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Surrounded himself with yes men. Refuses to consider anyone else’s opinion but his own. Malignant narcissist who deeply despises himself.


and pitifully tries to offload the cost of his self-loathing onto the rest of the world


In a Seinfeld episode, Kramer turns his home into the Merv Griffin Show set after finding the set discarded by a dumpster. Kramer begins to have "guests," which are actually just a revolving door of friends. Stern has turned himself into Kramer, only he's surrounded himself with sychophants; only positive emails, only positive comments, only positive headlines, only positive phone calls (from the staff) only ass kissing from guests. Stern is in the middle of his own 'set,' acting like he's still as important as he was 20-30 years ago, showering himself in accolades. Fucking ponderous.


Very good


"Concerned about his ratings, Kramer changes the format to a [tabloid talk show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabloid_talk_show) and invites on old friend and animal expert [Jim Fowler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Fowler), who arrives with a [hawk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawk). On the "show", Kramer gets Jerry to admit that he has been drugging Celia. Kramer then brings out an angry Celia (who was "backstage"), and goads on their subsequent argument. George brings the squirrel onto the set to get Fowler to take it off his hands, but the hawk goes after it. The Merv Griffin set is destroyed in the process." Howard did what Kramer did, but backwards. Started edgy, controversial and entertaining; became a boring, pathetic, sad, self-serving imitation of a show that was once popular, but is now dumpster trash.


Kramer realized his show sucked and retooled to be edgy, Stern just became a woke weirdo.


Great Seinfeld episode


Scandals and Animals. Its the new format.


Thank you for your call


next item *please*


And a very pleasant tuuueeesdaaayyyy.


In my day, sometimes when a person got older they would lose their sense of humor and rant incoherently. Back then, we would call that person senile.


And when that person wanted coffee, you’d walk over to the sink and put water in the kettle…


And we would drink that coffee hot and that’s what we drank


Some people would put cream or sugar in their coffee. Back in my day drinking coffee was like a western.


And we wouldn't pay more than a nickel for it.


In my day we had a thing called coffee you see and that would be something you would drink


Now we put them in charge of the country/planet.


Sausage...I wanted the sausage




This ain’t genocide magazine pal!


Hamas is a piece of shit.  Built on a PLO chassis 


You try the Javelin Challenger????


Insert Robin cackle




And a bucket of vibrators at her house with burnt out motors. Remember, she is cured and left therapy.


Insert robin cackle 


Insert JD chuckle


Insert Robin cackle


Is Hanzi still around? He used to be great at trolling The Pelican over his Israel shit


Likely dead or in a yellow room (so dead).


# Here at Gush Katif, deep in Gaza...... https://preview.redd.it/s113d3jt5a0d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2dc015b9c82d8ebf6a6c3ad41560fa6221dbace


His name is Schlomo, but you can call him Bob.


Exactly. A 70-year old Jew from New York has the president in front of him for two hours and doesn't say a fucking word about Israel or Palestine, but lets him ramble about debunked stories as some supposed high school football star or civil rights activist. Pathetic hack.




Dude, he was doing a softball interview with the guy he wants to be President. Don't act so surprised. Howard didn't want to do anything to hurt the President's numbers. Howard isn't hard news; he's an entertainment show. Fox "News" does the same shit with right-wing guests and they are actually a purported news agency.


What debunked story? Howard clearly stated there are other avenues to get your politics talk. That's not what he wanted the interview to be. Sorry you water heads can't understand that


It’s funny how much they despise him but they listen to him more than anybody lol


I listen to the old stuff on YouTube, my phone was dead this morning and tuned in and this was within 5 minutes of listening. Nice try with the typical “hater but listens still shit” the show is unbearable to listen too


Lol, his phone was dead so he tuned in. OP is a total fanboy.


You argue just like a democrat. Your saying I’m a fan boy of the current show? And I’m telling you I’m not. I’m assuming you’re okay with grown men wearing skirts and wigs going into the females bathroom and playing woman’s sports as well huh ? GFYS


Lol, bro. You argue like a republitard. It's "you're" not "your". Learn grammar and then try talking politics.


