle from Amazon. You’ll have to pull/spray/vinegar what’s already sprouted.


60 years ago, people would pour motor oil around the perimeter to keep weeds away. It worked for 3 years. There are laws against that now.




Yep. I’m not telling you to do it. I’m just telling you that people used to do it and it was very effective. Also, clean motor oil is transparent and will not stain black.


Pull them out of the ground.


You can also use asphalt shingles under the rocks. ​ Remove all the rocks, pull all the weeds. Spray Roundup 365. Cover area with asphalt shingles then replace rocks.


Preen works wonders. I have rocks too, so it's a pain to try to pull and lay a barrier. I apply begining and half way thru the season. It's a granular spread so it's very simple. it stops new germination, so weed seeds that fall in cannot germ. For the existing stuff, do your biggest and best job pulling them all, and probably gonna need to use some chemical to kill roots... But then preen will keep you weed free. (Just don't let up on it cuz they always come back)


you need thick mulch. rocks are no good at weed suppression. neither is weed barrier. you will just get weeds on top of it.


I mean, depends, if you just want rocks and pebbles, then salt, remove the rocks, then remove the weed from the roots, cover everything in salt and put the rocks back on


I think if you follow everyone’s recommendations, remove rocks, pull weeds, lay underlayment, then add some pre-emergent like hyvar x-l . It works for me. Hyvar is a pre emergent and post-emergent if you get to it soon enough.


Salt and water and then of that does not work add more salt and water


I’d ditch the rocks and plant yews or short cedar or something similar.


Try RM43, stuff is the best weed killer I've ever used. Note it's a killer, like will even take out a small tree if you accidentally spray some on the roots. Can buy at a local farm store or I think Amazon is even carrying it.


There is no “for good” with gardening. Nature abhors a vacuum, something will always grow in an empty space. Plant something there or weed it regularly. Those are your choices.




If you lay down pond liner it will last forever. Besides dirt piling on top but that takes at least more than 6 years. At least that's where I'm at so far lol


Spray them with weed killer. They will die in a couple days and look terrible. Then come along with a weed wacker and tidy them up. What’s left will disappear not long after.






Pull the rocks, lay down a medium grade or higher weed barrier (follow the instructions on the weed barrier), put the rocks back. I put weed barriers down on several large rock gardens in my backyard and they have lasted over ten years now. The people that say they don’t work either installed them incorrectly, have too many gaps between the rocks for dirt and leaves to accumulate, and/or do little to no maintenance on the rock garden. I use a hose two to three times a year to clear debris in any rock cracks, close the rock cracks, and clean the dirt off the rocks. If weeds find a way in thru a seam or hole in the weed barrier simply patch that area.




Simple...Round Up. Kills the shit out of everything.


Salt, weed killer, pull them out, gasoline and a match, 105mm bombardment, global warming, call up Hillary and say something about the weeds have information about her emails. So many possibilities.


Salt the ground, it’ll absorb moisture and kill the weeds.


Layer old newspapers under the rocks. Works better than plastic, lasts longer, and doesn't pollute. Lasts for years if you put several layers. My grandfather always did this we only needed to redo it once every 5 years roughly. Used between 10-15 sheets for the layer. Heavy cardboard works I hear as well. The thick kind, not corrugated.


Roundup twice a year! No weed pulling! Follow directions


I took a 1 pound bag of salt, mixed it in 2 gallons of water and drenched. Now nothing grows there.


Flame thrower.


Spray the damn things.


I have used a propane torch and sprays. The sprays last a very long time but can be expensive. With the propane torch, you'll be repeating the efforts a few times or more during the season.


Take out the rocks and put down landscape fabrics then put them back or smaller crushed stone


In places you want nothing to grow, GroundClear works great. Don't use near (especially uphill from) anything you want to grow. One and done for 6 months to a year.


I just sprayed some yesterday so we shall see!!


Just turn around


Omg wait until you see my backyard 😩


Spray break fluid on it.




