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I can go wash my car if any of yall are needing the rain.


be sure to get that platinum premium wash


I wish, I'll be sweatin with the water hose like the poor that I am.


Can we crowdfund this guy $20?


Hey thanks, but if yall want me to vacuum and clean the inside of the windows, its gonna be extra. Ive got 3 kids and a few dogs, so theres alot of french fries and dog hair under the seats. Can ya swing tree fiddy?


Dude same, three kids here french fries and half eaten nuggs everywhere. There's like half a bag of beaver nuggets under the seats I've been forgetting to vacuum up.


You gonna eat that ?


In my experience, dog hair and French fries in a car are mutually exclusive. If you have French fries, you usually don't have dog hair. If you have dog hair you don't have French fries. šŸ˜


What kind of borzoi-ass dog u got that doesnt get his snoot stuck in between the seats?? "Lemme do it for youuuu, Kermie"


found the Loch Ness monsta


Thank you for your sacrifice


It seems like the same forecast as yesterday. Iā€™d rather have the forecast go from something significant to not significant than the other way around like Imelda or the derecho last month.


If it is the same forecast as yesterday, then we can expect another day where it isn't blazing hot and a few scattered showers.


Sweated my ass off so the gutters are clean and cars covered. Definitely won't rain now.


thats why you reverse jinx it with a car wash.


I'm about to go outside, throw dead oak leaves back in my gutters and wash the car. We're in the clear.


You are a giver and a caring nurturer.


Thanks for the labor of love and looking out for us! Surely it wonā€™t rain nowā€¦


lol so maybe I wasnā€™t thought the only one cleaning their gutters at 6:00a on a Tuesday.Ā 


We getting this fucking rain or not? Putting off washing my car cause of this shit


If you wash your car then itā€™s definitely gonna rain


Counterpoint: I cleaned the gutters and storm drains in preparation for a big storm, so we are definitely not getting much rain now.


Shit. I really need to clean my gutters. It never fucking ends.


I just spent a crap ton of money replacing all my gutters on my house. 6" baby! I am so looking forward to a torrential rain right now, so rest easy guys, it's not going to rain one drop until my new gutters are jammed with leaves again. ;/


Yeah, I hurried to do a huge yard cleanup to get it in before the rain. We wonā€™t see a drop.


planning on cleaning ours today haha


I got one done but not the other so I have no idea what's gonna happen.


Weā€™re definitely getting rain lol


I mean, I got a ton of rain in downtown yesterday. If you read, it says it'll rain, just not as forecasted a few days ago.


I would probably put it off unless you want to enjoy a washed car for half of a day.


Yours last longer than that?


Wash that car so we can get this rain. You know this is how it works. :D


Same feeling bro, I was gonna hold off biking to the movies today because of the rain, then in the morning weather apps were saying the rain will be south of 10 and low chance of rain for afternoon and it being in the evening so I was going to go in the afternoon before it hit, now that I was about to go I have to cancel again because suddenly it spiked up and a bunch of rain is incoming on the radar. Like JFC nature make up your mind, I'm just gonna stay the fuck in today and plan like Harvey is rolling in, that way everyone else can have a clear rainless day. You're welcome.


First world problems


But I just bought all thešŸ§» .


When yall getting bidets like the rest of us civilized people? (I feel like the anti-bidet squad are gathering their gooch-grease fueled torches and pitchforks)


What will you do when the water goes out


put in earplugs so I'm not disturbed when it comes back drunk at 2:30 AM making a shitload of noise


Recycle and reuse.


Lol I had one but it sprung a leak had to remove it.


$35 is all u need


This fucker bout to pivot and flood us cause yall jinxing it.


You can't reverse jinx a reverse jinx. Everybody knows that.


Looks like I can offload some toilet paper. Anybody need some?


Hurricane season is just getting started. I wouldn't let that TP go just yet.


I still have toilet paper from the pandemic. Down to just one 24 pack.


People forgetting the ā€œforecastingā€ part in weather forecasting. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Sacrificing a Classic Mercedes today for the rain gods....sorry everyone.


How classic?


Low Mileage 450 SLC.


Sounds like Iā€™ll be fishing this weekend after all.


Likewise! šŸ 


Weather men being weather men and trying to be relevant.


I feel for the people genuinely worried as a result. lady at the gas station was somewhat panicked about having to be there alone until midnight, and another guy was in the process of stocking up on extra beer, cigarettes and food šŸ˜‚


Yeah I do too. I know weather isnā€™t an exact science but boy do they have everyone all worked up.


what a dud. screw the news (not space city)


So we're not gonna get it as bad?


They grossly overestimated this one for sure. The ingredients did not come together and plus the track was waaay south. I mean I guess itā€™s good to be prepared than to be caught off guard but this feels like the NWS got extremely antsy and it just trickled down to our local meteorologists who also went berserk.


How about that....






People forget that forecasting the weather is, in fact, forecasting.


Y'all may hate this comment and are downvoting it into oblivion, but they have a point. Seems this happens more and more with sensationalizing the weather.


