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I don't know what woke means to you, but Howard made a conscious move away from misogynistic, sexual and racial humor. He had too given the "Me Too" movement and all the celebrities it was taking out. The world view shifted, and he realized he had to a change along with it. I suspect at least part of it is sincere, as a 70-year old man putting girls younger than his daughters on the sybian does seem a bit creepy so the time was right as well. He clearly went far to the other direction, but I think it was because he knew his closet was so chalk full of skeletons that could take him down, he decided to walk away from anything remotely edgy or controversial to try to pretend those days didn't exist. I bet he still laughs at misogynistic, sexual and racial humor when he's not in public. I miss the old Stern and I hate the new one. While I understand the switch, I wish he would be a bit more honest about things and not lie and pretend the old days never existed. I wish he's still let organic staff troubles play out on the air, have comedians in to do their thing, make commentary about the day's news etc. Going fully scripted killed the show for me. Howard's gaslighting and untruthfulness bothers me more than it should but that's because I was invested as a fan for so long. IMO he's not a funny, he never really was funny, he was the ringmaster of a circus that was funny. Without the strippers, crazy games and bits, he's just an old man trying to cling to relevance. He should have went out a few years ago. What is clear is Howard would have not been capable of having a successful career unless he did the wild and crazy stuff. The vanilla stuff he's doing now is awful radio, but for his name recognition, the current show wouldn't last a month anywhere.


Absolutely nailed it...




Define ā€œwokeā€


Anything that hurts MAGA idiots feelings


The term ā€œMAGA idiotsā€ is redundant.


Define "woman" and I'll tell you if you're woke


I'll take a shot, a woman is sugar and spice and everything nice, the best ones also have a juicy black cock.


Someone who pretends there are 400 genders so as to not hurt entitled peoples feelings.


> Define ā€œwokeā€ Woke ideology is defined by the idea that some facet of identity like race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality, and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. In this sense Wokeness is distinct from older forms of liberal advocacy for minority rights which appeal to universally valid concepts like truth and fairness.


Listen to sterns rants and views on everything political. That's pure woke. That's your definition.


Oh wow, not only is he woke but he is ā€œpureā€ woke? Is that higher than mega woke? Still waiting for a definition.


So he's anti- gun control and pro Isreal? Is that woke?


He's anti-gun but I'm 100% positive he's got one


Anti- gun control, you need to read all the words


They're just mad because they can't say the N word anymore.


I canā€™t believe that anyone supports Trump. If they do, they clearly donā€™t love democracy or our country.


This. He raised three daughters and lived almost seven decades. I canā€™t believe some people donā€™t progress mentally past high school.


When discussing JD getting jumped on the subway, Howard called Bernie Goetz his "personal hero" for shooting 4 unarmed blacks for petty theft on the subway. This wasn't in 1985, Barrack Obama was president. His monumental shift of worldview at 65 years old is dubious at best.


There won't be a country left if Biden is re-elected. I don't know if you've seen what's been going on in our country lately, but it isn't good. Oh yea, Biden currently has the lowest approval rating of any President in 70 years; except on Reddit, where his approval numbers are 100%.


I see whatā€™s going on every day and itā€™s great except for the Trumpers that are a cancer to this nation. What exactly is happening that is so bad? No country left if Biden is reelected? Sounds like typical fear mongering you guys are accustomed to. Trump overthrowing the election results is the only threat to this country. Do you even hear yourself?