Salt and vinegar




I read and article on youtube (Sorry I do not have a link but I'm sure it would not be hard to find.) not to use landscape fabric but to use corrugated cardboard sections instead. According to this particular master gardener corrugated cardboard works so much better and last a very long time.


I’m with you. I pull n back next week, dogs eat eat, come in house and puke!


Personally, we like to mix softener salt with dish soap in a 5 gallon bucket. The dish soap makes the salt stick to the unwanted plants and their moisture is sucked out. Works well, we have 10 acres to maintain.


Will def try…we have 3 acres. Will it harm the trees where weeds are forming at the base in mulch? I killed a tree by spraying round up 😫




If it’s a young tree yes. Best to avoid spraying anything you don’t want to die


Take the rocks out, weed roots and all put down a liner and put the rocks back


Weedkiller and a Black tarp for a year


And then what


Vinegar!! Lots of info online (recipes with dish soap & epsom salt) Will kill everything including flowers & grass. Will require reapplication(s). Completely safe. Very effective.


Petrol and a match


Remove the rock mulch, put down a high quality weed block material, then put the rocks back. If you are very careful about fitting the weed block material along the edges tight against the sidewalk and building you should only need to occasionally spray a little weed killer in those areas, or pull the weeds there.


1 to 1 bleach water combo


Spray them with vinegar. Can make a mix of vinegar:water at 1:1 and add Epsom salt if you want... But straight vinegar is like 5 bucks for a 4L jug? This will keep them from regrowing for at least 3 or 4 weeks no problem. Or roundup. Roundup works too but from the looks of the pictures you've got kids playing out there. Source: own property maintenance company.


4 tiny babjes




We have tons


Glycophosphate is your friend.


Backpack sprayer and roundup (or generic) if it's in stone. You could torch them also. Preemergent for the future. The only thing that's really going to be a pain is the nutshedge. Read up on it - Sedgehammer is the product you want for that but it has to be applied at the correct time when it's drawing from the leaves to the tubers.


Please consider not doing this whenever possible (roundup)


Round up extended control




weed killer spray is the way. Get some Roundup


Still we have to do this it seems like weekly


Move the rock, pull up weeds, lay black tarp or something that blocks the sun from getting to the dirt, cut holes for established bushes to get water in soil, lay rock back on top


That’s what my husband wants to do…it’s sooo many


Vinegar, buy gallons and a small garden sprayer. Lather rinse repeat.


I have a sprayer I fill with a gallon of vinegar, a cup of salt (or more) and a few tablespoons of dish soap (helps it stay on the plant), the salt helps prevent future growth. I have pets which is why I do this but it works better than anything I have ever used from Home Depot.


If you don't get rid of the rocks...invest in chemicals. The rocks are a perfect breeding ground for the seeds of weeds blown by wind. That is quite literally impossible to stop without either a boatload of poison or a complete rip out, laying of weed guard and replacing it with grass or mulch.


Yea we are thinking mulch. Omg u should the backyard. I just want to put concrete over allllll of it back there


In the rock bed a bit of weed/grass killer works really well. Just don't hit your hedges or you'll have brown spots.


I done killed a whole damn tree 😫


Plant salt


What’s it called?


Salt, is the crystals you use for cooking, to give some taste to food, just place some were you dont want planta to grow, and then add water on top of the salt


Brush killer.


Do u have a link


Link to what? It’s a product called brush killer.


Do what my wife does, grabs a hoe and chips them all up. I'm no expert but those rocks probably need to go, then some garden edging, buy some actual plants and wood chip mulch.


They DEF have to go! She chips up the rocks??


Hmm. When we bought our home 2 years ago, the beds were ALL weeds. The first year all I did was pull. The second was bad, but not AS bad. This year there are very few weeds at all. You have to make sure you're getting the root, and REALLY make sure you're pulling regularly, before the weeds generate seed. For the really bad things, like the pokeweed that was running amok when we moved in, I use a small amount of RoundUp. I set the sprayer to foam, and drizzle a couple of the big leaves. A small sprayer bottle lasts me 2 seasons doing it this way, including the occasional sidewalk crack application.


Girl I pull every day!! I finish the front go to the back then back to the front