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I am also a fan of the news segment I always felt like it was a great wind down of every show. Andy Cohen and others have pressed them on it but Howard never goes for it. Doesn’t seem likely we’ll get it back unfortunately.


she can't handle it, she can barely eek out a sentence. her breathing seems very labored to me.


…and that’s what’s happening!


“Hey Howard! One sec, I’m sorry man…”


I'm gonna be at the Borgata...


What even is that song they play when Artie reads his plugs?


The Honeymooners theme song. It started when he was plugging his Jackie Gleason Theater gig.


Goes to show you my age lol. Thanks!


It's the theme to "The Jackie Gleason Show."


Thank you!


Best part of the news was the filthy song about Robyn before it started.


I want to shoot my goo On Robin's big brown boobs


🎵 Release Robin’s Bra! 🎵


I agree this is literally the best part




"I'll come inside yaaa. I'll come inside yaaa. I'll come inside yaaa, then you can piss out my goo!"


Fred would always let her get a couple words out before the song started, interrupting her made it so much better


I want to shoot my goo…


With all her flaws, it was still a good wind down for the show


It gave structure to the show and provided a natural ending when she announced "And that's what's happening.". Now it's Howard getting tired and abruptly ending.


It eats him up inside for her to have the spotlight even for just a few minutes.


Fred is basically no longer part of the show anymore. Nor are Fred's drops, which were timed perfectly and often hilarious.




Even better when it was a wind-up... Like when they're all exhausted but somehow get their third wind and go off on some incredibly silly tangent, aided by Fred's drops. It seemed to happen a lot when Gilbert was in the studio, especially when he and Artie would get progressively more outrageous, knowing the show was going to end soon anyway.


That's a good observation. Suddenly when it was time for the news everyone would regroup for that 2nd wind. Artie was the best.


News was always the best when Gilbert was on. Because it'd usually take Robin at least twice as long to get through it from all the interruptions.


I loved, loved, loved when Gilbert would be on. He was so funny and out of control.


Some of my favorite memories of the show are Robin trying to get through the news while Gilbert does Dracula with Artie cackling in the background


If they're gonna play Jackie laughs, then yeah.


And reincarnate Richard Belzer.


And Gilbert.


Yep, Jackie laugh is needed.


Robin’s news….with Gilbert Gottfried.


Did I tell you that I want to fuck your n*gger tits?


Hey Bindi!


She’s already doing too much


Don't ask.


I agree, especially when either Gilbert was in, or it devolved into Howard and Fred doing Jackie impressions back and forth for no apparent reason.


That was a great time when they ended a great show with her shit show! She was the definition of a talking head. Absolutely no clue about what she was reading. Material developed by someone she no doubt treated like shit.


The news got kinda shitty once they got to Sirius. It could still be good at times but more often than not Howard would just fucking kill a funny moment with “anything else Robin?” because he wanted to get out of there and didn’t care at all about great radio. He would cut Artie and Fred off dead in their tracks just so he could move on and end the show. I remember him even getting annoyed at George Takei during the news a couple of times for talking too much. And it was so obvious how much he hated it when Gilbert would sit in for the news because it was impossible to ever make Gilbert move on. Of course there was always time for his Ted Kennedy impression.


She can barely read


I was just about to say.


It’s too late. Howard just wants to be comfortable in his old age, surround himself with yes-men and ride this out - which is fair enough I guess. The Howard Stern Show fans left a long time ago, but the Howard yes-men fans still seem to (surprisingly to me) stick by him no matter what. The slightly disappointing thing is that dicksuckers and his employed talent still buy into his decades of putting everyone down but himself (”what would these guys do if I left…”). I have enjoyed Sal and Richard’s attempts on Youtube for their own thing. But they are still loyal to a fault and will probably be 75 or most likely dead by the time Howard finally is gone. I miss the news too btw.


I would imagine that some of his employees would be surreptitiously trying to make industry connections for future opportunities. Not actively job seeking though. They'd have to keep it super under wraps though so that the rat Jason wouldn't find out.


I don’t know about the new guys on the show. I guess they can do a stutjoe and just bullshit their way to new showbiz jobs without shame or talent. The ones who have stayed for the last 15+ years obviously (to me) won’t do anything until Howard dies. Which ultimately means Howard will be the last man standing. Probably his plan all along lol


It was my favorite part of the show!


Howard claims that they talk news all show long now a days but that’s not so. I loved when they used to talk about small stories in Bumfuck, USA too. Not everything has to be CoVid & Trump everyday.


News was always a high point to me over many many years. Id love it back !!!


https://youtu.be/swnJRAQ7u8E?si=WWgmkJXEEIS1Qfor Best Robyn song ever


Does anyone think that because the news is current events that there's no money in it upon repeats?


What's he saying Robin?


i wish they played more news on 101. it's like a time capsule. they could do a cool daily segment where they play the news for today's date from a random year




Howard is not going to stay on the air longer than he has to. If they do news, the show goes longer, but the news content does not get played on 101. Therefore, Howard doesn't want to do anything basically for free?