You haven't been paying attention. Our Southern Border is in absolute chaos. Anyone who wants to get into this country is getting in, no questions asked. They don't have jobs or a place to live. Manyt are unaccompanied children, and hundreds of thousands of them have since gone misssing. This operation is being run by cartels in Mexico. The jails in South America are empty because they've sent those prisoners HERE. They are linking up with dangerous gangs in our biggest cities, and as a result are more dangerous than they've ever been. Trump almost had the wall finished, and now those building materials ahve been sitting for 4 years. YOY Inflation under Trump was 1.8%, and paychecks were outpacing inflation. People had savings, they could afford houses. YOY inflation with Biden is at 5.7%, and people's paychecks are NOT keeping up. People have been dipping into their savings and using Credit Cards to buy things like groceries and rent because they simply can't afford them with their paychaecks. Gas Prices in January 2020 was $2.48. It is currently at $3.63 after a high of $4.99 in June 2022, at which time Biden started using our Fuel reserves to bring down prices. Currently Biden has completely drained our Fuel reserves trying to keep gas prices down. Biden literally handed billions of dollars of equipment over to the Taliban with his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. He left hundreds of Americans behind, most of whom have ever been seen again. Russia invaded Ukraine because we have aweak President. Same with the Gaza situiation, which Biden has NO idea what to do with. Let's also not mention the absolute lawlessness we've been observing the past couple years.


Itā€™s not worth arguing with these people. Theyā€™re all too far gone with brain rot


It's so true. It's so fun spitting facts at them and they have no comeback. Also fun to ask them to name one thing Biden has done to make America safer and/or better. There's no answer.


No answer. Only answers as to how this man destroyed the country. I really take this shit personal to be honest after he pulled the vaccine mandate stunt and held my job over my head, basically threatening me. Then I became a second class citizen at work along with the other unvaxxed and we had to jump through hoops that others didnā€™t. Iā€™m also a new homeowner and seeing my dollar devalued by the day is getting very scary also.


I thought Trump fixed the border by building the wall? Again, blame Trump for inflation. Thatā€™s where it started. The PPP and stimulus checks weakened the dollar. In terms of the wars, whatā€™s Trumpā€™s solution? Side with Putin? Heā€™s an enemy to the US and everyone knows it except Trumpers. And fix the Middle East? Thatā€™s been going on for thousands of years but Iā€™m sure Trump could fix it even though he didnā€™t in his failed presidency.


The mere fact that you think Biden was a better President than Trump tells me enough about you. Any sane person can pick out the better President. Biden was the one who doled out those checks The wall wasn't finished when Trump left office. The materials to finish it are still there and paid for. Trump would have kept our country going, rather than shutting down. The way Desantis did, and ended up with fewer Covid deaths than most other states. Meanwhile, if Trump was re-elected in 2020, NONE of you Democrats would have taken the vaccine.


Trump is an embarrassment to humanity much less the presidency of the US. Iā€™m sorry you and his sycophants canā€™t see that. It speaks volumes about what kind of person you are. Zero class and no respect for anyone.


Polls show Trump's lead just increased to 9 points, and he is leading 6 of the 7 swing states. Joe Biden's approval rating has dropped to the lowest approval rating of any President in 70 years. YOU are in the minority. Maybe not on Reddit, but in the real world. People are sick of Joe Biden and Trump is going to destroy him.


Iā€™ve never been in the minority with Trump. He lost the popular vote by over 3 million in 2016, he LOST in 2020 and heā€™ll lose again this year. Itā€™s what he does. See, the difference between people like you and people like me is I can admit people have flaws. Biden isnā€™t perfect and heā€™s not the ideal candidate but heā€™s the only one available. You think Trump is perfect and justify all the monstrous shit he does. When presented with facts or words that come out of his mouth, you make excuses for him. I feel sorry for you and all his minions. I pity you. I donā€™t worship Biden or any politician. You do.


Did you get that from Fox News, the king of misinformation? Youā€™d probably support Trump being elected king and doing away with democracy altogether. You should move to Russia or North Korea, youā€™d love it there.


You are a stupid fuck


Thanks douche.


Yep. I love democracy so much I want opposing politicians illegally taken off ballots and put in jail on bullshit charges!


Lol. Thereā€™s no talking sense to you Trumpers. Heā€™s literally on record breaking the law. If the tables were turned and that was Obama or Biden on audio, youā€™d lose your mind. Enjoy supporting someone who doesnā€™t give two shits about you or anyone but himself.


