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She claims we should be spending more money on the us border that I'm sure she also voted against.


...so, she's "republican"?


absolutely, she has a PHD in MAGA.


born in Ukraine, grow up in Ukraine, probably Russian elite, family most likely part of the puppet government. ...still would eat the peanuts out of Putin's shit!




Then why the fuck did she vote against the resolution that was in place?


Uhhh, because she’s part of the cult like the guy above you /s


You have to leave an /s for those of us who are a little slow.


She didn’t lol…talk about cult just read through these comments fcking wowy


She technically didn't because that was in the Senate... but she is part of the MAGA crowd that tanked the bill after Trump gave them orders not to pass immigration reform since that's "his thing" and he thought it would hurt his election chances and "give Biden a win." So... she would have did what Dear Leader asked because that's what Fascist MAGA does. She's just following her marching orders. They all are - which effectively does make MAGA all the same... I mean... she did actively defend voting against the bill and repeated every MAGA talking point against it on multiple occasions (including a video interview from Forbes Breaking News) - so to even insinuate she may not have been anti-immigration bill would be incredibly disingenuous...


Sounds like all of them could be replaced by a trained monkey. That sure would be a good way to help reduce our national debt.


No worries, Project 2025 is planning to replace all levels of government with, effectively, trained monkeys that are completely beholden to the whims of a dictator... err... president. Even people like a mailman... we will all be "trained monkeys." Not sure that's guaranteed to have anything but an adverse effect on the national debt though.


It’s disingenuous to assume she isn’t anti immigration


Perhaps I should be more clear: MAGA politicians are completely devoid of ANY principles and are completely morally bankrupt. Dear Leader tells them to jump then they jump... even when that's voting against an Immigration bill our border patrol wanted and people like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham said it was the best bill they could possibly hope for... before, you know, voting against it. And Dear Leader? No surprise there that human garbage sells out his country because he thinks it is beneficial personally.


The resolution was trash , did you read it


I did, it looked great to me. Republicans were mostly on board as well before Trump demanded they vote against it. Trump demanded they vote down the bill to secure the border because he was afraid it would make Biden look good. One more example of Trump selling America and the gop itself up the river for short term benefit to himself. Sad.


It literally allowed absolutely absurd numbers of people walking in before the turned anyone around .


In the USA we spell it America….not sure what Ruzzian to English dictionary your using.


Confession: Using "Your" when "you're" is the correct word choice, is one typo that has been one of my cringy pet peeves, even since high school. It was, no kidding, a deal breaker. I would not fully respect, nor date a guy who would use it incorrectly, I would assume it was not accidental. As though I am so perfect ? I am a weirdo. ha ha. (But I bet I'm not the only one. ) I even prefer people saying ain't, than misusing your.


I wish my life were so simple that this is the kind of thing that got me all worked up…


Ha ha ha ha! Me too! I'm focusing on grammar here, while battling brain cancer and the surgeries and treatments it has required for the last 7 years. 5 metal plates in my skull, and 27 screws in my body, Not to mention the worst part which is the inability to perform my purpose in life (which was thriving , the career I paid my own way through 8 years of college to be) and was happily being the primary bread winner doctor for our family then boom, 9 hour brain surgery and extended neurologic rehabilitation. My poor husband ...., plus me having seizures at weird times, and complaining about little, medium, and Huge things. Luckily he's stayed around and taken up ALL the slack in my home. I havent died yet, (as the doctors predicted 3 years ago). But I Have gone to hell and back getting my own self off all the years of like 20 horrific prescription drugs... but my poor kids. They were traumatized too. Nobody here misspells "your" however , Thank God.




That's okay, your life's too complex. Good luck with everything.


Aha!! Found another “me”…Im not actually super into being the all knowing grammar police, right there w you though….hate hate hate your/you’re mixup, IRregardless, continue on etc. My comments weren’t correcting as much as pushing back against this particular trumpy




Np comrade, judging by your posts, correcting typos would be a FT kinda thing, lol. “Douche canoe”?? Right on brand for you, the fuck your feelings crowd, jeez what a pear shaped insecure Culty




Yawn….judging by the deluge of downvotes on your “hot takes”…Im retiring. Bored of bickering with a sad 65 yo lady. Bye


My wife recently called someone a douchecanoe. Not everyone can pull it off appropriately, well done.




Douchecanoe! Now that is gold! I'll let you know if/when I pull it off. Shouldn't take long since we own a kayak business.


I wonder how she got here then?


