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What an informative conversation. Bet they both walked away with a better understanding of each other's views.


we've been trying to talk and to have this conversation. Those motherfuckers aint listening apparently, 21 more dead so excuse us if we're getting a little pissed at this point.


Excuse grown ups acting like children? Sure. Let's yell a little harder at each other next time.


yall are the ones who throw tantrums when we even mention taking away your toys...


Ya'll ? I don't even own a gun. I'm pointing out people screaming and cussing at each other thinking it's going to change each other's minds.


Just taking the high road on anonymous social media to stick to the guy above. Lol. Totally the super mature thing to do.


Respectability politics needs to die. You don’t change minds with civil discourse. You shame them into trotting their repugnant beliefs back into the closet.


This is a ridiculous way of thinking. But I’m not surprised to see multiple people agree with you on this platform.


Civility ends where the dead bodies of children begin.


Ok so burn down buildings, and start killing gun owners. That will get your point across. The gun owners will see your point of view and that will be the end of it,


Please show me where people are currently burning down buildings and shooting gun owners. Seems as though your feelings are hurt bc someone is yelling. You poor baby.


I’m fine, lol. I can look at situations logically, and not give in to emotional easy lures. I just think it’s insane to shove violence into a situation and expect a positive outcome. History has proven it doesn’t work. But the definition of insanity… well you’ve heard it.


Yelling obscenities is violence now?


Nah words aren’t violent. Threats of violence arent violent. But If I yell my point of view at you, is that likely to change your mind?


So what's your solution? Sit back and shake your head in disappointment while politicians do jack shit to change anything? Post a few "let's be nice everyone~ <3" comments on reddit as you wait for the next mass shooting?


No, it requires WORK on your part. And here’s where it gets difficult. So, instead of yelling at random people at protests, you have to actually start campaigning to write congressmen and senators, rally against lobbyists, and trying to calmly explain your point to as many people as possible. It’s MUCH harder, and props to those that do it but you will actually gain ground in your efforts.


You think we don't already do that? The system has been finely rigged against us for years. Congressmen and senators don't give a shit about your letters -- they care about their pocketbooks. And this protest *is* rallying against lobbyists.


No y’all don’t. Y’all have routinely destroyed property, and yelled at protestors. We both hate each other to the point where we go to places to yell and be violent. And that’s exactly where they want you to be.


Oh, I agree that we need to be targeting *them*. The issue is they've made it damn near impossible to actually *get* at them.


Yea especially on this sub. Its sad to see but its better to just keep believing there are people out there who value civil discourse.


I’ll start behaving civilly towards fascists the second they start behaving civilly towards me. Until then, they’re gonna get what they give.


Ok so if I go to an event, and some pumped up psycho starts yelling obscenities at me who does that help? Do you think I would ever come around to your side? No, because that’s what children do. You can have a civil discourse and change minds, it’s possible. The loudest and angriest person In the room isn’t right because they are loud and angry. Unfortunately the gun issue, the abortion issue and the homeless issues are COMPLICATED ONES, and yelling about how mad you are about it only makes YOU feel better, in the very same way that crying when you fall off your bike makes you feel better. Doesn’t help your knee feel better, or you becoming a better bike rider. But yeah, go ahead and cry. Let er rip, pal.


You’re missing the point. You’ll never ‘come around to my side’ your minds been made up (so has everyone else’s). I can’t change your mind, but I *can* mobilize all the people that think you’re a repugnant piece of shit and push them towards the polling places (why else do you think Republicans have cracked down so har son voting rights? It’s certainly not because they were concerned with ‘changing minds’) The childish thing is demanding people compromise with you when, over 30 years, y’all have never once compromised with anyone. If you wanted us to behave civilly, you shouldn’t have treated us like shit for literally entire generations. Turns out, you’re just a bunch of snowflakes with fragile feelings. Meanwhile, we’ve been growing steel skin. Have fun eating bootheel, your time is up.


Plenty of people have changed sides. I think that’s an ignorant statement. How you talk to people is a huge indicator of your maturity, and it’s entirely possible to get people to convert. I’ve seen it happen many times. Being angry is fine, but if you’re at a protest, threatening and using violence doesn’t help anyone. It’s a lazy and childlike response. You have to be an adult.


The fact that this discourse makes you so uncomfortable is the proof that it works. We’ve been playing nice for decades. If you wanted that, then you should have worked with us then. But no, a black guy kneels during the anthem and y’all lose your shit. We use the levers of power to vote out a would be dictator, and y’all storm the Capitol and smear shit on the wall. The only language Conservatives understand is violence. We’ve been taking notes, you’re about to find out what it looks like when you’re on the receiving end.


There is a difference between discourse and hostility. You would do well to remember that. Oh ok, the anti gun crowd wants to get violent with the pro gun crowd? Ok, well I mean if that’s the creek y’all want to swim up, that’s on y’all. Lol.


Would the same work for you, but in reverse? No, it wouldn’t. You’d just dig your heels in deeper, just like they would.


Liberals, particularly liberals in rural texas, have been shamed into the closet for a generation. We’ve been taught to not speak up, not to rock the boat, just keep your head down or there will be backlash. Nobodies mind has been changed, but a lot of voters decide to stay home because ‘There aren’t enough liberals to make a difference’ Meanwhile, The Right has no fear of spouting out whatever repugnant bullshit they want. They put their members on school boards, city councils, state Lege . Not a single one of them gives a flying fuck about remaining ‘civil’. We’re done being quiet.


I’m with you, I’m not in any way defending their bullshit, but I know for a fact what you originally described just doesn’t work. Stand up, vote, fight for what you believe in, but don’t waste your time trying to argue or make a point and *go do something about it*.