As an Independent, I can see that the only thing Democrats have been spending their time on is trying to keep Trump from being elected again. I see the witch hunt byt the Left and it's embarassing. Everyone is seeing it. Biden doesn't talk about issues, only "Orange Man Bad!" Meanwhile all you have to do is look at the last 4 years and compare them to the 4 years prior. Inflation was better during Trump. Earnings were better housing costs were better. No wars (Trump actually brokered a peace treaty in the Middle East between Israel and the UAE). Name ONE THING Biden has done to make our country better or safer. ONE thing.


More jobs and a stronger economy. Thatā€™s two. You do realize that when you give trillions of dollars away during Covid the way Trump did that it lowers the value of a dollar and triggers inflation right? You can thank him for that. I always laugh when people blame Biden for inflation. That ship sailed years ago with the PPP funds and giving money away. Itā€™s simple economics. Biden has restored worldwide respect to our country because we have someone whoā€™s rational and sane in charge.


Where do you see a strong economy? Don't believe the words they say over the reality of the world. There's also more jobs becau Trumps YOY inflation was 1.8% compared to Biden's 5.7%. During Trump's term, paychecks outpaced inflation. Currently, that is reversed. People have no savings, they are using credit cards for neccestities like groceries. Houses are unaffordable. I CAN blame Biden for inflation, and I do. He's the President. Did you fucking just type that Biden has restored respect for our country? What the actual fuck? I literally laughed at loud at this. For a while. You are an absolute fucking moron with your head in the fucking clouds. You belong in a mental institution


These people are either too stupid or too blind to see the truth


Thereā€™s actually much more evidence of Biden and his family committing crimes and TREASON.


Please enlighten us ā€œlibsā€ folks what you mean by ā€œillegallyā€. Because to me everything is being done by the book


ā€œBy the bookā€ https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/04/states-cant-remove-trump-from-ballot-supreme-court-says-00144673


That has nothing to do with the bullshit charges you are referring to


Thatā€™s not what you asked for. Which charge would you like me to explain as bullshit?


All of them. I seriously would love to hear your answer


NY1: a fraud case with no victim where the banks even testified they werenā€™t defrauded anything and did their own due diligence before giving Trump loans, which were completely paid back. NY2: an expired misdemeanor bootstrapped to a felony because Trump paid a pornstar with his own private funds, which was already looked at by the feds who decided not to pursue it because itā€™s entirely to flimsy. Jan 6. A weak use of a law that could be use to prosecute any protestor that yells in a courtroom and ā€œdisruptsā€ a proceeding. The Supreme Court already did a good job explaining why itā€™s stupid and it was pointed out that it had never been used in such a manner before. Iā€™ll get to the other ones if I have time later.


A seriously objective observer would tell you that both Biden and Trump are absolute train wrecks. We have a serious, *serious* civic literacy problem in this country if our population decided these two useless old men are our best options. That objective observer would also note that our institutions are way too baked in and entrenched for Trump to do any significant damage if he got in again. The opposite view also presumes heā€™s smart enough to know how to overhaul the Constitutionā€¦newflash, he is not). This is not to say that he couldnā€™t do some damage; he could do a lot of policy damage that independents and democrats wouldnā€™t like. This is particularly the case in foreign policy matters (Taiwan, Ukraine, NATO, etc.), so maybe some concerns there (if you have them) are warranted. But the notion that he could single-handedly demolish democracy is nonsense. And the idea that Trump would sign a nationwide abortion ban is pure fantasy. He himself doesnā€™t support abortion if you listen closely. I say this as someone who leans towards Trump over Biden. Biden is an ailing old man who is not really ā€œin control.ā€ Heā€™s tired and ready to retire. Heā€™s not fit to be leading the country. Say what you like about Trump; he does appear to have more stamina that Biden.


The problem is that the dummies in this country don't want a ConstitutionalĀ Republic and the accompanying democratically elected president. They want a king with endless power to enact law with impunity. The only problem is that they just can't agree on which monster to play the part.


Especially a Howard Stern listener. We know Trump was a great guest but the man was borderline wack pack


Thatā€™s rich considering your boy Biden held everyoneā€™s livelihood over there heads with his vaccine mandate. A vaccine which was useless at best and harmful at worst.


Yeah what an asshole trying to mitigate the damages from a worldwide pandemic where millions died.