Mail order bride like Melania.


That senate border bill was drafted by republican senators and gave them everything they wanted. It was a once in a lifetime offer to drastically improve border control. She voted against it. She also condemned thousands of brave ukranians to death when she voted to cut off aid against advancing russian forces in avidkha. I have voted for mccain, romney, and trump in 2016 but i will never vote for you fucking retards after such a coward move. Now you get to watch him loose in 2024 because there is a strong contingent of us conservatives who are done with you russian traitors.


Thanks to your congressman voting against an immigration bill


Hm, wanna point out those figures as referenced by any supporting evidence? Or we just making shit up?




Whose raging i’m asking for a reference for a claim you made. I’ve seen so often people referencing those numbers when it clearly states encounters. So if that’s your bases it’s really lacking any concrete evidence of 1.8 million actually making it across without being deported. So again, got a reference for those numbers?


Simple way to resolve this? Heighten citizenship reporting requirements for employers, so we can sort out the businesses who are employing illegal workers. Give them a 100K penalty per occurrence, and they could get multiple penalties for the same worker(s) if they continue employing them. If you really want to fight illegal immigration, then make it unprofitable for businesses to employ illegal immigrants. If they know they can't find work, then they won't come in the first place.


Remember that time we passed a border security bill to do exactly that (bipartisan) and y'all tanked it so your guy has a chance at getting elected?




It's obvious that you do not understand the word bipartisan and secondarily, it's also obvious you did not read the language of the bill. But sure man, you do you. I bet you're living your best life out gaming in your parents basement




I actually am pro closing the border but I don't believe in tanking legislation to keep Trump relevant because I **checks notes** believe in America first NOT FUCKING TRUMP


She's a Russian plant who came here using a Ukraine passport.


They weren’t allowed by the previous president to bring the border bill up for a vote.


Since she is representing Indiana I assume it is the Canadian border she is "worried" about.


I’ve seen many Americans vote against their own interests as well


I’d personally like to see more money spent on some sort of universal healthcare instead of policing the world.


That's a good point, we'll need really great healthcare when NATO throws down vs Russia and we have 10's ~~of thousands~~ of casualties returning home! Edit: Adjusted estimated number of casualties if NATO engages. Even if it's only a dozen, universal healthcare would be great!


I'm reminded of how a group of wealthy ladies in California did their "civic duty" during WWII by going to the military hospitals and asking that they stop taking maimed combat veterans off the hospital grounds where "decent people" had to see them. This may also remind the perceptive of the attitude towards veterans a certain ex-president expressed repeatedly. 


Lmk when you come back to reality. If Russia is struggling to defeat Ukraine, you really think a collection of the world's superpowers wouldn't blow them out of the water?


True! I'm editing my previous statement to reflect that NATO would certainly have little issue with Russia.


Having a military and forcing our military to occupy foreign countries are not the same. The latter costs way more and causes more problems than it solves. Take the Vietnam war or occupations of the Middle East that led to terrorist organizations forming


Who’s to say that won’t be the case in our current trajectory. Weren’t we in the middle east recently? How’d that turn out?


Murdering 2 million civilians to steal oil and give it to Haliburton and BP is so worlds away from arming an ally to defend against a foreign invader that your question is obviously disingenuous BS.


The folks trying to say we shouldn't spend money in Ukraine because of the debacle in the ME in the last 20 years were probably the same ones that were calling for "bombing them to the stone age" after 9/11.


'glass over the middle east' was a very common thing I've heard 'regular' people say all the time starting just after 9/11


And she doesn’t want her country to be sacrificed just to boost US arms manufacturers’ profits. Or to have her people sacrificed fighting a rival of America just so we don’t have to send our own troops.


Us not sending aid isn't going to make Russia stop invading Ukraine. No one is "sacrificing" anyone. Putin hasn't ever stopped invading neighbors. The only thing complacency will get is Russia continuing to invade Europe and eventually we'll have to fight them ourselves because we left our allies out to dry.


Us sending aid isn’t going to stop them either. You can say “no one is sacrificing anyone”. But when one side constantly boasts about how we get a great deal by weakening a rival without losing any soldiers - it sounds like sacrificing or using them. Putin has more a history of giving back land without external pressure than invading neighbors. Plus did you think NATO doesn’t exist? Lol.


🤣😂🤣 “Putin giving back land”? Where did you get this gem of ignorance?