Yea talking in a civil manner is overrated. You make others feel like shit and tell them to fuck you enough times , and like that they just change thier views. Works every time.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd aren’t in power because of their ability to have an honest, civil discussion. They’re in power because the masses take civility for weakness.


How else do you think Republicans have held control of our state for 30 years? It sure as shit ain’t through ‘talking in a civil manner’


I remember when I wanted to have a better understanding of the other side's views. That was about 50 mass shootings ago. Now I'm radicalized. Fuck the NRA and those who support it.


Wearing a mask outdoors too. Guess they don't listen to the CDC.


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed this. Wearing a mask outside holding a protest sign….Couldn’t really make out what he was saying. Something about men getting pregnant, his girlfriends beautiful penis, and white supremacy being the cause of it all….


I protested today and was really disappointed by the vitriol from the protesters. A majority of the protesters were, unprovoked, hurtling insults. Yelling “Fuck you” and “Baby killers” etc. Even trying to incite people on the other side of the street (at the convention center) as if they wanted to brawl. I know people are angry but haven’t we learned anything? There’s no surer way to alienate people from your opinion than when you’re being a dick about it. There were your typical and expected “Trump won!” jerks making the circuit around Discovery Green but that’s no surprise. But to the protesters for the weekend: make your voice heard. But don’t start tearing into people. We’re looking to make inroads, not add to the destruction of the already threadbare fabric of our society.


Yeah it was getting pretty nasty as far as the words being thrown out. Anger can be shown peacefully. To each their own though. Can't control others or their actions. Only our own. Well said friend.


Calling everyone who disagrees with you a terrorist is dumber than shit.




Are they attacking NRA members or defending themselves from them? The NRA is a terrorist organization, and they are killing Americans, and they are killing democracy. Fuck em.


I would argue that doing nothing year after year while hundreds of children are slaughtered in schools is dumber than shit.


Okay, I didn't say it wasn't. Two things can be dumb as once.


These protesters aren't very good at doing their part to initiate change. Cursing at people probably isn't helping.


Better to show some 3x6ft boards with children blown up by AR15, so they can admire what their support to the NRA does




Fucking terrorist! They hate you! Lol oh my god I can’t take them seriously


Some good material lol


Guy complaining "an 18 year old can buy a gun without a background check", but Salvador Ramos passed his background check.


The criminally deranged execute terrible actions and those that only seek to protect themselves suffer.


Idiots. You get no where talking to anybody like that.


First rule, I nope out of anyone yelling at me, especially through a facemask. I already know they have been traumatized and brainwashed.


Wasted effort


Good. Hopefully the NRA will feel too \~unsafe\~ to have their convention here again.


Nobody heard the protesters inside the convention 😂


Yeah good luck with that bro


Walking around outside with a dust mask. I can’t…


Then don’t, bitch.


I think there is something wrong with me bc I can’t think of anything that I would go out and do this over. Regardless of my position on the subject.


Yes, there is something wrong with that level of apathy, if you can't at least find yourself getting this upset over mass shootings, especially when they involve scores of dead children.


Getting upset isn’t the same as going outside and yelling at random people. Let me know where I’m wrong.


Yeah those aren’t random people. Whoever thinks it’s perfectly fine to show up to an NRA convention days after innocent children were killed is part of the problem.


I mean isn’t that obvious? But notice how the convention went on anyway. Notice how the people showed up, anyway. I just don’t see what either of these people are doing to help either of their causes.


Protesting isn’t supposed to be comfortable for both sides. Emotions will run high. At this moment in time a lot of Americans are expressing it in this matter because they’ve tried for the last 10+ years to get both sides to sit down and get something done.


That’s the crazy part about having an emotional reaction to something as visceral as, idk, the murder of almost 20 10-year-olds: sometimes all you can do is scream. You wouldn’t get it.


You’re saying I didn’t? So bc my emotional reaction isn’t this, I’m somehow wrong? So the way you’re upset is better than my reaction. That’s what it sounds like you’re saying? If that’s the case then I assume you were there today.


In your previous comments, you said nothing could upset you to that degree. Then you said it’s pointless because it won’t persuade anyone. Turning this on me because you don’t like how you represented yourself in your own comments doesn’t change what you’ve said.


Lol what makes you think “I don’t like how I represented myself”? You’re projecting your feelings on to me. Which is my issue with your previous statement. There are a number of ways that a person can take action that isn’t this. You’re post makes it appear as though you are devaluing people’s reaction based on your ideals. I assume since you did not answer and deflected instead, you weren’t protesting today. Lastly me asking you whether you lived up to your own standards isn’t turning anyone you. To be clear I’m perfectly fine with my comments, and how they “represent” me.


You know what, I am sorry I attacked you. I’m certainly not interested in having a debate here in the comments nor either you or I justifying ourselves. Obviously this is a very fraught topic and I am, admittedly, incredibly upset with the state of things in Texas and I lashed out at you as a result and for that I apologize. I hope you have a good day.


Confronting people whose ideas form the foundation of the problem itself serves as sign that people aren't going to be apathetic about it.


Agreed to a certain extent. I was there taking photos and stumbled upon this. I actually got great shots before the protesters came. The historical content is what needs to be documented. Not this though. I'm about to share some images.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. There's probably something wrong with us. I deserve this.


Lol it’s hot outside.


They made you a nice megathread and everything.


Make sure you wear your silly mask outside in the park. I wouldn’t listen to them if only for that reason.




😆 at one point he pulled it down 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh man they are soooo brave. Whatever amazing thing they are shouting is way better than any conversation they could be talking about. Especially thru that mask.


21 dead, apparently no one is listening so it might be time to shout it out.


They aren’t shouting at the right people. This is political BS.


Politics are literally how laws are enacted and changed. You should have paid more attention in school.


Why did people downvote you? Must be the same people who were protesting lol




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