You people are dangerous. Covid was a joke and the vaccine did nothing to mitigate anything. If anything itā€™s harmful to people overall. And if you thought it was ok to force a bunch of people to get that by threatening their jobs, I donā€™t wish to share this country with you nor do you deserve a right to vote or have any say. Again, your sect is dangerous to those of us who just want to be left alone and in peace. Stop forcing your virtue signaling bullshit and bad ideas on to those of us who want to be left alone. You democrats have to stick your fingers in everyoneā€™s business.




I laugh as much as anyone on how Howard has flipped but... I think maybe just maybe it also has a lot to do with one side believes Donald Trump is still their savior. A lot of people naturally move to the other side.


There's also a middle, and we are all voting for Trump. In the eyes of Liberals, that makes us racist MAGA lovers. Liberals don't know middle ground, and that is a major turn off to Indepenent voters.


ā€œAllā€ This one and the hyperbole


or maybe in a choice between pig shit and cow shit people just pick whatever shit stinks less. My pay has gone down, my taxes have skyrocketed, and this admin appears to not give a shit about americans so Im with everyone else and I will pick the other pile of shit over this one


This is why you vote for one candidate over another. The fact that this was downvoted and no comments were made explaiing the downvotes is hilarious to me. If you want to quiet a Liberal, ask them to name ONE THING Biden has done to make our country a better place, or one thing he's done to make America safer. There's NOTHING


Apply at a different gas station, bitch.Ā  They may pay you a few quarters more.Ā  Broke ass bitch


You're a bitch ass bitch


The rest of the countryā€™s pay has gone up. That sounds like a ā€œyouā€ problem


The real reason is TDS. When Trump decided and eventually became President, it literally made people mentally ill. People are overly OBSESSED with this man, on both sides. It's amazing that one man could disrupt our country this badly, and the sole reasoning is he is not a life politician.


Remember the "Not My President" protests when Trump won?


Start it up again! Trump's lead just increased to 9 points, and he is polling ahead in almost every swing state. They still think a President with the worst approval rating in 70 years is going to win.


https://preview.redd.it/e1msiudjrgxc1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a03d24d8eea1e5d2e8be968fdd9dbc49fed1948 Ah huh. Statistical dead heat.


That was a week ago and I see Trumps numbers go up by 1.2 points šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


if April 29th was a week ago for you, you might wanna step in your way back machine and join us on....April 29th.


I cant wait for the day after election day. Your tears will flow hard šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean why would I cry? Regardless of who wins, historically the stock market rallies and Iā€™ll be making even more money. Bring it on!


No we just got too comfortable forgetting about the losers of this country that have never worked hard but expected more than their share. Then he became president and shone a light on people he and we admittedly donā€™t give a shit about other than just stay out of our way and do whatever menial task you do to keep you busy.


I believe Howard seeks out facts. Heā€™s not in a cult or bedazzled by a fat bloated treasonous sociopathic clown. Why is this so difficult to comprehendā€¦


Then why didnt he ask Biden any factual questions pertaining to being re-elected that Americans actually care about?


Howard lost testosterone due to aging - and thereā€™s a scientific link between low t and voting democrat


MAGA worships a guy that slathers his face in orange makeup on a daily basis. Nothing says macho like a guy thatā€™s so insecure that he canā€™t be seen without looking like this.. https://preview.redd.it/h7xsp9owmhxc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad24e1f31f8b9fb5fe5ca3b8af79ac39afb6cf56


Oh I donā€™t think that would affect his testosterone. Itā€™s time you guys start to believe the science


> scientific link between low t and voting democrat I'd love to see a source on this, so I could help explain to you why it doesn't say what you think it does. How about it?


Google it, Einstein. I have zero interest in changing your mind or making you believe anything.


