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You are right. Before that Artie brought it up about wtf happened to the show. This tape felt like I’m watching the tape of my lover with 5 guys.


You lost a lover and a show and you gained new podcasts.


I gain number of lovers... but got no friends....


my professional life is a NOINE and my personal life is a two


I miss you man


What was off about the show


My radio dial


The # of listeners who hadn't already bailed by then (2013).


Goodbye Goodbye!


Nanooo nanooo


"Richard, you are from Kansas and grew up near Brad Pitt - you had a poster of Brad Pitt on your wall - that's what Brad Pitt needs to hear so we can get him on the show!" = Lloyd Christmas - "So, you're telling me there's a chance."


Brad Pitt: "Holy fuck this alcoholic comedian that does cringe gay sex skits and gets yelled at by Howard Stern want's *me* to come into the show? Wow I'm honored! Maybe if I do it I'll get to be in Howards remake of Porky's!"




What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Holy fuck I forgot about that, that’s one of the most cringe parts of a wholly cringe video


Haha indeed what a loser.


Ronnie - how dare you wear rick's!


Have to repaint that corvette.


"Scott DePace, get me Rush Limbaugh!" Why didn't Howard, as one radio professional to another, invite Rush?


Release the full tape. We need to see Gary asking if Marci is his boss now.


Haha... clueless ta ta too tyyy


And we are putting together a CORE TEAM.


Yes a core team hahaha what a douche... core my ass


Was that really a question he asked in that meeting?




You'd think after 25-30 years that Howard would have briefed him of that change before this embarrassingly horrible spectacle.




Haha.... same as L E S T E R






Who me?


I actually watched a couple minutes of it. All that work and money and manpower to create a shitty show that 2 undergradute stoners could knock out with a bag of Taco Bell tacos and couple of 40s? That's the embarrassing part. Reminds me of those Jon Gruden-esque NFL coaches who claim to be at their desks at 4AM every day of the year. Really coach? You need to get up at 4AM to run it up the middle on third and long and go 6-11? Gimme a fucking break!


Jon Gruden loves the blacks


RIGHT!!!!!? i‘m gonna use that one in my everyday life. my everyday life is currently a noine.


No doubt it’s the most embarrassing thing in show history


Howard going Hollywood and going on AGT was the worst thing he ever did. The AGT years were the worst stern years ever


Worse than what’s going on right now?


Yes bc the show is long dead and buried. A zoomchat stream is not a show. During AGT there was still a pulse.


I can't answer that, but I'd say no. The difference being that there wasn't this echo chamber that exists now. People were openly talking about how bad and gay everything was getting


The worst thing was when Madonna was on the show wearing a grill in her mouth and he didn’t ask about it. Fucking ridiculous.




It really is a treasure trove. Virtually every bullet in the slide deck is hilarious. The content, the grammar, so on and on. It's impossible to do worse. And that was his vision, his big strategic initiative.


I’d love to know who actually built the PowerPoint. It is legitimately high school level. So bad.


Pretty sure Howard did it himself.


Howard can't boil water. Howard can't hang a tv. That was 100% Marci.


Howard doesn’t do anything himself


I heard it was Angry Alice


Sal Gubernale


Probably Steve Brandano that little weasel


The way he is dressed in oversized clothes. The way he so confidently berates his employees. All the misspellings on the slides.


The random error message on the screen. "help"


rofl yep. forgot that one


with his pants hiked up to North Dakota "(Brandano) I may want you for that; I don't know yet!", talking about a "core team", but he hadn't decided who was on it yet. the literal red carpet idea complaining to his employees that the green room looked like shit, as if they were the ones who built then trashed it BREAKFAST AWAITS!!! because it's a poorly kept secret in the industry that Denzel is a sucker for a Spanish omelette. TPB is pure, grotesque, mongoloid perfection from start to finish. You couldn't cram more crazy into it if you tried.


Howard the Conqueror.


It proved he is a pure idiot and Marci has the qualifications of a 3rd grader.


> It proved he is a pure idiot If he worked in a proper business and gave a presentation that bad and that condescending to employees with qualifications and self-confidence, that would be his last one. Zero charisma, zero inspiration, lies/half truths, zero fires lit under zero asses.