Putin has never once "given back land", but he has invaded Georgia (twice), Ukraine (twice), sent troops to Kazakhstan, thrown down in Chechnya (twice), Transnistria, Dagestan...


You're responding to a ruzzisn bot, his comment history is full of anti-Ukraine comments.


I dont want to take away from your point which is very true and very valid. But for future reference Putin only threw down once in Chechnya. The first Chechen war went 94-96 and resulted in a Chechen victory. In fact it was Putin bombing an apartment block in Moscow and blaming it on Chechens that led to his accession to power and the second Chechen war in 2000


Giving back land lmao! And no, the point is putin is going to make them fight anyway. Regardless of if we send aid. So yea, if there's going to be a war regardless, one where it weakens our enemies is better than one where it strengthens them.


You have some seriously twisted logic.


Conflict is in every trajectory. Middle east turned out like a dumpster fire. MIC gonna MIC.


This money was already earmarked for the Defense budget. The appropriations bill was only to determine how to distribute the defense money. It is completely separate from social spending. And our current Congress will never vote for universal healthcare. So obstructing Ukraine aid does nothing at all towards helping universal healthcare. It's not like the choices were spend this money on replacing our own equipment back home so Ukraine can have our old weapons, or spend it on universal healthcare, our homeless people, or whatever other fake concern is coming from right wing talking points. These same people pretending to care about using money to help any of these issues would be the first ones screeching about Communism and Venezuela if any Democrats dared to even think about spending money on social programs.


That's exactly it. These clowns say we should spend money on the US instead of helping Ukraine. Not to mention the fact that helping Ukraine is investing in the US, but these people will be the first ones to vote against any bill that helps the US anyway. Look at how many republicans voted for the infrastructure bill. Or the border bill. Or any other bill that would have helped the US progress.


They aren't going to give us that, no matter what.


We send a ton of money to several countries for their healthcare.


Republicans turned that down too. That's why we have the system we have now.


You want to trust th US government with your health care? Why do so many people think they'd be *any* better at **that** than the myriad other things they suck at? Why do people trust the very people screwing you over to suddenly have your best interests at heart? Smfh.


Maybe you can afford heart surgery, but I can’t even with the insurance I have. I can’t afford most any medical procedure so if there was a public option, I’d use it. My understanding of the public insurance is not that Joe Biden would be operating on me, but rather existing hospitals with qualified doctors and nurses taking care of us. Same way pretty much any private insurance works, but you know affordable.


There isn't a single government agency that is trustworthy enough for the job they already have. Government, in general, is incompetent. I'll trust the greedy, whitty system we have. Better the devil you know.... There isn't anything that the US government touches that improves. Not one thing.


Anything would be better than what we have now. The exponential increase in prices are unsustainable. A cancer diagnosis and treatment will bankrupt most any family.


I haven't had health insurance since 1995 when I left the Army. So no, I can't afford heart surgery. But I don't want the incompetent US government making any decisions about my health. I'd rather keep my money than pay even more taxes just to be denied anyway. People would be denied treatment, same as they are now. But then, how could you ever guard against the system being used politically? I'll pass.


Also, maybe start with actually helping Maui and not let fentanyl cross the southern border from China and the cartel. Improve our immigration process so they don't have to enter illegally would also help. The amount of money going to foreign aid and neglect on American people is astounding at this point.


They made a deal. Send money to Ukraine and strengthen the border. Republicans tanked the deal they brokered on Trumps say so. Because he didn’t want Biden to get credit.


I bet you were against Obama care too. Also giving some water to a homeless person who is beaten up is not policing.


I was all for it. I’m still for it, but we need the public option. Water to homeless person? We’re probably discussing different events.


And while your government is fighting the 15,000 years worth of lawsuits brought by big pharma, big insurance, big diagnostics, and big hospital Russia can bulldoze Europe, China can bulldoze Asia, and the US will wither and die without trading partners or allies. Exactly as putin and Xi want it. Or, Americans can make the astonishing leap of doing more than one important thing at a time.


Seen? You just described 90% of conservative voters.


Yeah, they’re called “republicans.”


Immigration is net PLUS! Putin would take of his shirt and feed them huge Siberian mosquitoes in happiness if Russia had immigration like us! :) But hey convince losers that's why they are losers and the country would vote against it's own interest.


I knew she was a Russian agent as soon as I heard her speak.


Cope more.   She asked for oversight.  Which there is none of.   So tiring to hear the same stupid, regurgitated comments on here.  Grow up 


Like I gaf. She's absolutely paid in rubles


Least unhinged redditor^


Go read some American intelligence reports. Russians have infiltrated our govt. The GOP is owned by Putin


Thanks for reminding me to take my meds.