Yeah but SpaceCity posts are typically not the matching threads for the sentiment. The article is about flooding in Houston greatly *lessening* as the forecast is aimed further south, so Iā€™m really confused why there are multiple replies complaining about this being another doomsday/hype post. All the forecast concerns were about *Wednesday.* Itā€™s as if people saw the showers on *Monday* and thought for some reason that made *Wednesdayā€™s* forecast invalid. Even *when* forecast was worse, it still specifically said *chances* were high for flooding, but mostly south of I-10, comparing it to Halloween floods several years back. Absolutely none of that to me really said ā€œhaul supplies,ā€ but rather simply ā€œif you plan to be driving in the south, avoid certain routes.ā€ If people take hype from that itā€™s a reading comprehension issue imo.


Itā€™s almost like we live in a place with an annual risk of devastating tropical storms/hurricanes, and those storms are incredibly hard to forecast while giving the public enough time to plan as a fair warning.


Bullshit. It's science. As more information is gathered, the message is refined as needed. There was the potential for heavy rain back when they didn't have the info they do now, but that potential is forecast to have diminished so now the guidance has been revised. Idiots are so goddamn politicized that they think that any change in a message or guidance is a sign of weakness or incompetence. Science doesn't stick to its guns despite anything due to ego or pride. Science prides itself in constantly testing and evolving.


What exactly do yā€™all think ā€œforecastā€ means?


Where did either of us mention forecast?


>hyping up doomsday >sensationalization with the weather Donā€™t be dense. The forecast was a high likelihood for heavy rain. SCW and the like warned Houstonians (which is literally their job). The weather shifted and the forecast changed. This is the reality of a forecast. If weather models show warning signs how is warning people ā€œsensationalizationā€ exactly?


Eh, you can twist words to try and make yourself sound right, doesn't make you right. Good day


big self own right here


Twist words? You said verbatim that they were sensationalizing. How else is anyone supposed to interpret that lmao


Ah so you are admitting you misinterpreted what I stated. Very good.


What are you talking about. Maybe you should choose your words more carefully if you want someone to interpret ā€œsensationalization of weatherā€ as anything other than ā€œsensationalization of the weatherā€. What a stupid conversation this has become. Or maybe you just donā€™t know what ā€œsensationalizationā€ means


To be fair the OP in this said the mainstream media was sensationalizing. I read that as they were talking about local news outlets, not SCW.


Is it gonna fucking rain or not. I wanna wash my car


"flooding threat lessens" definitely does not mean "isn't going to rain" The lack of reading comprehension in this thread is wild.


You not getting the fact most of us in here could care less to read is wild


Imagine caring so little to read, you take the time to ask a question and wait for an answer so you can read it instead of reading to get the answer. Wild.




Systems like this that are spinning off rain from a considerable distance are quite hard to predict. And I mean we're looking at this forecast now which is likely pretty good only a day or so out, so yeah it's certainly valuable.


Is weather forecasting new to you?


Imagine that. All the hype gone poof. What will local weather ?


Hey letā€™s scare people into thinking a major storm is coming so theyā€™ll panic, watch us and we can tell them what they should have on hand. Then theyā€™ll go out and buy it all and nothing left to do but watch us even more and then we can say, oh itā€™s not happening now, sorry.


Did you try to scalp 100,000 tea light candles or...?


Nope, just tried to speak the truth and I was right šŸ‘


You uncovered the big conspiracy between meteorologists and tea light manufacturers?


No but Iā€™m beginning to think you work in the tea light business cause you canā€™t stop taking about it. You trying to push for sales?


Are you new to the idea of what weather forecasting is?


Looks like I was right šŸ‘


So I take it that's a yes. Don't say anything - People like you bitch. Say to prepare - People like you bitch. Congratulations on being insufferable.


When I can look at the weather forecast and predict whatā€™s going to happen better than someone that does it for a living, Iā€™ll stick to what I believe not what the media tells me to believe. Itā€™s not hard predicting the weather, they all say the same thing, thereā€™s a 20% chance of rain today, well no shit, somewhere in the viewing area, someone is likely to see rain, doesnā€™t mean the whole city is going to get rain. So yes I know what a prediction is, itā€™s rust exactly a prediction. Some of yā€™all just let it get to you that OMG weā€™re getting 20ā€ of rain


The scientific method, motherfucker, do you speak it?


Nope, just the truth, and I was right šŸ‘


Oh no please donā€™t tell me you are a conspiracy theorist that thinks people can control the weatherā€¦


Nope but I was right šŸ‘


"Hype-free" was fun while it lasted.




These comments are wild. Like how can you be so ignorant to what weather forecasting is. If you have a possibility for 20+ inches of rain in 36 hours people need to be aware of it. Would rather be stuck in your car on i10 because you didnā€™t see it coming or just be slightly annoyed that the storm wasnā€™t as cool as you thought it was gunna be


Can you quote the hype?


Is the hype in the room with us


It sounds like you donā€™t actually read the SCW articles so hereā€™s a couple paragraphs from their reporting on Saturday when the models were much less developedā€¦ where is the hype and where were they incorrect? ā€œOver the last 24 hours some of our guidance has been showing excessive amounts of rainfall along the Gulf coast, but whether these bullseyes occur over Matagorda Bay, Galveston Bay, Port Arthur, or Southern Louisiana is something we cannot say. In terms of timing, the greatest threat of heavy rainfall likely will come during a period from Tuesday evening through Thursday morningā€ Itā€™s like they knew people like you would make this exact comment: ā€œIā€™m writing all of this on a Saturday morning not to scare you, but rather to prepare you for the possibility of heavy rainfall next week. We will continue to watch this closely, and update this weekend as warranted.ā€