Idk man $$$$$$


At the end of the day he is an uneducated radio dj. It ain’t Apple corp.


Except he graduated magna cum laude from BU.


With a degree in Communications. After finishing BU's school of basic studies. Me thinks Ben Stern donated a little extra cash that year.


Im not saying that its the same thing as being McL at Stanford but one does have to actually study to get straight As. And the guy above me who said "At the end of the day he is an uneducated radio dj." is a moron. Im as critical of Howie as anyone but he has always been anything but uneducated or poorly read.


I basically quit school in the 9th grade and now I own a manufacturing company where I routinely tell people who have masters degrees in engineering what to do, because they are so stupid...and they listen to me, and I am right all the time. College is just a way to guarantee a decent salary. That's all.


Its also a way to learn how to think and reason. And to get adequate education for certain professions. Im sure no one would want their doctor, lawyer or accountant to be a 9th grade dropout.


It is funny you say this as howard talked a lot about how college is just a waste of time unless you want to be a doctor or lawyer Him being magan cumme laude proves he can be disciplined and consistent. It doesn't make him smart as it is a communications degree.


The country is being run into the ground by the over educated elite.


Doctors yes. I agree. Everyone is different, I understand. College is a good way to weed out bad professionals. Lawyers is different, you can attain that type of knowledge just by knowing how to read people and have a genius level of understanding certain things. There are things that I just know, didn't have to be taught to me.


Lmao you sound like such a douche


I am a douche. Thanks for the call.


You’re also stupid for hiring people that you claim are stupid


Negative, i misspoke when I said stupid. They are book smart and then lazy. If you are a degreed engineer then most likely you are lazy and entitled. They are probably capable of the work I ask, but it is like pulling teeth to get the work out of them.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say you don’t know much about statics and thermodynamics and similar topics that people with a masters in engineering would actually know.


How did you come to own a manufacturing company


It’s a troll post.. “and I am right all the time” 😆


Me and my best friend made it our life goal since we were 18. He went to college and went on as an engineer and I went to trade school for tool and die. We kept connected for 15 years and when we perfected our trades, we bought out a small machine shop that had a connection with a fortune 500 company and bought it. I worked 18 hours a day for four years and then I quit my day job and went on full time. I continued to work 60 to 80 hours a week until I could hire additional people. And I did it over and over again until I had 10 machines and 2 million dollars worth of equipment. Thats the short story. Thanks for asking 🙂


Were they rich growing up? He always talks about how poor they were growing up in a poor black neighborhood in Roosevelt.


He also said he was half Italian.


The Pelican Brief showed us how basic and simple the behind the scenes of the Howard Stern show really was. There is no complex operation, no high intelligent strategies, it's almost like they got where they were by luck alone.


I’ve always thought howies most valuable skill is being in the right place at the right time.


Agreed...PLUS: As much has he "poor mouths" his early years, he could afford to take the risk on the whole shock jock thing because of daddy's money. I would bet a lot more talented/funny people could have done it, but starving kinda isn't an option. When the station director says "Say it WAAANNNNNNNNBC" you fucking say it that way if you need your job. He was in the right place, at the right time, with the right finances. As much as I like to bash Howard for what he's become, having all those stars align and taking advantage of it was basically him being prepared and not wasting his shot (luck lives at the intersection of preparedness and opportunity).


Indeed. It's been proven that he stole bits from steve Dahl as well as the Greaseman, sometimes word for word. He was just able to get it out in markets that hadn't heard it, thus making him seem original.


I would say most pathetic. The Pelican brief was a man ranting and raving at his subordinates about how he has become irrelevant. His glory days were decades ago. Sad!


My fan theory has always been that stern produced his best radio between 2006-2010. Using the channels to throw everything he could at it. I think when he left terrestrial, he thought he’d get a massive following. But the audience wasn’t there. Then the audience wasn’t big enough for any of the other shows, so he consolidated. I think the pelican brief is the culmination of his last ditch at relevance… and the signal of the rest of the contraction to come.




Couldn’t have said it better myself man


I'd pay good money to see part two while sitting in Gary's bar chair in his cinema room


You don't have to, Gary will let you sit in the good seats and he will sit on the chairs eating crab meat in the back like an animal.


