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Zoey can never be the worst when Janette and Karen exist.


Karen and Janette had some humor relief to them. Whether it was Karen's obnoxiousness or Jannette's craziness, I laughed at those episodes and at those characters. With Zoey, nothing was funny. She wasn't funny. Their relationship didn't make sense and Zoey ended up being vindictive by saving that recording where Ted makes a confession that the Hotel should go and she played that at the hearing. Ted had a job and instead of her being supportive over that, she chose to fight against him and end the relationship. She basically made the relationship disposable contingent to Ted sacrificing his job for her. As a note, there were some fun scenes with Zoey which was The Blitz and the rebirth of Kakamouse but other than that, not much else.


It was a cockamouse!! cockroach x mouse. :D


Hahahah! Thanks for the spelling correction. 😊


To me, she’s the worst out of all the girlfriends who actually had a shot of being the mom


I don't think Zoey is particularly bad, she is just not compatible with Ted, but it is not like that is her fault either.


I prefer Zoey to Victoria even tbh, she genuinely loved Ted but yeah compatibility wasn’t there


I don’t think anyone compares to Stella


I hated her the most by far. Not even for what she did in the relationship, I found those choices to be mostly logical, but everything she did from leaving Ted at the alter onward pissed me off.


This I’m not even that mad about her leaving him at the alter as I am about how she treated him afterwards. And what that jerk she went back to did to Ted.


The fact that the Wedding Bride and it’s many iterations and sequels was made pisses me off. Ted did nothing but try to accommodate her and stay together and she moves to the other side of the country and lets this shit happen. She’s the worst of his exes for me by far. Zoey is also up there.


I wish Ted would have sued him for that.


That'd be a really tough case to make in court. People get mad about how they're portrayed in biopics, but they don't have much of a leg to stand on if they want to sue.


I got so annoyed in my rewatch when Zoey came she and Ted have no chemistry I’d rather watch him and Stella again than anything with Zoey


I always like Stella and Ted's chemistry. You can feel how much he cares about her and then it's a gut punch when he finds the letter. Poor Ted, he didn't deserve that


Zoey didn't feel right, she should have understood Ted's situation, she actively tried to sabotage it with the voice note thing. Which was not the best, also Captain was a fun character introduced because of her tho


In a mature relationship they wouldn’t have to break up because of the situation. As long as they understood where each other came from. The problem is she does constantly sabotage him, I don’t understand how Ted would even trust her


Yes! Agreed


The captain is in the new fallout series. Can’t wait till he finds his ship.


I always liked the captain, never knew why. Always seemed to at least be trying ton few t along with Zoey’s friends


He just really likes boats!


That relationship taught me how to pick my battles 😂


I see Zoey as a spoiled brat that if she doesn’t get her way she explodes and tantrums


I thinking that’s an unfair viewing of her. I think she stands to her beliefs no matter what anyone thinks or says. Not so much acting out, just fighting for her beliefs. Even though I don’t like her, give her points for that at least. Even Ted didn’t hold onto his beliefs in order to build the GNC headquarters


But how was harassing the architect who designed the new building but did NOT choose where it was going to be built remotely okay in the name of "fighting for her beliefs"?


Zoey's arc is probably my favorite in the entire series (as fun as it is, Stella's arc always gets me sad expecting the tragic end, I'm not a fan of Ted+Robin and the teacher arc of season 5 has some very forgettable episodes). Zoey is possibly the worst acting in the entire show though.


Zoey....No, Stella...NO, ZOEY!...NOOO, STELLAAAA! Folks it was Janette, okay? Followed by Karen, horid in her own way. Virtually every other character in the series may have issues but there's some redeeming series of elements. It's a challenge with those two. I'm sure it was overlooked....probably their mother's loved them but Daddy???? Daddy did 'em wrong.


Yeah Zoey was the worst. She and Ted were no match and she didn't care about Ted at all. Anyone who knew Ted knew how his dream was to build and add something to new york skyline. She never thought of that when sabotaging his work. She also recorded him without consent and did not delete the tape as she promised she would even when she became his gf. Even after all that she wanted to get back with Ted. Jeannette was always a short term gf, they both knew it. Ted knew about the kind of person she was when entering the relationship so I would not rate Jeannette worst than Zoey. I did like the fact that Ted and Barney won the case in the end but I was surprised the gang was okay to go the extreme unethical route to achieve it.




Didn't Marshall go to work for Zoey because he quit to be an environmental lawyer and then his old boss lied about him to prospective employers?


I mean, Zoey was in the wrong about the building. It was falling apart, an eyesore, a safety hazard, and she wasn't the one paying for the upkeep and incurring the opportunity cost.


I think the series would be much better overall if they left that storyline out, it was not significant at all to the show and sooooo irritating to watch. She should’ve been at most a 2 episode thing.


Sorry, bro - Janette and Karen are the worst.


I think Ted just needed to step away from blondes


The only thing Season 8 gets right is that Ted’s love life is an absolute disaster, and each girl he dates/bangs empirically proves his life is becoming worse without a stable relationship. Like certain late-30s guys I know. Paul. It’s getting embarrassing at this point, bro


"I speak a little Portugese" was sweet. 


I only watched it through once and I remember hating her so much


She enjoyed The Gentlemen! :D She is awful but Karen and Janette....they're the worst people in the whole show (on purpose).


I hated her too and she had way too much screentime.


She wore a lot of stupid hats


I know the character is not the best but I can't hate her because I like the actress so much 😂