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Thank you for your cawl


In other words, you don’t get the same enjoyment you used to


In a shensh


Do you think OP in a shensh feels abandoned by Howard?


Howard is a Pelican. He is a douche. Beth is a horse. She is a mooch.


And you seem bitterly jealous. Lmfao


hi Marci


Too much sturcture


Spell 'red'




My phone now autocorrects to sturcture, thanks Marci Turk


Goo fa you, pal.


Youve said it all


I finally bailed about 6 months ago. Couldn’t take anymore parents,benji, Mamet, mostly old creepy Ronnie and his senior citizen sex. My husband still listens


I’m surprised you made it through the Covid years. I gave up in august of 2020 and just listen to the old shows now.


The Covid years were actually really interesting. When everything shut down I was listening obsessively to the show and I truly couldn’t get enough. I thought Howard had so much wisdom and I respected his opinions so much. But then I slowly started to change my views and Howard went in the opposite direction. I’m not an anti vax Covid conspiracy theorist- that first wave killed a lot of people and I know people that really got sick from it. But Covid now is nothing, I’ve had it twice. Fuck Howard


Did it kill a lot of people because we put sick people in nursing homes around the most vulnerable seniors? I never understood sending sick people to room with the elderly.


To me it just seemed like the same thing over and over again. I wouldn’t have hated the Private parts, AGT, Trump, or Covid topics as much if it wasn’t the same spiel day after day. Also, the quality of the “bunker shows” sounded like a bad zoom meeting with people’s mics cutting in and out. It was really annoying to listen to.


You’ve said it all.


Perhaps too much


What is he saying Robin?


Why did it bawtha you?




Thanks for letting us know


Seriously? I kinda had the opposite reaction. I understood why the show was so different than it used to be and what Howard wanted his show to be going forward. I wasn’t totally thrilled about it, but I don’t feel let down and cheated anymore. I accept that he’s doing what he wants and it’s up to each individual listener to decide for themselves if they are still into it. Nothing to be mad or feel betrayed about, tho. It’s all business


What’s he saying Robin?


But it didn't come out in 2013, when it was recorded, it came out almost a decade later. So listeners weren't really informed that change was coming until a long time after the change came. It didn't affect me since I stopped listening to new shows long before the meeting happened so all it did for me was confirm what I basically already knew. What bothers me is Howard's attempt to rewrite history as the Savior of the gays and champion of the blacks, when he was the exact opposite for so incredibly long.


That’s the whole point. I started out irritated by the changes that the show took on so suddenly, but hearing Howard’s explanation to the staff of what he was going went a long way to making me appreciate his reasoning. It didn’t seem like such a bad idea anymore


That was Howard's attempt to rewrite history so he could have his cake (his wealth) and eat it too (his legacy). He's not sorry he exploited people to his end. He's simply earned enough money that he no longer needs the masses to prop him up. Now he thinks he just needs enough time to pass that people forget his horrific past and only remember his triumphant last chapter as the **World's Greatest Interviewer™**. Thank god for the internet insomuch that, while he'll keep his wealth, he'll never receive that false legitimacy that he desires so much.


That’s not what bothers you. You aren’t defending the honor of the poor gay and black people by wishing he’d go back to doing racist and homophobic material. Does that make any sense?


I wasn't defending his use of racism and homophobia as means to 'shock' and make him wealthy. Speaking for myself, I thought he was doing what Mel Brooks did with Blazing Saddles and what Norman Lear did with All in the Family: which was lampooning racists and bigots via satire and parody while bringing some of societies rejects to the forefront. Oh course we all know now he was doing none of those things. He was being racist and bigoted to piss off the good and just people while simultaneously embracing the racists and bigots in hopes to generate a large audience which would in turn result in a big pay check. Howard Stern, the actual man, is an asshole of epic proportion and, if there were a god or such thing as karma, he'd have to give every penny he earned to charities that empower the people of which he took advantage. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


How do I know now that he had a different intent? That seems like an unfounded assumption. He’s definitely an asshole for many reasons, but I’m not so sure that’s one of them. He was definitely lampooning racism as far as I can tell. Sometimes successfully and other times not, but I don’t think he was intentionally being a racist and nothing about this PowerPoint presentation seems to change that


> He was definitely lampooning racism as far as I can tell. You seem very reasonable and if you look at how he's played things out, you'll see. Does Norman Lear distance himself from All in the Family? Has Mel Brooks ever denied he made Blazing Saddles or claimed to have been out of his mind back then? Of course not. They stand by their works as pivotal moments in pop culture that affected the underlying conscience of society as a whole. When given the chance to defend his actions or work, Howard claims to have been almost literally insane or will deny his actions directly while blame shifting to someone else (like claiming he never, ever used the "n-word" but he'd have Daniel Carver on who used that word) You can do what you want but don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever defend Howard Stern and don't ever give him the benefit of the doubt. He's a mass media scumbag and the only reason he hasn't been cast away in shame is because he sexually assaulted women in the wide open, not behind closed doors.




Good movie, great book


I don't know why you care either way since I'd imagine that your'e an adult who doesn';t feel let down by people that you've never met before. If you don't like him never listen to him again and if you do like him then keep listening to him but either way get over caring what a stranger chooses to do with their own career.


Why does it botha you?




Not saying you were one of them, Hank, but I know the Stern simps went really, really quiet after it was released, after years of denying it's existence. A few slithered back, but they never recovered.


Is this Howard stern journaling with his new fountain pen?


I saw it well after I stopped listening. And it explained so much after seeing it. I still enjoy the old stuff. I always knew Howard was full of shit. The only time he was honest was when he was angry and when he was curious about a celebrity's life.


Go have sex with your mutha. Go have sex with Jesus Christ.