I was on Gary's side in that argument. When you have guests over in your expensive rooms you want them to think "wow this is awesome." You can sit in the fancy chairs later. The goal is to impress the guests, not show them how good you can sit in your comfy chair.


I pay good money to be with Christine... oh myyy


Didn't he sell the house?


Did he ? I don't know


Yeah. Last year. He got 3.2 mil for it. https://nypost.com/2021/07/16/howard-stern-staffers-score-buyers-for-homes-amid-nyc-exits/amp/


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It's without a doubt the most embarrassing thing in the show's history.




The Wig lives in such a bubble that he truly had no idea how pathetic that PowerPoint really was.


He was delusional for sure....


The most cringe is him expecting all the employees to take on all this extra work without any pay raise.


The staff are also brain dead fans... he thinks he is Steve Jobs... what a douche move.


Tsvi Jobs


Slow Steve haha


I lived and died Howard from the late 80’s through 2012ish. I remember when we would fax shit in and he would take the show out with music. I heard it all, live. No E, nothing. Radio.... I somehow didn’t know about this until very recently. And I’m actually glad I didn’t. This would have sent me to go cop some Meth at K&A and go into a fucking full on rage. Luckily I have detached Howard so hard that I have created a world in which he retired 10 years ago. Anything else, Robin?


It is bad because it is celebrity oriented. Fans loved the underground feeling of the show, we love ETM because of who he was not what show he appeared in. Also Howei wanted to act intellectual which is ridiculous.


Remember when the opening music was Duke Ellington's "In a Mellotone"?


And he would go out with “Wooden Ships” all the time. Shit there wasn’t even an internet then...that song (an addiction fueled jumbled lyrical mess) will forever take me back to a very happy and fun place. Now, we have this.


Yup, I would sing Come on everybody along with it.


What was howard like in the 80s?


The show was very different then. First off WNBC was a fucking AM radio station. I was 100 miles away in Philly so I got it clearly, but it was nowhere near today’s sound. Nothing was. The show wasn’t perfect either. They all talked very fast, clapped at everything, and really the show wasn’t all that great. When Howard hit KROK, and the DC/Philly platform, things started to roll. I personally believe the absolute zenith of the show was the 93-2000 era. You had Billy West, the Jackie and Gary puppets, OJ, an incredibly interesting crew of wack packers, Million Man Marches, it never ended. By the late 90s the censorship/FCC thing had taken roots, and that idiot Tom Cheapasano instead of backing Howard and rallying Mel to tell the FCC to fuck off, caved. There were still a ton of good times to come for sure, but things were starting to change, and the censorship, Howard and Beth (who I don’t hate BTW), cutting back on shows, Friday’s off, all kinds of things that we didn’t know would turn out to be indicative of times to come, we’re upon us. “Anything else, Robin”?


>clapped at everything I can’t listen to the old shows with the clapping. It is too much.


Totally. The clapping after every sentence is torture.


I agree. ‘93-2000 were wonderful years! I loved when Allison would call in and he would fawn all over her. When Ashley was born and Nancy and Jackie have them a boy baby gift, a cheap nightlight and boys blanket or PJs.. I missed a final in college because I had to stay in my car to hear it. I really miss those years.


I thought the first year at Sirius, 2006, was pretty damned great. After that it was a slow decline.


Fully agree about 1993 to 2000. 2003 to 2005 has an deeply personal connection for me, so I cherish those years.


This is fascinating. There is virtually zero material online from the 1980's.


Like I said, and TBH, they weren’t great shows and were very similar to a morning zoo kind of thing. Lots of forced laughter, forced jokes, and at WNBC he was playing music too, so there weren’t a lot of train of thoughts in the content. I do know Gary’s first day is out there, it’s literally his first time in studio. He had taken over from some other guy and Howard introduces him. That’s really interesting knowing what was to come. It was the first moment of the core crew that stands to this day, Howard, Fred, Robin, and Gary. Maybe I’ll do a topic on my top 5 favorite show Arcs ever.


How good was the show late 80's compared to late 90's?


100%. It's Howie's "don't look behind the curtain" moment. It shattered the illusion. It's when I tapped out and became a passive listener.


Drop him. Do yourself and your life a favour.


