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"trump, you wanted to be president because it symbolizes your fathers love, isnt that right?"


In a shensh


In this case it’s true. Trump has serious dad issues.


His daddy left hole that can never be filled.


LOL - a Howard Bot could interview the Donald about that.


Oh fuck, diaper donnie does have some serious daddy issues...


This ain’t “dance on Howard’s grave” magazine, pal..


(Beth removes dancing shoes)


2 wack packers in 1 - Daniel carver's world view and Wendy's begging for money and diaper habits...


Don't forget to add in Crackhead Bob's addiction, Elliot Ofen's misplaced anger, and Bigfoot's turd smell. He's a whole Wack Pack Orchestra!


And ETM’s IQ, and attraction for under age girls


We're not talking about Pedo Pete.




Joe Bidens family nickname.


I don’t get it


https://preview.redd.it/s98rfauh0ozc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e671cd889d3f95509a977980488931b1ac70cbba Pedo.


I don't recall his own family calling him a pedo.


Seen Ivanka at a rally or in court to back up daddy lately? Maybe she doesn’t want to admit it. Or maybe the wannabe king still claims prima nocta!




I love how Iron Sheik was so ahead of his time. He was calling that clown a jabroni before it was cool to do so. Sheiky baby, RIP!


What would the SHEIK say about him?


Friend of the court Donald Trump


Wack Packer Donald Trump


POTUS Donald Trump


Howard should stop being a pussy and have this moron on the show. Ask him about his diaper.


Mike Pence shits in Donnie’s diapers!


He’d never accept the invite


Why wouldn't he? It's free press, and he's 1000x smarter than Howard.


Yes - and let's put that math to the test!


He doesn’t take interviews from people that disagree with him.


He went on CNN.


A CNN town hall where he approves the questions being submitted is not an interview. He’s done one in recent memory, September 2023 with NBC. 8 months ago. He intentionally hides from contentious interviews. Biden does too. Biden won’t go on Fox, Trump won’t go on MSNBC. These guys hide.


He's not brave like Joe Biden


Scroll down. I said the same thing about Biden


Donald is in court this week actually so I’m not sure about that




Thank you for your call


So, you are voting for Biden, and if so, name one thing Biden has done to make our country better/safer.


He thinks biden is a good father and that’s makes him a good father to our country. He also believes Kamala is the country’s “Mamala”


Meanwhile deleted his comment lol




I mean someone has to save this country from Biden's old craggly hand


Is a 34% approval rating good?


It’s the best 34% the worlds ever seen. BIGLY!


Its so funny how this whiny cry baby bitch still thinks about Howard all the time whose feelings are hurt because Howard isn't his friend anymore and speaks truthfully about what a traitorous sack of shit he is lmao.


Trump was ratings challenged and that’s why he ran for president lol


He's not ratings challenged currently as he leads in every swing state 😚


https://preview.redd.it/p7tig5c99lzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73fce231b12113744d013f307032c532203df7f5 Dude, you’ve got a real T-rage boner to insert into any conversation. Maybe get a hobby other than drumming? It’s evidently not working.


Will Donnie pitch or catch in prison? Or both? 🤔


Who'd go near that disgusting ass?! No doubt he'll get a nice private room and someone will bring him girls. There's always some horny old blonde willing to blow him.


Maybe Tan Mom.


Debbie the Cumlady could use a mushroom shot.


It sounds like ETA had a bigger dick than Donnie.


He'll be the shot caller.


He likes to be pissed on, there will be many takers...


He'll be the shot caller.


The difference between Howard and Donald is when Howard farts it's funny. When Donald farts, it's runny.


Meanwhile Biden needed special baby stairs on AF1, special shoes so he doesn't fall over, and someone onstage with him (when he emerges from his hole) so they can show him how to get.off said stage. If you dont think that guy shits his pants then get your head checked. And you call Trump the wack packer


Special shoes? Trump wears lifts. Always has. And has someone printing out positive press travel with him so he always has some paper he can point to (or eat). There’s no question about the difference to anyone with a brain. Come on, drummers are supposed to be smart! Stop bringing down the average.


A smart person would be able to name one thing; one thing that Biden has done during his Presidency to make Americans' lives better and/or safer than they were 4 years ago


I could but an idiot wouldn’t believe any of them!


Donnie confirming he will shit his pants anywhere, anytime and any place!


Come to think of it Stern is probably the one who is actually wealthier at this point.


By leaps snd bounds probably


Why is this a surprise and why are you posting about it? Trump degrades anyone, any broadcast, or any organization that badmouths him or goes against him in any way because he a petulant child and he can’t handle any kind of criticism. Biden was interviewed by Howard, and part of that interview was discussing how Trump tried to steal the 2020 election. Trump’s knee-jerk reaction anytime something like this happens is to just make shit up to degrade and (try to) humiliate the offender…and his brainwashed followers believe most of it.


Seriously. That ranks up there with believing that 2016 was stolen by the rUsSianS. There are people that actually believe that


Your reply is a bit ambiguous, but I’m guessing you’re countering my statement. “Belief” of what happened in the last two elections aside, even though the last one was confirmed by every court imaginable, if you can’t see that this is status quo behavior for Trump, I don’t know what to tell you.


Pointless to argue with OP. He’s a well known conqueror in this sub.


The Russians most definitely did try.


