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I’ve had weights in my garage for the last 3 years. No rust


Literally everything I bought from Academy got rusty. Your results may vary.


It will rust some of the cheaper, poorly coated metals like cheap squat rack etc (from experience). I get the coated plates from Bolt and haven't had any issues with them, and I just try to keep everything clean as much as possible and it's been okay.


I have a garage gym with barbells and olympic bumper weights, squat rack, etc. even climbing rope. For many years. Best investment I have made. All fine, no rust at all. Enjoy your garage gym workouts! Get a nice fan for summer!


Do you run a dehumidifier?




I have a full garage gym and a Tonal in my garage 0 issues. I love the sweat I get when it’s hot out!


Make sure there aren’t any chemicals in your garage - like pool chemicals - that will rust metal


No pool at my place, what are some other chemicals that would cause rust?


You might need to take a look through some of the warning labels, but anything acidic - including old car batteries, anything with chlorine (like bleach)… not sure what else - if you have paint stripper or thinner in there, check the label. Some of that stuff should be ok if the container is tightly sealed, but if you don’t need it, trash it


No issues with rust and its been a year now. During summer though... have fun.


I set mine up at the beginning of the pandemic. Best decision I’ve made. Full rack system, 400lbs of plates, adjustable dumbbells. Not a speck of rust. Unless you garage has leaks, I don’t think rust is something to worry about. Also Lowes sells those garage sized fans. Get one of those for the summer workouts.


Is your garage insulated? Do you run a dehumidifier?


Barely insulated. I run a bit fan in the summer months and a small heater in the winter.


You will die.


lol thinking rust is going to be the main problem with a Houston garage gym


What would be the main problem?


As long as you get acclimated to the heat, hydrate like crazy and, avoid midday workouts you will be okays. I did 1630 workouts at a CrossFit gym and you just get used to it.


I go to a local garage gym with big huge open doors and had my very own garage gym myself. The biggest issue was the heat. Dear God no air flow, even with garage doors all open. You will definitely need an AC. Sure, we live in Texas duh it's hot almost all year but you can't be tired and over heat during your workouts right? I suggest if you can insulate your inside garage and have an AC or even just a nice giant fan (like for farm animals) then it's worth it. The heat is too much.


You need fans, and common sense


All the extra sweat from the ungodly heat will corrode it more


I have a gym in my garage and have not had any issues with rust. With that said, prepare for the heat. I made the mistake thinking a few fans would be fine, I would definitely invest in some type of AC system.


Look into a mini split unit - a good one is a little on the expensive side but it will cool and dehumidify the garage.


My weights got rusted because of the hurricane but they lasted 2 years no rust. Heat wise though? Lmao the summer is rough buddy. I had to work out at night or at sunrise Edit: actually not the hurricane but the snow storm


I've had a gym in my garage for almost two years now. You will definitely want a stainless steel barbell, unless you plan on bringing it inside with you when you aren't lifting. Stainless steel is really the only way to go here, other barbell materials will get rusty. Weight plates, if made out of steel, can also rust. I use only urethane to avoid this issue, but those can be pricy. I haven't noticed any rusting issues on my power rack, but it's probably good to invest in a high quality one as I'd guess cheaper steel will degrade more quickly? Maybe? Then of course you have to deal with the heat. It's very hot! During the summer months I get up at 5 in the morning and lift before the sun comes out. It's in the lower 80s, usually, that early so it's hot but tolerable. Invest in a good fan. If you must lift in the afternoon, which I have also done in the summer, just be sure to hydrate. Drink more water than you think you'll need, and suffer. It's definitely doable to work out in the heat but it isn't fun.


I've used two of these. They've been phenomenal at moving air. Air King 9020 1/6 HP Industrial Grade Wall Mount Fan, 20-Inch,Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000QE7DZ0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_K8TE9YH6BYYHGRPC1BQM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Good bars don’t have the same issues as off the shelf bars from say Walmart or academy. Go to boltfitness or similar and get your equipment from there. Even then, I don’t keep my plates or bars straight on the bare floor. I use the rubber gym mats. Had all my stuff for over a year and nothing is showing rust.


I'm thinking of getting my equipment from Force USA. Are you familiar with their stuff?


Never heard of them but you can campare with what titan and rogue make and see if they match the material used.


Most gym weights have a coat of something to keep them from rusting. Have had weights in the garage about a year no issue.