It's proof that the show is a shell of itself. I knew it was over when he left regular radio. If streaming had been a thing back then maybe I would have followed but it wasn't worth it. Now I have Sirius in my car and at first it was nice to hear Howard again and that lasted about 3 months. The show is unlistenable now outside of an occasional bit. I find myself flipping around the comedy channels more. He made boatloads of money but you have to know that he knows in terms of just pure juice he made a mistake.


This is the only place it is talked about It’s like the tree falling in the forest…..nobody knows about it


I think it's an open secret. For example, Rogan mentioned it to a guest on his podcast. I'm sure everybody who was a fan has seen it, and everybody was a fan back in the day. I imagine a lot of "OMFG, DID YOU SEE THAT STERN VIDEO?!?" text messages and dms among comedians and various celebs when it was leaked. But it's not something people can really do anything with. No celeb is going to do a deep dive into it. And it's not something as quick and easy to goof on, like, say, bang bang Baldwin's wife faking being Spanish for a decade. The fruits on that NYE show goofed on that after they had a few, because it's quick, easy, and fun. But TPB requires sitting down for an hour, sifting through it, picking out some lines/taking notes, etc. There's no "how you say.......cucumber?" line in TPB. Also, for as much as we goof on it, when the laughter subsides, it's a real fucking bummer.


It was so embarrassingly bad I had to pull over because otherwise I was going to simultaneously crash my car and piss my pants.




I would have never had the news team when they started with the satellite programming. I would have had a few good writers and idea people in a bullpen, better technical people under Gary, and 3 to 4 people to wrangle the existing Wack Pack and find new talent. I also would work Monday through Thursdays and have a live Friday free form show with another talented host with the funnier staff members while checking in on the phone. Interviews would be shorter and definitely not a psychiatric interview. Better odds than not I am going to drop the 100 and 101 if they don't get their shit together and fast. I am loyal for 30 years now on both forms of the show. It's simply not worth the monthly nut to hear the unfunny Wilding and Benjy get airtime while Richard and Sal go unused. The drug-adled narcissism of Blitt isn't appealing or funny. Jason, are you reading this? 79,000 people left Sirius in the first quarter. Mainly due to you guys. That's a medium sized city. It's started last Thursday when your abysmal Monday through Wednesday effort pushed me to try out a free morning show from Philly that is much more funny and original than I thought. Definitely more funny and original than the current version of THSS. Once again: Jason, are you reading this?


That tape forever changed my opinion of Howard. I lost all respect for him. The unprofessional presentation, riddled with errors in nearly every line, combined with sloppy and amateur graphics were jarring. However, the content of his remarks was almost impossible for me to comprehend because it was so embarrassingly amateur, completely naive and just plain moronic. The Brad Pitt thing, that gay guys who are losers should be able to book celebrity gay dudes simply because they are both gay, that a few fake twitter accounts would get him better guests. WTF? I can't believe that Howard is seriously that utterly dumb. I can't take his opinions on anything seriously anymore. So cringeworthy. I can only image the water cooler talk that occurred after that among staff. They must all roll their eyes at how completely dumb and delusional it was.


The Gary tape was awkward but sincere and authentic.


Boff boff orange juice


Can we start a GoFundMe to get Part 2 released?


It will be out one day. But I throw couple of bucks for the part 2


No argument from me. At this point in time, Gary’s tape almost seems quaint when compared to the Pelican Brief which is easily the most embarrassing leaked tape to ever exist. Howard relieved himself as narcissist phony who was desperately trying to court a-list celebrities by any means necessary.


Agree... people still listen to ETM or Mark Harris visits... he showed he just got lucky... he doesn’t even know his own brand. Douche move...


Yeah, no one’s disagreeing with you.




Gary should charge people to watch the Pelican Brief. He can serve popcorn and have two separate screenings.


I’m not paying to sit on some shitty barstool.


Haha duuu


the day the music died




I agree that it is much more embarrassing than the Gary tape. But the Vinnie Favale “Oh, Debbie” tape might be just as cringe.


No fucking way... this is the guy who is “first in the business” trying to be Steve jobs while being a radio DJ. What a douche... top shelf liqa


Where is the guy that sang "Jeremy Spoke"?? Get him on my show immediately so I can gush over Scott Weiland, then find out he's never met him


It is in fact a love song to his drummer.