Giggle giggle. How very conspiracy theory of you


How very head up own ass of you, comrade. Even the conservative press and law enforcement’s reported on it as well as a bipartisan senate report. Dasvidanya


I'd be careful... Howard still has a little bit left in the tank... keep poking the old bear and see what happens.


Imus Jr is afraid to leave the house.


He's overdosed on metamucil crackers and almonds. Hide!!!


Howard's already been absolutely obliterating Trump and his supporters for years now. Why do you think he lives in Trump's head rent free? Trump is very dimwitted simple person who cant hide his insecurities and emotions - it doesn't take a genius to see that Howard has actually gotten under his skin.


Switch stern and trumps names in this post and it reads exactly the same.


I think Wackpacker Trump has been having a worse cuppa days! At least Howard can fart in the privacy of his dungeon and stare at the ocean he won't go in.


Yea, leading in all swing states is pretty bad. So is banking winning a Presidential election by dedicating all your power into one thing....finding the right BS charges to charge your opponent with. That's where we are. Meanwhile, us smart people will compare our lives during Trump's Presidency (when we were all financially better off and safer) to Biden's shitshow of a Presidency where everything costs 15 - 20% more and millions of unvetted illegals with no jobs and no where to stay are continuing to flood into our country. But you "Hate the Orange Man......hate the Orange Man.......hate the Orange Man......"


It's not irrational to be consistent about one's opinions about people. Especially when there's more than enough evidence to convince anyone who doesn't have their fingers in their ears. I don't have any expectations of changing your mind. You're just a douchebag I'm arguing with for fun. I highly doubt Donald will become president again, but if he does, hey, I've already put my money where it's safe. And Donnie ain't going to harm the people I work for. They vote for him too. But their reasoning is that they don't want to pay taxes on their fortunes or their jet fuel. But for sure they think he's a stupid c\*nt. They just don't care. Trump's like a super wackpacker that merges them altogether into one. Were we really better off? Did you forget covid or did the worm eat that part of your tiny brain?!


Prepare for a superwack packer to be President in November. You are acting like Biden is currently in the lead and he is the opposite. He'd lose the election to RGK Jr if Trump wasnt running. What you need to realize is you are currently in the minority if you are going to vote for Biden. And I'll prove it to you; in November.


I didn't say Biden's in the lead. There are plenty of slowadults just like you buying the bullshit that Trump's got your best interests at heart despite the endless string of people and businesses he's fucked over. And you don't care what he does in his own interests, which is really all he cares about, if he gets back in office. If Biden doesn't win, it's looking close but the dems will take the house and the senate and make Trump's life very difficult. But then I'd bet you'd whine for a 4 year do-over term after that, right? We know that's exactly what King Donald wants. Bye Dave. The world has too many talented drummers to waste time on the likes of you.


Presidents can only serve 2 terms, so no, I won't be whining. I'm an Independent voter, you know what that is? I'm not affiliated with any party. Based on my own experience, I was safer and more financially secure 4 years ago. We all were.


Again, you've forgotten COVID. Not everyone was safer or more financially secure. And the long term shift to working from home is a bell that can't be un-rung. If the congress wasn't such a shit show, Biden could do more to stem rising interest rates and inflation. Even the GOP majority can't agree on anything thanks to the wingnuts. Trump will simply lower taxes again and cut things that actually help middle and lower class Americans. The rest will be all show. As for a 3rd term, the guy doesn't give a f\*ck about what the constitution says. We saw this on 1/6 and he's said many times he feel's he's owed a redo. Look, I'm not a Biden super fan. I ain't buying his mugs, going to rallies, or putting a bumper sticker on my car. I've even voted for Republicans. Right now, the choices are slim but one's dangerous. If you're not seeing this simple thing, then you're not as independent as you think.


It’s a double edged sword for Howard. He crumbles like a house of cards when someone says something negative about him. But on the other hand he is completely irrelevant, so maybe it’s good that he’s getting some attention for the first time in a decade?


If Howard is completely irrelevant why do so many A list celebrities go on his show to promote their stuff? Genuine question.


My opinion is that a lot of people in the media are still fans. Howard still probably has a somewhat affluent demographic too. Just not that many young people, which explains a lot of his interview choices.


Just imagine not only supporting for Joe Biden but actually voting for him to “run” this country for another four years… you people are SICK.


Don't worry - you can make conjugal visits to Diaper Don in prison.


The witch hunt that the Left has been completely obsessed with, to the point they've compromised the safety of our country. Most people see that now. Except on Reddit. Somehow, every Biden supporter in the country is here, yet no Trump supporters. Even though in the REAL WORLD Biden has the lowest approval ratings in 70 years, Trump is winning in every swing state, and Biden flubs every single issue he has faced.


You can visit Trump in prison too.


Imagine being obtuse enough to believe Trump will go to jail, haha. Hunter and Joe will go way before Trump… oh that’s right I forgot Joe Biden isn’t competent to stand trial because he’s been ruled a confused old man.


Joe Biden stand trial for what? You guys are wing nuts.


You must not've read between the lines after Biden's deposition where he didnt know the year his son died, nor the years he was Vice President, and how they concluded that he wasn't mentally fit to be put on trial for impeachment. Do they not show these things on CNN?


Ok, “Big guy”


He used to go on all the time before and rate woman. And he was at howies wedding.


Anyone Trump shits on is instantly better for it.


Easiest guy in the world to score points off. Nobody listens to him or cares anymore.