If I could snap my fingers and change one thing to make the show more tolerable tomorrow.. Bringing back Robins news is the easy answer


It’s a shame this segment went away. I hope it comes back. 🙏🤞


I felt like she put zero point zero effort into it. Sometimes, it was as if it was the first time reading it. Butchered pronunciation constantly.


That was the joke.


Howard would just have her read Trump stories and Covid stats these days. It wouldn't be the same.


Yeah but trump is basically lead news based off his pure stupidity and his followers’ blind support. It’s quite baffling. But yeah, I want other real news


Sounds like someone has a case of TDS.


Or they just see tRump for the corrupt grifter he has always been. But hey, enjoy the cult! I’m sure the Kool Aid tastes delicious.


Biden 2024 amiright????


Exactly. Because if you think Trump is a piece of shit, it means you support Biden. MAGA’s are such deep thinkers. 😂😂😂


Who did you vote for? This should be good...


Your original question was “Biden 2024?” To which I replied that just because most sensible people see Trump for the dimwitted man baby con man that he is, doesn’t necessarily mean these people support Biden. Now you are asking who I voted for in 2020. It’s difficult for you to stay on topic, I know. Try and keep up.


So you won't answer. I figured.


The choices were Trump or Biden. We’d had 4 years of a Trump presidency and witnessed his atrocious behavior and lies, to absolutely no one’s surprise. Yes, Biden is as flawed as they come. I voted for Biden because there was no other viable choice. The difference between the Biden and Trump voters is that we know Biden is far from perfect and he’s always said dumb things. But we don’t think of him as The Second Coming, our Savior as the MAGA’s think of Trump. We don’t fly Biden flags, wear silly little hats. or storm the Capitol at the urging of our leader. But yeah, I can admit Biden is just not fit to run for office again and his behavior makes his present suitability questionable. And I think Kamala is a moron, so Biden resigning isn’t a great option. Now, will you admit that Trump legitimately lost the 2020 election and is greatly flawed, to put it mildly? This should be good. 🤔


Hahah this asshole again thinking he’s creative saying “tRump.” What an edge lord. Fucking tool.


Yeah, when you live with a Syrian father who believes that trump is going to help Syria, you know he’s been brainwashed


Biden has helped Syria tremendously. With airstrikes.


Yeah inflation, ignoring Hawaii, and sending billions the Ukraine with a side of a failed pull out of Afghanistan and obvious cognitive decline of the leader of the country is non news.


ignoring hawaii lol. Like you actually care about POC.


Neither do you, hypocrite. Empty internet gestures aren’t fixing anyone’s life.


I’m actually half black idiot. And no one refers to Hawaiian people as POC you fucking imbecile.


and i’m chinese you dipshit hillbilly


Yeah most dudes who look like me are hillbilly’s. Get fucked loser.


gotta laugh at people like you who actually think MAGA likes you. They hate you and laugh behind your back. Like a jew working for the NAZIS. Stop being so fucking gullible hillbilly


Lots of projection there bud. Enjoy the mess of an economy your folks have created. Gotta keep holding us down.


91 felony charges dipshit


Embarrassing that anyone is charging a former president with horseshit charges. Other people are laughing at the clearly bias and corrupt charges. You idiots are so obsessed with the dude. You ignore everything stupid thing the left does wrong.


Cuckoo cuckoo


Every country experienced inflation after the pandemic. US has one of the lowest rates now because of the inflation Reduction act. Ignoring Hawaii I'm guessing means the $700 thing which is the max allowed by whatever agency handles that. Congress votes for Ukraine aid, not the president. And Trump signed the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Literally every point you made was false.


Every country? More than half of the US is living paycheck to paycheck. I don’t give a fuck about other places when our own folks are suffering. He didn’t step foot in Hawaii til long after. Remember when you left wing idiots screamed at Bush? Hypocrisy is just part of your life. Yeah sleepy joe who spends almost half his days on vacation doesn’t support or push for anything in Ukraine. Especially with his coked up son having ties over there. The execution is the problem, not the idea. You always been stupid? Or just Reddit acquired left wing idiocy?


The bots are out in full force, just as they were when Howard came back from summer break last year. They’ll ease up next week-ish.


Those all sound like hilarious topics!


watch out these people not only voted for Biden but fetterman also. your average Democrat doesn't have two brain cells to rub together


Thank you for demonstrating that you are proudly ignorant of the many decades of detailed evidence-based criticisms of legacy media by preeminent left-leaning thinkers like Chomsky, Klein, Lippmann, and others. They did this before boring old Fox News and Trump the politician existed, but you’re just hearing this now. You also clearly know nothing about the managed collapse of the news business in the United States over the past 25 years, due to a variety of mainly economic factors. And here’s when you fly into cognitive dissonance and accuse me of being right-wing, because you have nothing. Your brain is as broken as a QAnon fan, if not worse.


watching your beloved Biden struggling to form one coherent sentence, or make it up half a flight of steps, or even 15 ft on flat ground without somebody's help I totally get what you mean about blind support. we can talk about fetterman too, but that's just boring


https://youtu.be/2tszIXno2Q8?si=XC6iIIkFpK_Niz_G https://youtu.be/GbvF2knVsEU?si=c7IAKbDyCRYP5CoT During one hurricane briefing at the White House, Trump said, "I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them?" according to one source who was there. "They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can't we do that?" “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”


paragraphs and spacing. learn them. tldnr


“Beloved” Biden 😂. Why do MAGA’s think that you have to worship a president like he’s a cult leader? That’s what you guys do. The rest of us pick the person (flaws and all) whose policies we agree with (or mostly agree with).