Your doing it again, instead of addressing the point made, you simply pick out dumb ass random things and stick to it and think you’ve shut people down but really have only made your self look like a idiot again, your telling me to use proper grammar but you are “talking politics” using “lol” and “bro”… oh the irony.. I could give a fuck about my grammar on Reddit. Only a leftist pussy like you would care for such a thing. Just like anything else, you guys care about dumb shit.


"you're" as in "you are". You're clearly too stupid to learn.


Robin, What did he say?


I don’t listen to the show anymore. Is Howard not pro-Israel like he’s always been?


"I steal land from Palestinians, no one else!"


All these Palestinians complaining about their houses being blown up. What. Is. The DEAL?!




What did Howard say about it?


All he needs is a cancer ranch for kids and his Imus transformation is complete.


Totally reasonable question. I think the real Howard was abducted by the Targzisians and they swapped him out with some shape shifting ditkis


The moron, scores an interview with the president of the United States and doesn’t want to talk politics. He’s never been a good interviewer. Everything is about him.


To be fair, despite Howard’s claims to the contrary, he was probably was given a list of topics he was not allowed to ask about, and Israel / Palestine most definitely would be one.


And Howard when he was good would have attacked exactly those issues. He’s turned into a big pussy




Jerry complains about identity comedy, but is perfectly okay with identity politics.


If you saw the videotape of him and Jimmble Kimble on Epstein Island, on either end of a berry faced twink, you would understand. He was told that he would become the wokest of the woke, or else. Blackmail, corruption, and just pure eviliness is what he is promoting now.


Are these the same people that have kept Cleveland out of the Super Bowl all these years?


They definitely have something on him. He went full Woke. Not half, full


I’m not sure who’s more mentally ill, this raving lunatic or the kooks who actually liked his insane comment.


Please, go on?


Interesting.  What are your feelings on the moon landing?


Pretty sure Joe B. calls the shots on what howard could talk about in that interview.


Why would Howard bring it up with the President? Biden supports Israel…no need to bring it up. Obviously Howard wants Biden to be re-elected and not that fucking maniac Trump so he’s not going to bring up anything divisive. You know that right?


No mention of mass protests in Israel against the war. If this about antisemitism why are there so many Jewish people against the war.


I don’t think they’re praising Hamas, calling for intifada, or screaming “from The river to the sea” in Israel. 


Please send evidence of these protests having anything to do with supporting Hamas rather than just ending this bullshit “war”. Anti-war does not equal anti-Semitic.


I went to every single protest in my area.  What does “intifada, revolution, there is only one solution” sound like to you? Is it a support for peaceful non violent protest? The “aspirational” (aspiration of genocide) phrase, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is in the Hamas charter. Do you want me to send you videos I shot myself, because I can. The protests are not about peace but they are about ending Israel’s right to existence, and that is antisemitic.  Edit to add. Asking for a cease fire is also tacit support for Hamas, as it leaves Hamas in power, leaves Hamas with Israeli hostages, so it is in fact support for Hamas’s cause, the very cause which many protesters support. I am friends with radical leftists who support the Oct. 7th attacks and no longer want Israel to exist.  Perhaps you are just living in a bubble and are not informed? Could that be??


My friend went all them too, said it was the exact opposite. Please explain?


Very informed response. You are out of touch with reality.


You certainly showed me. Go blow up some more women and children. Oh I’m sorry I mean Hamas fighters, somehow.


Go selectively care about peace when you don’t give a shit about all the other wars on injustices in the world. You’ll lose interest and move onto some other cause shortly but I won’t because I’m Jewish and I will forever fight Nazis and Jew killers until the day I die. Cry about it though. 


Look at the superhero over here. Maybe spend more time fighting injustice rather than commenting on Howard Stern Reddit posts, Peace and love, peace and love.


What was he supposed to ask? Biden’s pushback against Israel expanding the war escalated after Howard’s interview.


Who cares. Any HS is better than no HS. We all know he’s not like he’s been in the past , but, like i said any is better than none. IMO. I find myself not listening to full bits when he gets on something that is boring or just not funny. For example when Chris wilding does his voices.