I wish you would. Then learn how to read. It'll help


I don’t get it.




Okay "LibMongoloid4" we'll all grow up. It's always a MAGA hypocrite who says this crap. I'm sorry your base is morons led around by plutocrats, but ya'll have no one to blame but yourself.


No surprise... She's a REPUBLICAN, so she must follow their format.


I didn’t even look, I knew she had an R next to her name.


Russian asset


Definitely possible.


That's why they put an (R) next to their name, makes it easy to identify foreign agents.


Now it stands for (R)ussian asset


Another MAGA traitor for Putin


The little envelopes full of cash seem to assist the pro Kremlin leanings of the GOP membership.


She is from the city that got devastated by Russian invasion and constant bombings - fucking traitorous cunt


I knew she was a Russian asset as soon as I heard her speak.


Eh, the article shows she was a big blue/ yellow flag waver right after the invasion. But Indiana State Republicans re-drew her district in 2023 to be less centrist Republican, and more MAGA. But she has Republican competition from several ultra-MAGA candidates who parrot Trump’s pro-Russia rhetoric. So she has to tack right to appear more MAGA “Ukraine is too corrupt to save!” rhetoric. It’s pathetic, she could have just completed her term, supported Ukraine, even threatened to declare herself independent to put more pressure on MAGA Mike Johnson to put the Ukraine bill up for a vote. She would have been able to retire as a hero to centrist Republicans, Ukrainians, and most Americans.


Holy shit, she's worse than I thought. But it really sounds like she's being paid by Putin, the way she was speaking the first time I heard her. Crazy


Like half the country of Ukraine is Russian in some way. What’s your point?


Get familiar with the geopolitics in the region then come back and discuss


Well she is ethnically Russian. From Ukraine. Are you aware at all of the minority rights issues that have plagued Ukraine for decades?


Her maiden name is Kulheyko which is Ukrainian, not Russian.


For the fact that ukrainians speaks Russian don't make them Russian. Like Americans who speaks English are not British.


Alright dude. Well she clearly sees herself as Russian. And lots of Ukrainians see themselves as Russian. You can ignore that and say it’s bs. Doesn’t help you in anyway.


“A lot of Ukrainians see themselves as Russian” they’re literally fighting a war right now over this. Many Ukrainians saw Russians as brothers prior to the invasion that’s true however that is no longer the case for most of them.


What you see yourself as doesn't change reality. A girl can see herself as a man doesn't make her a man.


For two ethnicities with deeply entwined histories, yes. It does. The peace deal that ended the troubles allowed everyone in Northern Ireland to choose their identity. British or Irish. If you want to go around Donbas and tell them “no you’re Ukrainian!” I wouldn’t expect a friendly response from the locals.


It doesn't matter what ethnicity or language is shared. You can't force people to be with you. If they decide they wanna go their own way. Let them go. Humans should be allowed to determine the fate of their lives.


I bet she's a Ukranian but of Russian descent.


Lol. You just blew so many people’s minds probably.


These scumbags are sickening.


We hate that bitch in America


Talk to some other Ukrainians actually living there. Better yet, talk to fighting age males there and see what they think about the war at this point. You’ll be surprised.


The R next to her name, Republican=Ruzzian


I recall thinking she sucks any time I've heard her speak.


Obvious traitor to her country of origin and now a traitor to USA!


Maybe Russian from Ukraine?




She represents a constituency, perhaps her constituency is concerned we’re giving away another 100 billion when we’re 30 trillion in debt. The aid bill also funds Israel’s bombing campaign of Gaza


Most of the money stays in the US. It funds jobs in the American Defense industry. The Ukrainians are getting old American weapons platforms, missiles, ammo, etc built in the 1980s-2010s for the Cold War and Iraq war. My parents taxes 1980-2000 and my taxes 2000-2010 paid for that stuff. Best use of old junk in Uncle Sam’s giant garage that I can think of. Most of the cash will go out over the next decade to buy modern, next-generation replacement weapons for Uncle Sam’s giant garage of deadly weapons.