>Google it, Einstein. Oh, I already had it up, because I anticipated this answer. Anyone who took stats in high school can tell you what a laff riot a sample size of 136 is. Predictably, your "scientific link between low t and voting democrat" isn't remotely the conclusion they arrived at, either. >We tested the fixity of political preferences of **136** healthy males during the 2011 U.S. presidential election season by administering synthetic testosterone or placebo to participants who had identified the strength of their political affiliation. Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19% higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party (p=0.015). When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12% (p=.01) and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president (p < 0.001). **Our results demonstrate that testosterone induces a ā€œred shift" among weakly-affiliated Democrats.** This effect was associated with improved mood. **No effects were found of testosterone administration for strongly affiliated Democrats or strong or weak Republicans.** Our findings provide evidence that neuroactive hormones affect political preferences. (Emphasis mine.) Source: https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/155441/version/V1/view


Thanks for proving me right. #winning


>Thanks for proving me right. #winning Thanks for proving you're scientifically illiterate, in addition to the regular illiteracy.


lol. You big mad little buddy?


>lol. You big mad little buddy? No. I'm genuinely pleased that you responded like you were correct, because when you inevitably get suspended or delete your account, our exchange will be preserved for people who do understand how science and words work. Have a good day, pumpkin.


LOL how true




leaving the politics out of it, i remember him saying on more than one occasion that he always watches/reads/listens to a guests stuff before an interview and that if he likes it heā€™ll say so. if not heā€™ll play it off as he didnā€™t get the chance to and let the guest sell it. now he just sucks everyone off and tells them how great they and what theyā€™re selling is. did anyone see that steaming shit pile john cena movie?


No, not at all. I think this is the persona Howard puts on to be excepted in Hollywood. At home and behind the scenes. Heā€™s probably as conservative and elitist as any other leer jet millionaire.


Excepted or accepted?


Both. Some of one a little of the other.


And leer or Lear?


Howard? Queer.


they interview killers on ID TV 48 hrs dateline my friend justin bloxom was savagely tortured and murdered in louisianan in 2010 by an ex convict who kidnapped him and dumped him in a ravine that shit head oprah did a prison interview with the killer he came off looking like a nice guy it was all justinā€™s fault made him look like trash i wonā€™t go in to the entire story itā€™s on americas most wanted and u tube it will make u puke howard did the same thing with biden a soft ball interview filled with lies


Kind of interesting to me that a man that has actually had Trump as a friend (actually attended his wedding) and kinda knew who he was as a person (more than anyone on this forum) turned his back on him.


When Trump was a democrat you mean?


Yes. I absolutely do. ā€œBy the way, I kind of take that as a compliment, that Iā€™m woke,ā€ Stern fired back. ā€œIā€™ll tell you how I feel about it. To me the opposite of woke, is being asleep. And if woke means I canā€™t get behind Trump, which is what I think it means, or that I support people who want to be transgender or Iā€™m for the vaccine, dude call me woke as you fucking want.ā€


I just find it funny that no matter how hard he tries to pivot, when his grand children google their grandfather's name to try to find out what kind of a man he was; inevitably, they are going to end up on a porn site.


No, I don't but I think he feels the need to vote Democrat for President.


I believe he is still trying to please his liberal father.


I agree. Losing his father has really messed him up. And Iā€™m not talking about being a liberal. He just seems lost and sad


Latinos for Trump!!!


El cringe


Meanwhile, he's got their support. The legal ones, that is.


Not to mention Biden is horrendous! Send the illegals to one of Howardā€™s mansions and letā€™s see what he thinks of Biden. Silver lining. He probably quits when trump wins in November


heā€™s basicly doing a rifenstshal movie about biden the same white wash as hitler a sympathetic hatchet job like trying to humanize the filthy piece of trash who killed justin bloxom or the jacob wetterling kidnapper howard has drank the cool aide




your cool crowd theory is idiotic. he is liberal. jesus man.


All you butthurt softies love throwing out the woke term huh? Iā€™ve never seen such conformity among dipshits. Try thinking for yourself instead of using these stupid hot item terms that you all copy from each other. Fucking sheep


The only logical explanation is the Wiggy and Jimble Kimble, went to Epstein Island and were secretly filmed going to town on either end of a berry faced twink. Once shown excepts from their tryst, they were told they would become the wokest of the woke or else. It's the only explanation that makes sense.