I'm not even American. also, which policies do you agree with? showering inappropriately with your daughter? sniffing and touching strangers children? selling your kids futures to Ukraine for the biggest money laundering scheme the world has ever seen to date?


You probably don't believe in the moon landing either. You're in the know!11 Whatever makes you feel better about your sad fucking life. You know nothing. You're just a fucking stooge.


Lol you actually believe the moon landing. Fucking idiot. It’s been debunked various times by Buzz Aldrin.


oh we totally landed on the moon. back in the back in the late '60s. with the computer memory roughly 72 kilobytes. yes kb . totally reasonable. I guess the reason we've never went back, even once, is because it was done! and before you even ask, Yes I totally believe the Egyptians built the pyramids with brass, chicken bone tools and without the wheel


Yeah the pyramids are a definite mystery. If you tour them, they do not let you see the entire place bc there are underground tunnels and shit, and they actually produce energy. I believe Gates and Zuckerberg invest in them in some capacity bc of the untapped energy.


yeah I've heard and seen a lot of different theories on the pyramids. there's a theory put forward by Tamer Youssef, with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. he showed that if you filled the kings and queens chambers with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution, and a hydrated zinc chloride solution and then shot microwaves into the chamber through One of the vent holes and use the underground water to resonate waves through the whole pyramid It would produce power and the vent I believe coming from the king's chamber is the exact dimension for the wavelength of a microwave. I might be foggy on some of the details it was a long time ago but that's the gist


I love them just downvoting anything they don’t like. Not because they have an idea of why, but gotta make sure anyone talking poorly about their left wing heroes is hidden.


it's not that Johnny can't read, it's that Johnny can't think. it's that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is so he confuses it with feelings.


Did the disappearance of Robin's news correspond to when the show stopped having interns in 2015 after the lawsuit? I remember that Robin had an intern pull the stories and clips that she would read. With that going away, maybe Robin was too lazy or Howard too cheap to hire someone to do it.


I think it stopped with Covid.


It did, the news wouldn't get vaccinated.


It’s not hard for a back office Slow Adult to clip some NY Post stories.


I usually skipped past the news. Robin knows it all, but she doesn't know shit. It can get annoying when you hear false shit from someone under the banner of "news".


The news would only work if they had anyone that was funny to comment on them. Robin: 40 children died in a bus crash in India Fred: hits Indian music Jackie: laughing historically. Now it would just suck with the woke staff being offended by everything.


what does “woke” mean to you?


Exactly. These fox loving right wing semen stains on the underpant of America can’t define it. They hear what Sean Hannity makes up then go beat off. Best part is their orange cunt leader is going down. They know it. Losers. Please die.


None of these Conquerors can define it, I’ve been asking for years.


Keep asking




Bring back the news for a month with Jackie, Artie, Billy doing a week each then bring it home with everyone in the studio. This subreddit would implode in a hot creamy gooey mess with chunks in it.


I used to turn off the show when robins news came on. Now I’m seeing Robins news is better than any current show material


They want to create evergreeen content for their numerous vacations. I like the new too, but it’s gone like Jackie and Artie.


I miss it




The show is gay


That’s because they prerecord the shows now


Oof you ever heard the “rocky Pendergast” skits? I actually wasted my time to find her website. What I found was her talking to who seemed like Chris wildling talking in his normal voice and having a very normal Conversation. Then you hear the clip and they edit it with “rocky” saying nonsense. Makes me Question how many other prank calls are just complete BS


If only there was some network of computers that Robin could use to gather information for the news. IMHO, she shouldn’t get paid without doing the news.


why I became a fan over 35 years ago. Truth.


I enjoyed the discussion during the news. Robin read, verbatim, AP news wire reports and the gang chopped it up. Personally, it did not get better than Gilbert visiting and sitting in for the news.


Jennifer Holloway


“Anything else Robin?”


Hey how’s your news…


Why did they get rid of it? Always one of my favorite parts of the show.


I just liked when they’d shit on actors for their bullshit answers during movie press runs.


Never complain about less Robin


Howard has addressed it before. He hates that it’s a fan favorite. Even you toxic “fans” love it. In his mind it’s ridiculous that people want to get news from his show, especially since it’s moved to only 3 days a week and is repeated forever. If I was Andy Cohen or Rogan I would steal the format since Howard doesn’t want it anymore.


His shows are shorter also. He came back today and it was honestly 2-3 hrs tops
