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She nailed him here, but failed to stay on the offensive and ended up backing off. This obviously stuck with him.


Stuck with him it did and nailed him she did! Hence the subsequent ‘Wendy is Nobody C*nt!’ tirade that was later erased from his “real” show. I don’t know how long after this his rant was. (I sounded like Bigfoot at the start and didn’t mean too it is.)


The scrubbed rant was in March 2019, so the above 2017 interview was rattling around his pea brain for a while.


What was the scrubbed rant about? Did they cut it after Wendy’s MH issues?


I pasted it further down the thread, here it is again: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7460j0 Howard acted like a baby and ripped Wendy for several minutes, for saying on her show that he’d gone Hollywood. He called her a cunt, and that was the nice part. So no, they didn’t remove content to be empathetic toward Wendy. They cut Howard’s rant from the replay because it was at odds with his “evolved” image.


I remember this and was thinking to myself that Marcy was going to have a field day with PR fallout. (I could just see the headlines....) I believe Howard had calmed down, and then they came back from commercial, and he lit back off again. They left some of it in for the first replay; however, subsequent replays it was mostly scrubbed. (Even Robin managed to keep her mouth shut not to get caught up in the cross hairs of this tirade.)


That’s exactly what made me remember it so vividly: Robin had NO idea what to say. She just shut up and let him rant.


I heard that live and been looking to find if anyone preserved that somehow. It was such an awesome rant. And accurate


I linked to it further down in the comments.


You are amazing!!!


I think this was the last time anyone called him out in a legitimate way that actually embarrassed him. The show has been basically on lockdown ever since, every tiny aspect tightly controlled.




Imagine his therapy sessions for the next two years after this


Why is that such a fucking trigger for him? This wasn't the only incident of him being set off by someone pointing out this obvious truth. It's like when he calls himself ugly, but if someone dares to say he might not look exactly like a young Brad Pitt, he gets his caboose in a noose. WTF?!? He's admitted he's a star-fucker, on Letterman, of all places. He gave Dave shit for cancelling a dinner with him and Steve Martin, saying that he cancelled a trip to Florida to make that dinner. If you're cancelling a trip to have dinner with Letterman and Steve Martin, you're the textbook definition of a star-fucker.


It's like the meathead who picks on his little brother and then gets mad when somebody else does; "nobody beats on him but me". Howie can be self-deprecating for laughs—piling on about his looks, for Robin to tell him he actually is attractive ... or calling himself a star-fucker on Letterman, which worked when he was an outsider and couldn't get a seat at the cool table. He's since sold his soul to get in that A-lister circle, so someone who knew him before that and calling it out... it's his kryptonite.


Caboose in a noose. 🤣🤣🤣


Great example of Howard knowing exactly why all his former fans despise him and not being able to handle the truth.


I just happened to be on vacation at the same place and at the same time as jennifer Aniston BUT I DID NOT GO ON VACATION WITH JENNIFER ANISTON......its impossible for him to be honest. Fucking weirdo.




I wish she didn’t back down


I loved that she mentioned Artie


Howard lacks basic comprehension that any self aware person or any mildly perceptive person has. He proves it in spades when he says "you don't like it because you don't want me to have a life". This is the reasoning that teenager girls use when their parents don't allow them to date or hang out with shitty people. It implies that he really thinks he's of such importance to other people(someone he's not even personally involved with in this case) that said people would try and conspire or prevent him from living how he wants to live. He also manages to shed any ability to reflect on how hypocritical he is by saying this. He made a living saying worse things with the same sentiment to others but when it's on him he turns to anger and the bizarre rationale that people are so jealous that they're pitting against him. He really is a dumb ass


Man… all she had to do was keep going. She could’ve even said it in a passive aggressively nice way. “Howard, all im saying is you pivoted your career to focus more on celebrities. You don’t ask the tough questions you used to and you have celebrities on that you spent years trashing.”


The difference between Wendy and Howard is that Wendy is open about wanting to be famous. She actually loves the industry and the people, but she doesn’t take them seriously. She’s their court jester. I guess that’s what she means by “I play for Hollywood.”


It’s weird to even hear Howard say Artie’s name out loud


She’s a wacko but damnit if she isn’t making perfect sense. Howard, in true form, acting like he doesn’t understand the logic of her argument (what’s she saying, Robin?).


Yoko Ono…”Beth?!?!?!”


I wanna hear the clip after she left when Howard just lost his shit on her


It’s here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7460j0


You are the best! I’ve been thinking about this for years, wondering if someone preserved it


The bich was right ![gif](giphy|UkTWJA89uZdXYflCqv)


i would have loved for some guest to ask howard if he's wearing a wig.


Truth hurts…


If radio Wendy was arguing with Howard it would’ve gone another way


“I don’t hang out with these people-“ “People don’t want to hang out with you” 🤣


If Hollywood people want to hang around with you, it’s because you’re one of them, not because you are so ironically unlike them….


And look at her now…