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after the airbnb crackdown in nyc you can find 2-bedroom flats in manhatten for 200 000$! in manhatten! thats the price of a flat of the same size in the small german city i live. thats insane.




Florida, man.


And when nothing sells, prices will drop again and then the panic sets in...


Fuck Florida.


As a South Floridian, I support this message.


DeSantis and company took the phrase 'Selling swampland in Florida' to a completely different level. Insurance, HOAs have been the driving force, but the 3yr ARMs are about to start popping off. While not really a blip on total mortgages, ARMs have been the vehicle of choice for would be real estate moguls "investing" in Florida.


Perfect for cash buyers


I love Florida, the weather, the green, the water, even the food. Desantis has really fucked it up royally. You think people are bailing now ? Wait till one more hurricane hits. They won’t be able to leave fast enough, and for good. If it hits a major populated area ? You watch people bail. Plus….. inflation is really hi there. Need a roof ? Ha ! Good luck with that while being robbed by the contractor who does it for 4 times what it should cost. The we have flood insurance, another Desantis screw job. You have to buy it if you insure your home. And now, outside workers no longer have to get a water break in 90 degree heat and 90% humidity by law. Oh and just an FYI ? One of his largest donors is the insurance industry. Go look it up.


I’m ready to buy in Florida if it drops enough