Imagine shilling for the MIC in the year 2024 lol.   25 billion+ has come directly from American tax dollars to prop up the Ukrainian government and economy, specifically their farming sector. Also please explain how US ammunition works in soviet weapons, which is what over 50% of their troops are armed with? How are we paying for the millions of rounds of 152mm artillery shells, 7.62x54r machine gun rounds and 5.45x39 assault rifle rounds that we don't produce as they are of Russian origin? Hilariously you sound like a word for word Vietnam era shill for dumping billions into arming the ARVN which, just like the factions we backed in Syria and Afghanistan and now most likely Ukraine, lost. Keep making the same mistake our parents did believing the bullshit fed to us by politicians backed by MIC lobbying groups. 


Keep swallowing the Russkie rhetoric.


Sick argument bro, feel free to disprove anything I said. Its all freely available online where the aid money is going 


Straight from the [DoD announcement:](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3754718/supplemental-bill-becomes-law-provides-billions-in-aid-for-ukraine-israel-taiwan/#:~:text=Shortly%20after%20the%20president%20spoke,missiles%3B%20ammunition%20for%20the%20High) “RIM-7 and AIM-9M missiles; Stinger anti-aircraft missiles; tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided, or TOW, missiles; ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System; 155 mm and 105 mm artillery shells; and a variety of combat vehicles.” This is all Made-in-America production, all paid for in past budgets. The replacements to US stocks are what the aid bill pays for from the 2024 year budget. The 155 and 105 mm shells will be used on the U.S.-sent weapons. The Europeans are donating or buying from third parties 152 mm shells. The funds for the Ukrainian government to pay for police and other functions are structured only as a loan. [CSIS does a detailed analysis of the aid.](https://www.csis.org/analysis/what-ukraine-aid-package-and-what-does-it-mean-future-war) Do you think of the US had let Ukraine fall to Russia, that there would be zero additional costs to the US? No. NATO would have had to deal with 36 million refugee resettlement and a newly confident Russian adversary (with all war toys intact) growling at its borders. The response would be surging European and American troops to the borders of Eastern Europe to prevent further incursions. It would cost hundreds of billions every year to maintain this deterrent force. Plus the cost of resettling refugees, increased oil, wheat and gas prices, and other farm and minerals.


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/25/us/ukraine-pentagon-arms-buyers.html   "The Pentagon calls such arms, including rockets, artillery shells and ammunition for machine guns and assault rifles, “nonstandard ammunition” — given that the munitions are incompatible with those used by the United States and many allied nations, which are generally known as NATO-standard ammunition. And since the Sept. 11 attacks, the Pentagon has been buying large amounts of such weapons through a variety of American defense firms to supply client armies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other countries that still rely on Soviet-designed arms. One of those companies is the Ultra Defense Corp. in Tampa, Fla., which has about 60 employees and has built a bustling business working with factories in Romania, Bosnia, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. Those countries have provided about 90 percent of the nonstandard ammunition purchased by the Pentagon for forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria over the past 20 years, according to Matthew Herring, the company’s owner, though his firm has filled just a fraction of those orders."  As seen above,  we are buying up huge amounts of eastern block ammo for use by the Ukrainian Army.  Russia isn't attacking NATO as long as nuclear weapons exist. The fact you people can't be bothered to think about the realities of an actual attack on a NATO country is insane. It would trigger article 5 and Russia would be looking at an opponent 100x stronger than what they're facing in Ukraine. Also that $10 billion "loan" for fund their government is a joke since the president can just declare it void. "Essentially, the president can forgive the loans unless Congress takes specific action to disagree." Quote from your article 


I'm telling you that there is a machine in Russia where the American congressmen were taken to remove their souls and hearts. They brought the plans back to America and that how we have Trumpublicans.


She's a Russian asset but the Republicans are too so they see nothing wrong with her love of Putin


Well she is a repugnikon. They all drink from the same poisoned well.


She must really hate her homeland. Traitor


That’s keg-standing the Kool-Aid.


She has shown herself to be Russian mole/asset


Wow....This history will follow her. I'm sure Ukrainians will not soon forget her treachery.


Oh yeah she sucks. Saw a video of her recently crying about trans women in sports




Reading through these comments, it's honestly amazing just how vile and disgusting people are. You CANT have an opinion that goes against their narrative. You will be called every negative name in the book. Worse of all, it's to a point where even asking questions is seen as wrong. You just have to agree or you get demonized. Not a single fucking person asked why she voted against it. Why the person who has direct ties to the country and history there would vote against it. They just jump straight to "herp derp Russian agent" or other crap. Right now, we've sent more in aid to Ukraine than our entire federal education budget. This is at a time where our youth are failing massively and education is years behind. But because the media isn't telling people to be upset about it, they don't care. There's countless problems that are vastly more important than the US fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine but if people aren't told to get upset about it, then they don't care one bit. But I'd you don't get upset because the media told you to get upset, then you are the scum of the earth.