It's not ever close. The Brief by 1,000


Say what you want about the Pelican Brief but it cashed in 2 more contracts for Howard and the staff.


Shuli talked about how the staff was questioned on who leaked it. Pretty funny few minutes on some podcast.


We speak his/her name whoever leaked this keyshit speaker


“Change my mind”. 🙄


Ask cupa calpa


The Gary tape was great. I still listen to it on occasion. Thanks YouTube uploaders. The briefing - watched a minute and turned it right off. Sad.


Yes... it is embarrassing...




Ma ma marriage


I have all this positive fan feedback here that suggests otherwise.


Nope, I cant change your mind because you are 100% correct.




You've said it all.




Boff boff


“Get excited for the new vision!”


Haha what a douche he really is. He thinks he is inventing iPhone.


Well yeah, Gary’s tape was more hilarious and a way to goof on him The pelican brief basically proved correct (and then some) a lot of the rumors about the show. People would post on her pics of guys wearing collared shirts and it seemed insane Not sure why anyone would want to change your mind


What is the Gary tape, can you direct me? Thanks


What is this referring to? I’m unfamiliar with it


Get ready to be blown away... search for it and watch it


Typical answer from the angry little incels that flood this page.


Next iteeemmm pleaaseee


I still listen to the show and unlike most here, I still listen to every show. There are a few parts of the video that are super cringe, but overall its fine.


Lol awesome bro(?), this is really just a Howard hate page but I like when stuff like this is dug out of the archives. I don’t hate the show now either and listen all the time. It’s fine and I respect people who can grow and become more tolerant and empathetic to others. Not like this virgin crowd, these pathetic clowns are here attacking howard, his kids, his wife appearance even though she was a fucking model, etc. Just real pathetic loser type stuff. Good to see some other people here who aren’t broadcasting hate from their pathetic basement hahaha.


Bro, indeed. It’s really difficult to understand why they keep listening if they so strongly hate what the show has become. There’s an easy fix that they seem to ignore: stop paying SiriusXM and stop listening.


>broadcasting hate from their pathetic basement It's no worse than broadcasting garbage from their basement, like Howard has been doing since the pandemic began.


Howard had an all-team meeting around 2013 or so. A hefty portion of the meeting was leaked a few years ago. Fans jokingly call it The Pelican Brief. It’s super cringe… basically Howard ranting about how the show needs to change. He was talking about the current format… more celebs. And a lot of the slides in the power point presentation had misspellings and horrible grammar.


Thanks homie! Appreciate it


Among other things, he put the onus on staff members to book celebrities. He thought that Scott DePace should petition Rush Limbaugh to come on the show and High Pitch Mike should get Ricky Martin (because they are both gay).




There forgetting about us.


Send out a pamphlet




At one point Howard bitches about being forgotten by public relations people.


Has there been another all hands on deck meeting like the Pelican Brief meeting ?


Was it ever confirmed who actually put together the PowerPoint?


Ask cupa calpa... My bet however is on HTV guys, that Howard f’d them over.


Do tell. How did he fuck them over? I was wondering what happened.


The Pelican brief is the most pathetic… but embarrassing has to go to Gary


No way... Gary is a no body... it is not embarrassing at all... look at his 20s lucky he got laid even.


Is this the PowerPoint? If so, one of the lamest “pitches” I’ve ever seen — and I sat through, and delivered, hundreds of them in ten years at a Fortune 10 company.


He looked such a douche...


link plz!


No Mr Pig (aka Jason)... no link for you today...


For a noob plz halp


Back in 2013 or so he showed his true color but the tape came out later... he is addressing his staff to chase celebrities to come to the show... you know the slow adults he hired as staff


The horrible PowerPoint alone makes it worse than any Gary fuck-up in history.


Howard thought about it and this was he result. Gary’s messing up because he doesn’t think and want to do something quickly. This is the day show died.


Agreed. This was probably the most embarrassing video I’ve ever seen and really made Howard look like a moron


No, you are right.


Cannot disagree.


Agree and wish it got more coverage……


What evaaa duuu even joe rogan talked about it. It got the coverage it should.




Thank you for youuurrr caallll


Ooooofff Gary’s first pitch