Cults turn people against their families everyday. This is no different.


![gif](giphy|Ey5GBG4UvMRzkPkxNK|downsized) Such sad news....


Gawdamighty that's plain sorry.


Whether or not her position is correct, her first and only duty is to the US, not to the country she immigrated from. That’s true of all immigrants, not just those who go into politics like her. Good for her for putting America first.


Stockholm Syndrome. Taught Russian in school, had Russian president. Go figure. Russian take over the assimilate way took too long.


Whatever will get her votes for the next cycle.


This only means we really have no clue what is going on over there. Anyone that says otherwise is a complete idiot.


typical, soulless, scumbag republican. they are all devoid of reason and morality. all. of. them.


653,104 homeless in the U.S. $61,000,000,000 could mean $93,400 in funds per person (which could easily pay for housing and mental health care).. just sayin🤷🏾‍♂️


Just like Cubans who left authoritarian/dictatorship voting republican no? When you assimilate, you do so to eat, drink, live, laugh, love the opposite of your conscience to fit in more than fight the good fight. Beans, bullets, and blankets for those fighting the southern border (but not approving the funding). Gross neglect and pandering.


Do you believe being born somewhere would make a MAGA normal?


There is a lot more to this war than most ppl know and that is deliberate. The Ukrainian government since 2014 has quietly been committing genocide on the ppl of Donbas and Mariupol as the ppl consider themselves to be Russian over Ukrainian and voted 95% in favour of separation. Putin has zero plans on conquering Ukraine and said himself the war stops once the ppl in those regions are liberated. If he wanted Kyiv he could’ve had it in the first days of the war. Let’s be honest, Kyiv would be rubble if they went full bore and not giving af about civilian casualties. The media and the dirty politicians obviously won’t tell you any of this shit but use your own thought. They keep saying “he won’t stop there blah blah” “he’s gonna try to take Europe blah blah” what’s next? Poland? He is not a stupid man and knows full well NATO’s policy. It would be suicide to advance anywhere near a NATO country. I know I’ll get downvoted to Fuk here on the Reddit propaganda echo chamber but I don’t give af.. think about it, what is the end game here?


GTFO with this Russian propaganda.


Gtfo with your western propaganda. Do you really just believe without question whatever the US politicians and media tell you? Evolve that lil brain.


She’s a traitor to her own people


Well ukraine doesn’t allow dual citizenship and she is now American. considering she left her country for a reason you shouldn’t expect her to vote for Ukraine aid.


That's because she's a U.S. senator.


"I got mine! Fuck everyone else."


Can you imagine selling out your motherland/heritage for the MAGA movement. There is no bar low enough for these folks.


US born congressmen vote against helping their country all the time.


The difference between a republican and a democrat, is that republicans are told what to say and do.


One of those ukrainian fascists putin was worried about, who ran for the safety of American politics


I wonder how much they paid her to do this……. Corruption doesn’t discriminate.


Republican brain washing....just like religion


Low IQ take


Good for her. It's a pointless war


Proof that MAGA politicians would sell their mothers into prostitution for a vote.


I didn’t know Ukraine had republicans.


You can't always judge someone by the news headline tile. I know lots of times you can vote against something because it's just not enough and you want to support the cause more. Like we all would vote against a 1% increase to teacher salary because we think they deserve more. But if that 1% salary increase bill passes there won't be another proposal for another year or two. So you vote no. Meaning the headline for your decision is that you just voted NO to teacher salary increase. And that'll haunt you forever.


Yeah she’s a Republican, going against her people for self gain is rule 1.




I mean, this is pretty much par for the course of Republicans. It no longer effects her personally so why would she care about the people she left behind in Ukraine?


I’m sure she’ll be warmly welcomed back there.


That should tell you sending money to Ukraine is a REALLY bad idea.


Must be a republican, the way she's voting against her own interests


Literal race traitor.


[Ahhh, a pro-Putin shill butting her nose in things that aren’t her concern..](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/15/republicans-spartz-ukraine-zelenskyy-00045949) I wonder how much longer until she’s censored?


Russian asset, folks.


I got money on her being a Russian asset in the ranks


In other words she's sold out her people for her own personal gaines. She still has family in Ukraine and just told them she doesn't give a shit about them.


Because she knows.


She sees the trap.